The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

1. 1 el a a EDUCATIONAL TRINITY BUMMER GRAMMAK MILL. SCHOOL, Bustaine and Day School for Boys. Warden, the Right Rev, Bishop W. O.

Hard. Separate Preparatory School Stratadeld. Master in Cuarge: C. M. Caineton.

New Term cummences June 1. 1943. Particulars and Prospectus on application to the Bursar at Summer E. LATHAM, B.A.. Principal.

THE Pleasantly situated. SCHOOL. 15 miles from Sydney. There several vacancies for day boys, out only for borders to 2nd Term carting on June. 1943 Enriv application tor admission in 1944 desirable, but will be sasential in the cade of boarders unless an additional Boarding House 1s opened.

Junior Boarders of Preparatory School 8-12 years. are provided for in Old Governmen! House in Parramatta Park. adjoinine 1de Maid School (Master in charge. Rev A. Price, Illustrated prospectus and turner particulars from H.

D. HAKE. M.A. Headmaster. Postal Address: PARRAMATTA.

N.8.W. weekly Lessons In French and from elderly teachers. Terms. 5322, Herald LEGAL NOTICES TN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Jurisdiction.

-In the will of ADA MARY JONES late or Penrith ID the Biate 01 New South Wales Widow deceased. -Application will de made atter tourteen days tum the publication hereof that Probate of the Last Will and Tectament dated the twenty. frat day of January one thousand nine ared and thirty-two of the a borenamed demay be granted to PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY LIMITED the Executor named the said Will all notices may be served the undermentioned address. All creditors in the Estate of Une deceased are hereby required to send in particuiats ct their claim to the undersigned. A.

S. LAMROCK SON Proctors for Executor 344 dish Strest. Penrilo Sydney Amenu: HALSE MILLETT MAIR. CO. Martin Place, Bydney.

TN THE SUPREME COURT CF NEW SOUTH WALES -Probate Jurisdiction. -In the nt CHRISTINA of Cronus but formerly ot Huratville in the State 4 N. South Wales Widow 11012 will be made atter fourteen days trom the publication herect inat Prubste of the WilL and Testament dated tenth day of August one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three of the abovenamed deceased may de granted 19 ARTHUR ICHN GEORGE REYNOLDS the Ac EXECULOY named in the sold Will 80C ail notices may be served At the undermenrioned All creditors in the Galate Al the deceased ate hereby reouired to Me nO harticuiats of their claims to the undermaned ELLITT LAW Proctor for the King Street. A Sydney. TO Chve RUTH Street ADA CROCKPORD Perth In the State 01 28 vi Western Australia, and of 203 Roma Wootimbra 10 the Stale of New South Wales TAKE Notice that Citation has been Issued out of the Supreme Court of Western tratia citing yOU 10 appear and answer the Petition of ALBERT CROCKPORD of 1029 Weslingion Street Perth to the State of Western Australia praying for dissolution his marriage with you on the ground that YOU without just CaUse or excure witully deserted him in default of vou 50 the you will not be to address 10P Court and the Court will proceed to hear 10e said rharge proved and to pronounce tence in respect thereto And take turtner Notice that for the purpose alotessid you thirty (30) days from the date of the as! advertisem*nt to attend tr person or ny VOUT proctor solicitor or attornes at the Cra1 Oftee of cur sald Court ROO thete in appearance in the nock urovidea inc purDose J.

ROYLSON TIPPETT of West Australian Cham104 St. George Lertare Perth. Sostetfor the Petitioret. THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH I WALES Probate Jurisdiction -No. 365292 it the last and Testament LILLIAN RIGIDEN late of Harrison Surest.

Marickville near Sydney in the State of New South Waite. Widow deceased -Notice iN nereby given thAt he Third Accounts In the above were Alec in my nice at Sydney 16th August 9.4: and the Fourth Accounts in the Estate LA day been died in mi Ic mitre and persons naving any Interest he said Estate may route in betore me my on the twenty- day of June 10.30 o'cloce tne forenron and spect the same and they shall think ft nbjert thereto otherwise it the Accounts De not objected to they will he examined Dy me and passed according to And Notice 2 hereby given that on the allowance aid Accounts by the Court Commission will be applied for on behalt of the Executor. Dated this 2151 day of May 1943. CRAS. EOTCHART (L.S) Registrar.

Messieura READ READ. Proctor for the Exerutor. House. 9-11 Hunter Street. Ryaney.

THE SUPREME NEW 800TH WALES. -Probate Jurisdiction. No. 269570. -in the Last Will and Testament of SAMUEL POWELL JONES late of Southlands Hotel, Torattay In The of Devon England.

Gentleman deceased. Notice hereby given the First and Final Account above Fatale nave thIS peen Aled in oft.ce and all persona having any interest the Estate may come in before me at my sald face on the twenty-fourth day vi done 1943 11 30 o'rlock in the forenoon and inspect 2amP and they shall think nt object others ise if the said Accounta be not nblected to thev will be examined br me and massed errordine And Notice netrby given 1hRE no the allowance of the veld Arconnis by the Court Commission will he abrited for or benail el the Executor, Deled 215r day of Mav. A.D. 1943. CHAS BATCHART Registrar Messieurs READ READ Proctors for the REACUTOR Parker Kruse Hunter Street Evaney MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES, ETC.

1990, 200n cond. tyrer. or offer 72 H.uh St. Cariton cood running order. 412 Apply 5 St.

Tempe. A be Cobden Avenue. '28. Lane Cove, ins. week-end.

18. 28 oh. Ins. S. D.

tyres Grove St A RIEL Alfred 1934 st. Mascur berlect, near any King chet 9t. No. 3 RIEL R.H oh Tax. 12 mtha.

like £. 35 Crown city RIEL. Red Hunter. 500c.c reg late 1938 1n perfect rondition terme allable. MUISIR.

A 5 1934. 8-10. Combination, 3 coed Napier St, Pied retor Get and Sunday A 1930 model. socd condition new Appis Gladstone Street, A MOTOR LLPARTS CYCLES PTY SPARES and ACCES- LID SCRIES aiso Geed Urea Spares. REBORES.

RE LLEVED, Grarbox, Overhaul, etc. ALLPARTS. 116 Goulturn Street. MA2023 1933 41. Arlienion peed St.

Ice Dulwich new, Hill Rent. a Pr front and bark and it wh PW1510 ICYCLE. condition: 100 New Canterbury He tacered Peter.ham conditicn 295 Rd. eat. tor Sale.

6-10 Sundry ladies 5 and £3. On Liverpeci Dover Heights lavered. tatest, chime pla ted £8-10 26 Pemell 9t. Enmote new 3 Bardwell Crescent, Bariwood twin A with sidecar Sole 27 Liberty St Belmore 17 Cross 2-Etroke. Street.

reattires Crenulla. minor Palmer rime tapered 4000 tvres. XM5121 5 56 2 n.p, O.H tyre 100 500O urder 33 LM4505. YULES. tapered and Outed.

4. 80 Cary Street, Leichhardt. papa picvele, excellent, '28 07 1936, 374 Grand 13 Parade. Kenyon Rd. new trade Brighton.

Lyrer. push DICYCLE Lavender good tyres. S. A T.S.. order.

20 Amply 25 Street, Saturary oniy, 16 Cambridge Ave. Vauriuse, 810088 10 hoose from B' or Rebufit new Guaran. terd WALCOTT 90 Wentworth Avenue. BA Blue Star into Junior bored, Sidecar rechromed. ADDLE A RYDE ICE WORKS, set.

10 No oder After 12. tapered (Tante Enrich tints. With 221 Victoria Road Marrickville. de JUMP rterk or Rued Racer. condition 8a nEW basseld C1o.

89 Tunatal Metor Cyrie. 124 Isle model, Ave. Kinesiced. Do 188 Auburn Rudd cycle 1940, 500c.c. Auburn.

trame, bertect or res Deal new carunt very test. FM6335 1938 250 two new excell Lyres 100 Eng. and 65 33-1 Helm wud Endeld. after 12. WYNALL.

WYNALL here and save the Complete terms range RAZELL of models MOORE. 36 Campbell st. MA6091 from and WOOD. A and 1935, 1 USED MOTOR CYCLES MARLEY DAVIDSON. 1938.

10 12 Holo, HARLEY DAVIDSON and 31.0 CHASSIS 1938 1200 c.t BENNET Ahd woou PLY. I.TO.. Went wortH Avenue. Sydnes. 'Phone, 44403 CYCLE.

Rica. twin 1930. or Brighton. Solo, Ores 19:47 31 that. motor 86 Bruce 8t RouG cond and appear.

very mire 0X6494 NOVENTRY EAGLE T.S.. 35. 541 Hannon Street Arneline CLE Arresories full store. Ladies Gents 2 fotred 93 Nd a Concord. AS 24 Twin.

cond ArE 4 45 Alter 12. 189 Waite TRIC MOOKE ndeir (ne tellowine condi- Latemodel Moser Cyrice, All In 500d and tor 1934. -00 c.r., O. AMTeL. 1937.

500 p.e.. V. 1947. 200 c.c. H.V..

Red STras1 et "PANCIS. BARNELL. 1036 250 c.c,. MARLS OUTFIT. 19:6.

89:10 PANTHER 1939. 600 O.K VORTON 1930 31.0 95 ROYAL ARTEL. 1939. wheeler O.H.V,, Delivers 75 300 e.c.. sprint there Mary Othe All Makes, AN Typer.

ERM8 in Metropojitan on Trade-ina FRIES MOORS AL Wentwerth Ave A CHANCES BARNETT. Model. petteer erder over 100 TOR FALL ADel Rad Hunter. taxed, sated bertert rendition 80 124 De. Marrickvitie Motor new and usea.

of and Co Hunt St A and models, try PADDY NYAN Bievela good condition. beet offer St. Glad LENT 'S MICYCLE 6 10 National Not Eunday FNT 8 Biey-le. good cord. San.

dav No 5 Mambeed Plats. New st. Bunut TARLEY 1938 10 7 12 crash barn 1 new RS: Harley Outfit 10 12 29 Page Anneld HARLEY and BOX. 20 inodel. h.b Anne Ins.

for 12 months. Monte Ave, DA OUTFIT. 240. After 1034 Eno0 Deed 40 Gerdun Crescent. Stammere HARLEY, 1024 model and 10-12 h.p..

3 Delvers sound. 1940 additicnal spare wheel. good Fakery, Pit water Reed. MOORE. For Model Vard Motor DEPOSI WARATAN.

2 Speed 52 ManY Note In Choose MOORE Campball 1 1 MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, ETC. TRUCK for Sale, 2-ton, 047553. Cherroles. splendid condition. TRUCKS.

1936 Maple Leaf 3-ton Tipper, 295. 1936 Chevrolet 2-ton, Closed Cab. 225 1936 Bedford Cloud Cab. 2110. UA3307.

McCONNELL MOTORS 164 Parramatta Ashdeld. Willys Knight. drive 1346 Canterbury Rd. Baby Auatin, less maiDe, 1346 C' bury Rd, P'bowl. UL1334 '40 model Purd, 10 b.p., eric.

and like new. Beetle St. Rockdale. running order. TRUCK.

28. Morris. 183 1927. Pittwater reg. Road.

Good North Manly. XU1054. TITILITY. trial. 1038 2 Whippet, tased.

good MCCONNELL MOTORS AUXHALL Parramatta Road. Ashield. 30-98 Sports Tourer. X81524 Tourer. good condition and tyres.

50. JA6498. and 10. '39 Sedans, from 2100 down, or cash offer. 0A7393.

VAUXHALL 10 1939 Tourer, good LI3711. 12 Glenvien Ave. Enelwood. perfect condition. priv.

P05504. 14 uphol. and throughout new. 9 Bestie Street, Rockdale. 10 1940 Tourer.

well shod small mileage. Inspect at Smith's Parking Belmore Randwick, Tourer. 1933-4. good Motes and body O.K., any trial. About 2.30 down.

