The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku … · 2006. 2. 20. · The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (2024)

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (1)

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and

generating Sudoku puzzles∗

Peter Wilson†

The Herries Press



The sudoku bundle provides a coordinated set of packages for displaying,solving, and generating Sudoku puzzles. A set of over 50 puzzles is alsosupplied.


1 Introduction 2

2 Usage 22.1 Typesetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.2 Solving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.3 Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Code 83.1 The printsudoku package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.2 The solvesudoku package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3.2.1 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.2.2 Binary solution sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133.2.3 Problem initialisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.3 Solution methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.3.1 Checking the solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.4 The createsudoku package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4 Example sudoku puzzles 52

∗This file (sudokubundle.dtx) has version number 1.0a, last revised on 2006/02/19.†herries dot press at earthlink dot net


The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (2)

2 2 Usage

List of Figures

1 Example Sudoku puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 A sudoku file for the example puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Solution to example puzzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1 Introduction

In December 2005 the PracTeX Journal [PJ05] set a competition about Sudokupuzzles. Depending on their experience with TEX contestants were asked to (a)typeset a particular puzzle, (b) typeset a puzzle described in a ‘sudoku’ file, (c)create a solver for sudoku puzzles. I entered the competition with a printer andsolver. Following from this it was no great effort to develop a matching Sodukopuzzle generator.

The packages described here have been developed completely independentlyfrom Paul Abraham’s sudoku package [Abr05], which I did not see until after Ihad finished work on them.

A Sudoku puzzle consists a 9 by 9 grid of cells with some of the cells containinga number between 1 and 9, such as is shown in Figure 1. The problem is to placea number between 1 and 9 in each cell such that no number appears more thanonce in each row and in each column and in each minor 3 by 3 grid. The solutionto the example puzzle is shown in Figure 3. The puzzle and answer have beentypeset using the printsudoku package.

Among many other sources the Sudoku Solver by logic website [SSBL] providesmuch information on Sudoku puzzles and their solutions, as does the SudokuOnline [SOL] website.

A Sudoku puzzle may be represented as a simple text file consisting of ninerows of numbers and dots, nine numbers and dots in each row. The numbers arethe clues to the puzzle and the dots represent blanks in the grid. A sudoko file forthe example puzzle is given in Figure 2.

This manual is typeset according to the conventions of the LATEX doc-strip utility which enables the automatic extraction of the LATEX macro sourcefiles [MG04].

2 Usage

The bundle provides three packages; one for typesetting a puzzle, one for solving apuzzle, and the third for generating a puzzle. Each package requires the previousone(s).

A file is also provided that contains over 50 puzzles and their answers — allyou have to do is run LaTeX on it, print it, and get to work on the puzzles (orgive them to someone else).

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4 8 3 7 21 2 8

5 2 1 36 2 9 1

7 5 9 39 4 7 8

3 9 7 45 6 18 4 6 9

Figure 1: Example Sudoku puzzle










Example puzzle

(anything can come after the nine puzzle lines)

Figure 2: A sudoku file for the example puzzle

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4 2 Usage

6 9 4 8 3 5 1 7 2

3 1 2 6 7 4 5 8 9

8 7 5 2 9 1 3 6 4

5 3 8 4 6 2 7 9 1

7 2 6 5 1 9 8 4 3

9 4 1 7 8 3 2 5 6

1 6 3 9 5 7 4 2 8

4 5 9 3 2 8 6 1 7

2 8 7 1 4 6 9 3 5

Figure 3: Solution to example puzzle

2.1 Typesetting

The printsudoku package enables you to typeset a Sudoku puzzle given in a sudokufile.

The command \sudoku{〈file〉} typesets the sudoku puzzle from the sudoku file\sudoku

named 〈file〉. For example:\begin{center} \sudoku{puzzle1.sud} \end{center}

The command reads only the first nine lines in the file, which must contain thepuzzle’s description. Anything after these lines is ignored, so comments, such asa title or other explanatory text, can be put at the end of the file.

Following \cluefont{〈font〉} the clues are typeset using the 〈font〉 font spec-\cluefont

ification. The default is:\cluefont{\Huge}

The puzzle is typeset as a LATEX picture and \cellsize{〈length〉} specifies\cellsize

the size of the cells in the grid. To match the \cluefont the default is:\cellsize{2.5\baselineskip}

Figure 1 was set using the default \cluefont and \cellsize. On the otherhand, Figure 3 was set via:





\caption{Solution to example puzzle}\label{fig:ans1}


The command \writepuzzle, which takes nine required arguments each of\writepuzzle



which is a line in the puzzle, writes the puzzle to the file \puzzlefile, where thedefault is:\newcommand*{\puzzlefile}{puzz.sud}

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2.2 Solving 5

The nine required arguments to \writepuzzle are the lines describing a puzzleas they would appear in a sudoku file. There is an optional tenth argument afterthe nine required arguments which you may use to write a comment at the end ofthe file. For instance, earlier I used the following to write out the example puzzleto the file examout.sud:












[Example puzzle \sudpuzznewline

(anything can come after the nine puzzle lines)]

And similarly for writing out the file with the solution.If you want a multiline comment, use the \sudpuzznewline macro to start a

new line (\\ or \newline will not work).

2.2 Solving

The solvesudoku package lets you use LATEX to try and solve a Sudoku puzzle.The macro \sudokusolve{〈file〉} attempts to find a solution to the puzzle in\sudokusolve

the sudoku file 〈file〉. It uses the printsudoku package for typesetting the puzzle.It first prints the puzzle as given and then attempts to solve it. The solution,

or as much as was obtainable, is typeset in a smaller font below the original. Hereis the definition:






\reduceallcells \keepreducing










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6 2 Usage

You may use the macros in \sudokusolve separately if you wish.\getproblem{〈file〉} reads in the puzzle from the sudoku file 〈file〉 and ini-\getproblem

tialises the solution.\reduceallcells takes a simple-minded approach to develop a solution to the\reduceallcells

puzzle.If \reduceallcells does not completely solve the puzzle then \keepreducing\keepreducing

applies increasingly sophisticated solution methods, which may or may not leadto a complete solution.

\writegame writes out a (partially) solved puzzle to the sudoku file \sudsolnfile\writegame

\sudsolnfile (default sud.out). Later this is read in again by \sudoku to typeset the solution.Here’s a small example of how you might use the package. This will keep asking

on the terminal for sudoku files to solve.

%%% solvethem.tex Solve Sudoku files

%%% Peter Wilson







Number of clues = \the\numcluesctr\ and difficulty = \the\difficultyctr.





\typein[\getans]{New file? y/n}


\typein[\sudfile]{Enter the file name}


\begin{center} \Huge \sudfile \end{center}




These are two TEX \counts. \numcluesctr is the number of clues in the initial\numcluesctr

\difficultyctr puzzle, and \difficultyctr is a numerical indication of how hard the solver hadto work, but it doesn’t really mean much as the solver has had successes withsome puzzles with a high \difficultyctr rating but failed to solve some withmedium values of \difficultyctr.

2.3 Generation

With the createsudoku package you can get LATEX to automatically generate aSudoku puzzle. This package does require the use of Donald Arseneau’s randomcode [Ars95] for generating random numbers.

\generategrid[〈file〉] will generate a Sudoku puzzle starting with the solution\generategrid

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2.3 Generation 7

given in the sudoku file 〈file〉. If the file is not given then it will start from a solutionprovided by the package.

The puzzle is generated by taking the solution and randomly exchanging rowsand columns for some (random) number of times. Then clues are eliminated untilit is no longer soluble by \sudokusolve. The last clue that was deleted is putback and then the resulting grid is presented as the puzzle.

An initial set of clues are deleted before the solver is called. It can happenthat the puzzle even then is too difficult for the solver, so you have to check thesolution as presented is a complete one for the puzzle.

The generated puzzle, and its solution, is typeset and the puzzle is also output\genfile



in the sudoku file \genfile. The default is:\newcommand*{\genfile}{gensud.sud}Two temporary sudoku files, \prevfile and \currfile, are used during the gen-eration. The defaults are:\newcommand*{\prevfile}{genprev.sdx}\newcommand*{\currfile}{gencurr.sdx}A pre-existing version of any of these three files will be overwritten.

The random number generater is initialised via a seed based on a number (the\setsudrandom

internal value of \randomi) in the range −1 ≤ \randomi ≤ 2147483646. If itsvalue is -1 (set via \setsudrandom{-1}) then the actual seed will be calculatedbased on the time and date. For any given seed the sequence of the generatedrandom numbers is the same. The value of the seed is output via a \typeout ifyou need to repeat a generation.

You should not attempt to set \randomi directly but use \setsudrandom{〈num〉}.The default setting is:

\setsudrandom{-1}and as that means that the seed depends on the time and date, a new puzzle willbe generated each time (unless the time interval is very short). The maximumnumber of puzzles that can be generated from one initial solution is 2,147,483,646which is the range of the random number generator.

The macro \initialelimination eliminates an initial set of solutions from\initialelimination

the randomized starting grid. Various predefined sets are provided and you caneither provide your own definition for \initialelimination or \let it to one ofthe predefined sets, e.g.,\let\initialelimination\elimcrossandnines

\elimseventeen randomly eliminates 17 solutions from the grid — apparently\elimseventeen







the solution to a puzzle can be ambiguous if two numbers are completely absent.\elimnum{〈num〉} eliminates every solution 〈num〉 (e.g. \elimnum{7} will elim-inate every 7 from the grid). \elimcross eliminates all numbers from column 5and from row 5, while \elimex eliminates all numbers on the diagonals.

\elimcrossandnines is a combination of \elimcross and \elimnum{9}. Sim-ilarly the macros \elimcrossandex and \elimcrossandexandnines are combina-tions of some of the earlier macros.

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8 3 Code

3 Code

3.1 The printsudoku package

1 〈∗print〉2 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}

3 \ProvidesPackage{printsudoku}[2006/02/16 v1.0 typeset sudoku puzzles]




We are going to be reading and writing some files.5 \newread\s@dread

6 \newwrite\s@dwrite


\reads@dgame \reads@dgame{〈file〉} opens a sudoku file 〈file〉 for reading.8 %%%% open game file

9 \newcommand*{\reads@dgame}[1]{%

10 \closein\s@dread

11 \openin\s@dread=#1}





We’re going to use a picture environment for drawing the grid, and tokeep numbers neatly we’ll use the length \halfs@dcell as the \unitlength.\cellsize{〈length〉} is the use command for setting the size of a cell. The cluesare typeset using the \cluefont font.13 %%% set size of a game cell

14 \newlength\halfs@dcell

15 \newcommand*{\cellsize}[1]{%

16 \halfs@dcell=#1\relax

17 \halfs@dcell=0.5\halfs@dcell}

18 \cellsize{2.5\baselineskip}

19 %% set font for the numbers

20 \newcommand*{\cluefont}[1]{\def\s@dfont{#1}}

21 \cluefont{\Huge}






Counts for looping and cell positions23 %% counts for looping and cell positions

24 \newcount\s@dncol

25 \newcount\s@dnrow

26 \newcount\s@dcolpos

27 \newcount\s@drowpos


\adds@dclues \adds@dclues inserts the clues into the game grid. It reads the sudoku file lineby line insert the clues into the grid for one line before going on to the next line.29 %% insert the clues into the game array

30 \newcommand*{\adds@dclues}{%

31 \firsts@dcluetrue

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3.1 The printsudoku package 9

32 \s@dnrow\@ne

33 \loop

34 \ifnum\s@dnrow<10\relax

35 \read\s@dread to \s@dline

36 \firsts@dcluetrue

37 \s@drowpos=\s@dnrow

38 \multiply\s@drowpos\tw@

39 \advance\s@drowpos\m@ne

40 \s@dncol\@ne

41 \dos@dcols

42 \advance\s@dnrow\@ne

43 \repeat

44 \closein\s@dread}


\dos@dcols \dos@dcols inserts one row of clues into the game grid.46 %% insert a row of clues

47 \newcommand*{\dos@dcols}{%

48 \bgroup

49 \loop

50 \ifnum\s@dncol<10\relax

51 \s@dcolpos=\s@dncol

52 \multiply\s@dcolpos\tw@

53 \advance\s@dcolpos\m@ne

54 \put(\s@dcolpos,-\s@drowpos){\makebox(0,0){\s@dfont\gets@dclue}}%

55 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

56 \repeat

57 \egroup}







\splitoff{〈string〉} gets the next character in a string. The next character ismade available as \istchar and the remainder of the string as \restchars. Thisis explained in a forthcoming Glisterings column in TUGboat.59 %% get the next character in a string

60 \def\gettwo#1#2\nowt{%

61 \gdef\istchar{#1}\gdef\restchars{#2}}

62 \def\splitoff#1{\gettwo#1\nowt}

\s@dfstop We use this for checking if a character extracted from a string is a ‘.’.63 %% a full stop (period)

64 \gdef\s@dfstop{.}






\gets@dclue gets the next clue (character) from a line of clues. We do slightlydifferent things if we are dealing with the first clue or the others.66 %% get the next clue in the line

67 \newif\iffirsts@dclue

68 \firsts@dcluetrue

69 \newcommand*{\gets@dclue}{%

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10 3 Code

70 \iffirsts@dclue

71 \expandafter\splitoff\expandafter{\s@dline}%

72 \global\firsts@dcluefalse

73 \else

74 \expandafter\splitoff\expandafter{\restchars}%

75 \fi

76 \ifx\s@dfstop\istchar

77 \else

78 \istchar

79 \fi}


\s@dgame \s@dgame typesets the grid, then adds in the clues.81 %% typeset the grid, then add the clues

82 \newcommand*{\s@dgame}{%

83 \setlength\unitlength\halfs@dcell

84 \begin{picture}(18,18)(0,-18)

85 \thinlines

86 \multiput(0,0)(2,0){10}{\line(0,-1){18}}

87 \multiput(0,0)(0,-2){10}{\line(1,0){18}}

88 \thicklines \linethickness{1pt}

89 \multiput(0,0)(6,0){4}{\line(0,-1){18}}

90 \multiput(0,0)(0,-6){4}{\line(1,0){18}}

91 \adds@dclues

92 \end{picture}}


\sudoku \sudoku{〈file〉} reads a game from 〈file〉 and then typesets it.94 %% the whole shebang, where #1 is the name of the game file

95 \newcommand*{\sudoku}[1]{%

96 \reads@dgame{#1}%

97 \s@dgame}






\writepuzzle takes nine arguments — the nine lines specifying a puzzle — andwrites them to the \puzzlefile file.

\writes@dpuzzend[〈comment〉] writes 〈comment〉 at the end of the \puzzlefilefile.

\sudpuzznewline provides a \newline macro for use in a comment beingwritten to a puzzle file.99 \newcommand*{\puzzlefile}{puzz.sud}

100 \newcommand*{\writepuzzle}[9]{%

101 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite

102 \immediate\openout\s@dwrite=\puzzlefile

103 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#1}%

104 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#2}%

105 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#3}%

106 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#4}%

107 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#5}%

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3.2 The solvesudoku package 11

108 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#6}%

109 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#7}%

110 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#8}%

111 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#9}%

112 \writes@dpuzzend}

113 \newcommand*{\writes@dpuzzend}[1][\@empty]{

114 \ifx\@empty #1\else

115 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{ }%

116 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{#1}%

117 \fi

118 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite}

119 \newcommand*{\sudpuzznewline}{^^J}


The end of the package.121 〈/print〉

3.2 The solvesudoku package

The package requires the printsudoku package to do some puzzle typesetting.

122 〈∗solve〉123 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}

124 \ProvidesPackage{solvesudoku}[2006/02/16 v1.0 solve sudoku puzzles]

125 \RequirePackage{printsudoku}


3.2.1 Setup

\commentary It can be useful to control the amount of output to the log file.127 \newcommand{\commentary}[1]{\typeout{#1}}


The following counts are defined in the printsudoku package:\s@dncol, \s@dnrow, \s@dcolpos, \s@drowpos











A bunch of \counts. They could probably be reduced in number but they helpme to keep the code less mysterious.

129 %%% too many counts, maybe they should be reduced

130 \newcount\s@lcnta % a cell number

131 \newcount\solcnt % number of solved cells

132 \newcount\settonumcnt

133 \newcount\tenscnt

134 \newcount\tempcntz

135 \newcount\tempcnty

136 \newcount\tmpsetctr

137 \newcount\tmpsetansctr

138 \newcount\boxctr

139 \newcount\sumctr

140 \newcount\toprangectr

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12 3 Code











141 \newcount\lonecellctr

142 \newcount\reducedctr

143 \newcount\numlistctr

144 \newcount\difficultyctr

145 \newcount\s@dtempcnta

146 \newcount\s@dtempcntb

147 \newcount\s@dtemploopcnta

148 \newcount\maxrangectr

149 \newcount\asetctr

150 \newcount\secondctr





151 \newcount\digitictr

152 \newcount\digitiictr

153 \newcount\numdigitsctr

154 \newcount\numcluesctr












156 %%% \iffirsts@dclue% defined in printsudoku package

157 \newif\iffirstchar

158 \newif\ifnotgotthechar

159 \newif\ifsetchanged

160 \newif\ifchanged

161 \newif\ifanychange

162 \newif\iflonerchanged

163 \newif\ifstilldigits

164 \newif\ifkeepon

165 \newif\ifpairchanged





\newknt{〈name〉} creates a new count \name, which can include analphabeticcharacters. \useknt{〈name〉} calls the \name count. These are like the LATEXkernel \@namedef and \@nameuse. In particular we will use 81 ‘numbered’ counts,one for each cell in the sudoku grid, using \createsudsets to generate them.

167 %% create and use a numbered count

168 %% we’ll use 81 of these, one for each cell in the grid

169 \newcommand*{\newknt}[1]{\expandafter\newcount\csname #1\endcsname}

170 \newcommand*{\useknt}[1]{\csname #1\endcsname}

171 %% create potential answer sets

172 \newcommand*{\createsudsets}{%

173 \global\s@lcnta\@ne

174 \global\solcnt\z@

175 \loop

176 \ifnum\s@lcnta<82\relax

177 \newknt{s@lans\the\s@lcnta}%

178 \advance\s@lcnta\@ne

179 \repeat}

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3.2 The solvesudoku package 13

180 \createsudsets


3.2.2 Binary solution sets

The major concern was deciding on the datastructure for the problem (the valueof \useknt{\s@lans\the\s@lcnta}} for the \s@lcnta cell). In the end I used a 9digit ‘binary solution set’ for the potential solutions for each cell. ([111111111] ↔123456789 and [101010101] ↔ 13579). A cell solution, say N, is represented as the‘set’ -N (e.g., a potential solution 3 is represented as [001000000] and the actualsolution 3 is represented by [−3]).

