The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)


Horowitz New Katz Building BRACE UP ft you are 'ifi need 'of shoulder traces see our window. Reborn Braces $1.00 per pair. Dragon Drug Store J. W. DRIVER, Prop, 492-494 Third Street "Where the Car Stops." -THE BUSY DRUG TORE.

Character in Drug Stores In no other line of business does the element of character count so much for weal or woe. No one but the druggist knows whether the medicine contains all that was prescribed. You have' to trust him Implicitly; and when you come to us that trust is not misplaced. We know that we have deserved the confidence that has resulted in building up our large business, and it Is our greatest hope to continue to deserve and receive that confidence. Owl Drug Store W.iert Purity la Paramount 384 St Phones Main 11 Home 11.

Bollong Nicholson JFurniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Jraperies, etc. New address NEW ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. Barton Catick UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS 879 Third Street Both Phones. Oiwn Every Evening until 8:30 p.m. MEN'S SAMPLE SUIT HOUSE.

Suits and Overcoats from 3.85 to 122.50. Upstairs Rooms 12-3 and 4, Ralhbun Building, across from P. P. Deiwt. San Bernardino, Cal.

AldridV, Stephens Dean UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Open Day ad Night 420 Street Suiet Phone Main 62. Home 112. Belter Bread Richard's Bakery Tin KAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN- -WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, .1909. Social fWMK informal r-cption and hearty Awrleomf a temlervj Rev. fi. Clark of St. Taul M. E. K-huroh.

South. nJ Inn family, last eve-! nir.n in the jmrlors ef rhurx-li a I An evi nt lung to t-e ivim-mN-ri-d anil lx of a pastorate for tin- coming In tills city. ly geraniums uh tlnir beautiful pink l.lossoms. pir ami cr.nie roses, 'ami trailing green vires converted the jr.xims into a pleasant, twwer tiere the company was st-Auti The program given follows: tp.n:ng praer Kev. Ahah Grant Ke-seiii! n.

Address of wt Iconic Attorney Puck-Mortli. Vrs V. Garner. Welcome on U-lialf of the Sunday school Prof. J.

II. Glass. Music Mrs J. P. N.

(T. Remarks Rov. Shaw. Welcome on of the Ministerial association Rev. Queen.

After the program the J. V. girls of Mr. Sunday school class served the merry company with Ice crefqn and cake. The member of the I.

A. to the of L. E. Smiley Heights Division, No. :M.1.

met at I. O. F. hall yesterday afternoon In regular session, and after initiation cen moni. plans were discussed for a dancing and card to be held the near future.

Light r. nesnmeni were enjoyed after the ni.t liig at tin Hradlev parlors. Ellen Reach Yaw. prima donna sopra I no. who ill he heard at the Opera I House on i-'rlday evening, has the distinction of receiving the praise of the 'Old World as Well as those of America I Her fame rests holly upon her artistry.

and beautiful tonal qual ity, which together with her grace and cl arimrg rerst.nality have made her an artist of l.iterr.aMonal reputation and a woman of whom her native country. America, is justly proud. Father Fitzgerald of the Church ot the Sacred Heart. Hedlands. and Johr Cudahv, a member of the well-knowr iCudahy family of Chicago, were ium.ii- eon guests of Mr.

and Mrs. sem Marshall at 1.1? Ai rowhead yesterday. The Hrayton Glee club was reorganized last evening, and the following of-J tlcers were e'ected: President Genevieve Sullivan. Vice-President Mat tie Llnfesty. Secretary Marguerite Brooks.

reasurer Grace Hardy. Librarian Marian Skinner. The subject of regular dues wa-brought l-cfore the house, and a heater1 discussion nose as to whether regulat dues or assessments should le the order of the club. The motion for the former. In spite of opposition, was put before the house and carried, after which the meeting adjourned.

The Children of Mary Sodality of St Bernardine's Catholic church will give Hallowe'en social on Friday evening a the convent hall. All the members arc earnestly iequsted to be present. I The Hallowe'en dance to be given in Native Sons' hall Thursday evening the L. A. will be one of the Jon? events of the reason.

The decoration will te of 'he holiday character anc novel (Tec's will abound. r. The l.oy of the Berean class of th First Chr'stian church were entertained Mondav evening by the Alethian girl' at the hone of Miss Iva Nicholson. 100! Seventh rtreet. Game and music wen enjoyed t'ui ing the eventng by the young people, who numbered: Misses Jea Souter, Mildred Jordan.