Barclays. Sedan, in 85 perfect William Street, miles, 1936 model, lyres good, for priv. Sale, Home Sunday. 1920 14 Norman st, Mortiate 20 h.p. Sports Roadster, Atted with vapouriser.

bargain, 35 DON'S CAR SALES. PW6045. VX. Tourer. 1933 perfect roller curtains, mechanically 15 Sibbick Bi.

Pivedock. off Lyons Rd. WA2667. Not Saturday. 1938 7-passenger Sedan, fitted with radio 295.

1st-class original order throughout, sell shod. Late terms. 31 Arneline. LX1517. KHALL 14 Sports Roadster, dicky sent.

1934. carefully kept original owner. well shod. Sibbick St. Pivedock.

on Lyons Road. WA2667. Not Saturday. AUXHALL Cabriolet. 11,000 miles.

5 ex. tyres. 15,000 can sub. fuel priv. owned.

10 a.m.. p.m., 103 Campbell st. Glebe. 10. upholstery Sedan as 1938, new, well good sept, 40- pearance, tyret Rood mechanically.

see. 245. Accept cheaper 290 Ansac Pde. Kensington. FX1625 1028 Roadster, in very sound order dickie seat.

Phone (1X7325. Tourer, taxed 35. or trade Motor-cycle. 109 Rohey St. Mascot, HIPPET 1039 Sports wire wheel extras, terms.

562 Forest Rd WHIP John's 1928. Rd. Glebe, good next tyres. Police 2 28 Station 67 1928. engine, tyres.

fect. 20. 1 Darting St. Waveries, LETS 77 St. Sedan.

Rockdale. 1937. new. HIPPET 1929 Otility Truck, order Sunday. 177 Lord St.

Newtown. 7 1930 Roadster. new tyres, 55. 507 Burwood Rd. Belmore, 7 HIPPET Tourer, genuine.

1930. extra car. 47. cash. Rare chance.

ILLY8 1937-8 De Luke Sedan. low miteIn pert. cond. 41 Janet St. Fivedock 044376.

Sedan. 1 1939. Parramatta good Rond. condition Fivedort HIPPET 1929 Tourer. good order, new tar £42.

Ims. 29 Day 81. rick ville. ILLY: 77 Sedan. '35.

main aure perfect Bennelt's Garage, Henrietta Manly: or 4 gen Zitte Central ALP 1930. Fingertip control. doer 30 to cation. In excellent order. 60 cash.

trade. terma. 'HIPPET Sedun. 1929-30. nice cond well shod 108.

any inspection. terme Englert. Rude 466. WHIPPET duco Tourer. good.

TEE terms or Queen Auburn. Buitt Indiana. 3-ton Truck. 32 12 7 T.T.. closed cab.

rebored. new. 300 And available over 81 Beimore Rd. Randwick. ILLYS 1937 model, mechanically very good, insured.

Good buy, WILLY8 1834 model, real Rood. WHIPPET 1979 Model Utility, cheap. VAUXHALL Sedan. 1935 model. good.

HUDSON. 1939 Model 112. remote beautiful machine. Registered and insured. GIBB8 MOTORS.

110 Parramatta Road, Annandale. 'Phone, LA3974 A USTIN pay M- cash. or other Box 71. Beden Gosford. wantA buyer USTIN or (cash) Standard Urgent.

Car wented. 3405. private A car. USTIN for carh. Private or buyer, similar UM7501, English CO tav Late USTIN USTIN USTIN Wanted immed.

model, or CAR in similar Austin ranted. essh LX2561. USED Car Cars Agent. Tourer for CJ3370. needed 283 cash oF urgentir Sedan CARS.

HUNT. Austin Highway, Banksia. LE1781. '39 or 140 wanted. full price, plus extras.

M3905. or Olde, Car wanted urgently by priB cash buyer. 4X3495. Packard wanted. or similar hiengrade mod.

sal. car. pr. no bar. XM3410.

CASH PRICES 1935 or odered late tor models Used and YORE MOTORS 240 Parramatta Road Camperdon LA SORO LA3291. wanted, Bedan, tale LX2561 model. must be privately owned. for cash. or Plymouth Car needed.

urgent, pay full price in cash, private buyer. MARS and Trucks wanted, any model. highest (ASH price, WAITING. 727 Canterbury Highest prices paid Belmore. USED CARS BASSIN MOTORS.

65 William Street. MA3146. CAR cally with gas sound, bag good attached tyree. wanted, cash mechaniMA2694. and CHETELER PLYMOU I'H Before selling your Car, consuit YORK MOTORS PTY.

LTD. We highest CAR prices. wanted. must be late 'Phone. PL2621, model LX2561.

LIPPING SPARE PARTS vent any 2274. Car IN or OUT of order. Ring APPING CORD Prefect wanted. Will DAy full price In cash. LE3495.

TORD Truck 40 Model Radian Mat, Br. or Overland Darlington. Car FORD model, SEDAN LX2501. wanted for private buyer. late FORD 10 h.p.

0.13370, Car needed urgently, price no FORD or V8 hire or car. Mercury. any order, '39-40, cash. wanted, 0X6475 Car wanted by private ouser. must he good order.

Pay cash LX3495 UNT DALE. will pay of top prices KOOARAH for and good Care ROCK- of any popular malice Open all week -end. (Opp Acme ROCKDALE. LW5010. AM CASH BUYER tor rood Inte model Trucks And Utilities.

many Ano types Also for Sale. Inspection or 'phone. day or night SAM IRWIN, P.T.U MOTORS 86 Eydney Street. Willoughby. ATA Model Car required.

Please ring Mr. Cremer, UJ2239. UNITION worker wants Sedan Ford. Chet Dodge 150- 250 cash. 0X6185 ORRIS 8:40 WANTED PRIVATELY ImM mediate cash purchase.

Ring P06078. ORRIS wanted, Tourer. or Roadster Pay rood price. MA2242. ORRIS ORRIS Roadster Ring 1038-9 LA1423 Belore Wanted.

or selling WA2078. Tourer consult YORK MOTORS pay highest cash price. PL2621 MORRIS Dy wanted. crivate Roadster buyer or Must Tourer. be late for model 'Phone LX2561 MERCURY pay Lop wanted.

price for renuine right priv. Car. buyer. 62 Bay Street. Croydon, 0J2689.

MORRIS Cowley Radiator Roadster. must Bullnose be preserved. Pull value in cash offered by private cover Ring Ryde 1558. or Pontiac Car. late model by private Arm, LX3495.

() wanted or for Pontiac private Sedan, buyer. inte mode. 8msu only 'Phone LX3450. DONTIAC or Olds, late model Car wanted X3495. by private buyer.

price no object. 1 DLYMOUTH or Dodge Sedan 1940. model, private, canh. KM6385 DONTIAL. er Ruir late model Car wanted private buret nay cash 033370 PONTIAC.

or Wanted. Oldsmobile late Sedan model will pay Pontiac. cash 800d car MA8114, STANDARD or Kiliman Car 4X2495 wanted urgentis cash buyer. ed private buyer. 338 late Prince's Car Highway STANDARD or similar mode, Rockdale.

Phone. LX9561. your Car to YORK MOTORS LTD. Top market prices. immediate Bring 01 'phone FL 7021 101-111 liam Street.

OTACK and CO the Best Prire for your Car Immediate Cash Settlement Call or STACK and CO PTY LTD 103 York Street Rydney. MA6846. mRUcK ad. tyre, for casa, or car suitable convert. Midridre Rd.

Benzstowa. and Uttlily required. utment. elpals eniy 031239 IRON TRUCK. good order, wanted.

urgentis. The Roctanter MW1162. TRUCKS BUYKR8, ANd UTILITIES later Models WANTED. CASH 1935 or YORK MOTORS PTY 240 Parramatta Road LASC6O THERE ARE essential NO NEW MUST CARS have AVAILABLE user: transport. and we the relore, are urgently requiring with used mileage in good conditice.

tor essential users 'Phone. write. or call at YORK MOTORS PTY 101-111 Walltem Street 'Phone. FL2621. who will pay top prices Remember, under price Bastion your car worth less each TI TILITY similar.

vanied, LL1897. model Cher, preterred TROENTLY wanted. Oidsmobile. of similar Mr. Carlton.

MA3502 ROENTLY wanted. Veuxhall. Chevrolet similar Sedan, 'Phone any time XM3975 required late model Car, Make no object. Cash. 0A7780.

ROSNT private Willys. buyer, Vauxhall. Cash. or Chev. Principals only 'Phone.

0J3370. wanted. late model CAR. from private owner Must be good, Prepared to NAY POLL PRICE (CASH) or take over terms. Can ans time MA7410.

TILITY ranted urgently, or later Willys or Chev. pret. well shod essential p.m.. gun. 54 Cambridge A venue Bankstown.

NOTE TO CAR BUYERS Motors pay the highest cash price Motore will pay off your terma Me Motors will buy your equiu. 109 Gestiereach Street. A6895 TY AUXHALL OT WHISK CEP LX3495. wanted. private model.

pay 10 10 CAR ensh wanted. for or private similar. LX2561 or Chev. 8tn. Saden.

$33-'37. for of trade my National Cher. 1928 Tourel, condition, tyrer superb. McCoy Chemist. Windsor 'Phene, 10.

ANTED. Late Model Coupe preW terred Chevrolet Utility. LA1425 LA1425 1928 or WA2078 1029 be registered. oF Ferd VU Sedan. about 1038 mode XM539 Plymouth or similar Trunk dan.

Pay price, nice car, XM5461 ANTED. 1920-30 Sedan or Rastr. straight 10T car. 1930 to 1030 Utility Truck for good truck. LX3001 Light Car.

Beden. ed. cond 10. verdun st. Truck, on Utility Panel Van aid late model.

cash. 100. Epp. Beden. 30 30 to Belinore.

any com cash. model. Car. order. orice Ring Mr.

Jack. LX1180 WANTED English 409 order or Va Trucks. ord etanmore OF churrolet THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD. MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, ETC. ANTED, good medium Sedan, to £173 Write, 6 Casino Santiaces.

rood Might Car, any make. cash. Ring PA2038: priv. MU1861. 1926 or near.

Ring PX2350. ANTED, good model English Sedan. to 14 Particular to MA8114. ANTED tO Purchase for 1938 Vauxhall 14 Sedan. Marshall, JX1011.

ANTED. late Sedan. up to 500. Week-end or night FM6571. ANTED by cash buyer.

Sedan. Ford, alm. 5 Lawn Ave. Lane letter. Cv ANTED, medium Car, cash.

Apply Kitchener Ave. Fariwood. ANT. 10 or 12 h.p. Sedan.

about 1936, owner only. quick cash sale. PX1745. ANTED. Chevrolet Sedan.

about 1929 Private cash buyer. Ring DA3521. ANTED. late model Old Sedan, 600. Any time.

XM3675 Truck Body. W2770. Morris 6891. Herald. Body Panel Van or 7 ANTED, 1970-1932 Sidan or Roadster, Dodge.

Chrysler, cach UX6195 ANTED. Burnt. Smashed. Broken Down Cain and We call. MA1901.

ANTED, small light Car. urgeatly. Harold, ANTED. by private buyer, 0J2230. willys.

popular urgent, cash. WANTED. urgent. private only. Pontine.

or LZ3495. similar ANTED. Cars, Trucka, for wrecking. 100. 35 Station St.

Newtown. SEDAN vented. late model. private buyer. 2561.

WANTED. Burnt, Smashed, Broken Down Cars. Trucks, prices. call. LA2648 and Trucks, Any condition, wrecking, highest prices.

call. LM42982 CE Austin Car Deeded urgently, price in cash. LX3495. let. price.

Box Body, P.0., Botany Panel Van 8t 1926 Chrys. 7 ANTED, Car. 1927-1933. in Food condifor cash. 'Phone.