\initialisesuddata This sets each of the 81 cells to 111111111.182 %% initialise potential answer sets

183 \newcommand*{\initialisesuddata}{\bgroup

184 \global\s@lcnta\@ne

185 \global\solcnt\z@

186 \global\difficultyctr\z@

187 \global\numcluesctr\z@

188 \loop

189 \ifnum\s@lcnta<82\relax

190 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@lcnta}=111111111\relax

191 \advance\s@lcnta\@ne

192 \repeat

193 \egroup}


195 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% utility macros for ‘binary solution sets’ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\settonum \settonum{〈set〉}{〈cnt〉} converts a potential solution binary set 〈set〉 to the cor-responding set of digits; that is [11....1] -> 12...9. The result of the con-version is assigned to the \count 〈cnt〉 which must be supplied by the callingmacro. If the set is negative then the result is that number (e.g.[-3] -> -3). Ifthe set contains only a single non-zero entry, that is converted to the negative ofthe corresponding digit (e.g. [100] -> -7).

197 %%\settonum{110011...}{cnt}

198 %% converts a potential solution set to a number ([11....1] -> 12...9)

199 %% returns the input if it is negative ([-3] -> -3)

200 %% returns a negative number if the set represents a single digit ([10] -> -8)

201 \newcommand*{\settonum}[2]{%

202 \settonumcnt=#1\relax

203 \tempcnty=\z@

204 \tenscnt=\@ne

205 \ifnum\settonumcnt<\z@ % just return the number

206 \tempcnty=\settonumcnt

207 #2=\tempcnty

208 \else

209 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 9 flagged

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14 3 Code

210 \tempcntz=9\relax

211 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

212 \advance \tempcnty by \tempcntz

213 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

214 \fi

215 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

216 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 8 flagged

217 \tempcntz=8\relax

218 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

219 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

220 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

221 \fi

222 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

223 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 7 flagged

224 \tempcntz=7\relax

225 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

226 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

227 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

228 \fi

229 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

230 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 6 flagged

231 \tempcntz=6\relax

232 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

233 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

234 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

235 \fi

236 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

237 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 5 flagged

238 \tempcntz=5\relax

239 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

240 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

241 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

242 \fi

243 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

244 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 4 flagged

245 \tempcntz=4\relax

246 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

247 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

248 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

249 \fi

250 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

251 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 3 flagged

252 \tempcntz=3\relax

253 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

254 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

255 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

256 \fi

257 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

258 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 2 flagged

259 \tempcntz=2\relax

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3.2 The solvesudoku package 15

260 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

261 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

262 \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

263 \fi

264 \divide\settonumcnt by 10\relax

265 \ifodd\settonumcnt % 1 flagged

266 \tempcntz=1\relax

267 \multiply\tempcntz \tenscnt

268 \advance \tempcnty \tempcntz

269 %% \multiply\tenscnt 10\relax

270 \fi

271 \ifnum \tempcnty<10

272 \ifnum\tempcnty>\z@

273 \tempcnty = -\tempcnty

274 \fi

275 \fi

276 #2=\tempcnty

277 \fi}


\numofnuminset \numofnuminset{〈digit〉}{〈set〉}{〈cnt〉} set the \count 〈cnt〉to the number oftimes the digit 〈digit〉 is represented in the binary set 〈set〉. For example, thenumber of digits in the set [200000013] are 1 -> 2, 2 -> 0, ..., 8 -> 1 and9 -> 3.

279 %%\numofnuminset{digit}{set}{returnctr}

280 %% returns the number of times digit is represented in the set

281 %% e.g. if the set is [200000013] then 1 -> 2, 2 -> 0,... 8 -> 1, 9 -> 3

282 \newcommand*{\numofnuminset}[3]{%

283 \tmpsetctr=#2\relax

284 \tmpsetansctr=\tmpsetctr

285 \ifnum\tmpsetctr<\z@% solution, not a set

286 \tmpsetansctr=\z@

287 \else

288 \ifcase #1\relax

289 \or % 1

290 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 100000000\relax

291 \or % 2

292 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 10000000\relax

293 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

294 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

295 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

296 \or % 3

297 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 1000000\relax

298 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

299 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

300 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

301 \or % 4

302 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 100000\relax

303 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

304 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

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16 3 Code

305 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

306 \or % 5

307 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 10000\relax

308 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

309 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

310 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

311 \or % 6

312 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 1000\relax

313 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

314 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

315 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

316 \or % 7

317 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 100\relax

318 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

319 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

320 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

321 \or % 8

322 \divide\tmpsetansctr by 10\relax

323 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

324 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

325 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

326 \or % 9

327 \tmpsetctr=\tmpsetansctr

328 \divide\tmpsetctr 10\relax \multiply\tmpsetctr 10\relax

329 \advance\tmpsetansctr -\tmpsetctr

330 \else % error

331 \tmpsetansctr=\z@

332 \fi

333 \fi

334 #3=\tmpsetansctr}


\deletenumfromset \deletenumfromset{〈digit〉}{〈set〉}{〈cnt〉} removes the 〈digit〉 from the 〈set〉 andsets the \count 〈cnt〉 to the reulting modified set. If 〈digit〉 was the only memberthen the result is that digit negated. For example:9 from [...11] -> [...10]8 from [0...010] -> -8

336 %%\deletenumfromset{digit}{set}{returnctr}

337 %% deletes num from the [set], returning the modified set or a -ve number if

338 %% the digit was the only member.

339 %% e.g., 9 from [...11] -> [...10], 8 from [0...010] -> -8

340 \newcommand*{\deletenumfromset}[3]{

341 \global\setchangedfalse

342 \tmpsetctr=#2\relax

343 \tmpsetansctr=#2\relax

344 \ifnum\tmpsetctr<\z@ % represents a solved number, do nothing

345 \else

346 \ifcase #1\relax

347 \or % 1

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3.2 The solvesudoku package 17

348 \divide\tmpsetctr by 100000000\relax

349 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

350 \advance\tmpsetansctr -100000000\relax

351 \global\setchangedtrue

352 \fi

353 \or % 2

354 \divide\tmpsetctr by 10000000\relax

355 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

356 \advance\tmpsetansctr -10000000\relax

357 \global\setchangedtrue

358 \fi

359 \or % 3

360 \divide\tmpsetctr by 1000000\relax

361 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

362 \advance\tmpsetansctr -1000000\relax

363 \global\setchangedtrue

364 \fi

365 \or % 4

366 \divide\tmpsetctr by 100000\relax

367 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

368 \advance\tmpsetansctr -100000\relax

369 \global\setchangedtrue

370 \fi

371 \or % 5

372 \divide\tmpsetctr by 10000\relax

373 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

374 \advance\tmpsetansctr -10000\relax

375 \global\setchangedtrue

376 \fi

377 \or % 6

378 \divide\tmpsetctr by 1000\relax

379 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

380 \advance\tmpsetansctr -1000\relax

381 \global\setchangedtrue

382 \fi

383 \or % 7

384 \divide\tmpsetctr by 100\relax

385 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

386 \advance\tmpsetansctr -100\relax

387 \global\setchangedtrue

388 \fi

389 \or % 8

390 \divide\tmpsetctr by 10\relax

391 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

392 \advance\tmpsetansctr -10\relax

393 \global\setchangedtrue

394 \fi

395 \or % 9

396 \ifodd\tmpsetctr% it’s there

397 \advance\tmpsetansctr -1\relax

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (18)

18 3 Code

398 \global\setchangedtrue

399 \fi

400 \fi

401 \fi

402 #3=\tmpsetansctr}


\displaystatus This macro typesets a tabular showing the current real and potential solutions forthe grid. A real solution is shown as a negative number; positive numbers are thepotential solution digits for the cell.

404 %% typeset current answers plus potential answer digits

405 \newcommand*{\displaystatus}{%

406 \begin{tabular}{||c|c|c||c|c|c||c|c|c||}\hline\hline

407 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans1}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

408 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans2}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

409 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans3}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

410 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans4}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

411 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans5}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

412 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans6}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

413 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans7}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

414 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans8}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

415 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans9}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline

416 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans10}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

417 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans11}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

418 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans12}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

419 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans13}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

420 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans14}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

421 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans15}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

422 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans16}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

423 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans17}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

424 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans18}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline

425 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans19}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

426 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans20}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

427 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans21}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

428 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans22}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

429 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans23}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

430 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans24}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

431 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans25}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

432 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans26}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

433 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans27}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline\hline

434 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans28}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

435 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans29}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

436 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans30}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

437 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans31}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

438 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans32}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

439 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans33}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

440 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans34}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

441 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans35}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

442 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans36}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline

443 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans37}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (19)

3.2 The solvesudoku package 19

444 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans38}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

445 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans39}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

446 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans40}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

447 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans41}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

448 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans42}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

449 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans43}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

450 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans44}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

451 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans45}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline

452 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans46}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

453 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans47}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

454 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans48}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

455 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans49}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

456 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans50}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

457 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans51}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

458 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans52}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

459 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans53}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

460 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans54}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline\hline

461 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans55}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

462 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans56}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

463 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans57}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

464 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans58}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

465 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans59}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

466 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans60}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

467 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans61}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

468 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans62}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

469 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans63}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline

470 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans64}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

471 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans65}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

472 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans66}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

473 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans67}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

474 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans68}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

475 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans69}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

476 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans70}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

477 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans71}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

478 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans72}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline

479 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans73}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

480 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans74}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

481 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans75}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

482 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans76}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

483 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans77}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

484 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans78}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

485 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans79}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

486 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans80}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta &

487 \settonum{\the\useknt{s@lans81}}{\s@dtempcnta}\the\s@dtempcnta \\ \hline\hline

488 \end{tabular}}


3.2.3 Problem initialisation

490 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% get the problem and initialise the solution %%%%%%%%%

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20 3 Code


\getproblem \getproblem{〈file〉} initialises the solution grid and reads the puzzle from thesudoku file 〈file〉. It calls \initialsoln to read the file and insert the clues intothe grid.

492 %% read the problem and initialise the problem (solution)

493 \newcommand*{\getproblem}[1]{\bgroup

494 \initialisesuddata

495 \global\solcnt\z@

496 \immediate\closein\s@dread

497 \immediate\openin\s@dread=#1

498 \initialsoln

499 \typeout{Sudoku problem #1, \the\solcnt\space initial clues}

500 \egroup}


\initialsoln Get the clues from the puzzle file, line by line, and insert them into the grid.\s@dline holds one line from the file.

502 %% insert the clues from the input game file

503 \newcommand*{\initialsoln}{%

504 \firsts@dcluetrue

505 \s@dnrow\@ne

506 \s@lcnta\@ne

507 \loop

508 \ifnum\s@dnrow<10\relax

509 \read\s@dread to \s@dline

510 \firsts@dcluetrue

511 \s@dncol\@ne

512 \dos@dinitialcols

513 \advance\s@dnrow\@ne

514 \repeat

515 \immediate\closein\s@dread}


\dos@dinitialcols Insert the clues from one line of the puzzle file into one row of the grid.517 %% insert the clues from one line of the game file

518 \newcommand*{\dos@dinitialcols}{\bgroup

519 \loop

520 \ifnum\s@dncol<10\relax

521 \fixentry

522 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

523 \repeat

524 \egroup}


\fixentry Inserts a clue from the current line into the grid.526 %% insert a clue from the current line of the game file

527 \newcommand*{\fixentry}{%

528 \iffirsts@dclue

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3.3 Solution methods 21

529 \expandafter\splitoff\expandafter{\s@dline}%

530 \global\firsts@dcluefalse

531 \else

532 \expandafter\splitoff\expandafter{\restchars}%

533 \fi

534 \ifx\s@dfstop\istchar

535 \else

536 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@lcnta}=-\istchar

537 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

538 \global\advance\numcluesctr\@ne

539 \fi

540 \global\advance\s@lcnta\@ne}



3.3 Solution methods

Three facts are used to generate a solution.

1. A digit must be unique within a row, a column, and a block Thus, if asolution, say N, is known for a cell, then the potential solution N must bedeleted from all cells in the row, column, and block that the solved cell isin. I have called this a simple reduction. The simple reductions are repeateduntil there are no changes to the potential solutions.

2. If among all the cells in a row (column, block) there is a digit that occursonly once among all the potential solutions, then that digit is the solutionfor its cell. I have termed this a loner. If a loner solution is found thensimple reductions are repeated.

3. If among all the cells in a row (column, block) there are two digits whichoccur twice only in the row, each time as a pair (e.g., 39 and 39) then oneor other of the two digits must be a solution for a cell in which the pairsoccur. This means that the two digits in the pair cannot occur anywhereelse in the row (column, block). If there are no loners then the problem isexamined for pairs. If there is any change in a potential solution then thesimple reduction process is applied.

The process stops either when all 81 cells have been solved or there is no changein any potential solution after going through all the above reductions.

There are more sophisticated solution techniques that could be applied butthey are also increasingly difficult to code in TEX.

\reduceacell \reduceacell looks at the solution set for the current cell (the \s@lcnta cell) andif the cell has been solved then it deletes the solution digit from the row, column,and box in which the cell appears. This may result in new solutions for other cells.

Given a cell number N (0 < N < 82) and, using integer arithmetic, puttingM = (N − 1)/9 then

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22 3 Code

• Cell number C at top of column: C = N − 9M

• Cell number R at left of row: R = 9M + 1

• Cell number b at top left of 3 by 3 box: B = 27(M/3)+3((N−1−9M)/3)+1

543 %% Eliminate a solution digit from its row, column and box.

544 %% This may result in some new solutions.

545 \newcommand*{\reduceacell}{\bgroup

546 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@lcnta}<\z@ % solved cell

547 \s@dtempcnta=-\useknt{s@lans\the\s@lcnta}

548 %% get the col, row and box numbers

549 \tempcnty=\s@lcnta % M in the formulae

550 \advance\tempcnty\m@ne \divide\tempcnty 9\relax

551 \tempcntz=\tempcnty \multiply\tempcntz 9\relax

552 \s@dcolpos=\s@lcnta \advance\s@dcolpos -\tempcntz % col

553 \s@drowpos\tempcntz \advance\s@drowpos\@ne % row

554 \boxctr=\tempcnty % box

555 \divide\boxctr\thr@@ \multiply\boxctr 27\relax

556 \tempcnty=\s@lcnta % reuse \tempcnty

557 \advance\tempcnty\m@ne \advance\tempcnty -\tempcntz

558 \divide\tempcnty\thr@@ \multiply\tempcnty \thr@@

559 \advance\boxctr\tempcnty \advance\boxctr \@ne

560 %% reduce the row, column, and the box

561 \reducerow{\the\s@drowpos}{\the\s@dtempcnta}

562 \reducecol{\the\s@dcolpos}{\the\s@dtempcnta}

563 \reducebox{\the\boxctr}{\the\s@dtempcnta}

564 \fi

565 \egroup}


\reducerow \reducerow{〈row〉}{〈digit〉} eliminates 〈digit〉 from the binary solution sets ofthe cells in the row starting at cell number 〈row〉.

567 %% \reducerow{rowcellnumber}{digit}

568 %% simple reduction for digit in a row

569 \newcommand*{\reducerow}[2]{\bgroup

570 \s@dncol=#1\relax

571 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

572 \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

573 \bgroup

574 \loop

575 \ifnum\s@dncol<\toprangectr

576 \deletenumfromset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}}{\reducedctr}

577 \ifsetchanged

578 \global\changedtrue

579 \settonum{\the\reducedctr}{\numlistctr}

580 \ifnum\numlistctr<10\relax

581 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

582 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved

583 (\the\s@dncol\space = \the\numlistctr\space in row starting #1)}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (23)

3.3 Solution methods 23

584 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}=\numlistctr

585 \else

586 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}=\reducedctr

587 \fi

588 \fi

589 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

590 \repeat

591 \egroup

592 \egroup}


\reducecol \reducecol{〈col〉}{〈digit〉} eliminates 〈digit〉 from the binary solution sets of thecells in the column starting at cell number 〈col〉.

594 %% \reducecol{colcellnumber}{digit}

595 %% simple reduction of a digit in a column

596 \newcommand*{\reducecol}[2]{\bgroup

597 \s@dnrow=#1\relax

598 \toprangectr=\s@dnrow

599 \advance\toprangectr 73\relax

600 \bgroup

601 \loop

602 \ifnum\s@dnrow<\toprangectr

603 \deletenumfromset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\reducedctr}

604 \ifsetchanged

605 \global\changedtrue

606 \settonum{\the\reducedctr}{\numlistctr}

607 \ifnum\numlistctr<10\relax

608 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

609 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved

610 (\the\s@dnrow\space = \the\numlistctr\space in column starting #1)}%

611 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\numlistctr

612 \else

613 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\reducedctr

614 \fi

615 \fi

616 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

617 \repeat

618 \egroup

619 \egroup}


\reducebox \reducebox{〈box 〉}{〈digit〉} eliminates 〈digit〉 from the binary solution sets of thecells in the box starting at cell number 〈box 〉.