Bessie Wallen Ashton. Lena Morgan, Pear' Cook, Gladys Williams. Iva Nicholsor di.Ite V'rnrl Frank Nich- I'OI II. olson. Ira Nicholson, Coburn Falkenstein Curtis Falkenstein, George Meyers, Wll' Young, John Williams and Frank Iewar Mrs.

R. .1. Ochs of 7T.0 Seventh stret assisted by Mrs. A. L.

Mespelt and Mrs .1. J. Johnston, will entertain the Sewing circle of the Ladies Catholic Benevolent association this afternoon. Before the guests leave a luncheon will be served. P.

An Item of interest to many in Sar Bernardino's musical and club circles, where Miss Bunnell, an accomplished young pianist of Uedlands, has beer heard. One of the most Interesting betrothal of the early fall season was made public today when Mr. and Mrs. Georgf W. Bonnell announced the engagement of their eldest daughter.

Miss Georgia Bonnell, to Thomas England Walton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Walton ot Philadelphia, and grandson of Mrs. T.

Y. England of Prospect Tark. The wedding, will be solemnized In November, the exact date to be announced later. Much interest centers about this en gagement. Miss Bonnell being one of Redlands' fairest and most accomplished daughters.

She has long been prominent in local social and musical circles, being a member of the Spinet and for two years being organist at Unity church. With a charm of face and manner she combines a disposition and personality so winning that all who know her love her. Mr. Walton comes from one of Philadelphia's finest families and is a young man of splendid mind and ft modest and unpretentious personality. About 20 members of the Adult Bible class of the First Methodist Episcopal church were entertained last evening at the E.

E. Leeper home. 64 Fourth Htreet. Ijuring the business Bession thi officers elected were: President, J. J.

Caldwell: vice president W. V. Stall; secretary. Mrs. O'Kelly; treasurer, E.

E. L'-eper. Mrs. Leeper. the teacher of the class-resigned and Mrs L.

Sloan was chosen to fill her place. In the social hour which followed tea. take and fruit were served. Miss Olive Gladden assisting the hostess. VITAL RECORD X.XCEH8ED.

TARAZOX-OBALLEO Lauron Tarazon. native of Mexico, age 19, resident of Monrovlt. and Juan Oballeo, native of Mexico, age 19, resident of Ontario. PLATT-WHITE X. F.

Piatt, age and Marietta White, age 21, both real dents of Baralow. L'cense Issued In Lo Angeles. The best Spanish tamales served hot for 10c at the Butterfly, Court and Streets. A an of by at tive to he ter will V. if to sec R.

G. cor 135 H. Hid to 1 I I. and II lot side ne io! H. Oct.

lot '26. IO 6, Notes Its. HARRY L. ALLISON will he the host, ss at pbasant gathering of lad and a dinner party today at her Lome. 340 Ninth street, in honor of the birthday anniversary of lier mother.

Mrs. K. IV I'unlnp. will be s.rved at noon, the bright pink liv g.ianiunis and smilax forming the table d. cornttor.s.

and tin afternoon 'll bo spent in a cosy gix-ial circle. The guests who will extend good wishes to Mrs. Punlap are Mrs. Sarah loving-on Mrs. Abide Kendall, and Mrs.

Mary A Hutcliins, of Uedlands. Mis. May Ihinlap and Mrs. S. L.

S.d of l.ialto. and the ho-tss A clover surpiiso party was given to Alvin Click in honor of his twenty-first birthday, which was celebrated Monday evening. He turned to the home of parents on King street, to find It In the possession of a merry gathering of friends who had been asked there by Mr. and Mrs. William Click.

In the home large La France ross and much smilax bad given a pretty touch of the prevailing summer season. donkey contest was the first game of tile evening. In it- Lee Blackburn prove,) his skill and clalm.U as h's a tine box of confections. Miss Nellie NVale received the consolation favor, a toy donkey. A novel amusem*nt an Introduced later, an opinion book In which the guests wrote th-tr Impros-s'ons of their companions.

This proved extremely funny experiment, as the opinions wore complimentary and otherwise. Popular songs were sung by the hand of surpris. rs during the evening. Mrs. Click was assisted in serving c'ainty refreshments at the close of the veiling by her daughter.