044769. WANTED, for Riley cash. or Similar Telephone, Car. In 0A4769. good Will pay cash.

LM2962. late model car, also cheap Truck. TANTED. Ford, 10 b.p. Sedan, '39 or priv.

buyer. 51d Madden. UJ3001. ANTED, old English and Continental Cara 7 and Trucks, any condition. LA 1602.

ANTED. Trucka, Cars, Vana. late ot old LA1602. ANTED, Chev. Bedan, 1930-1940.

Parties. R. Jones. Main Road. Belmont, ANTED, cheap Car, 2 20- 55 cash.

What offera? Ring 1.02288. ANTED, Inte model Car. 1934 to 1940. cash. Owners only 'Phone.

0A4769. Solo ANTED. preferable. 1934 or Write later 10 Harles and particulate price 14 Pitaroy Mayheld, Newcastle. ANTED.

1934-38 sedan or Sporte type, yould suit populer make. Cash buyer immediately. Ring LU2288. Rugby. Dodge, Pontiac, old or Erasine, 1 ADJ condition, late models.

LA1602. ANTED. 100. sold, reliable American Car. Precision Instrument MA1718 all day saturday.

7 ANTED, Tourer 294 Ford Sedan extra. body, Write exchange Body. pay to Street, ANTED to Buy, Cher. Truck and cat, any condition or model. LM4910.

Wall delivers, Beauty ANTED to Sedan. Trade, Cash Ford adjustment. Tourer 20 Shir. for Street, Marrickville. ANTED.

LIGHT CAR. CASH. BULLOCH, 24 Dobroyd Parade Dobros Point UA1926. WANTED. Chevrolet ot Ford model or similar.

Musk D6 1X2561. 338 Prince's Highway. Rockdale, WANTED, USED Packard CARS. Used in nader. Car 28-38 Yurong Street.

M6101. early Austin Reven for Wrecking. PADDY RYAN. Hunt Street. Sydney Phone.

MA3267. WANTED. 7. to 30 h.p, Car or 20 10 100 cash, Write to 46 Ray Rd. Epping: or attet 5 ring Epping 1478 WANTED Car from from private 1934 owner.

onwards. amall or such etc. Cash. UJ5150. ANTED.

Ford 10 Standard. Redan or Roadster. urgently. Inspect immediately, pay cash. 0X6195.

ANTED. Trucks for wrecking. don Spares. 162 Parramatta Rd. Croydon.

ANTED, Good Exchange Land. Cast700d. R. Onion St. Eastwood.

Spp. 2493. either Body and Panel Van. 1930 or Sedan, Morris BAy 10. condition.

8889. Berald. of every consideration and best Packard Cars, Owners are Packard Car M6401. Furong Street, Sydney. WANTED.

cash Trucks. 1or late Panel models. Vans. NICHOLS 00 Parramatta Rond. Camperdown topp.

Missenden Road. LA1238. ANTED. CARS AND TRUCKS. FROM TO 230 EACH.

KELLION BROS. 195 Victoria Rond, Marries HAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR CART it you want to Sell it, and realise the highest poseible can price. 'Ph. Hunte and Phillips, After hoors. FM6118.

ANTED. NASH CARS. Owners ate assured BERKS of USED ever CAR 28 YURONG ST. consideration best pricas. M6401.

WANTED of best HODSON prices CARS. from the CAD Distributore, BERKS USED CAR 28 Turone Street. M6401. ANTED. Used Trucks and Ottlitles.

1935 or models. CASH BUYERS. YORK MOTORS 240 Parramatta Road. Camperdown. 1.45060 LA3291 ANTED, 1940 urgently, Va.

for National work, 1938 to Ford Chevrolet. Pontine, Oldsmobile. Plymouth or sim Sedan. perf. tres OF car on blocks, Cash 500.

Advertiser, Plat, 7 Pine 8t. Cam 'ray by Lady Student, Morris Vauxhall, Standard. Ford 10. open, closed car, 1937-1940, Perfect mech, Cash 10 350 Mias Betty Green. or write Woonone Flats, Woonons Road.

Northbridge 7 ANTED. SEDANS, urgently. 1038-42 Our manager a LI call say hour to spect with cash. Pull peaged price SPITFIRE VAPORIZER 84 Wentworth Ave. MA3685 17 ANTED USED CARA.

after PM3630, Wanted 50 Used Cars in good condition Highest cash prices, Obtain valuation today. W. Y. 283 Prince's Highway. Bankale.

1.21761. Tourers. to Roadsters, 1940 English Model or Sedans can cylinders. Highest cash prices given, WILL call time to inspect. Please ring 1X2561, day or night or call Robinson' Motors.

338 Prince's Highway, Rockdale, 7 ANTED. URGENTLY FOR ESSENTIAL WORKS, all types of Commercial Vehicien We want big 'Cippera to put on Main Roads Works. also Medium Trucks and Utilities for Liaison work Panel Vans for conversion canteens and ambulances for N. E.8. work: late models preferred.

but not essential. 11 not good order. will recondition will pay cash or hire job from you, but PLEASE touch st once. Refer hrst R. F.

PEARSON. fret floor. 167 Elizabeth Bt. 'Phone MA3211 yOU can BELL your CAR or UTILITY for Cash. PULL MARKET VALUE PAID.

WILL call and inspect anywhere. TERNS PAID OFF Mr. H. Miller 181 c*ntierench St, MA7410 lor your motor purchase on terms through A Reasonable charges. fair and courtenus treatment, Australian Guaran.

tee Corporation 60 Hunter St. Ardnes BW3141 T.R.M.A will inspect Cara and Lorries Stan Engineers for Members and Prospective Members for small fee 50533. Motorists cannot nitord to lenore Membership RECD patrolman and enrol. He 1A authorised to secept ter then rejoining or renewing. OUR Motor Vehicle Purchase can De ranted on terms.

Reasonable charges and every consideration estanded to clients Producers and General Pinance Corporation 300 Pit! Street, Sydney MJ4371 CARAVANS AND TRAILERS LL TYPES of Caravane. Trailers, lot in Caravan Park. Mistenden Rd. Newtu LA2028 med. Hire.

Special rates for long term LL-STEEL C. Cominercial TRAILARS 'The Trailer Co. PtY. 712 Botany ficad. Mascot.

M02345. Trailer light. strong, good canopy, Trailer. Inspect 32 Quinen St W. Kogarah with cover and draw.

bar fitting. also Nomad Bleen-out Tratier both reg. And new condition. Offer. XM5062 TARAVAN Sale.

2-berth. good condition RIDE UX7538 for particulars, CARAVAN double and single InDer-spring wardrobe stoves, cte. 11 mths. tea order 200. Canterbury Rd Canterbury ILYAWAY.

2-berth. sink, water, 16 50 cash. 9-12 noon only. 438 Victoria 8t TRAILER. new 13 105 welded chassis, Modern Cantettury TRAILER, 2-berth collapsible well anod 15 QuIt 727 Canterbury Rd Belmore TRAILER for log wanted.

dual tyres, at least 34 Simmonds. MX3381 TRAILER DOE carry to ateynounds. taxed 12 months. McCONNELL MOTORS 043307 164 Parramatta Rond Aanneid. WANTED.

3 Berth Caravan, Case Buyer. MOTOR TYRES, SUPPLIES, REPAIRS A USA IN SPARES, 250 Ave. A US'I 4300 IN Parts MORRIS. anywhere. 138 Parramatta Hoed, Ca A LASC43 A Gas Producer, NO and backed WITH py Genera, Nasro Hiowers Motora-Holdens, Lid.

Pitted with Electric Immediate delivery. BLACK CO. LID. Telephone, MA6646 A Opportunity To buy Ola Hoppers. Scrubuers ComConfere.

Filters Dominion Valves, etc. Truck and Car Types. Motors CM Produces sion 137 Palmer Street. 'Phone. PA2III.

A DEOL 13. Fuel. Fuel No petrol Control coupons Moard. N.8.W.. No.8 sell to essential only.

ADKING BROS. 200 wulouruby Rd. Crow' Nest, N.B W. XF2086. Makers of the IR LEAKS Patent Generators, Prevent them by Atting PERRIS Hopper Lids: Instal AD Electric Blower and ze independent of petrol.

Gas-producet Spares always on hand. Dowling Street. Kast 6-8-13. Sydney. 6-8-13, 7L2643, FERRIS BROS.

RADIO 262 SKIES, 16-9. Guar. Viral quality, LA1212. BUCK PARTE. Axies, all Crow models, no.

Engines. Pinions Bodies Genre, Glass, new, used. Ivan Hughes, LA3345 DENNETT Producer GaS Bervice Spate and Reconditioning provided tor. Including Pickings electric blower. Berks.

72-76 William Street. RADLEY BROS. LTD. New And Usro Perla for Cars, Trucks, Tractors, and Trailers. Prompt and cincient Westworth service.

M0411 (12 55-59 A venue Sydney. LINCOLN, HEAVY DUTY. Factory Price, written with every Battery. 6v. 0.

60. Plummer 15-piste 47,10. 8-pinte 6174. and Co. 183 Entert, SUNLITE Bydney.

Heavy Standerd SUPER. standard SUPER 12-volt Ute SUPER. Guarantee 2 years. Daunt 3 to years. Buburban orders delivered Allowance C.O D.

old orders prompt attention, tery. Battery for Lighting. Radio. and Motor Liverpool Crele. Geo.

5t), MA9300, XW7053 SUNLITE BATTERY HEV. each; 1027-28 Cher. Cyl. 0J 4300 CAR RADIO, AIr Chief. very good.

Ring COTTON WASTE. 13. altahtiz soiled. or producer. 'Phone.

PA2083 continuous and cekular supplies of vell-graced 1 to 5 tons insured be contacting National Fuel Spring Utters. SATURDAY. MAY 22. 1943 13 cach 149 YorE Lilt.

AtROIL, 0 eLe. stocol Rev. nadence. 45173. chimels, th June.

Led vagin* MI. A. USTRIAD cy. 10 101 albu W506.1 GIRLS. And a veiday boataera for 1944.

Be ar'o LEGE. LEGE 12.40. Cot Havel Co StaTiN. Tuturn. 41265.

Wed. SCHOOL. school rinetpal. Girla. from 00 I erm LEGE.

Anne Deal tern PritLHOOL OP In 1526. anture GERMAN 1 MARLIN HORN: BY. OR BOYH. adme alt! ca. ejects.

Jato VX3064 CHOOL POI 82, wish. X04066. LYCE 80Y8 9 a.m. Or the u.Tm see him 09 ACRY 1st. New Don SOLD.

COACHING A XA1570. id malts Arts 5 L.C. ICE Marine Ener tor all lea mil Ic. Day and Girla. Kin Second term 42 1717.

MOSS widual h. 1343 AUDLEY. at fet Shore tideate thick Ind B.A. Syria SCHOOL BOYS -outh Praia.rec Headr. embin ENGLAND GIRLS S010R 554 ALFI Girds (Huncural 1.1 Mag herbe.

1n1 trim Lydnes felt la tICH An LA7275 The TER'8 HILL hot a Children ne Beate aces 15 LA Neat fete THE IFLD er nucl gehel I ea 4: 1.0 Fu MINI cot 914 AN LAND ROY9 cutient? AcaL term 21k .1191 (tIAL other no The COLLEGE 1107 -stir Sriente Com on Tur. da: te Stra'nDe-e Unpito Ute on Turdas, June 2 Principal Principe roy de tr. PAL George Sure Tot Just bejuse. Cer and Gita ails ant 12 Firin. scale.

ever to Penci 371 Hendileecnirg Only vearel. Blue ECHOOL. AND )tuna tune Lat 1944 the 5040 L. CHOOL June ereo! Seduct, 1 ruse Sam in residence primite VUE MILL carders Mansion end on P.R TOES. to MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES, ETC.