621 %% \reducebox{boxcellnumber}{digit}

622 %% simple reduction of a digit in a box

623 \newcommand*{\reducebox}[2]{\bgroup

624 \s@dncol=#1\relax

625 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

626 \advance\toprangectr \thr@@

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24 3 Code

627 \bgroup

628 \loop

629 \ifnum\s@dncol<\toprangectr

630 \s@dnrow=\s@dncol

631 \deletenumfromset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\reducedctr}

632 \ifsetchanged

633 \global\changedtrue

634 \settonum{\the\reducedctr}{\numlistctr}

635 \ifnum\numlistctr<10\relax

636 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

637 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved

638 (\the\s@dnrow\space = \the\numlistctr\space in box starting #1)}%

639 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\numlistctr

640 \else

641 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\reducedctr

642 \fi

643 \fi

644 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

645 \deletenumfromset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\reducedctr}

646 \ifsetchanged

647 \global\changedtrue

648 \settonum{\the\reducedctr}{\numlistctr}

649 \ifnum\numlistctr<10\relax

650 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

651 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved

652 (\the\s@dnrow\space = \the\numlistctr\space in box starting #1)}%

653 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\numlistctr

654 \else

655 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\reducedctr

656 \fi

657 \fi

658 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

659 \deletenumfromset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\reducedctr}

660 \ifsetchanged

661 \global\changedtrue

662 \settonum{\the\reducedctr}{\numlistctr}

663 \ifnum\numlistctr<10\relax

664 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

665 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved

666 (\the\s@dnrow\space = \the\numlistctr\space in box starting #1)}%

667 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\numlistctr

668 \else

669 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\reducedctr

670 \fi

671 \fi

672 \advance\s@dncol \@ne

673 \repeat

674 \egroup

675 \egroup}


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3.3 Solution methods 25

\reduceallcells \reduceallcells examines all 81 cells, eliminating solution digits from the binarysolution sets of the other cells in the row, column, and box.

677 %% loop over every cell, removing solution digits from the potential sets

678 %% in the cell’s row, column and box.

679 \newcommand*{\reduceallcells}{\bgroup

680 \ifnum\difficultyctr<\@ne

681 \global\difficultyctr\@ne

682 \fi

683 \s@lcnta\@ne

684 \global\changedfalse

685 \loop

686 \ifnum\s@lcnta<82\relax

687 \reduceacell

688 \advance\s@lcnta\@ne

689 \repeat

690 \egroup}


\keepreducing \keepreducing performs simple reductions on all the cells until either the puzzleis solved or no changes have been made. It then tries loner reductions, returningto simple reductions following any change. If no change has been made after lonerreductions it then tries pair reductions. After any change it goes back to simplereductions. This iterative process continues until either the puzzle has been solved(\solcnt = 81) or no further changes can be made.

A measure of the difficulty of the puzzle could be made by incrementing acount each time a new kind of reduction is tried. The increment increases withthe complexity of the reduction.

692 \newcommand*{\keepreducing}{%

693 \anychangetrue

694 \keepontrue

695 \loop

696 \ifkeepon

697 \keepreducingcells

698 \ifnum\solcnt<81\relax

699 %%% \advance\difficultyctr 4\relax

700 \reduceloners

701 \fi

702 \anychangefalse

703 \iflonerchanged

704 \anychangetrue

705 \fi

706 \ifanychange\else

707 \ifnum\solcnt<81\relax

708 %%% \advance\difficultyctr 8\relax

709 \pairchangedfalse

710 \reducepairs

711 \ifpairchanged

712 \anychangetrue

713 \fi

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26 3 Code

714 \fi

715 \fi

716 \checkkeepon

717 \repeat

718 \ifnum\solcnt<81\relax

719 \global\multiply \difficultyctr 10\relax

720 \fi

721 \typeout{************ Number of solutions = \the\solcnt}

722 \typeout{************ Difficulty rating = \the\difficultyctr}

723 }


\checkkeepon Determines whether or not to keep on trying to reach the solution.725 \newcommand*{\checkkeepon}{%

726 \ifnum\solcnt>80\relax

727 \keeponfalse

728 \fi

729 \ifanychange\else

730 \keeponfalse

731 \fi}


\keepreducingcells Keep on trying the simple reduction.733 %% Keep performing the simple reduction

734 \newcommand*{\keepreducingcells}{\bgroup

735 \commentary{Simple reductions}%

736 \ifnum\difficultyctr<\tw@

737 \global\difficultyctr\tw@

738 \fi

739 \changedtrue

740 \loop

741 \ifchanged

742 \reduceallcells

743 \checksimplereductions

744 \repeat

745 \egroup}


\checksimplereductions Determines whether or not to keep on trying simple reductions.747 \newcommand*{\checksimplereductions}{%

748 \ifchanged\else

749 \typesimplestatus

750 \fi

751 \ifnum\solcnt>80\relax% solution found!

752 \changedfalse

753 \fi}


755 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% reduce loners %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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3.3 Solution methods 27

\reduceloners Reduce via the loner digits, trying rows first, and if no change then trying columns,and if still no change then trying boxes.

757 %% reduce the loner digits, per row, column and box

758 \newcommand*{\reduceloners}{%

759 \commentary{reduceloners}%

760 \global\lonerchangedfalse

761 \ifnum\difficultyctr<4\relax

762 \global\difficultyctr=4\relax

763 \fi

764 \ifnum\solcnt>80\else

765 \bgroup

766 \reducerowloners

767 \iflonerchanged\else

768 \reducecolloners

769 \iflonerchanged\else

770 \reduceboxloners

771 \fi

772 \fi

773 \typelonestatus

774 \egroup

775 \fi}


\reducerowloners Loop through the rows and reduce the first loner found.777 %% Loop through the rows, reducing loners

778 \newcommand*{\reducerowloners}{%

779 \sumctr\z@

780 \s@dnrow\@ne

781 \loop

782 \ifnum\s@dnrow<10\relax

783 \s@lcnta=\s@dnrow \advance\s@lcnta\m@ne

784 \multiply\s@lcnta 9\relax \advance\s@lcnta\@ne

785 \sumrowsets

786 \ifnum\sumctr>\z@

787 \getloner{\the\sumctr}{\s@dtempcntb}

788 \ifnum\s@dtempcntb=\z@

789 \else

790 \reducelonerrowcell{\the\s@lcnta}{\the\s@dtempcntb}

791 \iflonerchanged

792 \advance\s@dnrow 10\relax

793 \fi

794 \fi

795 \fi

796 \advance\s@dnrow\@ne

797 \repeat}


\sumrowsets Add together all the solution binary sets for the unsolved cells in the current row(\s@lcnta). The result is in \sumctr.

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28 3 Code

799 %% add the sets in the current row

800 \newcommand*{\sumrowsets}{%

801 \bgroup

802 \s@dncol=\s@lcnta

803 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

804 \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

805 \global\sumctr\z@

806 \loop

807 \ifnum\s@dncol<\toprangectr

808 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}>\z@

809 \global\advance\sumctr\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}

810 \fi

811 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

812 \repeat

813 \egroup}


\getloner \getloner{〈setsum〉}{〈cnt〉} examines (the sum of) a solution set and returnsthe first loner (i.e., the first occurrence of the digit 1), or zero if there is none. Theresult is converted to a solution digit and assigned to the \count 〈cnt〉.

For example, given the set [000200110] it will return 7 (the set indicates two4s, one 7, and one 8).

815 %% get the loner from a setsum

816 %% \getloner{setsum}{returnctr} returnes the (first) loner in a potential set,

817 %% or zero

818 \newcommand*{\getloner}[2]{\bgroup

819 \ifnum #1>\z@

820 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

821 \loop

822 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<10\relax

823 \numofnuminset{\the\s@dtemploopcnta}{#1}{\s@dtempcnta}

824 \ifnum\s@dtempcnta=\@ne% found a lone digit

825 \s@dtempcnta=\s@dtemploopcnta

826 \s@dtemploopcnta=100\relax

827 \fi

828 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

829 \repeat

830 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta>99 \else \s@dtempcnta=\z@ \fi

831 \global#2=\s@dtempcnta

832 \else

833 \s@dtempcnta=\z@

834 \global#2=\s@dtempcnta

835 \fi

836 \egroup}


\reducelonerowcell \reducelonerowcell{〈rowcell〉}{〈digit〉}. Given (the cell at) the start of a rowand a lone digit, find the cell in the row with that digit in its solution set, andmake the digit the solution of that cell.

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3.3 Solution methods 29

838 %% \reducelonerowcell{startofrowcell}{digit}

839 %% given a row and a lone digit, find the cell containing the digit

840 %% and make the digit a solution of that cell.

841 \newcommand*{\reducelonerrowcell}[2]{\bgroup

842 \s@dncol=#1

843 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

844 \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

845 \ifnum #2<\@ne

846 \advance\s@dncol 100\relax

847 \fi

848 \loop

849 \ifnum\s@dncol<\toprangectr

850 \numofnuminset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}}{\lonecellctr}

851 \ifnum\lonecellctr=\@ne% this cell has the loner

852 \lonecellctr=#2

853 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}=-\lonecellctr

854 \global\lonerchangedtrue

855 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

856 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved (#2 loner in row starting #1)}%

857 \s@dncol=\toprangectr

858 \fi

859 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

860 \repeat

861 \egroup}


\reducecolloners Loop through the columns and reduce the first loner found.

863 %% Loop through the columns, reducing loners

864 \newcommand*{\reducecolloners}{\bgroup

865 \sumctr\z@

866 \s@dncol\@ne

867 \loop

868 \ifnum\s@dncol<10\relax

869 \s@lcnta=\s@dncol

870 \sumcolsets

871 \ifnum\sumctr>\z@

872 \getloner{\the\sumctr}{\s@dtempcntb}

873 \ifnum\s@dtempcntb=\z@

874 \else

875 \reducelonercolcell{\the\s@lcnta}{\the\s@dtempcntb}

876 \iflonerchanged

877 \advance\s@dncol 10\relax

878 \fi

879 \fi

880 \fi

881 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

882 \repeat

883 \egroup}


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30 3 Code

\sumcolsets Sum all the solution sets of the unsolved cells in the current column (\s@lcnta).The result is in \sumctr.

885 %% add the sets in the current column

886 \newcommand*{\sumcolsets}{\bgroup

887 \s@dnrow=\s@lcnta

888 \toprangectr=\s@dnrow

889 \advance\toprangectr 73\relax

890 \global\sumctr\z@

891 \loop

892 \ifnum\s@dnrow<\toprangectr

893 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}>\z@

894 \global\advance\sumctr\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}

895 \fi

896 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

897 \repeat

898 \egroup}


\reducelonercolcell \reducelonercolcell{〈colcell〉}{〈digit〉}. Given (the cell at) the start of a col-umn and a lone digit, find the cell in the column with that digit in its solutionset, and make the digit the solution of that cell.

900 %% \reducelonercolcell{startofcolcell}{digit}

901 %% given a col and a lone digit, find the cell containing the digit

902 %% and make the digit a solution of that cell.

903 \newcommand*{\reducelonercolcell}[2]{\bgroup

904 \s@dnrow=#1

905 \toprangectr=\s@dnrow

906 \advance\toprangectr 73\relax

907 \ifnum #2<\@ne

908 \advance\s@dnrow 7300\relax

909 \fi

910 \loop

911 \ifnum\s@dnrow<\toprangectr

912 \numofnuminset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\lonecellctr}

913 \ifnum\lonecellctr=\@ne% this cell has the loner

914 \lonecellctr=#2

915 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=-\lonecellctr

916 \global\lonerchangedtrue

917 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

918 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved (#2 loner in column starting #1)}%

919 \s@dnrow=\toprangectr

920 \fi

921 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

922 \repeat

923 \egroup}


\reduceboxloners Loop through the boxes and reduce the first loner found.925 %% Loop through the boxes, reducing loners

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3.3 Solution methods 31

926 \newcommand*{\reduceboxloners}{\bgroup

927 \sumctr\z@

928 \boxctr\@ne

929 \loop

930 \ifnum\boxctr<10\relax

The next bit of code calculates the corner cell of the Nth box.931 \ifcase\boxctr

932 \or \s@lcnta=\@ne

933 \or \s@lcnta=4\relax

934 \or \s@lcnta=7\relax

935 \or \s@lcnta=28\relax

936 \or \s@lcnta=31\relax

937 \or \s@lcnta=34\relax

938 \or \s@lcnta=55\relax

939 \or \s@lcnta=58\relax

940 \or \s@lcnta=61\relax

941 \fi

942 \sumboxsets

943 \ifnum\sumctr>\z@

944 \getloner{\the\sumctr}{\s@dtempcntb}

945 \ifnum\s@dtempcntb=\z@

946 \else

947 \reducelonerboxcell{\the\s@lcnta}{\the\s@dtempcntb}

948 \iflonerchanged

949 \advance\boxctr 10\relax

950 \fi

951 \fi

952 \fi

953 \advance\boxctr\@ne

954 \repeat

955 \egroup}


\sumboxsets Sum all the solution sets of the unsolved cells in the current box (\s@lcnta). Theresult is in \sumctr.

957 %% add the sets in the current box

958 \newcommand*{\sumboxsets}{\bgroup

959 \s@dncol=\s@lcnta

960 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

961 \advance\toprangectr 3\relax

962 \global\sumctr\z@

963 \loop

964 \ifnum\s@dncol<\toprangectr

965 \s@dnrow=\s@dncol

966 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}>\z@

967 \global\advance\sumctr\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}

968 \fi

969 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

970 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}>\z@

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32 3 Code

971 \global\advance\sumctr\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}

972 \fi

973 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

974 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}>\z@

975 \global\advance\sumctr\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}

976 \fi

977 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

978 \repeat

979 \egroup}


\reducelonerboxcell \reducelonerboxcell{〈boxcell〉}{〈digit〉}. Given (the cell at) the start of a boxand a lone digit, find the cell in the box with that digit in its solution set, andmake the digit the solution of that cell.

981 %% \reducelonerboxcell{startofboxcell}{digit}

982 %% given a box and a lone digit, find the cell containing the digit

983 %% and make the digit a solution of that cell.

984 \newcommand*{\reducelonerboxcell}[2]{\bgroup

985 \s@dncol=\s@lcnta

986 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

987 \advance\toprangectr 3\relax

988 \global\sumctr\z@

989 \loop

990 \ifnum\s@dncol<\toprangectr

991 \s@dnrow=\s@dncol

992 \numofnuminset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\lonecellctr}

993 \ifnum\lonecellctr=\@ne% this cell has the loner

994 \lonecellctr=#2

995 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=-\lonecellctr

996 \global\lonerchangedtrue

997 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

998 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved (#2 loner in box starting #1)}%

999 \s@dncol=\toprangectr

1000 \fi

1001 \iflonerchanged\else

1002 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

1003 \numofnuminset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\lonecellctr}

1004 \ifnum\lonecellctr=\@ne% this cell has the loner

1005 \lonecellctr=#2

1006 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=-\lonecellctr

1007 \global\lonerchangedtrue

1008 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

1009 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved (#2 loner in box starting #1)}%

1010 \s@dncol=\toprangectr

1011 \fi

1012 \fi

1013 \iflonerchanged\else

1014 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

1015 \numofnuminset{#2}{\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}}{\lonecellctr}

1016 \ifnum\lonecellctr=\@ne% this cell has the loner

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3.3 Solution methods 33

1017 \lonecellctr=#2

1018 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=-\lonecellctr

1019 \global\lonerchangedtrue

1020 \global\advance\solcnt\@ne

1021 \commentary{\the\solcnt\space solved (#2 loner in box starting #1)}%

1022 \s@dncol=\toprangectr

1023 \fi

1024 \fi

1025 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

1026 \repeat

1027 \egroup}


1029 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% reduce pairs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\reducepairs Perform pair reduction, reducing the first pair found. First try by row, then bycolumn, and lastly by box.

1031 %% reduce the pairs, per row, column and box

1032 \newcommand*{\reducepairs}{\bgroup

1033 \commentary{reducepairs}% **************************************}%

1034 \global\pairchangedfalse

1035 \ifnum\difficultyctr<8\relax

1036 \global\difficultyctr=8\relax

1037 \fi

1038 \ifnum\solcnt>80\else

1039 \reducerowpairs

1040 \ifpairchanged\else

1041 \reducecolpairs

1042 \ifpairchanged\else

1043 \reduceboxpairs

1044 \fi

1045 \fi

1046 \fi

1047 \egroup}


\reducerowpairs Loop through the rows and reduce the first pair found.1049 %% Loop through the rows, reducing pairs

1050 \newcommand*{\reducerowpairs}{%

1051 \sumctr\z@

1052 \s@dnrow\@ne

1053 \loop

1054 \ifnum\s@dnrow<10\relax

1055 \s@lcnta=\s@dnrow \advance\s@lcnta\m@ne

1056 \multiply\s@lcnta 9\relax \advance\s@lcnta\@ne

1057 \sumrowsets

1058 \ifnum\sumctr>\z@

1059 \reducearowpair{\the\s@lcnta}

1060 \ifpairchanged

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34 3 Code

1061 \advance\s@dnrow 10\relax

1062 \fi

1063 \fi

1064 \advance\s@dnrow\@ne

1065 \repeat}


\reducearowpair \reducearowpair{〈rowcell〉} reduces a pair in the row starting with cell 〈rowcell〉.1067 %% reducearowpair{row}

1068 \newcommand*{\reducearowpair}[1]{%

1069 \bgroup

1070 \s@dncol=#1\relax

1071 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

1072 \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

1073 \maxrangectr=\toprangectr

1074 \advance\maxrangectr\m@ne

1075 \global\sumctr\z@

1076 \loop

1077 \ifnum\s@dncol<\maxrangectr

1078 \asetctr=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}%

1079 \ifnum\asetctr>\z@

1080 \findrowpair

1081 \fi

1082 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

1083 \repeat

1084 \egroup}


\findrowpair \findrowpair attempts to find a pair in the current row.1086 \newcommand*{\findrowpair}{\bgroup

1087 \secondctr=\s@dncol

1088 \advance\secondctr\@ne

1089 \loop

1090 \ifnum\secondctr<\toprangectr

1091 \ifnum\asetctr=\useknt{s@lans\the\secondctr}

1092 \checksetforpair{\the\asetctr}

1093 \ifnum\numdigitsctr=\tw@

1094 %% first row cell is \s@lcnta

1095 %% first pair cell is \s@dncol, second pair cell is \secondctr

1096 %% digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr

1097 \deleterowpairdigits

1098 \fi

1099 \fi

1100 \advance\secondctr\@ne

1101 \repeat

1102 \egroup}


\checksetforpair \checksetforpair{〈set〉} attempts to find a pair in a set. It sets \digitictrand \digitiictr as the first and second digits in the set and \numdigitsctr to

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3.3 Solution methods 35

the total number of digits in the set (which is 2 for a pair).