Miss Mary Cl'ck. Thos? who helped surprise Mr. Cllt. were: Misses Nina Hoffman. Ellon Houss hu.

Ethel Kousseau. Allie Brewster. Florence McDonald. Jessie and Nellie NVale. Hattie Wadde, Nellie 'athey.

Mary and Click; Messrs. Miller, Charles Propst. Rudolf Hoffman Harry Hoffman. Glenn Ben.dict, Jack 1'ritchard. Lee Blackburn, Henry Ahlyer, Colton, Tom Neale.

Elmer Deams, Howard Girard, Clifford Brewster. Frank Waggnon, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

Soner. Several pretty presents wore nce'ved the guest of honor as substantial leniinders of the pleasant evening. ft Christian End-avorers of the city art planning to have a grand rally mtvtlng Ontario. Friday evening, when the regular monthly meeting of the execu committee will be held. The young people will be joinl nere ny me norlands company and take the 4:25 Southern Pacific for Ontario, the Colton dele- will go on the same train.

Paul Brown, state evangelist superintendent and the superintend'Ht of the 'Juiet Hour section will be at the meet-ing which promises to be a great help all tntereste-d. ft ft ft 0 The members of The Rellgio have announced a program and box social to given in the church parlors of the! Revised Church of Jesus Christ of Lat-, Day Sulnts. for Friday evening. This be their first social gathering of the; fall season and the nearness of Hallowe'en will be hinted In details of plans for the evenings' festivities. A bazar, to be held before tho holl-J days is also being arrangid for by the voung people and other church workers, ft ft ft The first meeting of the se-ason of the Married Ladies' club was held yesterday afternoon when Mrs.

James H. Boyrl asked the1 ladies to her home, RS6 I street. Whist was the game of the afternoon and later the most tempting of refreshments were served to the guests. OFFICIAL-RECORD October 36, 1909. 1.

Oct. 25. 19H9. Agst Chas. Hoesif in favor of the Cudahy rack-irg Judg for 1413.64.

2. Oct. 2.1, 1909. Teter T)o-menigonl vs.

Porfio Chavez. For the -estltution of dwelling house on ft lots 29 .30. 31. 32. hlk 1S8, of Colton, nnd for $16 rent now due.

3. Suit. Oct. 25. 1909.

Erve Bristol. Iieulah Bonesteele. vs. Imra Bristol. Verda B.

Bristol, Grace M. Bristol, and Dora B. Fristol. Gdn of of Vera B. Bristol and Grace M.

Bristol, minors, to Uliet title to lot 23. sec 10, 2s, 8w. (h'no Ro. 4. Oct.

2T. 1903. Charles Van Morn vs. F. A.

Word in and The Cal Turquoise to foreclose lien on Trup Blue mine. 5. Deed. Jan. 31.

1905. $125. W. I. Armanlage et ux to John Harrison and A.

Bace. of 4 of farm lot 270, Semi Tropic Ids. Base Line. 6. Mtg.

Oct. 22. 1909. $2500. Anna Parker, widow.

Goldle L. White et mar Louisa Brunner. Ixits 47, 48, 19, 50. 12. 2s.

8w. Chino Bo. 7. Marg. Helena of Atta bment.

H. Stowe to J. W. Underwood and F. Underwood.

Com at pt 90 ft of nw of lot 6. blk 48. San Bernardno, ft: 40 ft: etc. 8. Peed.

Oct. 25, 1909. Kst of Joseph Lively, deed, by admin to Sagamoie Mining Co. Strip of land 400 ft and ft from ne cor of Mascot chiim in New York dist. New York Mts.

Second party buya surface rta and all minerals water hereafter found on this strip belong to owners of Mascot claim. 9. Mtg. Oct. 25.

1909. $-100. JVn Benson et 11 to R. M. B'aker.

Lot 41. of Ward Courtney Hub of blk 40, San Her-1 r.ardino. Mar. Sat. Mtg.

Oct. 2.1. Catherine Martin to H. Headman etux! Its 23 24. blk 58.

Colton. 11. Deed. Sept. 15.

1909. $1600. Piute Copper Mines Co. by C. W.

Curtis, trustee, to E. B. Wood. Sullivan, Sullivan Xo. 2.

Piute Piute Xos. 2 to 9. Hawkeye, Uncle Tom and Clma in nuii-ion dist. Deed. Ma.