ARLEY DAVIDSON Used Parta Parkin INDIAN Kenny, Outfit. hood. St, ROOd New town. mech, LA1713 order. Lyres, 108.

71 French St. duper Scout, 1930. After 12 048. 10a Wattle 8t. Punchbowi.

ENDIAN 400d SCOUT 1030 OUTFIT. with TAMES Biaziand Road. Ryde. 30, Ryde 28. tyrea.

thruughaut. 1.6.. Just done up 1937, 48 good. 225. Bat.

after 1, or ADY'8 Speedwell Street. Bicycle. Lakembs, almost Ernest Eppits 1891, ADY'S Cycle, Speedster. almost new. ADY'8 Riverside CYCLE.

Du. practically wich or. atation. ADY'8 Sat. 27 Washington St.

Bexley new. 210 cash. 359 Miller St. North now. Sydnes.

Generator BICYCLE, almost 80 ADY'8 Push Bicyele, escellent ADY'8 Plunkett Cycle, Br, Drummeyne: Sited freewheel. guard, dress hardly net used. tyres unmarked. Must 11. 032379.

Speedwell Cycle. perfect order, ade, Marrickville, 2 Betton Flats, School ParSTAR alter 9 18 Newcastle st. Fivedock. extras. der, ATCHLESS, 32.

134 Triumph, Harley. running Underwood st. Padd. 29 miso. p.M.

Caledonian '29. 6t. Bexley. Super Clubman. almost new, Ina.

criminal tyres. just and Street. Saturday Mison colt after 4 Parkes Point. NEW Imperial, ins.

'35, tyre, SUPREME 35. 36 Alfred St, Mascot, Lyres. 1935. rood excellent condition. Reg.

Nov. PANTHER Woodcourt Street. mech. app. ville.

DUSH 2 80 BIKE Plat 2. 14 Knox St. Ashneid guards light, Gent. a. good condition, mudBIKE, good -Sun 9-1, condition, Queen St.

reasonable offer pet lect SIDECAR 1937 DANTHER ANd 2 45 condition. Stramona excellent tyres. taxed. Street. Enmore Excellent, 14 1937.

o.h.r.. 100 m.p 1938. 34 St, -power. Granville Wigram Church condition and appearance, prac. new perter! tyres OYAL St Windsor.

cally, recently 23 8.V.. perfect mechaniENFIELD 55. 'Phone UM7501. ADT trial. ROYAL Insured.

1038, small Sunday. perfect, res 75 cash. or terms arranged. mileage. 32 00y thal.

Ave. Kensington. Bat. or Sun. Moctamie 117 Welllacton Sale.

Wanted. Repairs. chrome Cycle. Waterloo. recer, new.

MX2873 owner ALF 32 Hold worth Ave. St. Leonards Sidecar '28 '38 25. L02346. new condition.

dynamo. all electric lent Racer. Res 4 Sevit SI Waversey. secessories best suit Harley. CHAEBIS Indian.

for Sale, fate model, and street. Ashbury similar. 48 Fourth Speedo. 650c.c.. pillion, H.V.

Mech. sound. worth inspect. Triumph. excellent condition Sun.

191 real. etc. Apply Eat, Saywell 9.V., St. saddle priv Insured 1944. runs well.

00 tank, re. m.p 0X6404 Jersey street. Enfeld. per lect order. APP 1936 A.J.8.

Burnett 1 I o.n.v., the lot TRICYCLE with St. BOX. Redfern, for near Sale. Town two Heil new fo: sizes. Sale, 350 19, 300 20.

Rood condition. FA1 187. cycle 75 Parramatta Road. Concord motor 1936. 8.V..

extra good order, nice appearance. 2 Sunday mornSwete Street. Lidcombe. TRIUMPH 2.75. recently late overnauled.

model. Apply berlect con. 38 Ocean Beach. Manly Sunday 1837. wel enzine nap ed Sunday only.

Rosebank Gres Hurstvitle. VELOCETTE. 2-sucke, 1937 renair 40 'Phone, LL265). ELOCETTE. 1979.

AHIPP. condition Keira Street. perfect. Wollongong. mileage.

1930. 24 h.p.. DEF Colon St. 37 tapeird Chanoler Irame 8- guod Kog condition. LW5100.

WARATAN. ore 1936. n.p.. Bridge Belmore pillion WA montha. good 5 Tyrell 8t condition.

rille, tax Ina 1937. 342 in Bay ver 8t. good Brighton cond. 1937 perfect condition. 120 RAN sood A tyres.

31 Cook not St. Lewisham 25: perfect. afternoon. p.m or Sunday. 9588 Pacide Hwy, Roserille.

1938. good tyre 271 Atter 14. 143 Moreion 8t. Lakemba 01.2097. Sunday to n.p..

Parto wanted. Road. Bring Ramagate. machine WANTED No Indian Junk Saturday. Scout.

XA1833 1936 WANTED Ellie MOTOR 105-7 Goulburn St. Spot M3023. cash, ANTED, Alparte. Motor 116 Goulburn for wrecking. MA2023 rash ANTED.

PRIF Tyres, 350 19 or 300 20. Rult Triumph, Ring 0J3232. WANTED 0J3232 ACME. about. 1940.

spot ANTED. urgently. lyres. following sizes: 500 20. 17 21.

etc Top price given. cash. 033232. Motor Cycles, Porks. Assembir.

complete with or without wheele. BRL. 2 Hayes St. Lidrombe. ANTED.

Highest prices MOTOR paid. CYCLES, PADDY for RYAN wrecking. and price. ANTED. £5 Motor to 130 Cycles.

cash Will pay or top write. east. Hunt St. Sydney. A MA3267.

12 St. Earl wood. WANTED TO MODEL PURCHASE. MOTOR CYCLES. Richest Prices.

FRIC MOORE, 82 Wentworth Ave. MAG848. WANTED you to Motor rail on Cycles me tor before cash It sacrideine mar your machine. WALLY UNDERWOOD. 108 Street MA1306 TO any BUY.

make LATE Call MODEL or 'phone MOTOR 10 BENNETT and WOOD LTD. Wentworth Avenue. Avdney. M4405. WANTED Model Used Motor Cycles, WANTED.

Highest prices. RAZELL MOORE, 36 Campbell Street, MA6091 MOTOR CARS, LORRIES. ETC. USTIN 1927 tor Sale. 212.

Hailing. TreLane North Ryde. USTIN 10 Sedan, markel price. 117 BainRend, S'anmcre A USTIN Chapel 7 Street. 18.000 miles, Pockdale.

Alter '23 A USTIN down. 7 1030 Sedan. 494 fair Crown ord. 2 40. PA2036.

F. 15 A USTIN Small 8-h mileage. p. Tourer 175. perfect X8265 original car.

A down. CETIN 10 Phone 1034 UA7393 Sedan excellent. USTIN 45 or best offer. Pitman: A trial. USTIN Gorse.

1937 242 1743. Enmore Couter, Rd. good Enmore order. LA1612 an RMSTRONO Sladeles Redan, cellent tyres. 100.

1937 Sporta Roadster. good non0STIN 1936 7-h p. Tourer. taxed neered price. FX3054.

crivi-al duco motor £15 down. BARCLAYS. USTIN 85 Special William Sports Street. Body. 60, mechanically perfect, very well shod DON'S CAR SALES FW6045.

A USTIN Hie '33 now. 10 ho. good Tourer. Lyles. TEE.

unhol. duco, Bestie Street Rockdale A shod. excel. 1938 cond. RIg 7 trade Tourer car, taxed, terma.

266 Road. Ashneid. all week-rod A owner. D.P. 185.

Roadster. 7 Reserve Street oriGindesville. Hunter 913. RMSTICNG Siddeley Tourer. amali A 14 h.

28 available new set cf tres Hall pegged price. and over end. 81 Belmore Road Randwick. USTIN Sports Roadster, taxed, 800d A lyres, very 200d mechanically. any trial.

£20 deposit. MOTORS 164 Parramatia d. Ashneid. USTIN 10 ROADSTER. 1036.

excellent A tyres. Very gd througnout. MA2932 for owner's home. Would take very good Sedan, late model. suitable gas producer, pay A AUBURN sound oruer 1036 Imp.

throughout. Body with Sedan. good In rubber. very Regis. Any trial or Inspection.

BERKS USED CAR YURONO ST. M6401, BEDFORD Dully, 10 1930. Talbot 14 Rd. 100d tyres radio, Special 1930. Icese covers 360.

LA2418. 13:16 Sedan. good order, ans trial 230. PLI743. well.

4 1927 30. Light 366 6 Hoist. Tourer, P'matta welt 250. Rd. shod.

or Ashdeld offer. runs DICK utgent. Truck, good Glover St. urder. Rutherford.

Bungerrabee Rd. Blacktown. Roadster. ad tyres, new hood 33. offer.

134 D' wood St. Pad Sedan 28 peri cider. 35 24 Pittwo Rd. Cindeaville ABSIN order, Motors offer rush 65 6 Wittiam Tourer, Street. excep.

MOTORS VErY smart Pontine BASIN de Sedan. price. Terms arranged. 65 Witwam Street. 1036 8:40 Secan taxed.

5 FODC terms. tyres, 266 excelt P'maite Rd. Ashneld. all week-end. trade car 1028.

roller pertect curtains. 245. 5 good 111 mechanical order 40 Sedan 1037. good order, tyre Mancheld talr Must sell offer. Small trade MILLER BROS.

MA2986. 174 alburn Street. Sydney, Sat. Sunday. B3 de lUXe MOTORS offer very 1934 mart.

8 Bulek wheels. nited good radio elec Peased price Terms, 65 William Street. 1935 Sports Coupe. 6-wheel ment. 12 months' mech.

well hod, appearance faultiers. 65 dep rest EmA 31 Prince. He Arncifle Commer N3. 1038. Series TRUCK, 13 Excellent ditton.

very good are 275 And avalable over week -end. PX3713 81 Reimore Rd. Randwirk, Sedan 1850. 6 cylinders, well kept. mileage original Ind upnoistery exceptionally well shod.

6-wheel 78 Can arrange easy payments 250 Anzac Parade. Kensington. PX1625, V. 1938 Coach. 29,000 miles.

8000 order Bennett o. Gerase. Henrietta THEV. 1928, tyres. Tempe.

Ottec producer. Young Fruce. mechanically sound. 25 Burwood Motors, UJ2768 60 Liaht pert. ord.

1939 43, 28 Emu St. Enteld. Sedan gas procurer excellent condition JATOU0 1929 Coupe, atder. taxed. 50, Terme.

29 Day St. CHEVROLET 4 Sedan 1937 good ord. 200 Cr. Hood -Henies Dr. 4-door Sedan.

excel. CHEVROLET Sedan. 1939 1 perfert order. Ina. 70.

Beimore 259 Stanmore Re. 1927 Touted 80O! condition, ICE Insured. 2 40. Corunna Rd. 1920 Sedan.

model, out order. 15 374 Coupe order. 150 174 Rogers Jaspect CAR, New 1938 Sedan. Canterbury cond Petersham. Nd.

25. drive weil shod. Appir 111 Martin st, A 1934 luxe Sedan braut. 135 Cron Matr. sUC, Coupe.

'37, runs taxed bare. 105 Campbell TRUCK 1936, 3009t 40 King St. 6 1999 Tourer, Abod trade-In. terma. 266 Rd.

1938. radio Owner. sound, or 1029 good n. Basem*nt 201 1027 Tourer. Mech, perfect.

Bercet, MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, ETC. (HEV sedan. pertect order. 55. After 57 Waterside Earl CHEVROLET 1937.

genuine 28.000 excellent condition. FL5092. High Street, Willoughty. 1950 Coupe like new. 250 CHEVROLET 1934 2-ton Truck dismantling parts tor sale, Ring LU2835.

Tourer for Sale, good order. Saturday Cr Sunday, 3 Richard Newicwn. CHRYSLER 1930-31 near perfect car: Bishop Ave. Clovelly. Sunday CARAVANS.