1104 %% \checksetforpair{set} returns with:

1105 %% \digitictr = first digit

1106 %% \digitiictr = second digit

1107 %% \numdigitsctr = number of digits (2 for a pair)

1108 \newcommand*{\checksetforpair}[1]{\bgroup

1109 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1110 \global\numdigitsctr\z@

1111 \global\digitictr\z@

1112 \global\digitiictr\z@

1113 \loop

1114 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<10\relax

1115 \numofnuminset{\the\s@dtemploopcnta}{#1}{\s@dtempcnta}

1116 \ifnum\s@dtempcnta=\@ne

1117 \global\advance\numdigitsctr\@ne

1118 \ifcase\numdigitsctr

1119 \or \global\digitictr=\s@dtemploopcnta

1120 \or \global\digitiictr=\s@dtemploopcnta

1121 \else \advance\s@dtemploopcnta 10\relax

1122 \fi

1123 \fi

1124 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1125 \repeat

1126 \egroup}


\deleterowpairdigits \deleterowpairdigits deletes the pair digits from non-pair cells in a row. Thefirst cell in the row is \s@lcnta, the cells that contain the two pairs are \s@dncoland \secondctr, and the digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr.

1128 %% first row cell is \s@lcnta

1129 %% first pair cell is \s@dncol, second pair cell is \secondctr

1130 %% digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr

1131 \newcommand*{\deleterowpairdigits}{\bgroup

1132 \global\pairchangedfalse

1133 \s@dtemploopcnta=\s@lcnta

1134 \toprangectr=\s@dtemploopcnta \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

1135 \loop

1136 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\toprangectr

1137 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta=\s@dncol

1138 \else

1139 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta=\secondctr

1140 \else

1141 \deletenumfromset{\the\digitictr}%

1142 {\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}}{\s@dtempcnta}

1143 \ifsetchanged

1144 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=\s@dtempcnta

1145 \global\pairchangedtrue

1146 \fi

1147 \deletenumfromset{\the\digitiictr}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (36)

36 3 Code

1148 {\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}}{\s@dtempcnta}

1149 \ifsetchanged

1150 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=\s@dtempcnta

1151 \global\pairchangedtrue

1152 \fi

1153 \fi

1154 \fi

1155 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1156 \repeat

1157 \egroup}


\reducecolpairs Loop through the rows and reduce the first pair found.1159 %% Loop through the columns, reducing pairs

1160 \newcommand*{\reducecolpairs}{%

1161 \sumctr\z@

1162 \s@dncol\@ne

1163 \loop

1164 \ifnum\s@dncol<10\relax

1165 \s@lcnta=\s@dncol

1166 \sumcolsets

1167 \ifnum\sumctr>\z@

1168 \reduceacolpair{\the\s@lcnta}

1169 \ifpairchanged

1170 \advance\s@dncol 10\relax

1171 \fi

1172 \fi

1173 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

1174 \repeat}


\reduceacolpair \reduceacolpair{〈colcell〉} reduces a pair in the column starting with cell〈colcell〉.

1176 %% reduceacolpair{col}

1177 \newcommand*{\reduceacolpair}[1]{\bgroup

1178 \s@dnrow=#1\relax

1179 \toprangectr=\s@dnrow

1180 \advance\toprangectr 73\relax

1181 \maxrangectr=\toprangectr

1182 \advance\maxrangectr -9\relax

1183 \global\sumctr\z@

1184 \loop

1185 \ifnum\s@dnrow<\maxrangectr

1186 \asetctr=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}%

1187 \ifnum\asetctr>\z@

1188 \findcolpair

1189 \fi

1190 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

1191 \repeat

1192 \egroup}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (37)

3.3 Solution methods 37


\findcolpair \findcolpair attempts to find a pair in the current column.1194 \newcommand*{\findcolpair}{\bgroup

1195 \secondctr=\s@dnrow

1196 \advance\secondctr 9\relax

1197 \loop

1198 \ifnum\secondctr<\toprangectr

1199 \ifnum\asetctr=\useknt{s@lans\the\secondctr}

1200 \checksetforpair{\the\asetctr}

1201 \ifnum\numdigitsctr=\tw@

1202 %% first row cell is \s@lcnta

1203 %% first pair cell is \s@dnrow, second pair cell is \secondctr

1204 %% digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr

1205 \deletecolpairdigits

1206 \fi

1207 \fi

1208 \advance\secondctr 9\relax

1209 \repeat

1210 \egroup}


\deletecolpairdigits \deletecolpairdigits deletes the pair digits from non-pair cells in a column.The first cell in the column is \s@lcnta, the cells that contain the two pairs are\s@dncol and \secondctr, and the digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr.

1212 %% first col cell is \s@lcnta

1213 %% first pair cell is \s@dnrow, second pair cell is \secondctr

1214 %% digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr

1215 \newcommand*{\deletecolpairdigits}{\bgroup

1216 \global\pairchangedfalse

1217 \s@dtemploopcnta=\s@lcnta

1218 \toprangectr=\s@dtemploopcnta \advance\toprangectr 73\relax

1219 \loop

1220 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\toprangectr

1221 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta=\s@dnrow

1222 \else

1223 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta=\secondctr

1224 \else

1225 \deletenumfromset{\the\digitictr}%

1226 {\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}}{\s@dtempcnta}

1227 \ifsetchanged

1228 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=\s@dtempcnta

1229 \global\pairchangedtrue

1230 \fi

1231 \deletenumfromset{\the\digitiictr}%

1232 {\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}}{\s@dtempcnta}

1233 \ifsetchanged

1234 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=\s@dtempcnta

1235 \global\pairchangedtrue

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (38)

38 3 Code

1236 \fi

1237 \fi

1238 \fi

1239 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta 9\relax

1240 \repeat

1241 \egroup}


\reduceboxpairs Loop through the boxes and reduce the first pair found.1243 %% Loop through the boxes, reducing pairs

1244 \newcommand*{\reduceboxpairs}{\bgroup

1245 \sumctr\z@

1246 \boxctr\@ne

1247 \loop

1248 \ifnum\boxctr<10\relax

1249 \ifcase\boxctr

1250 \or \s@lcnta=\@ne

1251 \or \s@lcnta=4\relax

1252 \or \s@lcnta=7\relax

1253 \or \s@lcnta=28\relax

1254 \or \s@lcnta=31\relax

1255 \or \s@lcnta=34\relax

1256 \or \s@lcnta=55\relax

1257 \or \s@lcnta=58\relax

1258 \or \s@lcnta=61\relax

1259 \fi

1260 \sumboxsets

1261 \ifnum\sumctr>\z@

1262 \reduceaboxpair{\the\s@lcnta}

1263 \ifpairchanged

1264 \advance\boxctr 10\relax

1265 \fi

1266 \fi

1267 \advance\boxctr\@ne

1268 \repeat

1269 \egroup}


\getnthboxcell \getnthboxcell{〈n〉}{〈firstcell〉}{〈cnt〉}. Given the first cell (〈firstcell〉) in a boxand a number, 〈n〉, between 1 and 9, set the \count 〈cnt〉 to the cell number ofthe 〈n〉th cell in the box.

1271 %% \getnthboxcell{n}{firstcell}{returnctr}

1272 \newcommand*{\getnthboxcell}[3]{\bgroup

1273 \s@dtempcnta=#2

1274 \ifcase#1

1275 \or

1276 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta 9\relax

1277 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta 18\relax

1278 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta \@ne

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (39)

3.3 Solution methods 39

1279 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta 10\relax

1280 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta 19\relax

1281 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta \tw@

1282 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta 11\relax

1283 \or \advance\s@dtempcnta 20\relax

1284 \fi

1285 \global #3=\s@dtempcnta

1286 \egroup}


\reduceaboxpair \reduceaboxpair{〈boxcell〉} reduces a pair in the box starting with cell 〈boxcell〉.1288 %% \reduceaboxpair{startofboxcell}

1289 \newcommand*{\reduceaboxpair}[1]{\bgroup

1290 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1291 \toprangectr=\s@dtemploopcnta

1292 \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

1293 \maxrangectr=\toprangectr

1294 \advance\maxrangectr\m@ne

1295 \loop

1296 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\maxrangectr

1297 \getnthboxcell{\the\s@dtemploopcnta}{#1}{\s@dtempcnta}

1298 \asetctr=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcnta}

1299 \ifnum\asetctr>\z@

1300 \s@dnrow=\s@dtemploopcnta

1301 \findboxpair{#1}

1302 \fi

1303 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1304 \repeat

1305 \egroup}


\findboxpair \findboxpair attempts to find a pair in the current box, and then does a pairreduction for the box.

1307 %% \findboxpair{startofboxcell}

1308 \newcommand*{\findboxpair}[1]{%

1309 \bgroup

1310 \secondctr=\s@dtemploopcnta

1311 \advance\secondctr\@ne

1312 \loop

1313 \ifnum\secondctr<\toprangectr

1314 \getnthboxcell{\the\secondctr}{#1}{\s@dtempcntb}

1315 \ifnum\asetctr=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcntb}

1316 \checksetforpair{\the\asetctr}

1317 \ifnum\numdigitsctr=\tw@

1318 %% first box cell is #1 (=\s@lcnta)

1319 %% first pair cell is \s@dnrow, second pair cell is \secondctr

1320 %% digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr

1321 \deleteboxpairdigits{#1}

1322 \fi

1323 \fi

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (40)

40 3 Code

1324 \advance\secondctr \@ne

1325 \repeat

1326 \egroup}


\deleteboxpairdigits \deleteboxpairdigits{〈boxcell〉} deletes the pair digits from non-pair cells in abox. The first cell in the box is 〈boxcell〉, the cells that contain the two pairs are\s@dnrow and \secondctr, and the digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr.

1328 %% first box cell is #1

1329 %% first pair cell is \s@dnrow, second pair cell is \secondctr

1330 %% digits are \digitictr and \digitiictr

1331 \newcommand*{\deleteboxpairdigits}[1]{\bgroup

1332 \global\pairchangedfalse

1333 \s@dtemploopcnta=\@ne

1334 \toprangectr=\s@dtemploopcnta \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

1335 \loop

1336 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\toprangectr

1337 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta=\s@dnrow

1338 \else

1339 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta=\secondctr

1340 \else

1341 \getnthboxcell{\the\s@dtemploopcnta}{#1}{\s@dtempcntb}

1342 \deletenumfromset{\the\digitictr}%

1343 {\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcntb}}{\s@dtempcnta}

1344 \ifsetchanged

1345 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcntb}=\s@dtempcnta

1346 \global\pairchangedtrue

1347 \fi

1348 \deletenumfromset{\the\digitiictr}%

1349 {\the\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcntb}}{\s@dtempcnta}

1350 \ifsetchanged

1351 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcntb}=\s@dtempcnta

1352 \global\pairchangedtrue

1353 \fi

1354 \fi

1355 \fi

1356 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta \@ne

1357 \repeat

1358 \egroup}


3.3.1 Checking the solution

1360 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% check solution %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


We have found a solution when all the binary sets are negative. It’s lessefficient, but probably more useful, to check each row, column, and block (3 times81 tests instead of 81).

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (41)

3.3 Solution methods 41

\checksolution Check the solution by rows, columns, and boxes.1362 \newcommand*{\checksolution}{%

1363 \checkrows

1364 \checkcols

1365 \checkboxes}


\checkrows Check the row solutions. A row is said to be correct if a solution has been assignedto each cell in the row, thus relying on the assumption that the solver never makesa mistake. The check is not sufficient for a solution obtained in another manner.

1367 \newcommand*{\checkrows}{%

1368 \sumctr\z@

1369 \s@dnrow\@ne

1370 \loop

1371 \ifnum\s@dnrow<10\relax

1372 \s@lcnta=\s@dnrow \advance\s@lcnta\m@ne

1373 \multiply\s@lcnta 9\relax \advance\s@lcnta\@ne

1374 \sumrowsets

1375 \ifnum\sumctr=\z@\else

1376 \typeout{Row \the\s@dnrow\space is incorrect}%

1377 Row \the\s@dnrow\space is incorrect. \\

1378 \fi

1379 \advance\s@dnrow\@ne

1380 \repeat}


\checkcols Check the column solutions.1382 \newcommand*{\checkcols}{%

1383 \bgroup

1384 \sumctr\z@

1385 \s@dncol\@ne

1386 \loop

1387 \ifnum\s@dncol<10\relax

1388 \s@lcnta=\s@dncol

1389 \sumcolsets

1390 \ifnum\sumctr=\z@\else

1391 \typeout{Column \the\s@dncol\space is incorrect}%

1392 Column \the\s@dncol\space is incorrect. \\

1393 \fi

1394 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

1395 \repeat

1396 \egroup}


\checkboxes Check the box solutions.1398 \newcommand*{\checkboxes}{%

1399 \bgroup

1400 \sumctr\z@

1401 \boxctr\@ne

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (42)

42 3 Code

1402 \loop

1403 \ifnum\boxctr<10\relax

1404 \ifcase\boxctr

1405 \or \s@lcnta=\@ne

1406 \or \s@lcnta=4\relax

1407 \or \s@lcnta=7\relax

1408 \or \s@lcnta=28\relax

1409 \or \s@lcnta=31\relax

1410 \or \s@lcnta=34\relax

1411 \or \s@lcnta=55\relax

1412 \or \s@lcnta=58\relax

1413 \or \s@lcnta=61\relax

1414 \fi

1415 \sumboxsets

1416 \ifnum\sumctr=\z@\else

1417 \typeout{Box \the\boxctr\space is incorrect}%

1418 Box \the\boxctr\space is incorrect. \\

1419 \fi

1420 \advance\boxctr\@ne

1421 \repeat

1422 \egroup}


\typesimplestatusX May be used to display the cuurrent status of the (partial) solution followingsimple reductions.

1424 %% typeset the current status of the partial solution

1425 \newcommand*{\typesimplestatusX}{%

1426 \par\noindent\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}

1427 \begin{center}

1428 Simple reductions stopped (with \the\solcnt\space solutions)\\

1429 %\footnotesize

1430 \displaystatus

1431 \end{center}

1432 \end{minipage}}


\typelonestatusX May be used to display the current status of the (partial) solution after a lonerreduction.

1434 %% typeset the current status after loner processing

1435 \newcommand*{\typelonestatusX}{%

1436 \par\noindent\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}

1437 \begin{center}

1438 Loners processed (with \the\solcnt\space solutions)\\

1439 %\footnotesize

1440 \displaystatus

1441 \end{center}

1442 \end{minipage}}




Normally the progress towards a solution is not displayed. It will be displayed in

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (43)

3.3 Solution methods 43

the document, though, after the \showprogress declaration. The \hideprogressdeclaration switches off the displays.

1444 %% For curiosity as to how a solution is developing call the \showprogess

1445 %% declaration (\hideprogess turns this off).

1446 \newcommand*{\hideprogress}{%

1447 \let\typesimplestatus\relax

1448 \let\typelonestatus\relax}

1449 \newcommand*{\showprogress}{%

1450 \let\typesimplestatus\typesimplestatusX

1451 \let\typelonestatus\typelonestatusX}

1452 \hideprogress

1453 %\showprogress


1455 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% write solution to a game file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%




\writegame writes the (partial) solution to the file \sudsolnfile (defaultsud.out).

1457 %% write out the solution to game file \sudsolnfile.

1458 \newcommand*{\sudsolnfile}{sud.out}

1459 \newcommand*{\writegame}{%

1460 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite

1461 \immediate\openout\s@dwrite=\sudsolnfile

1462 \s@dnrow\@ne

1463 \loop

1464 \ifnum\s@dnrow<81\relax

1465 \gatherline{\the\s@dnrow}

1466 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{\sudaline}

1467 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

1468 \repeat

1469 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite}




\gatherline{〈rowstartcell〉} collects the solutions from one row in the grid andconverts them into the corresponding characters for one line in a sudoku file,putting the characters into the \sudaline macro.

1471 %% \gatherline{colstart}

1472 %% collect all the characters for one line in a game file

1473 \newcommand*{\gatherline}[1]{\bgroup

1474 \gdef\sudaline{}

1475 \s@dncol=#1\relax

1476 \toprangectr=\s@dncol

1477 \advance\toprangectr 9\relax

1478 \loop

1479 \ifnum\s@dncol<\toprangectr

1480 \s@dtempcnta=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}

1481 \ifnum\s@dtempcnta>\m@ne

1482 \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{.}

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44 3 Code

1483 \else

1484 \s@dtempcnta=-\s@dtempcnta

1485 \ifcase\s@dtempcnta

1486 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{1}

1487 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{2}

1488 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{3}

1489 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{4}

1490 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{5}

1491 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{6}

1492 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{7}

1493 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{8}

1494 \or \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{9}

1495 \else \g@addto@macro{\sudaline}{.}

1496 \fi

1497 \fi

1498 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

1499 \repeat

1500 \egroup}


1502 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE END GOAL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

1503 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sudoksolve{<file>} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\sudokusolve \sudokesolve{〈file〉} reads a sudoku puzzle from the 〈file〉 sudoku file, typesetsthe problem, does its best to solve it. It writes the solution to the \sudsolnfilefile, then reads it back in again and typesets it.

1505 %% Read in and typeset the problem, solve it, and typeset the answer

1506 \newcommand{\sudokusolve}[1]{%

1507 \begin{center}

1508 \sudoku{#1}%

1509 \end{center}

1510 \getproblem{#1}%

1511 \reduceallcells

1512 \keepreducing

1513 \writegame

1514 \noindent\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}


1516 \begin{center}

1517 \cluefont\normalsize

1518 \cellsize{1.5\baselineskip}

1519 \sudoku{\sudsolnfile}

1520 \end{center}

1521 \end{minipage}}


The end of the package.

1523 〈/solve〉

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (45)

3.4 The createsudoku package 45

3.4 The createsudoku package

The createsudoku package lets you automatically generate Sudoku puzzles. Thepackage requires Donald Arseneau’s random.tex and also the solvesudoku package,which in turn requires the printsudoku package.