1. 1909. $2800. John Puntennev. unmd.

to Wlll'am R. Barnhart. of lot 8, OIK uugonm Park, Redlands. I 13. Attachni.tit.

Oct. 2... l't. $705.29 costs. Seymour Air vs.

.1. Lane Y. C. Moslev and J. It.

Sloan. Prop In name of Y. C. Mosley. desc as 1.

Barstow. in blk 1. being on of Elm st; also In Dag tt, com at cor of Main and Calico St. Deed. Oct 14.

1''09. $10 00. Calzona Land and Townsite Co. to Philip II- Newman. Ixt 22.

blk 1, of Schader's plat. Calzona. 15. Deed. Oct.

23. 1909. $10.00. Carrie Genfy et mao to John B. Ash'T.

Lot hlk 1. Star Ontario. 16. Notice of Sale. Oct.

25. ITard'ng to J. W. Parker and V. W.

Goodman, all Int In groe-ry Hon. on side of Riverside ave, Rialato. sale to consunmted Nov. 1. 1909.

17 Marg. It-lease or Aime-ninem. 2. 1909. G.

H. Dunn to Frank A. Maloch and Amelia Malocne. 1.1 all lot 7. blk 17.

Redlands. 18 Marg. Release of Attachment. Oct 1909. First Nat.

Harm or of lot Maiocne. 1 blk 17. K-dlanos. 19. Sat Mtg.

Oct. 23, 1009. Marluni Suit Ask to See the New Altman Voile Skirts $10 to $15.00 New Tailored Suits at $20 and $22.50 In Rose Navy and Catawba Best styles we have shown yet in popular priced tailored suits, in the most sought-for shades of the Fall season. Just came in on yesterday's express, so make it a point to be in today to see these new models at $20.00 and $22.50. Sale of Black Silks and Black Dress Goods Continued Throughout the Week.

C. Cohn Dry Goods Company San Bernardino's Largest and Finest Dry Goods House Galloway to William M. Bice. of I wine add, 20.

Deed. 1909. $1000. Wil-I. N.

Flmlluy et ux, 1J. Held et ux, Tarn M. Kice. single man. to C.

C. Held Flndlay, co-partners, io Mary A. Miller. lot 1 and 4 lot 4, Sour- k. Hamilton Same as No.

43. wine add, Upland. 4- 0ct 1909 21. Mtg. Oct.

25. 1909. $500. C. C.

t0 turret Hulzing Ahialiam Viiler to William M. JHce. Sume as Hulxing Beg on line of se'4 of ec. No- 20- Is, 3w, 667, 70 etc. 22.

Mtg. Oct. IS. 1909. $1000.

G.W.I 46. Morteaite. Oct. 23. 1909.

$5200. Bonnell et ux to-Tnlon Savings I ank of Redlands. Lots 11, 12. blk 22, Resi dence Plat, Redlands. Mtg.

Oct. 25, 1909. $325. Christopher Conklin. single, to Union Savings Bank of Redlands.

Lots 6, blk -12, Lugonia. ,24. Deed. Oct. 9, 1909.

$10.00. Merchants Trust Co. to Charles F. Scharen-herg et ux. Lot 13, blk 17, Monte Vista No.

2. 25. Deed. Sept. 19.

1908. $10.00. Mllllf Wilcox Eastcott et mai to D. B. Wilcox.

5 a of lot 4, sec 35, Is, Sw, Chino Ro. 26. Sat. Mtg. Oct.

22. 1909. Minnie E. Hargraves Smith to John F. Dostal and Be.le S.

Dostol. Lots 1, 2. blk 14, of Tow Plat. Redlands. 27.

Sat. Mtges. Oct. 23. 190:1.

Magnolia Mutual B. L. Assn to X. I. Hunter and Klizaheth B.

Hamer. Ji wf. Lots 1. 2, blk 23, Magnolia; also same as above. 28.

Mtg. net. 23, 1909. $2200. N.

I. Hamer et ux to Magnolia Mutual L. Assn of North Ontario. Lots 1 and 2. blk 23.

of Magnolia. 29. Deed. Oct. 20, 1909.

$10.00. W. G. Clark et ux to G. F.

Neugent. Sw 4 of se 1,4 of SfJ 'i of sec 1. Is, 8w. 30. Deed.

Oct. 23. 1909. $10.00. G.