TRAILERS, seP immeciately 28 following this section. 2 38. 32 Tourer. St. FEE.

Leichhardt. Ed. duco. National 1928. 0.K 12 months' 53, '29 70 eur J.

Banks 6t. CHEV. Tourer, taxed. new tyrea, smail National 65. may Tourer, arrange excellent terma.

012763 CITROEN good 17185 res. 43 'Phone X01990 25. Tourer. good any trial WHEVROLET Rowdster, UM7501. 1934 Sunday ROOd CREV 28 Sunday.

52 rough, Second but Ave. honest. Campsie 134 Concord Road, Concord. CHEV. 1933.

standard, good order 1920 29 Bunnerong Road. Kingstord cine good. Sedan, 2 new tyrea, body 85. 2 Hamilton Bi. CHEV.

1927. 52 mech, perfect. Market St. Naremburn I oder. Must sell.

23 Taker Avenue ET 1936 Std. perfect A order Campste. order. Utility, insured. engine, Saturday tyres, perfect Third Avenue.

only CHEVROLET 1936 Sedan. 2000 duco, perfect order. LA1039 Street, Newtown. CHRYSLER Late 62 4-dr. Sedan.

very nice appearance. well shod. well. CHRYSLER duco A carrier. perfect.

De Luxe Sedan. tyres Consider wade-in LM4324. CHEV. body. 1937.

perfect condition. camping Chertsey Avenue. cash. Sat only. Bankstown CHEVROLET 1935 Sedan.

perfect order. After 12 noon 69 Preddys Rd. Faxley. Stan Tour. rood tyres, 113 Private May trade, Terms.

or. Parramatta Park. Westmead. 0W6464. Tourer.

1929. 300d condition. well shed registered 1943. 674 NO offer. 041804.

1038 after 2. Saturday. De Luxe Sedan. long tyren, trade car, terms 260 Parramatta Rd. CHEM months.

Master Arted Coupe. pas 1934. produrer well and shod. radio. reg In good condition XB4445.

CHEVROLET 1928 Bedan. well shod 55, terms. 47 The Avenue. LU2932. 1927 Tourer, good new hood.

ent. good. 25 Meredith Street. Bankatown. (HEVROLET 1935 Standard taxed.

well shod one owner, all mileage Trade car. terms 260 Rd CHEVROLET 1938 shod. Standard Sedan. trade mths' car. terma.

266 P'matte De Rd. Ash Sedan. all -end CHEVROLET $39 Luxe 8190 with producer, down. or rash offer. 047393 CHA.

throughout. Sedan, onis Must sell. 25,000 9 miles, Bestie Bt. like Rockdale. CHEM chanically Truck O.R 1937.

Tyres table-top. good 2 tons, Ready for work Registered, Insured, LA2633, CHEV. Sedan, tyres, 1929-30 De reduced, Luxe. many extras. £90.

Sat. and Sun. .00 Cambridge St. Stanm (CHEVROLEI 1539 Standard Sedan new produrer. electric blower Atted.

petrol. Pacine Highway, Lindneld. CHEV 1937 Master 2-door Coune, perfect Bond condition Inspect Garden Garage Road PW3111 1938 Duisty. with REN producer and Plectrir blower. no petrol tea 285 1n 1st-class condition well shod terms.

31. Prince's Highway. Arnclifte CHRYSLER 72 5 excellent Roadster, d. extra 13704, rican Re al smart. 20 m.

Terms Trade. Day Street. 1936 Stan. 2-door Sedan, good Lyres. 135.

arrange terme, consider cheater car. 2 Leigh Court. 116 Warners Bondi. opp. Public School.

CLEARANCE BALE Coozee. Good PX1308. Used Cars, 102 ready drive all good Lyres Reduced prices quick Easy terms. week -end. HEVROLET COUPE, 1935.

Std. Taxed. Gd. Ly Any trial. 115.

'Ternis, MeCONNELL MOTORS 164 Parramatta Road. Ashdeid. CHRYSLER tyres. Sedan. original Imported owner.

steel 25-30 body, miles gallon. run genuine 40.000 miles. Only 85. 42 Radian Street. CADILLAC imperial Sedan, order.

1938 model, well shod, and in perfect One of the Anest cars in the State. Full parbe obtained from BON 4015VV O.P.O, or 'Phone. BW6915. 30-40 cut. Truck, Tur drop.

well body 66 Burwood Road, Burwood, DODGE 48. Sedan. 128 1928. Denison res. 10 Rd.

Lewisham. tyres Burwood Rd. a 1933 Belmore. model. DL 1031.

117,10. 304 DE SOTO Rd. 1930 Sedan. ez-taxi. black.

112 CAR. 8 good mech. Rd. and Ashield. D' SOTO 39 Lease Plate, 96 rations 1935 de luxe Sedan.

Ist-class, Terms 494 Crown St. FA2036 1929 Standard Light 6 Sedan. very nice order, 65 terms. LA2619 ODGE De Luxe, small Lyres ODGE D.A very clean, Inapect periect condition. PW2663.

McLeod' Garage. Coosee. 1937 DR Sedan. 165. no good car cheap.

Piral 10 see strange terma, trade. LA2619 ROADSTER. original lutely impossible to fault. tyres good, cheap. 18 Perndale Burcet, Newtown.

1) 8010 condition. C. 1930. 80 Lyres best and cash motor oder in Call 561 Bt, Burry 1 Hills. Tourer, in 1st-class mech.

order, well shod. 10 wete. 31 Prince's Highway. LX1517. DODGE 1935 Tourer, well WA2642.

shod. good Iron condi. apprarance 8. Station. Drummoyne.

Tourer, very good. well shod. 42. Terms. 20 Day Street.

Metrickville 1937 Sedan. Food order. duca fazed. urgent an it. 175.

or offer. Consider trade-in strange terma. 35 Reynolda Avenue, Bunkstown. DE. 1940 De Luxe shod.

Beden. definitely Atted an witn standing car. 350, arrange terms or tradeIn. 222 Pacino Highway, crow' Nest. X81752.

1928 Sedan, 35. 45 Blokes Lane Tourer. Cove hood. curts, 220. 94 Portland hen St.

Enfleld. SEX 1928 Sedan. runs well. Flat, 5 New Canterbury Rd. Pelersham 1928 Sedan, good Lyres and conditton In Phone, UX7325.

1927 Tourer. well shod, roller tain tax. Smith St. Marrickvitie, '27 offer Sedan, 10 New good Jersey Lyres, Rd. tax.

Pivedock. vate. 1937 Tourer. new Lyles. original clean car, any trial.

LA2593. 2 ERE Roadster, Royston, Pitt EL, DeW Rockdale. tyrea, 5 good tyres. 2 any trial. 30.

28 Innesdale St. Arnclide. 1928 Touter, real good: a 1a0 1926 Coach. cord cond. Both extra well shed.

reg. ins. J. Anglert. Ryde 466.

1927 model, newly ducced, Ars'-class upholstery. Belgrave Bi. Manly. insured, 25. Royal 1920 registered.

SEDAN. splendid 39. condition. tyres lice 33 Bridge St. Eppine.

Epp. 2274. Super Challenger Coupe, 3 new tyren, dicky seal. very well kept. 80 or near.

WIll trade Private caner, XW8061. Pop, Makes Used Cars, 2'08 20 30. TERMS, well assort. Med. Priced 50 bal.

18 mihi. 1-3 down. immed. del. Week -end, 102 Dudley St, 4-wheel Coogee.

drive. PX1308 solid American tyres. built. Only cone small mileage. tableAud available over -end.

81 Belmore Randwirk. Gen 1030 Sedan, attract. appear bumpers. very nice carrier. reg.

drive, elec. wiper. 58. car to beaut. set.

FX4270 11 Dutruc st. 1926 Randwick model, small PORD mileage. V8 De privately Luxe Sedan. owned. XU3458.

Sunday WORD 1036 V8 De trade-In. Luxe Sedan. terma In LA2619. TOORD order. VA 1936 well shod 2 175.

FORD Va Engine. 1936. tor Sale, JU1282 Saturday stead Va 5t 34. 2-Lon. anod well Hurt vile Phone, 102392.

shoo NORD V8 1934 Tourer. 6 sneeis. camping 107 Graham 8t Berala. LORD body 1991 New Beauty Tourer, reg. 224 43 Knca 5t, Clovelly.

TORD V8 1038 De Luxe Sedan. 210, down. 64 Rd mech abund 31 Prince's Hy LX1517 FORD relient V8 De appearance Luxe Sedan. 1936 X82651, model. NORD A Ave.

175.. Souci. good Lyres. 35 29 Ruszell 170RD V8 Military '36 De Rd. Luxe Neutral Coupe, Bay, small mileage 158 SALE.

1934 DODOR UTILITY, CABIN TOR 125 Phone. LA1354 V8 1935. ex con 135 DORD A recale Avenue Eariwood FORD 1038 10 94 Sedan. Wentworth pert 5t. cond.

Ed, Randwirk the. Sedan. 100. 85 dEco Portiand St. Entelo Ve tyrea LORD V8 De Luxe Roadster, mech perfect, cash.

41 Darvail 5t. Crow' Nest LORD 1934 Terms Coupe 494 Crown splendid. 8t. laced. FORD 140.

30 1938 8t pert Kosaran. order, Lw4962 170RD 1940 Anella Tourer JA7877. new condition 40 miles FORD V8 Sedan. 1032. 57 Ryan Lily cond.

Geld sect CORD VA 1928 De Luxe, Haberdeld. genuine 23.000 23 Turner Avenue FOR SALE, 205 Pord V8 Carrinaion Sedan. Rd 1932. Coopee. ROOd 38 Sedan, nice cat.

taxed, 1000 condit.on tyren: arrense terms. 268 Campbell St V8 1038 Sedan, reg. Arst Inspect will buy. 134 Conrord Road Concord FORD Model registered and Insured, 80od rubber clean 134 Concord Road. Cencord.

FORD hod. ve Sedan order. 1938. 101 Peaced price. clus radio FOR Private Same 3-ton Dual Panel Van, Kimberles 9t.

Dover Relehta done 13.000 miles. Price 350 bargain. Apply 54 Northad 5 Ave. ad. Bankstown.

LORD Bradley good 3 order. Fist, 10 very Bradly Milson's Point next Mison Pare, SaiD Sat. nice cond patre well shod DORD V8 1937 Any rial, terms. Engiert Kvde Sedan De Luse 1933. order.

original Enriert. one owner. Rude word Jong Terma, FORDING 1940 must and sell condition M1a K. Va DE SEDAN Good series Road well shed. 1215 Trade Conrord at terms Any 0J4689.

trial 29 FORD Towel. coDer curtains. 5 Parramatta Road 10 months Rd and tusce Newton. 17ORD 1930 Sports Roadster ba biorea LA1606 25 years mech, 1000 tyres and 43 917 sedan FW0013 with Astor radio V8 rarely private car, Scansii new condition. thund FORD 1936 ferma router, taxed.

only 5t, tyren. street. Ash near A.W FORD 1937 mechanic's Erdan, inspection 18 invited mine. 180, Sunday 6t Paddineton CORD 1938 Con 500 Petrol reconditioned motor. 8W310 FORD UTILITY urfect tore CROSELLY and order, 20 35 10 Great North Firedork, FORD Va 1033 order De LURe throughout, Sports 215 Road-ter very good Petersham, oppcalta MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, ETC.

TAORD 1934 well shed, 095. 34 Ritchard Clovelly. 707878. 1936 V8 DE LUXE COUPE, opalescent duce, well in first mechanical condition. and shod.

HUNT BROS. (OPD AcmP Theatre: ROCKDALE FORD VA DE LUXE COUPE. 1030. Excellent ance. 180 Trade well shod.

Smart 29 Parramatta V8 CLUB Rd. Concord, 034689. or terms. Reg 12 mule mechanically. COUPE.