1524 〈∗create〉1525 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}

1526 \ProvidesPackage{createsudoku}[2006/02/16 v1.0 create sudoku puzzles]

1527 \input{random}

1528 \RequirePackage{solvesudoku}





To avoid clutter it’s a good idea to switch off solvesudoku’s commentary. On theother hand it could be useful for this package to provide its own commentary.

1530 \let\oldcommentary\commentary

1531 \let\commentary\@gobble

1532 \newcommand*{\gencommentary}[1]{\typeout{#1}}





We need a file to write out the puxzzle to, and we also need two temporary files.1534 \newcommand*{\genfile}{gensud.sud}

1535 \newcommand*{\prevfile}{genprev.sdx}

1536 \newcommand*{\currfile}{gencurr.sdx}




This sets the seed for the random number generator. The default is setting it to-1, which makes the seed depend on the date and time.

1538 \randomi\m@ne

1539 \newcommand*{\setsudrandom}[1]{%

1540 \randomi=#1\relax

1541 \ifnum\randomi<\@ne\else

1542 \nextrandom \nextrandom \nextrandom

1543 \typeout{random initialised to #1}%

1544 \fi}




\generategrid[〈file〉] generates a new puzzle. If the sudoko file 〈file〉 is specifiedthis is taken for the starting grid, otherwise a default one is used. The startinggrid should be a complete solution.

The pairs of rows, and pairs of columns, in the starting grid are exchanged in arandom fashion (\swaps) and then the cell solutions are eliminated (\elimclues)until the puzzle is sufficiently complicated.

1546 \newcommand*{\generategrid}[1][\@empty]{%

1547 \ifx\@empty #1

1548 \writestartgrid

1549 \getproblem{\prevfile}

1550 \else

1551 \getproblem{#1}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (46)

46 3 Code

1552 \fi

1553 \swaps

1554 \elimclues

1555 \printsudresults}

1556 \newcommand*{\printsudresults}{%

1557 \sudokusolve{\genfile}%

1558 }


\writestartgrid Write out an initial fully solved grid to \prevfile.1560 %% the starting data

1561 \newcommand*{\writestartgrid}{%

1562 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite

1563 \immediate\openout\s@dwrite=\prevfile

1564 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{123456789}

1565 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{456789123}

1566 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{789123456}

1567 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{234567891}

1568 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{567891234}

1569 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{891234567}

1570 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{345678912}

1571 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{678912345}

1572 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{912345678}

1573 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite}


\swaps \swaps randomly exchanges the contents of pairs of columns and pairs of rows.In order to preserve the number uniqueness constraint for boxes, only pairs ofcolumns/rows that are in the same box may be exchanged.

1575 \newcommand*{\swaps}{\bgroup

1576 \setrannum{\maxrangectr}{36}{48}%

1577 \gencommentary{number of swaps (36--48) = maxrangectr = \the\maxrangectr}

1578 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1579 \loop

1580 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\maxrangectr

1581 \setrannum{\s@dtempcntb}{1}{18}%

1582 %%\typeout{\space\space\space swap no \the\s@dtemploopcnta\space is \the\s@dtempcntb}

1583 \ifcase\s@dtempcntb

1584 \or \swapcolpair{1}{2}%

1585 \or \swapcolpair{1}{3}%

1586 \or \swapcolpair{2}{3}%

1587 \or \swapcolpair{4}{5}%

1588 \or \swapcolpair{4}{6}%

1589 \or \swapcolpair{5}{6}%

1590 \or \swapcolpair{7}{8}%

1591 \or \swapcolpair{7}{9}%

1592 \or \swapcolpair{8}{9}%

1593 \or \swaprowpair{1}{10}%

1594 \or \swaprowpair{1}{19}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (47)

3.4 The createsudoku package 47

1595 \or \swaprowpair{10}{19}%

1596 \or \swaprowpair{28}{37}%

1597 \or \swaprowpair{28}{46}%

1598 \or \swaprowpair{37}{46}%

1599 \or \swaprowpair{55}{64}%

1600 \or \swaprowpair{55}{73}%

1601 \or \swaprowpair{64}{73}%

1602 \fi

1603 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1604 \repeat

1605 \egroup}


\swaprowpair \swaprowpair{〈rowstartcell1 〉}{〈rowstartcell2 〉} swaps the contents of the tworows starting at 〈rowstartcell1 〉 and 〈rowstartcell2 〉.

1607 %% swap the data in rows starting at #1, and #2

1608 \newcommand*{\swaprowpair}[2]{\bgroup

1609 \s@dncol=#1\relax

1610 \s@dcolpos=#2\relax

1611 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1612 \maxrangectr=10\relax

1613 \loop

1614 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\maxrangectr

1615 \s@dtempcnta=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}%

1616 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dncol}=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dcolpos}%

1617 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dcolpos}=\s@dtempcnta

1618 \advance\s@dncol\@ne

1619 \advance\s@dcolpos\@ne

1620 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1621 \repeat

1622 \egroup}


\swapcolpair \swapcolpair{〈colstartcell1 〉}{〈colowstartcell2 〉} swaps the contents of the twocolumns starting at 〈colstartcell1 〉 and 〈colstartcell2 〉.

1624 %% swap the data in cols starting #1 and #2

1625 \newcommand*{\swapcolpair}[2]{\bgroup

1626 \s@dnrow=#1\relax

1627 \s@drowpos=#2\relax

1628 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1629 \maxrangectr=10\relax

1630 \loop

1631 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\maxrangectr

1632 \s@dtempcnta=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}%

1633 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dnrow}=\useknt{s@lans\the\s@drowpos}%

1634 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@drowpos}=\s@dtempcnta

1635 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

1636 \advance\s@drowpos 9\relax

1637 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (48)

48 3 Code

1638 \repeat

1639 \egroup}


\elimclues \elimclues first eliminates a set of clues from the (full) grid, writing the resultingpuzzle to the two temporary files \prevfile and \currfile. It then eliminatesclues one-by-one until the puzzle has been finally generated, the result having beenwritten to the \prevfile, then writing it out to the file \genfile.

1641 \newcommand*{\elimclues}{\bgroup

1642 \initialelimination

1643 \writestate{\prevfile}%

1644 \writestate{\currfile}%

1645 \elimcluesonebyone

1646 \getproblem{\prevfile}

1647 \writestate{\genfile}

1648 \egroup}


\elimseventeen \elimseventeen randomly eliminates the solutions for 17 cells in the grid (appar-ently if two numbers are completely eliminated as clues in a puzzle, then at bestthe solution is ambiguous).

1650 \newcommand*{\elimseventeen}{\bgroup

1651 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1652 \maxrangectr 18\relax

1653 \loop

1654 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<\maxrangectr

1655 \setrannum{\s@dtempcnta}{1}{81}

1656 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcnta}=111111111\relax

1657 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1658 \repeat

1659 \egroup}


\elimcross Eliminate all solutions in column 5 and row 5.1661 %% eliminates all clues in column 5 and row 5

1662 \newcommand*{\elimcross}{\bgroup

1663 \s@dtemploopcnta 5\relax

1664 \loop

1665 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<78\relax% 78 = 5 + 73

1666 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=111111111\relax

1667 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta 9\relax

1668 \repeat

1669 \s@dtemploopcnta 37\relax

1670 \loop

1671 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<46\relax% 46 = 37 + 9

1672 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=111111111\relax

1673 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta \@ne

1674 \repeat

1675 \egroup}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (49)

3.4 The createsudoku package 49


\elimnum \elimnum{〈num〉} (0 < num < 10) eliminates all instances of the 〈num〉 solutionfrom the grid.

1677 \newcommand*{\elimnum}[1]{\bgroup

1678 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1679 \loop

1680 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<82\relax

1681 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=-#1\relax

1682 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=111111111\relax

1683 \fi

1684 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta \@ne

1685 \repeat

1686 \egroup}


\elimcrossandnines Eliminate all 9’s and the solutions in column 5 and row 5.1688 \newcommand*{\elimcrossandnines}{\bgroup

1689 \elimcross

1690 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1691 \loop

1692 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<82\relax

1693 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=-9\relax

1694 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=111111111\relax

1695 \fi

1696 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta \@ne

1697 \repeat

1698 \egroup}


\elimex Eliminate all solutions on the diagonals of the grid.1700 \newcommand*{\elimex}{\bgroup

1701 \s@dtemploopcnta\@ne

1702 \loop

1703 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<82\relax

1704 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=111111111\relax

1705 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta 10\relax

1706 \repeat

1707 \s@dtemploopcnta=9\relax

1708 \loop

1709 \ifnum\s@dtemploopcnta<81\relax

1710 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtemploopcnta}=111111111\relax

1711 \advance\s@dtemploopcnta 8\relax

1712 \repeat

1713 \egroup}


\elimcrossandex Eliminate all solutions in column 5 and row 5 and on the diagonals.1715 \newcommand*{\elimcrossandex}{\bgroup

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (50)

50 3 Code

1716 \elimcross

1717 \elimex

1718 \egroup}


\elimcrossandexandnines Eliminate all solutions in column 5 and row 5 and on the diagonals, and all 9’s.1720 \newcommand*{\elimcrossandexandnines}{\bgroup

1721 \elimcross

1722 \elimex

1723 \elimnum{9}

1724 \egroup}


\initialelimination \initialelimination eliminates an initial set of solutions from the grid. Severalpredefined sets are provided.

1726 \let\initialelimination\elimseventeen

1727 \let\initialelimination\elimcross

1728 \let\initialelimination\elimcrossandnines

1729 \let\initialelimination\elimcrossandex

1730 \let\initialelimination\elimcrossandexandnines




Eliminate solutions from the grid one-by-one until the puzzle cannot be solved.Then reinstate the last solution deleted to produce the final puzzle. I’m not sureif this is needed, but just in case the process stops after 81 attempts to removesolutions (highly unlikely but the random number generator could keep producingnumbers corresponding to clueless cells).

We use the \currfile and \prevfile to hold the current state of affairs andthe previous state.

1732 \newcount\toomanyloops

1733 \newcommand*{\elimcluesonebyone}{\bgroup

1734 %%%\typeout{***elimcluesonebyone}

1735 \toomanyloops\z@

1736 \s@dtempcntb=81\relax

1737 \loop

1738 \ifnum\s@dtempcntb>80\relax

1739 \advance\toomanyloops\@ne

Read the current puzzle from \currfile and try to solve it.1740 \getproblem{\currfile}

1741 \trysolution

1742 \ifnum\solcnt=81\relax % can delete another clue

The puzzle was solvable so try deleting another clue. Read the (unsolved) puzzleagain from \currfile and write its state to \prevfile.

1743 \getproblem{\currfile}

1744 \writestate{\prevfile}

Now delete a clue, writing the resultant puzzle to \currfile, and go round theloop again.

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (51)

3.4 The createsudoku package 51

1745 \deleteaclue

1746 \writestate{\currfile}%

1747 \s@dtempcntb=81\relax

1748 \else % done

The puzzle was not solvable, and the state before the last clue deletion is in file\prevfile.

1749 \typeout{Solver failed, solcnt = \the\solcnt}

1750 \s@dtempcntb=\@ne

1751 \fi

1752 \ifnum\toomanyloops>80\relax

1753 \typeout{Too much looping}

1754 \s@dtempcntb=\@ne

1755 \fi

1756 \repeat

1757 \egroup}




Keep calling the random number generator until it returns a cell that has a solu-tion, then delete the solution.

1759 \newif\ifacluenotdeleted

1760 \newcommand*{\deleteaclue}{\bgroup

1761 \acluenotdeletedtrue

1762 \loop

1763 \ifacluenotdeleted

1764 \setrannum{\s@dtempcnta}{1}{81}%

1765 \ifnum\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcnta}<\z@% found a clue

1766 \gencommentary{Deleting clue for cell \the\s@dtempcnta}%

1767 \global\useknt{s@lans\the\s@dtempcnta}=111111111\relax

1768 \acluenotdeletedfalse

1769 \fi

1770 \repeat

1771 \egroup}


\trysolution \trysolution attempts to solve the current puzzle state.1773 \newcommand*{\trysolution}{\bgroup

1774 \reduceallcells

1775 \keepreducing

1776 \egroup}


\writestate \writestate{〈file〉} writes the current state (clues and blanks) to the sudoku file〈file〉.

1778 %% \writestate{<outputfile>}

1779 \newcommand*{\writestate}[1]{\bgroup

1780 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite

1781 \immediate\openout\s@dwrite=#1

1782 \s@dnrow\@ne

1783 \loop

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (52)

52 4 Example sudoku puzzles

1784 \ifnum\s@dnrow<81\relax

1785 \gatherline{\the\s@dnrow}%

1786 \immediate\write\s@dwrite{\sudaline}%

1787 \advance\s@dnrow 9\relax

1788 \repeat

1789 \immediate\closeout\s@dwrite

1790 \egroup}


The end of the package.1792 〈/create〉

4 Example sudoku puzzles

LaTeXing the following file will provide you with a selection of Sudoku puzzles.You can try solving them yourself and/or get Latex to do it for you. The solvesu-doku package is able to solve most, but not all of the puzzles.

1793 〈∗examples〉1794 \documentclass[twoside]{article}

1795 \usepackage{comment}

1796 \usepackage{url}

1797 \usepackage{printsudoku}

1798 \newcommand*{\Lpack}[1]{\textsf{#1}}

1799 \title{Example Sudoku Puzzles}

1800 \author{Peter Wilson}

1801 \date{16 February 2006}

1802 \raggedbottom

1803 \begin{document}

1804 \maketitle


1806 A Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9 by 9 array of squares, some of which have

1807 numbers in them, the numbers ranging from 1 through 9. The problem is to

1808 fill in all the squares such that each row, column, and 3 by 3 box includes

1809 the numbers 1 through 9 with no repetitions.


1811 This is a collection of some 54 Sudoku puzzles which I have culled

1812 from various places. The sources include, among others:

1813 the \emph{Sudoku Solver}~\cite{SSBL} website (labelled SE, SM, SH and SVH),

1814 \emph{The Daily Telegraph}~\cite{DT2} (labelled TG, TM, and TT),

1815 \emph{The Seattle Times} (labelled ST),

1816 and some automatically generated by the \Lpack{createsudoku}

1817 package~\cite{SUDOKUBUNDLE} (labelled CS).


1819 You can try solving them yourself and/or get

1820 LaTeX to do it for

1821 you. The \Lpack{solvesudoku} package~\cite{SUDOKUBUNDLE} is able to solve

1822 most, but not all of the puzzles. Other LaTeX packages may do better or worse.


The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (53)


1824 The puzzles are presented in approximately increasing order of difficulty.

1825 Each source, though, has its own set of categories which don’t necessarily

1826 agree with each other (and sometimes not within one source). I have included

1827 an indication of the difficulty as stated by the relevant source.


1829 The parameters for the puzzles created via \Lpack{createsudoku} are given in

1830 the table.


1832 \begin{table}[hbp]

1833 \centering

1834 \begin{tabular}{lll} \hline

1835 Number & Seed & \verb?initialelimination? \\ \hline

1836 CS1 & 1505263462 & \verb?\elimcrossandexandnines? \\

1837 CS2 & 1495929734 & \verb?\elimcrossandex? \\

1838 CS3 & 1487762722 & \verb?\elimcrossandexandnines? \\

1839 CS4 & 1508763610 & \verb?\elimcrossandex? \\

1840 CS5 & 839068723 & \verb?\elimseventeen? \\

1841 CS6 & 833235143 & \verb?\elimcrossandexandnines? \\ \hline

1842 \end{tabular}

1843 \end{table}


1845 \cleardoublepage


1847 \cluefont{\LARGE}

1848 \cellsize{2.25\baselineskip}


1850 \markboth{EASY}{EASY}

1851 \pagestyle{headings}


1853 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se5.sud}

1854 \writepuzzle%

1855 {.2...5863}{}{.3...7251}%

1856 {..975....}{..6..47.9}{.7..286..}%

1857 {6.58...7.}{8....1..6}{3.7.6..4.}%

1858 [SSBL easy 5]

1859 \vfill

1860 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1861 SE5 (easy) \\

1862 \sudoku{se5.sud}

1863 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1865 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se10.sud}

1866 \writepuzzle%

1867 {..6.497..}{.82.1.6..}{79..8.145}%

1868 {649.5.27.}{..7.6..5.}{.3..72.96}%

1869 {.2....81.}{.7..28...}{......5.7}%

1870 [SSBL easy 10]

1871 \vfill

1872 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1873 SE10 (easy) \\

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (54)

54 4 Example sudoku puzzles

1874 \sudoku{se10.sud}

1875 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1877 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se15.sud}

1878 \writepuzzle%

1879 {}{..16.84..}{.7...4..1}%

1880 {5...4.21.}{.2.....6.}{.68.7...9}%

1881 {6..5...9.}{..24.93..}{}%

1882 [SSBL easy 15]

1883 \vfill

1884 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1885 SE15 (easy) \\

1886 \sudoku{se15.sud}

1887 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1889 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se20.sud}

1890 \writepuzzle%

1891 {36.9..5..}{..54.8.2.}{.....78.9}%

1892 {2....3.68}{.83.9....}{.4.7..2.3}%

1893 {6.71..3..}{}{..9.7..56}%

1894 [SSBL easy 20]

1895 \vfill

1896 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1897 SE20 (easy) \\

1898 \sudoku{se20.sud}

1899 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1901 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se25.sud}

1902 \writepuzzle%

1903 {....63.5.}{}{..1...2..}%

1904 {823...7..}{.5...7...}{.64.9...1}%

1905 {4.25796.3}{.}{.1...89.7}%

1906 [SSBL easy 25]

1907 \vfill

1908 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1909 SE25 (easy) \\

1910 \sudoku{se25.sud}

1911 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1913 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se30.sud}

1914 \writepuzzle%

1915 {.3.12....}{1.87..4.6}{..98....1}%

1916 {5....7.3.}{.}{.92..65..}%

1917 {.4...8.5.}{3...7...8}{2..4.596.}%

1918 [SSBL easy 30]

1919 \vfill

1920 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1921 SE30 (easy) \\

1922 \sudoku{se30.sud}

1923 \end{center}\end{minipage}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (55)



1925 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg5.sud}

1926 \writepuzzle%

1927 {.}{.19...74.}{2.......1}%

1928 {..79.26..}{.3.....2.}{..14.35..}%

1929 {1.......5}{.75...23.}{.}%

1930 [DT2 gentle 5]