F. Neugent et ux to P. W. Kilgcire. Und hi Int in sw of se of se 't of sec, Is.

8w. 31. Mtg. Oct. 23.

1909. $500. G. F. Neugent et ux to W.

G. Clark. Sw I pf se 1-4 of se 1-4 of se 1-4 sec 1, Is. 8w. 32.

Assignment of Contract. Serf. 14. 1909. M.

E. Miller Co. to X. A. Ransone.

widow. Lot 1 and V4 of lot 4. blk 65. of R. S.

Bt. except ptn of sd lot of S. P. R. R.

with all Ms under certain contract of pun-hes' made by J. H. Kelly to sd M. E. Mi'in Co.

33. Deed. Oct. 15, 1909. inwi.

Ms Drollshaiigh to Jarma If. Bailcv. 1 6 a Int in Lion Nos. 1. 2.

3. Holcou Val lHy Dist also In Summit claim. 31 Sat. Mtir. Oct.

13. in I.nlnn Savinga Bank of Redlands to A k. Kroek and Grace A. Brock, lot hlk 6 I.uifonla 35. Deed.

IX-1. 26. 1909. $lie0. 1" Ward and Will C.

Garner to Everett. Ptn lot 25. blk 54 of 36. Oct. 25.

1909. $1500 G. f-va-et ux to Magnolia Mutual B. L. Assi of Ontario.

Ptn lots 21 to 25, bll 48 Magnolia. 37. Deed. Ack. Mar.

16. 1909. $11. nf)0. Wilson F.

Mccunioca -i Rudolph Baer Lots 12 and 13, blk 3 Mt. View Xorth Ontario. 38. Mortgage. Oct.

15. 1909 $6000 t.t ux to C. K. Myers Adda C. Myers Lot 12 and 13, blk 3 Mt.

View North Ontario 39. Satisfaction of mortgage. Mar 18, 1908. Margaret Daniels, exec of es' of H. II.

Daniels, to Camelia Ma loche et mar Lot 7 and w4 of lot blk' 17, of Town Plat of Redlands. 40. Deed. Aug. 9.

$10. Camelli Miiloebe et mar to Louis J. Flinspah Elizabeth C. Flinspaeh Lot 7 and w4 lot blk 17 of Town Plat of Red lands. 1 41.

Mortgage. Oct. 25. 1909. $200 Louis J.

Flinspaeh et ux to L. W. Clarl Lot 7 and wli of lot 6, blk 17. Town Plat of Redlands. 42.

Mortgage. Oct. 25, 1909. $1100 Louis J. Flinspaeh et UK to CamellP Maloche Lot 7 and wV4 lot blk 17.

of Town Plat of Uedlands. 4.1. Deed. Oct. 4, 1909.

Clarence A Shaw ei 111. Matthew L. Shaw, single A Und V. Sales Are Climbing to New Heights Best Styles and Values Are Responsible Women are finding the suits they want here, examples of the most careful tailoring that is done anywhere Jypes of the very latest modes and values that reflect an extraordinary purchasing power and a knowledge of the suit business. Just now we are featuring to each, ptn of hlk 10, Town Plat of' 44.

Oct. 1909. 17000 Garret Huizing et ux Abraham lluiz-j ing et ux to Peter Fair Etta Fair Same as No. 45. 47.

Satisfaction of mortgage. Oct. 22, 1909. Grace A. Brock to Elizabeth West J.

L. West Lot 12, blk 5, of Lugonia Redlands. 48. Satisfaction of mortgage. Oct.

21, 1909. The Union Savings Bank of Red-lands to James L. West Elizabeth West Lot 12, blk 5. Lugonia Hts. 49.

Deed. Oct. 21, 1909. Mrs. Elizabeth West et mar to O.

M. Postle Lot 12, of blk 5, Lugonia Hts. 50. Deed. Oct.

21, 1909. $10. Gavino Ircvino et ux to Willis G. Craig, Jr. Lot 1, blk Valley View Redlands.

51. Deed. Oct. 25, 1909. $10.

W. T. Ru.ssell Josie E. Russell to Joseph B. Tyler Com at pt on siil'e of Third City San Bernardino, 225 ft.

from se cor of lot 1, hlk 16, of R. S. 130 ft. 50 etc, int in sd. prop.