1938. Excellent ance. Parramatta 230. Traue or terme. ny trial.

29 well shod. Smart LORD 1934 Road. De Concord. 034689. small Luxe Sedan.

inad. mileage. genuine oder, private owner. Must urgent. week -end.

FORD V8 De LX3103. after p.m.. Sat, chan.cally LUXE Sedan. 1936 me. Any trial.

original accept duco. cheaper well car or shod. terms 290 Anzac V8 Parade, Luxe Kensington. pearance. with wireless and excellent Coupe Sedna.

1938 Atted good mechanically. well shod. vered, Parade, accept chee per car. 290 ADzar kept ONLY quality One cf those 150. tall.

Hillman. 20 n.p., 1934-35 Faultless in every Six good pyres. terms. 1 33 Light 6 Bridge Sedan. Apping 3274.

DX-572. BALE. Ford available Sedan 4-door. Rec. No.

ule Works Depot, Leichhardt. for Inspection PubBOx OFFERE 43A. to Government Stores Department. on 28th May, 1943. Sydney.

before 10.30 a.m. MOOR No. SALE. FORD V8 De Luxe Began, the bie for inspection Division di Wood Technology. 96 Marringcan Street.

Sydney, BOT 43A. to Government Stores Departinent, Sydnes. before 10.30 20tn May. 1943. GRAHAM goes Paise well Gen.

1930 LI, 58. Sedan, GRAHAM new 1934-3 appearance. Sedan, 65 de dep. tuxe, BASSIN excepMOTORS street. GRAHAM Sedan well imported shod, sell body, best otter.

1934 trade. 27 Aireda 8t. Congee, Sunday. RAHAM-PAIGE 5 Sedan. 31.

Just overhauled. dew tyres, urivate 2127. 16 Osborne Avenue, Ryde. RARAM 1936 Sedan. Thin car is ADROjute will 1st-ciasa condition.

zenuine low mileage, sacrifice 295, terma, 31 Prince' Highway. LX1517. UDSON 1939 6-cyl. Sedan, order. 31 Prince's My.

Arneline. LX1519 HUDSON 1939 342 Bay Sedan St. in good Brighton. condition cellent condition. Can 1938 inspect Model, 6 in Forrest Knoll Avenue.

Bondi, after 2, to-day. tyrca, order. registered. insured. 140.

MAN SCORN 1934-5. 20 conc After 1 273 Main bar Rd. 8th. C'Ree, 742538 sunshine HAWK exclusive 1038-7 and Sedan. excellent Imp.

body. car. Arrange terins. trade-in. 266 Parramatta Road AshBeld.

HE UPMOBILE 1038 all-round Imp Acdy condition. Sedan. radio. Any trial or inspection. BERKS USED CAR 38 YURONO AT.

M6401. HUDSON Club 129in Sedan, with wheelbase Producer Imp. Body Gas Unit, includina blower. Regis. owner sinre new.

In order throughout. BERKS USED CAR DEPT. 28 YURONG ST. M6401 Coupe. UDSON 1938 imp body, Body 6-wheel Country equipment.

Club In order. Any trial or inBERKS USED CAR DEPT. 28 YURONG ST. spection. M6401 INTERNATIONAL 1935 C30, dual to tops, atted with gas ducer, ready for UM 290 MX3127 atter 9.30 a.m INTERNATIONAL 1939 30 Tippine Truck Mited v'th Bercimen Juader.

ROOd tyres one ORDET. 291 Canterbury Rd. Reveaby, MORRIS 8. 1340 M3786. Tourer, perfert order.

MORRIS tyres. D.P.. 1935. excetient PM2877 condi'ORRIS Tourer, 1940 75 down. or rasa offer.

0A7393. 2. ERCURY 11 1940, Anderson Rd. excellent Mortdale condition. After ORRIS 2 40 175.

dual 42 purpose. Daintry 1936, St. Muniy ORRIS 160. 40 1936 51. Albans 8t.

Sedan, Abbotstord. good order. good ORRIS ORRIS running Minor Roadster, order, 1932 1928. Oulity. 25, Aquare JA6690.

tyres. Radiator. perfect. 129 18 St, Camperdona, yrs ORRIS ORRIS L. 1937 32 Tourer, Stoney perfect, Saloon.

Creek on Rd. mech. blocks Bexiey. 6 tubes. 64 Dowling St.

Rediern. ORRIS, reg. and insured. good tyres, roller trial. Epping 3071 Sunday.

.0. SPORTS, perf. 5 new tyrea. 150, Pitt St Rockdale. tyres, ORRIS.

runs 1939 1920 well. Bullncse, Salcon. Carlyle for St. excellent Sale. Enfeld.

con- Rood dition must seal. best offer. 1938 Sedan. small mileage. nerved or 1 Jersey Rd.

Artarmon ORRIS Conley Tourer, good battery. Water St and Punchbori Rd. Endleld. Rondster. good tyres, smart.

unres. 204 Albany Rd Petersham ORRIS 1938 Roadster. taxed, good order. 50 down. Barclays.

85 William el TORRIS 1038 8:40 Tourer, taxed. ed. ty rea 55 down. Barclays, 85 William 5t, MORRIS and 1940 upholstery 8:40 Tourer, O.K., good taxed, tyres original and motor. down.

Barclays, 85 William St. ORRIS Sydney, 1934 5 Major almost Sedan, new res definitely camper. best will take 45 aud paymenta. 2750. MORRIS Well 1937 D.P.

135. Trade Roadster. or terms Good Any trial. 29 Parramatta Rd. Concord 0J4689 MORIA3 reg.

and Tourer ins rood drive tyres away. and con- 26 99 Bunnesong Read, hood. camping 1926. body. good engine, 1944.

new 40 cesn. 15 Cannou Ave. Hurat ville. OR B.N. good Tourer.

mileage. mech. 619 Mowbray. Rd. West, Chatswood.

MORRIS perfect. Sedan, 55. ree. or exchange types, for Chev. Ford, Sedan, JA7112.

Bettes 11. Encilsh Saloon, milense. good condition throughout. Well shod Private. DW6723.

ORRIS 1928 Sports Roadster, good tyres and condition. Private. Sunday, 1098 Windsor Road. MORRIS 12 Coupe, 1937 Well de shoe, luxe. any in Ina nice petlion.

Terms. Englert, Ryde 460. MORRIS attrac. 40 D.P. Morris in Roadster, Sydney.

30,000 Ret. miles, Tyres. engine pert Trade car. Alter 3.3 Chapel Street, Rockdale. ORRIS Tourer, 35; Oldsmobile A 15.

'26 Tourer, 20. All Lyres. 138 Victoria Road Rozeile WB1315. booL, one 8. 40 ow Aero new 8porte car Tourer, condition.

with 1 CAn Clifton sale. 10 6t. n.p.. East Baimain attractive Alter 5.30 Roadster, P.m.: No. late rode order! economical, must or accept cheaper car payment.

16 Buena Vista Ave. Glitton Gerdens. XM5062. done 22,000 1938 Sedan, muea 14 and h.p. 'Chis Impossible car nee 10 tell from new Dennitely a gift at pecked price.

Racian, 242 Pacihe Migaway Crow's Nest. XB1732. OTOR CARE 102 Good DUDLEY Uaed ST Pop. COCOLE Maxes. cheap Prices.

kary Terms. 15. 20. 2 30. or Hal.

18 intha. All Week -end. 102 Dudley st. COGECE I. CHEVROLE1 1936 Standard SPORTS TOURER.

well shod, very sound. excel. mewell ducoed, good app. 146 CHEVROLET Light 6 (Standard) SPORTS ROADSTER. Bough: 1035, dicky scat.

well aucoed, very smart. well shod, sporty. 4115 CHEVROLET LIGHT 1930 4-DOOR SEDAN Except. good motor, very sound. shod.

Bodywork. no money duco, to spend, very 23 dep, bal. 18 uphol. good. well mths.

Outstanding performance. SPORT8 TOURER, very good car. roller well CHEVROLET 1930 LIGHT shod. sound motor cheap wk. to ready run, drive very good away, appear- duco, uphol.

hood good. 2 25 25 STANDARD 13,9 R.P. motor, 4-DOOR appear, SALOON. Bougnt 1934. Very good body gives good trial, Ltd, well ahod.

brakes just reined by Better Brakes Recommend. econ. NASH Easy LIGHT 1935 4-DOOR SEDAN. Na 125. taxi.

very Rocd motor. well shod, roomy. Brakes, transmission LIONT ad. Trunk (Director) reef, 4-DOOR 155. STUDEBAKER TRUNK very 800d motor.

Res. wheel equip. crakes, transmission. motor very 300d Recommend. Easy Terms.

WHIPPES 1930 SPORTS TOURER Roller curtaine. all very good tyter. bound, reliable motor. rendy artve away. C23 dep.

bal 23. 75. PONTIAC LIGHT 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1934, Very excel. good Ready eat, drive verma.

145 splendid motor, duco, upholstery FORD 1939 A SPORTS TOURER glia). smart. reliable, do 45 10 well shod: these rare hard to buy easy 185. TRIUMPH OLORIA 1935 6 SPORTS ALLENCLOSED COUPE SEDAN, Special Sporta REpearance sound well shod. any trial, give: periormance.

185 PONTIAC LIGHT 8 1935 ALL- ENCLOSED COUPE SEDAN. Atted with Vapcuriser, well ducoed. smart app. shod tu buy 125 Mist PLYMOUTH 1931 A DOOR TRUNK SEDAN No taxi. Very nice well shod rent covers smart.

easy terms 2 FORD V8 1934 4-DOOR SEDAN, except good moter. just overhauled. well shod. resoutstandina performance, leather unhol. R00O bodywk.

tRichard) new easy 120. OLDSMOBILE 1030 LIGHT 4-DOOR TRUNK SEDAN exretient motor. No taxi Owner must sell. Good ty very good PRE :178 10 TERRAPLANE 1934 4-DOOR SEDAN. Beet on blocks will register.

very good muter, economical can recommend. 127:10 WHIPPET 1928 TOURER, well shod. reg motor 1-cyl. 30 to 1 nave tun for Sale, must sell this week -end 30 each, 215 ERSKINE LIONI 6 1930 4-DOOR SEDAN wE. tust traded-in reg: nice car 23 10 sell.

giver good Trial. 15 bel 41 WE 2 SINGER 1030 SALOON. 100d light cot 1cna teR very good tyrea, ready drive rheen transport. bel 2 ESSEX 1930 Challenger 4-DOOR SEDAN, Imported body. good motor, -in and must sell.

2 15 21 AUSTIN n.p Sports TOURER, Just overhauled new battery well shod nice bodywork teres easy terms 2 100. VAUXHALL 1935 SPORTS TOURER. Just redurord strong motor, well shod, Must sell. ALL CARE REO. Good TYRES.

ReadY drive IMMEDIATE DELIVERY trial ALL WEEK END. KARY TERMS. 102 DUDLEY STREET. end) 45H 1938 4-door Sedan 800d taxed. dn, 494 Crown PA2030 Light Sedan.

1929. engine perfert. tater. prect. beat offer end unly Theodore SEDAN ntted with das producer.

80 worth of neave-duty Very Encine nreda attention Rine 1036-37 Sedan. absolutely I tel. from new genuine 27 000 miles definite bermain at pegged nice. Partne oF frede-in. Rarian 222 Crow' OVERLAND Tourer.

9600 at. order. offer Hansen, 139 Roselle, for spares wood proei sitter A Tourer tated And sured merb 800d Lawrence 19 LP nea1 Ofer. 253 81. Alexandria O' PEN 1027 Any 2-door trial Sedan, 38 goor 1 'Phone UM7501 Sunday Sedan.

1938. rond. PEPS vell shod. Privatele Inspection Rude 08 Ahnd 1933 Really Trunk Sedan order Terms. Crown LDSHOBILE 1037 Conne Tel -clare well Arnelide.

hod. Can dep. Prince's MI MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, ETC. Food LOSMOBILE CALL. 138 1937, Gale nico Re.