1931 \vfill

1932 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1933 TG5 (gentle) \\

1934 \sudoku{tg5.sud}

1935 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1937 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg10.sud}

1938 \writepuzzle%

1939 {....96..4}{..1.....2}{56...8...}%

1940 {2.8....9.}{}{.3....4.6}%

1941 {...9...58}{7.....9..}{8..45....}%

1942 [DT2 gentle 10]

1943 \vfill

1944 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1945 TG10 (gentle) \\

1946 \sudoku{tg10.sud}

1947 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1949 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg15.sud}

1950 \writepuzzle%

1951 {...1.8...}{.57...18.}{98.....26}%

1952 {..67419..}{.........}{..42536..}%

1953 {72.....94}{.19...73.}{...3.9...}%

1954 [DT2 gentle 15]

1955 \vfill

1956 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1957 TG15 (gentle) \\

1958 \sudoku{tg15.sud}

1959 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1961 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg20.sud}

1962 \writepuzzle%

1963 {...7.9...}{.}{7.9...6.8}%

1964 {..42.18..}{.6.....4.}{..35.41..}%

1965 {9.2...5.7}{.}{...1.2...}%

1966 [DT2 gentle 20]

1967 \vfill

1968 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1969 TG20 (gentle) \\

1970 \sudoku{tg20.sud}

1971 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1973 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg25.sud}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (56)

56 4 Example sudoku puzzles

1974 \writepuzzle%

1975 {7..4..5..}{.61..5.7.}{.9.7.1..6}%

1976 {8...27...}{.........}{...34...1}%

1977 {1..8.2.3.}{.7.1..62.}{..3..9..7}%

1978 [DT2 gentle 25]

1979 \vfill

1980 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1981 TG25 (gentle) \\

1982 \sudoku{tg25.sud}

1983 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1985 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg30.sud}

1986 \writepuzzle%

1987 {37.4.....}{9....61.4}{....23...}%

1988 {.4.1..9..}{.12...79.}{..5..7.4.}%

1989 {...36....}{4.32....6}{.....9.57}%

1990 [DT2 gentle 30]

1991 \vfill

1992 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

1993 TG30 (gentle) \\

1994 \sudoku{tg30.sud}

1995 \end{center}\end{minipage}


1997 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1226.sud}

1998 \writepuzzle%

1999 {9....4.31}{7452.....}{.8..674..}%

2000 {.26.4...5}{5..6.9..8}{4...2.37.}%

2001 {..759..6.}{.....1823}{21.3....7}%

2002 [Seattle Times 2005/12/26 1 star]

2003 \vfill

2004 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2005 ST1226 (1 star) \\

2006 \sudoku{st1226.sud}

2007 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2009 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0206.sud}

2010 \writepuzzle%

2011 {17.42...5}{..2.1..96}{849..3...}%

2012 {....718..}{.25...67.}{..826....}%

2013 {...5..749}{53..9.1..}{6...48.23}%

2014 [Seattle Times 2005/02/06 1 star]

2015 \vfill

2016 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2017 ST0206 (1 star) \\

2018 \sudoku{st0206.sud}

2019 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2021 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0213.sud}

2022 \writepuzzle%

2023 {.94.2...7}{.36...1.5}{28.35....}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (57)


2024 {..92...5.}{}{.7...63..}%

2025 {....13.46}{1.5...78.}{8...4.29.}%

2026 [Seattle Times 2006/02/13 1 star]

2027 \vfill

2028 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2029 ST0213 (1 star) \\

2030 \sudoku{st0213.sud}

2031 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2033 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs1.sud}

2034 \writepuzzle%

2035 {.46..731.}{2.36.4...}{}%

2036 {657...423}{.........}{.81...756}%

2037 {43.8.6..1}{7..2..5.4}{..25.386.}%

2038 [CreateSudoku 1 (level 2)]

2039 \vfill

2040 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2041 CS1 (level 2) \\

2042 \sudoku{cs1.sud}

2043 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2045 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs2.sud}

2046 \writepuzzle%

2047 {.7.3.265.}{...6..9.7}{}%

2048 {..9...765}{.........}{756...4.2}%

2049 {29.5...76}{...2.15.3}{..4..7.1.}%

2050 [CreateSudoku 2 (level 2)]

2051 \vfill

2052 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2053 CS2 (level 2) \\

2054 \sudoku{cs2.sud}

2055 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2057 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs3.sud}

2058 \writepuzzle%

2059 {.5.8.71..}{..35.....}{}%

2060 {.34...8.1}{.........}{8.1...56.}%

2061 {.}{...4.36.8}{.781..34.}%

2062 [CreateSudoku 3 (level 2)]

2063 \vfill

2064 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2065 CS3 (level 2) \\

2066 \sudoku{cs3.sud}

2067 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2069 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% moderate


2071 \clearpage

2072 \markboth{MODERATE}{MODERATE}


The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (58)

58 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2074 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm5.sud}

2075 \writepuzzle%

2076 {..76..24.}{.46....9.}{92..85...}%

2077 {8....29..}{..3...4..}{..49....6}%

2078 {...73..24}{.5....86.}{.32..67..}%

2079 [SSBL medium 5]

2080 \vfill

2081 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2082 SM5 (medium) \\

2083 \sudoku{sm5.sud}

2084 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2086 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm10.sud}

2087 \writepuzzle%

2088 {..57.82..}{4.......6}{.7..6..8.}%

2089 {}{.........}{}%

2090 {.9..3..6.}{7.......5}{..24.61..}%

2091 [SSBL medium 10]

2092 \vfill

2093 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2094 SM10 (medium) \\

2095 \sudoku{sm10.sud}

2096 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2098 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm15.sud}

2099 \writepuzzle%

2100 {85...4..2}{4...2.9..}{...8...7.}%

2101 {..6.....1}{.4..8..3.}{2.....5..}%

2102 {.34..7...}{.87.9...6}{6..1...47}%

2103 [SSBL medium 15]

2104 \vfill

2105 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2106 SM15 (medium) \\

2107 \sudoku{sm15.sud}

2108 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2110 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm20.sud}

2111 \writepuzzle%

2112 {..34.2.97}{..4....2.}{.7.6....8}%

2113 {....9....}{.38...47.}{....1....}%

2114 {4....5.1.}{.5....6..}{72.3.19..}%

2115 [SSBL medium 20]

2116 \vfill

2117 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2118 SM20 (medium) \\

2119 \sudoku{sm20.sud}

2120 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2122 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm25.sud}

2123 \writepuzzle%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (59)


2124 {...4.79..}{7.6...2..}{..5..83.6}%

2125 {56..298..}{..8..1...}{.3.7....5}%

2126 {.......38}{....93...}{.4.5.....}%

2127 [SSBL medium 25]

2128 \vfill

2129 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2130 SM25 (medium) \\

2131 \sudoku{sm25.sud}

2132 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2134 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm30.sud}

2135 \writepuzzle%

2136 {..58.....}{....79...}{..461..7.}%

2137 {.5.3....4}{.23...65.}{9....8.3.}%

2138 {.3..572..}{...42....}{.....61..}%

2139 [SSBL medium 30]

2140 \vfill

2141 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2142 SM30 (medium) \\

2143 \sudoku{sm30.sud}

2144 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2146 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm35.sud}

2147 \writepuzzle%

2148 {5..3.8..6}{..4.5.8..}{2.8...1.5}%

2149 {..62.74..}{.........}{..94.32..}%

2150 {9.5...6.4}{..2.1.9..}{1..8.9..2}%

2151 [DT2 moderate 35]

2152 \vfill

2153 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2154 TM35 (moderate) \\

2155 \sudoku{tm35.sud}

2156 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2158 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm40.sud}

2159 \writepuzzle%

2160 {...1...92}{9...7..36}{3....2...}%

2161 {.3....7.9}{.}{4.5....8.}%

2162 {...8....5}{54..2...7}{12...3...}%

2163 [DT2 moderate 40]

2164 \vfill

2165 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2166 TM40 (moderate) \\

2167 \sudoku{tm40.sud}

2168 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2170 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm45.sud}

2171 \writepuzzle%

2172 {.}{..87.94..}{9.......6}%

2173 {..9.8.5..}{6.......3}{..3.5.6..}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (60)

60 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2174 {2.......7}{..73.51..}{.}%

2175 [DT2 moderate 45]

2176 \vfill

2177 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2178 TM45 (moderate) \\

2179 \sudoku{tm45.sud}

2180 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2182 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm50.sud}

2183 \writepuzzle%

2184 {...9.2..4}{4..3.5...}{3.....7.6}%

2185 {6..8..3..}{1.3...9.7}{..9..7..2}%

2186 {9.5.....8}{...2.9..1}{2..7.4...}%

2187 [DT2 moderate 50]

2188 \vfill

2189 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2190 TM50 (moderate) \\

2191 \sudoku{tm50.sud}

2192 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2194 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm55.sud}

2195 \writepuzzle%

2196 {7........}{24.1.8...}{.6..72..3}%

2197 {..4.29.8.}{.7.....6.}{.9.46.7..}%

2198 {1..68..3.}{...3.7.91}{........6}%

2199 [DT2 moderate 55]

2200 \vfill

2201 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2202 TM55 (moderate) \\

2203 \sudoku{tm55.sud}

2204 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2206 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm60.sud}

2207 \writepuzzle%

2208 {724.9.5..}{.5..2...8}{.8.5.7...}%

2209 {...7..64.}{....8....}{.79..6...}%

2210 {...8.5.2.}{6...4..8.}{..8.3.174}%

2211 [DT2 moderate 60]

2212 \vfill

2213 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2214 TM60 (moderate) \\

2215 \sudoku{tm60.sud}

2216 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2218 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0914.sud}

2219 \writepuzzle%

2220 {.6.29..8.}{..8....3.}{.1..78...}%

2221 {.217.9..8}{6.......3}{7..6.492.}%

2222 {...12..4.}{.7....3..}{.5..86.7.}%

2223 [Seattle Times 2005/09/14 2 stars]

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (61)


2224 \vfill

2225 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2226 ST0914 (2 stars) \\

2227 \sudoku{st0914.sud}

2228 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2230 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0207.sud}

2231 \writepuzzle%

2232 {.......46}{5..8.9.73}{...6..5.1}%

2233 {.592..1..}{6...1...7}{..3..785.}%

2234 {2.5..6...}{19.7.5..8}{34.......}%

2235 [Seattle Times 2005/02/07 2 stars]

2236 \vfill

2237 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2238 ST0207 (2 stars) \\

2239 \sudoku{st0207.sud}

2240 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2242 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs4.sud}

2243 \writepuzzle%

2244 {...4.597.}{..67.83.2}{}%

2245 {891...75.}{.........}{567...423}%

2246 {.1...4.67}{..89.15..}{.4....29.}%

2247 [CreateSudoku 4 (level 8)]

2248 \vfill

2249 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2250 CS4 (level 4) \\

2251 \sudoku{cs4.sud}

2252 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2254 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs5.sud}

2255 \writepuzzle%

2256 {...6..978}{..498...2}{.97.21...}%

2257 {..84.27..}{.7.....23}{3...6...9}%

2258 {7.6..95..}{...87...1}{.2..4.867}%

2259 [CreateSudoku 5 (level 4)]

2260 \vfill

2261 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2262 CS5 (level 4) \\

2263 \sudoku{cs5.sud}

2264 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2266 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs6.sud}

2267 \writepuzzle%

2268 {.126.4.7.}{6.5..73.2}{.}%

2269 {756...423}{.........}{18......6}%

2270 {.3.8.6..1}{2.1.....7}{..72...3.}%

2271 [CreateSudoku 6 (level 4)]

2272 \vfill

2273 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (62)

62 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2274 CS6 (level 4) \\

2275 \sudoku{cs6.sud}

2276 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2278 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hard


2280 \clearpage

2281 \markboth{HARD}{HARD}


2283 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh5.sud}

2284 \writepuzzle%

2285 {..9..5...}{47...2...}{.836.4.1.}%

2286 {.15....8.}{...3.7...}{.2....74.}%

2287 {.4.5.187.}{...7...52}{...2..1..}%

2288 [SSBL hard 5]

2289 \vfill

2290 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2291 SH5 (hard) \\

2292 \sudoku{sh5.sud}

2293 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2295 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh10.sud}

2296 \writepuzzle%

2297 {.3.921..5}{15.83....}{.........}%

2298 {59......4}{37.....81}{6......53}%

2299 {.........}{....19.26}{9..574.1.}%

2300 [SSBL hard 10]

2301 \vfill

2302 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2303 SH10 (hard) \\

2304 \sudoku{sh10.sud}

2305 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2307 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh15.sud}

2308 \writepuzzle%

2309 {2..9.....}{.7..6..59}{...4...61}%

2310 {7.1..2..4}{....4....}{8..1..9.6}%

2311 {12...3...}{53..2..7.}{.....9..2}%

2312 [SSBL hard 15]

2313 \vfill

2314 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2315 SH15 (hard) \\

2316 \sudoku{sh15.sud}

2317 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2319 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh20.sud}

2320 \writepuzzle%

2321 {.6.2...3.}{9...3...1}{....9.2..}%

2322 {1..7.....}{.32...46.}{.....4..2}%

2323 {..7.4....}{2...5...8}{.4...6.5.}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (63)


2324 [SSBL hard 20]

2325 \vfill

2326 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2327 SH20 (hard) \\

2328 \sudoku{sh20.sud}

2329 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2331 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh25.sud}

2332 \writepuzzle%

2333 {4....1..8}{..7.3845.}{..24...1.}%

2334 {28.9.....}{..4...5..}{.....4.86}%

2335 {.4...92..}{.2134.8..}{9..6....1}%

2336 [SSBL hard 25]

2337 \vfill

2338 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2339 SH25 (hard) \\

2340 \sudoku{sh25.sud}

2341 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2343 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh30.sud}

2344 \writepuzzle%

2345 {....5..9.}{.53..78..}{78.4.....}%

2346 {3....9.2.}{.72...38.}{.1.3....4}%

2347 {.....1.35}{..58..41.}{.2..3....}%

2348 [SSBL hard 30]

2349 \vfill

2350 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2351 SH30 (hard) \\

2352 \sudoku{sh30.sud}

2353 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2355 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt100.sud}

2356 \writepuzzle%

2357 {...896..7}{..23.5...}{..8...5.1}%

2358 {15...9...}{3.......9}{...6...54}%

2359 {8.1...7..}{...9.18..}{6..428...}%

2360 [DT2 tough 100]

2361 \vfill

2362 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2363 TT100 (tough) \\

2364 \sudoku{tt100.sud}

2365 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2367 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt105.sud}

2368 \writepuzzle%

2369 {..5.7..46}{6..25....}{.3...6...}%

2370 {2..7.....}{.78...35.}{.....1..7}%

2371 {...8...2.}{....97..5}{81..2.9..}%

2372 [DT2 tough 105]

2373 \vfill

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (64)

64 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2374 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2375 TT105 (tough) \\

2376 \sudoku{tt105.sud}

2377 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2379 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt110.sud}

2380 \writepuzzle%

2381 {.79.1....}{.4.5....7}{1..6.....}%

2382 {9368..1..}{..4...9..}{..7..4632}%

2383 {.....8..1}{5....6.9.}{....4.82.}%

2384 [DT2 tough 110]

2385 \vfill

2386 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2387 TT110 (tough) \\

2388 \sudoku{tt110.sud}

2389 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2391 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt115.sud}

2392 \writepuzzle%

2393 {432.5....}{.....3...}{75.1.....}%

2394 {..5.823..}{.}{..193.2..}%

2395 {.....6.58}{...3.....}{....2.934}%

2396 [DT2 tough 115]

2397 \vfill

2398 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2399 TT115 (tough) \\

2400 \sudoku{tt115.sud}

2401 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2403 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt120.sud}

2404 \writepuzzle%

2405 {..8.1.7..}{.4.67.8..}{..2..461.}%

2406 {.9....1.8}{.........}{2.1....9.}%

2407 {.759..4..}{..4.52.6.}{..9.3.5..}%

2408 [DT2 tough 120]

2409 \vfill

2410 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2411 TT120 (tough) \\

2412 \sudoku{tt120.sud}

2413 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2415 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1130.sud}

2416 \writepuzzle%

2417 {8..356...}{5....4.1.}{34.......}%

2418 {7.156..2.}{.6.....7.}{.2..796.5}%

2419 {.......32}{.9.4....8}{...682..9}%

2420 [Seattle Times 2005/11/30 3 stars]

2421 \vfill

2422 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2423 ST1130 (3 stars) \\

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (65)


2424 \sudoku{st1130.sud}

2425 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2427 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1207.sud}

2428 \writepuzzle%

2429 {...483..6}{.....57.2}{......38.}%

2430 {..8..16..}{.26.5.17.}{..57..2..}%

2431 {.82......}{9.18.....}{4..527...}%

2432 [Seattle Times 2005/12/07 3 stars]

2433 \vfill

2434 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2435 ST1207 (3 stars) \\

2436 \sudoku{st1207.sud}

2437 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2439 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1209.sud}

2440 \writepuzzle%

2441 {...6.....}{.4..8..5.}{.519..2.8}%

2442 {..729...3}{.9.....1.}{4...679..}%

2443 {6.8..957.}{.7..2..9.}{.....4...}%

2444 [Seattle Times 2005/12/09 5 stars]

2445 \vfill

2446 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2447 ST1209 (5 stars) \\

2448 \sudoku{st1209.sud}

2449 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2451 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1221.sud}

2452 \writepuzzle%

2453 {.....392.}{4....5.7.}{29.4...63}%

2454 {..4....5.}{...2.1...}{.5....3..}%

2455 {74...2.96}{.6.5....7}{.217.....}%

2456 [Seattle Times 2005/12/21 3 stars]

2457 \vfill

2458 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2459 ST1221 (3 stars) \\

2460 \sudoku{st1221.sud}

2461 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2463 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1228.sud}

2464 \writepuzzle%

2465 {6..1..5..}{......379}{.942.....}%

2466 {..5...8.3}{.4.....9.}{9.7...6..}%

2467 {.....623.}{138......}{..6..8..7}%

2468 [Seattle Times 2005/12/28 3 stars]