52. Deed. Mjv. 30, 1896. $50.

J. H. Dust in et ux to lzora Eblln Moore Lots' 1, 2, 3, blk 138, of City of Colton. 53. Deed.

Oct. 25. 1 909. $10. Henry C.

Young et ux to Lewis O'Dell Pt of lot 4, sub of lots 18, 19, 26, 32, blk 51, of B. 54. Marginal satisfaction of chattel mortgage. Oct. 26, 1909.

Mrs. Nina V. Benner to Arthur N. Ellis Machinery and tools In Cal. Iron Works on bet.

1st and City San Bernardino. 55. Reconveyance. Oct. 18, 1909.

Title I Guarantee Trust to Daniel C. Swartz Lot 9, blk 50, of Colton Addl- tlon. 1 I 1 co*ckades and Button. The co*ckiitle originated simply in the knot of ribbons or strings by which broud fltips of the seventeenth cen-ury round hut were "co*cked" or Iruwu up to the brltu in fine weather, md thus originated the three cornered tut ns well as the co*cked hat of later liraos. There was nothing specially nilitnry about the usage, as the ig-toratit assert.

The same strings survive in the loops of the hats of bishops tud other ecclesiastical dignitaries In Great Britain, in the strings of the liats worn by French cures and Spanish and Italian padres mid in the cords which-are still, seen on the hats of some livery servnnts. It naturally became the custom for military nteu to "co*ck" their hats with the livery color of the prince they served, and as the Hanoverian color was the convenient one of black the "black co*ckade" became associated In the minds of the people with military' uniform. In an old Scotch song of Shlrramulr, citing "Woodword's Heraldry," we read of "the red coat lads with black co*ckades." and knot of white ribbons was naturally chosen as the badge of their opponents. When the, old use of the strings was forgotten the knot. In the form of a rosette )f ribbon, survived, just as did the buttons on the backs of our coats, which were Intended to fasten bock the flaps In riding or marching.

"Justice of the Peace." More of Those Trotteur Dresses to Sell at $17.50 Black, Rose and Navy They're made in the latest close-fitting Trotteur style, of finest satin finish all wool Prunella cloth, prettily trimmed with long rows of jet buttons; far-and-away the season's best value in wool Trotteur dresses at anywhere near the price $17.50. Have You Seen Those Apples 4 in our wflndow? They taste better than they look. Feetbam McNeil 484 Third St. Both Phones 143. BRING IT HERE.

San Bernardino Dye and Cleaning Works S. HANSEN, Tailor, 857 Phones Mafn 256: Horn 2Kf "Get It At Balllle's" AILLIE'S Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper, Souvenir Goods, etc. 542 Third Street. Both Phones. Get the Best it will be the cheapest in the end.

A. Robinson's sidewalks Jook better, wear longer and cost no more than any others. 992 Grant 8t. Home 635. Arrowhead Electric Works ELECTRIC WIRING Special electric work made to order Home 1318.

280 St. STOVES Heaters and Cook Stoves, all kinds and sizes, from $1.00 up. Here Is a chance to get a good Btove cheap. We buy, sell and exchange everything. People's Furniture Co 381-383 St Home 1061.

Main 142. Helress-Tell me truly, Arthur. Is It your love or your reason prompts ycu to marry me? Arthur-Just as you like, dearest-Meggendorfer Illutter. New Long Sweater Coats In Red and White $6 to $10.00 All Wall Paper At Cost The Success 370 Street. FRENCH CHOP HOUSE and Kestiwimnt, 330 Street Opposite Court Hons OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WINES AND LIQUORS SERVED TONT J.

SAVIN OVICH, Prop. HAVE YOU ANY TOOTH OR TOOTHLESS TROUBLES? We Work For What We Get and Make Prices that Get the Work. Examinations and Consultation Free. Work Guaranteed for Ten Years. We have an Expert in each line.

Open Sun. 9 to 11 m. Sat. Eve. 7 to 9.

Other days regular hours. DR. C. C. 8MITH'S NEW 8Y8TEM DENTISTS.

818 St. Opp. Court Houee. Do You Know What You Are Missing if you are not buying your food supplies from us. Ask your neighbors where Is the best grocery store In town, and they'll tell you very emphatically It is the Hco Hive.

Why? Heeause we have the freshest and finest goods, treat you courteously and deliver promptly. DOBSON'S Bee Hive Grocery 670 Third Street Home 180. Main 230..

The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.