Dodge. Meroubre. 1930. Bun Sedan, '34; cheap cars. 3-ton Cher.

Truck hardi 133 Beimain Road. LM5513. 1929 Tourer, outstanding. curtains, ins. Good tyreb, down, 562 Forest Rd.

Dealer, LO2288. SEDAN, mech, perfect. new extra good 85. Terms arranged. 20 Street, Kingfore.

De Luse Sedan, and 1937. with wireless. Messiter Street. Campsie. 1980 Tourer, Rood mech week order.

any trial, 45. or dep. 1030 Parramatta Rd. Leichbardt. perfect condition.

Baden, 5 good privately tyrea, owned. reststered and Insured 1044. 36.000 miles. ens any time trial. 51 245.

Principals only. Inspect Paul St. Auburn. CONTIAC 6 1930 Sports Roadster body. well shod.

reg. xi45461 DLYMOUTH 1039 De Luxe Sedan, taxed and insured. 185 of offer XB1524. PONTIAC Utility Truck. In Rood ordet.

6 Ratiway Poe. Burwond. 1934 Sedan, good car. any trial, DLYMOUTH terms. Roadster, 2115.

1929. LM2982. 60 or offer. de, Ring 044529. DAIGE Sedan, very excell.

20 2 50. Ima. 20 Day St, DLYMOUTH '37 Sedan. This Car is tutely as new. 9 Beatle Blue Beden, 1930.

ban Bited 19 Prince Rd, Ins excellent original condition, DONTIAC radio. well shod. X82863 1929 Sedan, good order. tyres, etc. 170 Boule Punchbowl.

1037, good tyres, taxed, locks runs DLYMOUTH terme. 26a Campbell St, city Car, 1939. for Sale, suitable taxi de luxe. DONTIAC 1937 Trunk Sedan. fine ord.

215 Terms. 494 Crown 8t. PA2036 DONTIAC 145. late 1935 Trunk Bedan, good Terms. 1929-30 404 Crown SI.

dav smar: tyres 55 PLYMOUTH Tourer. exc 3 SEDAN. Rodnor 20 Rae St. Randwick tOw 1937. perfect condition.

private. any inspection. 36 Burwood Road, Concord PANEL VAN, Ferd, 1939, 10 h. rec. H.

down Nichols, 60 Mimenden Parramatta Rd. CamperDANEI. topp. Van, Morris Road). 1917.

razed LA1238. sound condition. R. 95. terms.

No. Ron d. Fivedock. PANEL Van. rendition Morris 12 115.

1037, taxed year terms. No. DLYMOUTH 1930 Pivedock. Tourer, well cared for, UX7323. 12 Henry private Street.

cash. Lidecmbr. body. 30 PONTIAC 1934 De Luxe Interior spot. Tyree, motor perfect.

peg Drier or beal offer weck -end 033770. DACKARD 1837 de lure trunk Sedan. lent condition. must sell 285 Can payments. or trade.

BE LX2750. DONTIAC 1938 De Luxe Trunk Sedan. Genuine. one owner since new. 5 almost pen tyree.

185. tull price: or .60 and DO menta. 4X2750 DONTIAC 1933-4 Sedan. guarantee wood 2145, order, good Inspecton, terms. All A 641 matte Rd, Leichherdi.

1937 Sedan, This 10 perfect mech. order. Will stand R.M.A inspec. ton. 30 deya' service, 770.

terms, trade-in All week-end. 841 Parramatta Leichhardt. 21.000 only, privately owned since MOUTH SEDAN. 1935. genuine milesse.

perfect every detail. accept fair offer. chell. 62 Prince 8t. Mosman.

after 12 Saty, DRICE CONTROL OP U8ED MOTOR VEHICLES. As the Meximum Prices at which Used Cars and Light Trucks may be sold Dave been Ased ny une Prices Commisstones, buyers and sellers are reminded of the necessity for transacting their businees thrcuch reputable. well-established Traders Very heavy penalties. appiying 10 both buser and seller. are provided for of the regulations.

Inserted by the Motor 'Traders' Association of N.6.W MOTORS LINT. FORD 1941 Tipper. varda. tend, 101 bard work, 34. 7 FORD 1937 Tippet, reads.

1939 table top. 12 7, well shed. good cond. ready MAPLE LEAP 1938. chassis and cab.

34 Rood ready, CHEVROLET 1938 model reedy. with vapouriser. INTERNATIONAL 1936. body 13 ready CHEVROLE cond 1935. tyres.

tons, long good tyree. now ready. MAPLE LEAP and COMMER for rAD. P.T. U.

MOTORS 88 Bydney St. JA6617. All week-end 6. In going order. 30, After 12 noon.

38 Ryrie Road. Eariwood 308 DOBY 1930 Lakemba St. Roedster, Punchbowl. nited with vapouriser TO MATE 1930 Sedan. nice clean 75.

445 Punchbowl Rd. Endeld. 1-ton Delivery Truck, 1939. 13.000 miles, tyrea. new.

Apply 38 Congee Hey Road. Randwick. after 2.30 Rio, Tyres. 1936 2 CHAB818. new Retreads, 1961n W.B..

reconditioned New throughout. in Arst-class condition. HUNT BROS. (opp. Acme Thesite) Rockdale.

LW5010 R' LEANEY 19.39 (UA3709) Cher. Sedan, Parramatta Standard. Rd. 1934 Buick 60 Sedan. tyrea new 1033 Ford Sedan.

like new. tyres. dueo, very good 1927 Hudson 7-00 Sedan. good, cheap. R.

W. LEANEY. Parramatta Rd. Pivedock Open all week-end. 043709.

AOL 222 KB1752. Pacide Highway, Crow Nest. 1940 De Boto De Luxe Sedan, wireless Prettiest car In Sydney well shod. 350. 1936-37 Nash Light 27.000 miles, possible 1933 Morris distinguish from Luxe Sedan.

22.000 new, peened price miles, definite trade. rift peased p.rice. Cash. terms. or 338 Prince OPEN ALL, WESK-IND.

TRADE YOUR CAR. Eatablished 1920. PHONE, LX2561. PLYMOUTH 1930 1937 Sedan. Sedan Very good.

1939 10 Panel Sedan. Van. STANDARD 1935 16 Tourer, very good OLDSMORILE 12 1923 Sports Roadster lice FORD 1934 V8 Sedan, 6-wheel Very Rood. Sedan. AURTIN 7 1936 Bedan.

FORD 1935. 18 Panel Van. Beautiful order. 1934 Sedan. CODOR MORRIS 1938 8 40 Panel Van Very wood 1934 Sedan, light 6.

good 1930 Sedan, nine order. ANIPE. 1935 imported body loon. FORD Crupe splendid order. Gond.

VAUXHALL 1936 Tourer, h.p.. in rood order. 1937 14 h.p., very good. CHEVROLET 1035 1936 Sedan. Sports nice Roadster.

motor. Good CHEVROLAT 1937 Sedan. Very nice. NASH 1934 Beden. Extra good Very car, ord.

CHEVROLET 1935 Std. Sedan. Sedan. Very cond good PORD VA De Luxe Sedan. Smart car.

BUICK 8 40 CHEV. 1938 Aidan. wirelecs. Very n.ce car 1938 1930 Junior. 8 h.m..

35 m.p.g good Sports. smart. Ed. ty res. 1 newt opcatance.

301333. cheap. 66 Resent St. 1939. city.

order STANDARD miles. K. 17 Tourer. Yarrela St. Newtown.

STANDARD 10 1938 Touter. offer, 0A7393. 1939 B. 65 or carh STANDARD 10 '30 Tourer, Ave. god tyrea, priv 173711.

12 Fariwood, nice TUDEBAKER order. 1930 55 fight trade-in. terms. Sedan, LA2619. 1938 4-cyl.

Sportsmen Trunk Sedan excellent condition 285. terms LA2619 GINGER 1931 Tourer. 9 h.p., excell, engine 35 and Lyres. new upholst. tax 65, Tms, Trade.

29 Day St. Marr ville STANDARD 317, plus 1940 Sell Roadster 235 XM5481. Light 1935 Director 4-door Trunk Sedan FAcel. ed. mot.

TEE me. Wk-end, 102 Dudley St. 1933 Light 6 Sedan. with vapouriser. mech.

mood. newly ducoed. 55 dep, 31 Prince's H' way. Arneliffe, LX1517 Commander 6, 1939. in orig faultless rendition any trial Cath or terma.

Consider LM4324 SINGER 9 1938 tubes, Sedan. C'175. trial, low Row mileage, bottom 113 Correv Avenue North GINGER La Sports Tourer. engine. ty res R004, take Apply Sunday.

Holbrock Ave. Kirribill. STANDARD 33 16 Sedan upholstery R000 tyrea pertect. 6001 35 Crearent, Heme burn, GINGER 9 n.p Sedan excellent tyrer and condition, 40. m.

quick sale £. 85 terms, 47 The Ave. CLINGER Sedan 1934. nice condition god remote control gearbox well shod. Read, 125 128 Pyrmont Aridge Road.

Camperdown SINGER shod 1037 Mechanically model, perfect. D.P Orieinal Tourer throughout Best offer Sunder 83 Spencer Road. 20 Sports Airline Saicon. MA magnificent car good Lyres rat Sydney 395. Cont over 800 BASSIN'! MOTORS 65 Withiem St STANDARD 10 curtaine Tourer: 1038.

mechanically well shod perferi ,000 15 Sibbick Street. Pivedock, off Lions Road WA2661 Not Saturday STUDIBAKER nrivately Commander, caned 1938, Austin excellent 10 1939 Sedan mechanically perfect private! own, 136 Reach Bf, C'eer PX1177. STUDEBAKER A 8-rylinder excellent tyres, Black suit Sedan private Car aire good condition insured Phone. 1939 Commander A Sedan. A really Rood rat.

carrying reels 3rd Party Insurance. Pitted with burner 409 Inst or inspection BERKA USED CAR YURONO ST. M6401. TRIUMPA Roadster. n.p..

1929, 13 P'bow! res nearly new. 45. 170 Boule varde. 1937 Trunk Sedan. PA2030 cond.

160 Terms 494 crown St. "TRUCK Lyres. engine. mer and body 1934 85. -top, W9274 1 ton.

Mcrils 1930. -ton. and enetue 45 XW9276. CARAVANS immediately this Arction Morris 1937. 2-ton duals perfect order roughout.

all new Any trial. LM1167. mechantealiv Saloon 85 nd Co PRIUMPH 6 1932 Scorpion, Hyde steel wheels, Chevrolet wound 30ewt. condition. tased 24C TRUCE 1529-30 model No.

Hamnden Rond. Firedork TERRA rash 1034 only, Sedan, No, moler, Flat tres wyerrani perl Court. Hurst ville. HERRAPLANE 1837 Sedan. 725 well Attad shod merl pert.

reg terms, Prince Arcane LX1519 TRUCK, 1934 2-tom good order and rondition 1000 1yrer. ins end pl Beptember. 225. Lament. Acres Rd Kelly Beerial Sporte Imo.

Tourer, con controlled ridine. good Phone Tyre: res 1944. private owner. Trade rate Rec 2-3 con TT. arm sides, RODE 32 6 tvres, anis done 28.000 milea.

and 10a Any trial Rolar Deep Creek Rome sports models nochine to spend on It for two cash vesta or mare. 10. Mall. to gallon Bankagood 79 51 Chevrolet. mace 3-tor Sedan cab, 7 Nichole.

60 Rond. toup MissenPAROCK. 1935 Ford 3-ron. open table-top 500d order. coed tyres.

Nichols, 60 Parramatta Blond. Camperdown 1 Reed), L41238 GLORIA. 1931-6 All-enei. Cotine Sedan. 188.