2469 \vfill

2470 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2471 ST1228 (3 stars) \\

2472 \sudoku{st1228.sud}

2473 \end{center}\end{minipage}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (66)

66 4 Example sudoku puzzles


2475 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0126.sud}

2476 \writepuzzle%

2477 {..36...7.}{1...352..}{..4......}%

2478 {..6....29}{7.......4}{32....5..}%

2479 {......1..}{..824...5}{.4...93..}%

2480 [Seattle Times 2006/01/26 4 stars]

2481 \vfill

2482 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2483 ST0126 (4 stars) \\

2484 \sudoku{st0126.sud}

2485 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2487 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0127.sud}

2488 \writepuzzle%

2489 {25.8.....}{....9.8.2}{9..4.7...}%

2490 {64.....9.}{.}{.7.....21}%

2491 {...5.4..7}{7.6.8....}{.....1.83}%

2492 [Seattle Times 2006/01/27 5 stars]

2493 \vfill

2494 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2495 ST0127 (5 stars) \\

2496 \sudoku{st0127.sud}

2497 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2499 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0204.sud}

2500 \writepuzzle%

2501 {.5..2.8.6}{.....6..3}{.6..132..}%

2502 {.7....96.}{4.......1}{.16....3.}%

2503 {..723..8.}{6..7.....}{2.4.9..7.}%

2504 [Seattle Times 2006/02/04 6 stars]

2505 \vfill

2506 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2507 ST0204 (6 stars) \\

2508 \sudoku{st0204.sud}

2509 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2511 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0208.sud}

2512 \writepuzzle%

2513 {21.9....7}{5.9..421.}{..7......}%

2514 {..875....}{}{....361..}%

2515 {......4..}{.325..9.1}{1....8.25}%

2516 [Seattle Times 2005/02/08 3 stars]

2517 \vfill

2518 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2519 ST0208 (3 stars) \\

2520 \sudoku{st0208.sud}

2521 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2523 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0209.sud}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (67)


2524 \writepuzzle%

2525 {..9......}{.523.1...}{8.12.6...}%

2526 {..4....1.}{97..2..84}{.2....9..}%

2527 {...8.41.5}{...6.524.}{......8..}%

2528 [Seattle Times 2005/02/09 4 stars]

2529 \vfill

2530 \begin{minipage}{0.95\linewidth}\begin{center}

2531 ST0209 (4 stars) \\

2532 \sudoku{st0209.sud}

2533 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2535 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% answers


2537 \clearpage

2538 \pagestyle{empty}

2539 \cleardoublepage

2540 \pagestyle{myheadings}

2541 \markboth{SOLUTIONS}{SOLUTIONS}


2543 \cluefont{\normalsize}

2544 \cellsize{1.5\baselineskip}


2546 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se5.ans}

2547 \writepuzzle%

2548 {724195863}{561283497}{938647251}%

2549 {189756324}{256314789}{473928615}%

2550 {645839172}{892471536}{317562948}%

2551 [SSBL easy 5 solution]

2552 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se10.ans}

2553 \writepuzzle%

2554 {156349782}{482715639}{793286145}%

2555 {649853271}{217964358}{835172496}%

2556 {524697813}{371528964}{968431527}%

2557 [SSBL easy 10 solution]

2558 \vfill

2559 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2560 SE5 (easy solution) \\

2561 \sudoku{se5.ans}

2562 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2563 \hfill

2564 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2565 SE10 (easy solution) \\

2566 \sudoku{se10.ans}

2567 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2569 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se15.ans}

2570 \writepuzzle%

2571 {456713982}{231698475}{879254631}%

2572 {597846213}{124935867}{368172549}%

2573 {643527198}{712489356}{985361724}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (68)

68 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2574 [SSBL easy 15 solution]

2575 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se20.ans}

2576 \writepuzzle%

2577 {368912547}{975438621}{412657839}%

2578 {291543768}{783296414}{546781293}%

2579 {657129384}{134865972}{829374156}%

2580 [SSBL easy 20 solution]

2581 \vfill

2582 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2583 SE15 (easy solution) \\

2584 \sudoku{se15.ans}

2585 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2586 \hfill

2587 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2588 SE20 (easy solution) \\

2589 \sudoku{se20.ans}

2590 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2592 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se25.ans}

2593 \writepuzzle%

2594 {278963154}{645712839}{931854276}%

2595 {823641795}{159387462}{764295381}%

2596 {482579613}{397126548}{516438927}%

2597 [SSBL easy 25 solution]

2598 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{se30.ans}

2599 \writepuzzle%

2600 {436129875}{128753496}{759864321}%

2601 {514287639}{673591284}{892346517}%

2602 {941638752}{365972148}{287415963}%

2603 [SSBL easy 30 solution]

2604 \vfill

2605 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2606 SE25 (easy solution) \\

2607 \sudoku{se25.ans}

2608 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2609 \hfill

2610 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2611 SE30 (easy solution) \\

2612 \sudoku{se30.ans}

2613 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2615 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg5.ans}

2616 \writepuzzle%

2617 {764159382}{519238746}{823674951}%

2618 {457982613}{936715428}{281463597}%

2619 {142397865}{675841239}{398526174}%

2620 [DT2 gentle 5 solution]

2621 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg10.ans}

2622 \writepuzzle%

2623 {382196574}{491573862}{567248139}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (69)


2624 {278614395}{946385217}{135729486}%

2625 {624931758}{753862941}{819457623}%

2626 [DT2 gentle 10 solution]

2627 \vfill

2628 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2629 TG5 (gentle solution) \\

2630 \sudoku{tg5.ans}

2631 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2632 \hfill

2633 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2634 TG10 (gentle solution) \\

2635 \sudoku{tg10.ans}

2636 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2638 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg15.ans}

2639 \writepuzzle%

2640 {462198573}{357462189}{981537426}%

2641 {236741958}{175986342}{894253617}%

2642 {723615894}{619824735}{548379261}%

2643 [DT2 gentle 15 solution]

2644 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg20.ans}

2645 \writepuzzle%

2646 {256789431}{481326759}{739415628}%

2647 {594261873}{167938245}{823574196}%

2648 {912643587}{645897312}{378152964}%

2649 [DT2 gentle 20 solution]

2650 \vfill

2651 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2652 TG15 (gentle solution) \\

2653 \sudoku{tg15.ans}

2654 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2655 \hfill

2656 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2657 TG20 (gentle solution) \\

2658 \sudoku{tg20.ans}

2659 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2661 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg25.ans}

2662 \writepuzzle%

2663 {782463519}{461295378}{395781246}%

2664 {819527463}{634918752}{527346891}%

2665 {256872934}{978134625}{243659187}%

2666 [DT2 gentle 25 solution]

2667 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tg30.ans}

2668 \writepuzzle%

2669 {376418529}{928756134}{154923678}%

2670 {749132865}{612584793}{835697241}%

2671 {597361482}{483275916}{261849357}%

2672 [DT2 gentle 30 solution]

2673 \vfill

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (70)

70 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2674 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2675 TG25 (gentle solution) \\

2676 \sudoku{tg25.ans}

2677 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2678 \hfill

2679 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2680 TG30 (gentle solution) \\

2681 \sudoku{tg30.ans}

2682 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2684 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1226.ans}

2685 \writepuzzle%

2686 {962854731}{745213689}{183967452}%

2687 {326748915}{571639248}{498125376}%

2688 {837592164}{659471823}{214386597}%

2689 [Seattle Times 2005/12/26 1 star solution]

2690 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0206.ans}

2691 \writepuzzle%

2692 {176429385}{352817496}{849653217}%

2693 {463971852}{925384671}{718265934}%

2694 {281536749}{534792168}{697148523}%

2695 [Seattle Times 2005/02/06 1 star solution]

2696 \vfill

2697 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2698 ST1226 (1 star solution) \\

2699 \sudoku{st1226.ans}

2700 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2701 \hfill

2702 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2703 ST0206 (1 star solution) \\

2704 \sudoku{st0206.ans}

2705 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2707 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0123.ans}

2708 \writepuzzle%

2709 {594621837}{736489125}{281357469}%

2710 {319278654}{652134978}{478596312}%

2711 {927813546}{145962783}{863745291}%

2712 [Seattle Times 2006/01/23 1 star solution]

2713 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs1.ans}

2714 \writepuzzle%

2715 {546987312}{213654978}{879321645}%

2716 {657198423}{324765189}{981432756}%

2717 {435876291}{768219534}{192543867}%

2718 [CreateSudoku 1 (level 2) solution]

2719 \vfill

2720 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2721 ST0123 (1 star solution) \\

2722 \sudoku{st0123.ans}

2723 \end{center}\end{minipage}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (71)


2724 \hfill

2725 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2726 CS1 (level 2 solution) \\

2727 \sudoku{cs1.ans}

2728 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2730 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs2.ans}

2731 \writepuzzle%

2732 {978312654}{312645987}{645978321}%

2733 {189423765}{423756198}{756189432}%

2734 {291534876}{867291543}{534867219}%

2735 [CreateSudoku 2 (level 2) solution]

2736 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs3.ans}

2737 \writepuzzle%

2738 {456897123}{123564789}{789231456}%

2739 {234675891}{567918234}{891342567}%

2740 {345786912}{912453678}{678129345}%

2741 [CreateSudoku 3 (level 2) solution]

2742 \vfill

2743 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2744 CS2 (level 2 solution) \\

2745 \sudoku{cs2.ans}

2746 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2747 \hfill

2748 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2749 CS3 (level 2 solution) \\

2750 \sudoku{cs3.ans}

2751 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2753 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% medium


2755 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm5.ans}

2756 \writepuzzle%

2757 {387691245}{546273198}{921485637}%

2758 {865342971}{193567482}{274918356}%

2759 {618739524}{759124863}{432856719}%

2760 [SSBL medium 5 solution]

2761 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm10.ans}

2762 \writepuzzle%

2763 {635748219}{418392576}{279561483}%

2764 {527984631}{941653827}{863127954}%

2765 {194835762}{786219345}{352476198}%

2766 [SSBL medium 10 solution]

2767 \vfill

2768 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2769 SM5 (medium solution) \\

2770 \sudoku{sm5.ans}

2771 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2772 \hfill

2773 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (72)

72 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2774 SM10 (medium solution) \\

2775 \sudoku{sm10.ans}

2776 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2778 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm15.ans}

2779 \writepuzzle%

2780 {853974612}{471326958}{962815473}%

2781 {396542781}{745681239}{218739564}%

2782 {134267895}{587493126}{629158347}%

2783 [SSBL medium 15 solution]

2784 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm20.ans}

2785 \writepuzzle%

2786 {863452197}{594178326}{172639548}%

2787 {617894235}{938526471}{234713869}%

2788 {489265713}{351947682}{726381954}%

2789 [SSBL medium 20 solution]

2790 \vfill

2791 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2792 SM15 (medium solution) \\

2793 \sudoku{sm15.ans}

2794 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2795 \hfill

2796 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2797 SM20 (medium solution) \\

2798 \sudoku{sm20.ans}

2799 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2801 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm25.ans}

2802 \writepuzzle%

2803 {382467951}{716935284}{495218376}%

2804 {564329817}{278651493}{139784625}%

2805 {927146538}{651893742}{843572169}%

2806 [SSBL medium 25 solution]

2807 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sm30.ans}

2808 \writepuzzle%

2809 {765834921}{318279465}{294615378}%

2810 {657392814}{823741659}{941568732}%

2811 {439157286}{186423597}{572986143}%

2812 [SSBL medium 30 solution]

2813 \vfill

2814 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2815 SM25 (medium solution) \\

2816 \sudoku{sm25.ans}

2817 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2818 \hfill

2819 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2820 SM30 (medium solution) \\

2821 \sudoku{sm30.ans}

2822 \end{center}\end{minipage}


The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (73)


2824 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm35.ans}

2825 \writepuzzle%

2826 {591328746}{674951823}{238674195}%

2827 {356297481}{427185369}{819463257}%

2828 {985732614}{742516938}{163849572}%

2829 [DT2 moderate 35 solution]

2830 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm40.ans}

2831 \writepuzzle%

2832 {874136592}{952478136}{316592874}%

2833 {631284759}{287915463}{495367281}%

2834 {763841925}{548629317}{129753648}%

2835 [DT2 moderate 40 solution]

2836 \vfill

2837 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2838 TM35 (moderate solution) \\

2839 \sudoku{tm35.ans}

2840 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2841 \hfill

2842 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2843 TM40 (moderate solution) \\

2844 \sudoku{tm40.ans}

2845 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2847 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm45.ans}

2848 \writepuzzle%

2849 {716248935}{538769421}{924531786}%

2850 {179683542}{652974813}{483152679}%

2851 {241896357}{897325164}{365417298}%

2852 [DT2 moderate 45 solution]

2853 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm50.ans}

2854 \writepuzzle%

2855 {751962834}{468375219}{392148756}%

2856 {627891345}{143526987}{589437162}%

2857 {975613428}{834259671}{216784593}%

2858 [DT2 moderate 50 solution]

2859 \vfill

2860 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2861 TM45 (moderate solution) \\

2862 \sudoku{tm45.ans}

2863 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2864 \hfill

2865 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2866 TM50 (moderate solution) \\

2867 \sudoku{tm50.ans}

2868 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2870 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm55.ans}

2871 \writepuzzle%

2872 {731946528}{245138679}{968572143}%

2873 {614729385}{572813964}{893465712}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (74)

74 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2874 {159684237}{426357891}{387291456}%

2875 [DT2 moderate 55 solution]

2876 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tm60.ans}

2877 \writepuzzle%

2878 {734198562}{156324798}{982567431}%

2879 {813752649}{465983217}{279416853}%

2880 {341875926}{697241385}{528639174}%

2881 [DT2 moderate 60 solution]

2882 \vfill

2883 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2884 TM55 (moderate solution) \\

2885 \sudoku{tm55.ans}

2886 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2887 \hfill

2888 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2889 TM60 (moderate solution) \\

2890 \sudoku{tm60.ans}

2891 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2893 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0914.ans}

2894 \writepuzzle%

2895 {567293184}{298461537}{413578692}%

2896 {321759468}{649812753}{785634921}%

2897 {936127845}{872945316}{154386279}%

2898 [Seattle Times 2005/09/14 2 star solution]

2899 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0207.ans}

2900 \writepuzzle%

2901 {872351946}{561849273}{934672581}%

2902 {759283164}{628514397}{413967852}%

2903 {285436719}{196725438}{347198625}%

2904 [Seattle Times 2005/02/07 2 star solution]

2905 \vfill

2906 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2907 ST0914 (2 star solution) \\

2908 \sudoku{st0914.ans}

2909 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2910 \hfill

2911 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2912 ST0207 (2 star solution) \\

2913 \sudoku{st0207.ans}

2914 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2916 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs4.ans}

2917 \writepuzzle%

2918 {123465978}{456798312}{789132645}%

2919 {891243756}{234576189}{567819423}%

2920 {912354867}{678921534}{345687291}%

2921 [CreateSudoku 4 (level 4) solution]

2922 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs5.ans}

2923 \writepuzzle%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (75)


2924 {231654978}{564987312}{897321645}%

2925 {918432756}{675198423}{342765189}%

2926 {786219534}{453876291}{129543867}%

2927 [CreateSudoku 5 (level 4) solution]

2928 \vfill

2929 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2930 CS4 (level 8 solution) \\

2931 \sudoku{cs4.ans}

2932 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2933 \hfill

2934 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2935 CS5 (level 8 solution) \\

2936 \sudoku{cs5.ans}

2937 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2939 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{cs6.ans}

2940 \writepuzzle%

2941 {312654978}{645987312}{978321645}%

2942 {756198423}{423765189}{189432756}%

2943 {534876291}{291543867}{867219534}%

2944 [CreateSudoku 6 (level 4) solution]

2945 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh5.ans}

2946 \writepuzzle%

2947 {269175438}{471832965}{583694217}%

2948 {715426389}{894317526}{326958741}%

2949 {942561873}{138749652}{657283194}%

2950 [SSBL hard 5 solution]

2951 \vfill

2952 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2953 CS6 (level 4 solution) \\

2954 \sudoku{cs6.ans}

2955 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2956 \hfill

2957 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2958 SH5 (hard solution) \\

2959 \sudoku{sh5.ans}

2960 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2962 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh10.ans}

2963 \writepuzzle%

2964 {437921865}{156837492}{289456137}%

2965 {598163274}{374295681}{621748953}%

2966 {713682549}{845319726}{962574318}%

2967 [SSBL hard 10 solution]

2968 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh15.ans}

2969 \writepuzzle%

2970 {216935847}{478261359}{395478261}%

2971 {761392584}{952846713}{843157926}%

2972 {124783695}{539624178}{687519432}%

2973 [SSBL hard 15 solution]

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (76)

76 4 Example sudoku puzzles

2974 \vfill

2975 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2976 SH10 (hard solution) \\

2977 \sudoku{sh10.ans}

2978 \end{center}\end{minipage}

2979 \hfill

2980 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2981 SH15 (hard solution) \\

2982 \sudoku{sh15.ans}

2983 \end{center}\end{minipage}


2985 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh20.ans}

2986 \writepuzzle%

2987 {468271935}{925438671}{713695284}%

2988 {154762893}{832519467}{679384512}%

2989 {587943126}{296157348}{341826759}%

2990 [SSBL hard 20 solution]

2991 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh25.ans}

2992 \writepuzzle%

2993 {439561728}{167238459}{852497613}%

2994 {286953174}{794816532}{513724986}%

2995 {348179265}{621345897}{975682341}%

2996 [SSBL hard 25 solution]

2997 \vfill

2998 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

2999 SH20 (hard solution) \\

3000 \sudoku{sh20.ans}

3001 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3002 \hfill

3003 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3004 SH25 (hard solution) \\

3005 \sudoku{sh25.ans}

3006 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3008 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{sh30.ans}

3009 \writepuzzle%

3010 {461258793}{253917846}{789463152}%

3011 {346789521}{572146389}{918325674}%

3012 {894671235}{635892417}{127534968}%

3013 [SSBL hard 30 solution]

3014 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt100.ans}

3015 \writepuzzle%

3016 {513896427}{742315698}{968742531}%

3017 {154289376}{376154289}{289637154}%

3018 {891563742}{425971863}{637428915}%

3019 [DT2 tough 100 solution]