Special Sporta very smart. Recd mater well annd sports, dice, 188. Week end 102 Cooper tradine Truckologists. for the Sound Tipper and tons All Or eat! Delmore Randwick. MOTOR TYRES, SUPPLIES, REPAIRS Maple Lest Fargo 30.

Austin 1940 Truck. Graham 36, 35. Pord V8, Austio 7 and 10. ville Plymouth 36-37. Buick 36.

OranSpare Paru, 9 Rowell UW6721. Crankshaft REBORING Grinding, AND RESLEEVING Ins. PEARCE Grinding. Truck Repair Specialist, Bearing 190 Parramatta Road, Camperdown. LA2756.

BROS. Car or Canterbury Users. Rd. Belmore. EMINE, Plymouth rebored, vice.

Suttons, 137 Grinding. 24-hour setPlaton Reborer. Reconditionins TRUCK Bourke USERS. L. Syd.

Kirby FL1621. power, mileage present will Ret maxim um make. wedel for quotation. engines. Stale and wicka.

67 Salisbury Road. Kirby. 1.40. beat oder. Box and Tubes, 19 Camperdown Big Collaroy.

DIVE DJ2034. 525 p.m. Wyrada Ave. in. Tyree and 20 Apping.

Tubes. H7ORD Axles, VS etc. SpArE 33 Engine, Tyres Mansrield at. Gears, Roselle. Heade, 525 a 20 '27 Tourer.

86 and Wollongong Tubes. Oakland FORD models Spare Parta. Care and Trucks Arnelitte all more Road. to Petersham. 1939.

LM5701 209 StanV8 Engine. any hour, ground. new maina, chart Offer, UJ2034. p.m. rebore.

no. FOR And SALE, Gear two International Truck box, 52 one Albion Engine, quantaty Engines Billengaly, Tyree, 30 2nd-hand Oxford 5. Apply 1942: 30-35-40. of nay Truck Dodge. or International Smithneld.

Wheels Underbody 2 Hoist, speed 6. 34 Parta 125 FOR Liverpool SALE. Road. Strathneid. and UM8934.

Trailers. piete with door frames ready Frame, comBody 12- INC passenger. Suit chassis. O. to panel, and SONE H.

OLDRoad, Glebe. opp. Sydney Parramatta GOOD. 115 Car, Truck, Rd. University.

General MW2611 Rubber Moter Garages LA3777 and Repairers Column. Duliders been fitted. best offer. Powell, Box of cial, never in order. Dear new, well-known mare, Producer.

G.P.O. Street, Forest Lodge. MW2208. 158 Aruncel per cent, ethelency. to any car or truck.

BAOS 100 serial used. Obtain our Only drat-grade ma. 132 Prince's quote. P. J.

FOES. GAS buying BAGS consult your the Car of Lorry, LX1052. House, For most reliable Smith, Copeiand 'phone 33-37 of write 10 Sydney. 'Phone, Resent 81. GAS.

Producer Service and Maintenance SpePeoerick all kinds Metropolitan of components Service for menta. Dominion Motors and replacesion, 137 Das 'Phone. Producer DimiGAS PRODUCER Reconditioning SERVICE PA2111. makes of provements existing models and making 1m Consult us with your gas-producer speciality. PERRIS BROS.

RADIO problems. Dow ling Street, East LTD. 252 1-3 bax, PRODUCER square or SPARE cross PARTS. Hoppers, Sydney, PL2643. Tuyeres, water tanks.

nose, round, or updraft. era, combination cleaners, centrifugal blowers, mixing cleanfor all cleaner why doora, replacement parts valves, lida, Producer? Apply for not make Hustrated your own Gas DEPENDABLE GAS PRODUCER price list AR Parramatta Road, Camperdown. LA3035. Spare Paris new. for aunt same.

1926-7- Buick: Duco and Grey and Trimmink Fawn, Panel MA2986. and Guards. OW8966. Goulburn Street, Hydney. Miller HOsts, Mixing for Valves, Gar Steel Producers, Tube.

Con Fibre, etc. 743 Hatra Broadway. M9887 Sis Si, Beacon 81d Piyer, Nash. Hupmobile. La Continental Gray; miso Commer and Diamond Fayette.

and HORSPIELD and VAUGHAN. Parts. 168 NSTRUMENT street. Sydney. M2561 Instruments REPAIRS, Repaired Speedometers, Workmen Cara' at STOCK.

keen prices. CABLES FOR ALL PROUD'8 PTY. CARS 'Phone, IN BW2721 (3 Drums UBRICATING for Sale. OIL, used. BW3027.

and 44-gallon MOTOR TRANSPORT. head. Motor HIRE Hire, OP Treasport. MAPLE Axles. Crown 25.

Apply Wheel, Sundar. Assembly 53 Shait, 8t. Killers Rd, Spare Tyre. 550x20. new: 78 Chapel Street.

Marrick rille. NEW MIll 6t, TREAD. Lidcombe. 32 600. beat offer.

17 TINGS. GAS PRODUCER BLOWER and ASCO FL4208. 1939 Ford V8. used very little. 12 to 1 p.m.

NASCO now GAS nAve PRODUCERS -COOLED TUYERES on ail models tor This new Cara, Trucks. and Utilities. Osa Producer long-life feature puta the NASCO further ahead. Distributors: Bennett Streets and Wood Pitt and Bathurst Sydney. UNITS.

Best, cheapest. ning. Pemell Lane. Enmore. LA1H6.

Oil UNITS save dO p.c. Lubricating Charses, Engine Wear. Now for Cars. Truck Stationary kngines. REFINA EQUIPMENTS.

03 Street, Sydney. B4391. 'Phone LW5912. 36 for Margate Wheels. Rims.

New. Used Pasta. ele Compressors, Hoists, Job Tyrea, Stock Retreads, QUANTITY Chev. Smith, 31 PARTS, Camden or St. Bell an Newtown.

Scrap SPARE PARTS. million spares. 425 Wattle st, oft George St West. MA1981. SPARE PARTS, all makes rare, trucks.

Tempe Spares, Prince's Highway, Tempe. LA2048, PARTS. All models. Neednam Australia Camperdown. LA1920, SPARK PARTS In MILLIONS for every Car.

Truck hail price. HARRY WARD. Mountain St. Broad DEBT Urace Bros. MA7212.

OIL or kerosene GASIFIERS, new system. twin Carbe. Reliable ON Spitfire Av. MA5685 STEEL WIRE load from CAGINO. to at Also Utility Truck.

protcets thieves, complete ket of new Truck Sideboards with Fittings. 'Phone. Rowe, M2393. Parte. vord Rugby Oakland.

Oidsmotile Hudson. Nash. ler 52-62. Whippet 1-6. Durant, Morris, Citsoon Fist 509, Buick 4-6.

Maud others. 35 Station St Newtown, LA1259 PARK PARTS TOE CARS 804 IN AUSTRALIA. Seat where. CITY WRECKING YARDS. Et, off Bay St.


Cylinder Heads, Mullers anythina New. Service. Civility. Value. 193 Victoria Road, ville.

LM5435. 700 40: also Tubes, for Sale. BW3027 THREE 500 19 30 nest new and Retread: 350-325 125 Alt street. 30 5 A vrea. one 630 20 best offer.

363 Pacific Highway, Crow's Neet. 16. 4.40 19. 4.40 21. 500 20 all cho.

14 matta Rd. Tubes. 550 19 H.D.. Dew. After p.m.

196 Old Cant'bury Rd. Sum. Mill, 8e: 440 19 and 500 20, Tubes Tavintoce Street, Enneid. 4.50 17. 5.25 17.

5.00 19. new Retreads. 145 Australia St. Camp' down TYRE REPAIR EXPERT. Blowouts, etc.

AlsO Tubes done. 1 Pde. Kensinaton. 19 4.40. Pivmonth.

Morris Parts. chemp to Eppine 2274. and Tubes. 100. 3-50 19 025 Sat.

morns, work days. LA3421 Sat. Street. Mascot. Beaded Tyres.

rim, Aptly 2 BA neW 521 20 Retread and 2 Tubes, 29 Pare Avenue. Ashield. NYRES, 30 5 and 32 1 6. 52 Market St, Naremburn 38 miso Tyre. lube.

and Wheel, 743 Harris 8t. Bydney. PYRES -We largest 34 stocks Wentworth in worth Retreads, FIRE 5.25 17. After 12. Saturday.

81 Mimosa St, Bexiey TYRES 2. 1346 625 16. Canterbury little Rd used, 2 Punchbomi. 30 to 5t Lyres cheap. Burwoud Spute 1 Parts.

302 P'matta Rd. 500, perfers After 12. Glenore Rd. Canterbury. mYRES.

600 20. A 500 19, 400 19 15 Chapman Avenue. Beecroft. TIRES (5). Batt.

Tubes 23 500, nearly 91. new 108 Duration Marys 2 21 500, 19 500. new Re treads 30 5 Truck Tyre. Tube, and RIm 82 Wollongong Road. Arnelite 475 19 2 500 need tread Morris Zenith Cara.

13 Nicholas Ave. Campalt PYRES 2 19 385 415 20 16. 2 2 525 20 son 20. 5 1323 C'bury Rd. 28 3 8.8.

740 140 5.50 19. 8,60 21 68 Avenue, Guildford new 4 450-21. Tyres and Tubes near new Down Inne, 270 Willouenby Reed Naremburo. 231n. 31 440.

F. 24 in 500. Croydon Spares. 162 Rd, Croydon. UJ2231 700-430-600-16.

750-800-550-525- 500-17. 500-19. 440-400-350-19. 32-6, 30-5. And Lubes.

034309. Rear 29 Patrompita Road. Concord mYRES, 10. 750 16. TUBES.

350 450 18. 625 650 tA, 523 17, 700 17. 800 20. 500 600 17. 525 TONKIN 32 Parramatia TYRER.

Road. Petershain TYREa 16 600 DO 19 525 107, 30 707. TYRES 050. 98 350, 440. 634 951 800, 500.

328 904 20 500. 600, 450. 21 500, 70 24 500. 18 1 400 525, 757 815 105. 954 329.

700. 30 9S A 19 500 60 22 800. 754 32 1602. All other sites LeT stock. GA CLARICE 67 Parramatta Road, ANNANDALE.

MARKO approved more Liquid power no Fuel permit Control Board, 2 Mote All lice leading ADKINS Access CROW'S NEST XF2086. houses direct from WERE and RIME, TONKIN'A Largest LA2918, Wheel stock Works. 33 Parramatta Rd, Petersham WI privately. Whippet, new send anywhere. full engine, 1 any De Chair Rd.

and parts. cheap, Brook vale. in Wheels, Repaira. Con versions, Welding. Established Turning.

1897). 60 WESTS- 81, WHEEL Sydney near Grace Bros. MA4210. WORKS wanted 450 21 or 440 21. WRES ANTED, 3 16 650 good condition.

Ring UL2589 Snot cuzn UWA823 16in and 171. private sellers only. any Meek size usable Kingaford WANTED Truck Rim. to tare 975 20 WANTED ur used. Charger.

X1426. about 4 WANTED. Battery 1626. battery or Retreads. 30 Pherpe St.

Moore Park. 9, rood second Ford Eeden oti Utilite body. W. Abrahams, Adelvee Bass HILI, 7 ANTED. TYRES.

350 or 100 and Tubes. 'Phone. MX2080, ANTED. Wood for Dodge, Quildford. 1929.

Clas. Orchardleigh St. Old Guide, Fender 'Phone, Tyree, Cubes, 500 or 525 mood price, private. F06293. WANTED Phone Motor 1.01370.

and Tubes, 5.00 WANTED two private, sound cash Cases and Tubes, 500 Pair 600 Tyres, also two 350 Ring 1033282. 30 Inch Pelere, LAZ351 Pinion WANDER Nash 1037, ignition job: would compile Drive Service, Hunter NEWCASTLE..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.