3020 \vfill

3021 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3022 SH30 (hard solution) \\

3023 \sudoku{sh30.ans}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (77)


3024 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3025 \hfill

3026 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3027 TT100 (tough solution) \\

3028 \sudoku{tt100.ans}

3029 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3031 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt105.ans}

3032 \writepuzzle%

3033 {925378146}{681254793}{734916582}%

3034 {256739418}{178462359}{349581267}%

3035 {597843621}{462197835}{813625974}%

3036 [DT2 tough 105 solution]

3037 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt110.ans}

3038 \writepuzzle%

3039 {379412586}{648539217}{125687349}%

3040 {936825174}{214763958}{857194632}%

3041 {492358761}{581276493}{763941825}%

3042 [DT2 tough 110 solution]

3043 \vfill

3044 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3045 TT105 (tough solution) \\

3046 \sudoku{tt105.ans}

3047 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3048 \hfill

3049 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3050 TT110 (tough solution) \\

3051 \sudoku{tt110.ans}

3052 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3054 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt115.ans}

3055 \writepuzzle%

3056 {432758196}{196243587}{758169423}%

3057 {945682371}{263571849}{871934265}%

3058 {329416758}{584397612}{617825934}%

3059 [DT2 tough 115 solution]

3060 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{tt120.ans}

3061 \writepuzzle%

3062 {968215734}{143679852}{752384619}%

3063 {496523178}{537198246}{281746395}%

3064 {875961423}{314852967}{629437581}%

3065 [DT2 tough 120 solution]

3066 \vfill

3067 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3068 TT115 (tough solution) \\

3069 \sudoku{tt115.ans}

3070 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3071 \hfill

3072 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3073 TT120 (tough solution) \\

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (78)

78 4 Example sudoku puzzles

3074 \sudoku{tt120.ans}

3075 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3077 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1130.ans}

3078 \writepuzzle%

3079 {819356247}{576924813}{342817596}%

3080 {781563924}{965248371}{423179685}%

3081 {658791432}{297435168}{134682759}

3082 [Seattle Times 2005/11/30 3 star solution]

3083 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1207.ans}

3084 \writepuzzle%

3085 {217483956}{834695712}{659172384}%

3086 {798231645}{326954178}{145768239}%

3087 {582319467}{971846523}{463527891}%

3088 [Seattle Times 2005/12/07 3 star solution]

3089 \vfill

3090 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3091 ST1130 (3 star solution) \\

3092 \sudoku{st1130.ans}

3093 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3094 \hfill

3095 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3096 ST1207 (3 star solution) \\

3097 \sudoku{st1207.ans}

3098 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3100 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1209.ans}

3101 \writepuzzle%

3102 {839652147}{246781359}{751943268}%

3103 {167295483}{592438716}{483167925}%

3104 {628319574}{374526891}{915874632}%

3105 [Seattle Times 2005/12/09 5 star solution]

3106 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1221.ans}

3107 \writepuzzle%

3108 {517863924}{436925178}{298417563}%

3109 {174389652}{683251749}{952674381}%

3110 {745132896}{369548217}{821796435}%

3111 [Seattle Times 2005/12/21 3 star solution]

3112 \vfill

3113 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3114 ST1209 (5 star solution) \\

3115 \sudoku{st1209.ans}

3116 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3117 \hfill

3118 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3119 ST1221 (3 star solution) \\

3120 \sudoku{st1221.ans}

3121 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3123 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st1228.ans}

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (79)


3124 \writepuzzle%

3125 {673189524}{812654379}{594273186}%

3126 {265791843}{341865792}{987342651}%

3127 {795416238}{138927465}{426538917}%

3128 [Seattle Times 2005/12/28 3 star solution]

3129 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0126.ans}

3130 \writepuzzle%

3131 {253698471}{197435286}{864127953}%

3132 {416573829}{785912634}{329864517}%

3133 {972356148}{638241795}{541789362}%

3134 [Seattle Times 2006/01/26 4 star solution]

3135 \vfill

3136 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3137 ST1228 (3 star solution) \\

3138 \sudoku{st1228.ans}

3139 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3140 \hfill

3141 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3142 ST0126 (4 star solution) \\

3143 \sudoku{st0126.ans}

3144 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3146 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0127.ans}

3147 \writepuzzle%

3148 {253816479}{467395812}{918427536}%

3149 {641752398}{892163745}{375948621}%

3150 {189534267}{736289154}{524671983}%

3151 [Seattle Times 2006/01/27 5 star solution]

3152 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0204.ans}

3153 \writepuzzle%

3154 {153427896}{742986513}{869513247}%

3155 {375142968}{428369751}{916875432}%

3156 {597321684}{681754329}{234698175}%

3157 [Seattle Times 2006/02/04 6 star solution]

3158 \vfill

3159 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3160 ST0127 (5 star solution) \\

3161 \sudoku{st0127.ans}

3162 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3163 \hfill

3164 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3165 ST0204 (6 star solution) \\

3166 \sudoku{st0204.ans}

3167 \end{center}\end{minipage}


3169 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0208.ans}

3170 \writepuzzle%

3171 {213985647}{589674213}{647213859}%

3172 {928751364}{361429578}{754836192}%

3173 {875192436}{432567981}{196348725}%

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (80)

80 4 Example sudoku puzzles

3174 [Seattle Times 2005/02/08 3 star solution]

3175 \renewcommand*{\puzzlefile}{st0209.ans}

3176 \writepuzzle%

3177 {639587421}{752341698}{841296753}%

3178 {584769312}{976123584}{123458976}%

3179 {297834165}{318675249}{465912837}%

3180 [Seattle Times 2005/02/09 4 star solution]

3181 \vfill

3182 \noindent\begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3183 ST0208 (3 star solution) \\

3184 \sudoku{st0208.ans}

3185 \end{center}\end{minipage}

3186 \hfill

3187 \begin{minipage}{0.47\linewidth}\begin{center}

3188 ST0209 (4 star solution) \\

3189 \sudoku{st0209.ans}

3190 \end{center}\end{minipage}



3193 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bibliography

3194 \cleardoublepage


3196 \bibliographystyle{alpha}

3197 \begingroup

3198 \raggedright

3199 \begin{thebibliography}{GMSN94A}


3201 \bibitem[Mep05]{DT2}

3202 Michael Mepham.

3203 \emph{The Daily Telegraph Sudoku 2}.

3204 \newblock Pan Books, 2005.

3205 \newblock ISBN 0-330-44203-3.


3207 \bibitem[Wil06]{SUDOKUBUNDLE}

3208 Peter Wilson.

3209 \emph{The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating

3210 Sudoku puzzles}.

3211 \newblock February 2006.

3212 \newblock (Available from CTAN in \url{macros/latex/contrib/sudokubundle}).


3214 \bibitem[SOL]{SOL}

3215 \emph{Sudoku Online: Home of the Sudokulist}.

3216 \newblock \url{}


3218 \bibitem[SSBL]{SSBL}

3219 \emph{Sudoku Solver ... by logic}.

3220 \newblock \url{}


3222 \end{thebibliography}

3223 \endgroup

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (81)

References 81


3225 \end{document}


3227 〈/examples〉


[Abr05] Paul Abraham. The sudoku package. June 2005. (Available fromCTAN in macros/latex/contrib/sudoku)

[Ars95] Donald Arseneau. Generating random numbers in TEX. 1995.(Available from CTAN in macros/generic/random.tex)

[MG04] Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens. The LaTeX Companion.Second edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2004. isbn0-201-36299-6.

[PJ05] TEX Users Group. Distractions: Sudoku. The PracTeX Journal.2005-4.

[SOL] Sudoku Online: Home of the Sudokulist.

[SSBL] Sudoku Solver ... by logic.


Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is de-scribed; numbers underlined refer to the code line of the definition; numbers inroman refer to the code lines where the entry is used.



. . . . . . . . . . 1768


. . . . . . . . . . 1761

\adds@dclues . . . . 29, 91

\anychangefalse . . . 702

\anychangetrue . . . .. . . . 693, 704, 712

\asetctr . 141, 1078,1079, 1091,1092, 1186,1187, 1199,1200, 1298,1299, 1315, 1316

\author . . . . . . . . . 1800


\baselineskip . . . . .18, 1518, 1848, 2544

\bibitem . . . . . 3201,3207, 3214, 3218

\bibliographystyle 3196

\boxctr 129, 554, 555,559, 563, 928,930, 931, 949,953, 1246, 1248,1249, 1264,1267, 1401,1403, 1404,1417, 1418, 1420


\cellsize . . . . . . 4,

13, 1518, 1848, 2544\centering . . . . . . 1833\changedfalse . 684, 752\changedtrue 578, 605,

633, 647, 661, 739\checkboxes . 1365, 1398\checkcols . 1364, 1382\checkkeepon . . 716, 725\checkrows . 1363, 1367\checksetforpair . .

. . . . . . . 1092,1104, 1200, 1316


. . . . . . . . 743, 747\checksolution . . . 1362\cleardoublepage . .

. . 1845, 2539, 3194

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82 Index

\clearpage . . . . . . .. . 2071, 2280, 2537

\closein 10, 44, 496, 515\closeout . . . . . . . .

101, 118, 1460,1469, 1562,1573, 1780, 1789

\cluefont . . . . . . 4,13, 1517, 1847, 2543

\commentary . . . . . . .. 127, 582, 609,637, 651, 665,735, 759, 856,918, 998, 1009,1021, 1033, 1530

\createsudsets . . . . 167\currfile . . . . . . . .

. 7, 1534, 1644,1740, 1743, 1746

D\date . . . . . . . . . . . 1801\deleteaclue 1745, 1759\deleteboxpairdigits

. . . . . . 1321, 1328\deletecolpairdigits

. . . . . . 1205, 1212\deletenumfromset .

. . . . . . . . 336,576, 603, 631,645, 659, 1141,1147, 1225,1231, 1342, 1348


. . . . . . 1097, 1128\difficultyctr 6, 141,

186, 680, 681,699, 708, 719,722, 736, 737,761, 762, 1035, 1036

\digitictr 151, 1096,1105, 1111,1119, 1130,1141, 1204,1214, 1225,1320, 1330, 1342

\digitiictr 151, 1096,1106, 1112,1120, 1130,1147, 1204,

1214, 1231,1320, 1330, 1348

\displaystatus . . . .. . 404, 1430, 1440

\dos@dcols . . . . . 41, 46\dos@dinitialcols .

. . . . . . . . 512, 517

E\elimclues . 1554, 1641\elimcluesonebyone .

. . . . . . 1645, 1732\elimcross . . . . . . .

. 7, 1661, 1689,1716, 1721, 1727

\elimcrossandex . . .. . . . . 7, 1715,1729, 1837, 1839


. 7, 1720, 1730,1836, 1838, 1841

\elimcrossandnines .. . . . 7, 1688, 1728

\elimex . . . . . . . . . .7, 1700, 1717, 1722

\elimnum . . 7, 1677, 1723\elimseventeen . . . .

7, 1650, 1726, 1840\emph 1813–1815, 3203,

3209, 3215, 3219

F\findboxpair 1301, 1307\findcolpair 1188, 1194\findrowpair 1080, 1086\firsts@dcluefalse .

. . . . . . . . 66, 530\firsts@dcluetrue .

31, 36, 66, 504, 510\fixentry . . . . 521, 526\footnotesize 1429, 1439

G\g@addto@macro . . . .

. . 1482, 1486–1495\gatherline . . . . . . .

. . 1465, 1471, 1785\gencommentary . . . .

. . 1530, 1577, 1766\generategrid . . 6, 1546

\genfile . . . . . . . . .7, 1534, 1557, 1647

\getloner . . . . . . . .. 787, 815, 872, 944

\getnthboxcell 1271,1297, 1314, 1341

\getproblem . . . . . . .. . 6, 492, 1510,1549, 1551,1646, 1740, 1743

\gets@dclue . . . . . 54, 66\gettwo . . . . . . . . . . 59

H\halfs@dcell . . . . 13, 83\hideprogess . . . . . 1445\hideprogress . . . . 1444\hline . . . . . . . 406,

415, 424, 433,442, 451, 460,469, 478, 487,1834, 1835, 1841

\Huge . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

I\ifacluenotdeleted 1759\ifanychange . . . . . .

. . . . 161, 706, 729\ifanychanged . . . . . 156\ifchanged 156, 741, 748\iffirstchar . . . . . . 156\iffirsts@dclue . . .

. . . . . 66, 156, 528\ifkeepon . . . . 156, 696\iflonerchanged . . .

. . . . 156, 703,767, 769, 791,876, 948, 1001, 1013

\ifnotgotthechar . . 156\ifodd . . . . 209, 216,

223, 230, 237,244, 251, 258,265, 349, 355,361, 367, 373,379, 385, 391, 396

\ifpairchanged 156,711, 1040, 1042,1060, 1169, 1263

\ifsetchanged . 156,577, 604, 632,

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Index 83

646, 660, 1143,1149, 1227,1233, 1344, 1350

\ifstilldigits . . . . 156\immediate . . . . . . .

. 101–111, 115,116, 118, 496,497, 515, 1460,1461, 1466,1469, 1562–1573, 1780,1781, 1786, 1789


. . . . 7, 1642, 1726\initialisesuddata .

. . . . . . . . 182, 494\initialsoln . . 498, 502\istchar . . . . . . . . .

59, 76, 78, 534, 536

K\keeponfalse . . 727, 730\keepontrue . . . . . . . 694\keepreducing . . . . .

. 6, 692, 1512, 1775\keepreducingcells .

. . . . . . . . 697, 733

L\LARGE . . . . . . . . . . 1847\line . . . . 86, 87, 89, 90\linethickness . . . . 88\linewidth 1426, 1436,

1514, 1860,1872, 1884,1896, 1908,1920, 1932,1944, 1956,1968, 1980,1992, 2004,2016, 2028,2040, 2052,2064, 2081,2093, 2105,2117, 2129,2141, 2153,2165, 2177,2189, 2201,2213, 2225,2237, 2249,

2261, 2273,2290, 2302,2314, 2326,2338, 2350,2362, 2374,2386, 2398,2410, 2422,2434, 2446,2458, 2470,2482, 2494,2506, 2518,2530, 2559,2564, 2582,2587, 2605,2610, 2628,2633, 2651,2656, 2674,2679, 2697,2702, 2720,2725, 2743,2748, 2768,2773, 2791,2796, 2814,2819, 2837,2842, 2860,2865, 2883,2888, 2906,2911, 2929,2934, 2952,2957, 2975,2980, 2998,3003, 3021,3026, 3044,3049, 3067,3072, 3090,3095, 3113,3118, 3136,3141, 3159,3164, 3182, 3187

\lonecellctr . . . . . .. . . . 141, 850–853, 912–915,992–995, 1003–1006, 1015–1018

\lonerchangedfalse . 760

\lonerchangedtrue .. . . . . . . . 854,916, 996, 1007, 1019

\loop . . . 33, 49, 175,188, 507, 519,

574, 601, 628,685, 695, 740,781, 806, 821,848, 867, 891,910, 929, 963,989, 1053, 1076,1089, 1113,1135, 1163,1184, 1197,1219, 1247,1295, 1312,1335, 1370,1386, 1402,1463, 1478,1579, 1613,1630, 1653,1664, 1670,1679, 1691,1702, 1708,1737, 1762, 1783

\Lpack . . . . . . . 1798,1816, 1821, 1829

M\makebox . . . . . . . . . 54\maketitle . . . . . . 1804\markboth . . . . 1850,

2072, 2281, 2541\maxrangectr . . . . . .

. . . . 141, 1073,1074, 1077,1181, 1182,1185, 1293,1294, 1296,1576, 1577,1580, 1612,1614, 1629,1631, 1652, 1654

\multiply 38, 52, 211,213, 218, 220,225, 227, 232,234, 239, 241,246, 248, 253,255, 260, 262,267, 269, 294,299, 304, 309,314, 319, 324,328, 551, 555,558, 784, 1056, 1373

\multiput 86, 87, 89, 90

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84 Index

N\newblock . . . . 3204,

3205, 3211,3212, 3216, 3220

\newcount . . . 24–27,130–154, 169, 1732

\newif 67, 157–165, 1759\newknt . . . . . . . . . . 167\newread . . . . . . . . . . 5\newwrite . . . . . . . . . 6\nextrandom . . . . . . 1542\normalsize . 1517, 2543\nowt . . . . . . . . . . . . 59\numcluesctr . . . . . .

. . 6, 151, 187, 538\numdigitsctr . 151,

1093, 1107,1110, 1117,1118, 1201, 1317

\numlistctr 141, 579,580, 583, 584,606, 607, 610,611, 634, 635,638, 639, 648,649, 652, 653,662, 663, 666, 667

\numofnuminset . . . .. . . . 279, 823,850, 912, 992,1003, 1015, 1115

O\oldcommentary . . . 1530\openin . . . . . . . 11, 497\openout . . . . . 102,

1461, 1563, 1781

P\pagestyle . . . . . . .

. . 1851, 2538, 2540\pairchangedfalse .

. . . . 709, 1034,1132, 1216, 1332

\pairchangedtrue . .. . . . . . . 1145,1151, 1229,1235, 1346, 1352

\prevfile . . 7, 1534,1549, 1563,1643, 1646, 1744

\printsudresults . 1546

\ProvidesPackage . .. . . . . 3, 124, 1526

\put . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

\puzzlefile . . . . . . .. . . 4, 99, 1853,1865, 1877,1889, 1901,1913, 1925,1937, 1949,1961, 1973,1985, 1997,2009, 2021,2033, 2045,2057, 2074,2086, 2098,2110, 2122,2134, 2146,2158, 2170,2182, 2194,2206, 2218,2230, 2242,2254, 2266,2283, 2295,2307, 2319,2331, 2343,2355, 2367,2379, 2391,2403, 2415,2427, 2439,2451, 2463,2475, 2487,2499, 2511,2523, 2546,2552, 2569,2575, 2592,2598, 2615,2621, 2638,2644, 2661,2667, 2684,2690, 2707,2713, 2730,2736, 2755,2761, 2778,2784, 2801,2807, 2824,2830, 2847,2853, 2870,2876, 2893,2899, 2916,

2922, 2939,2945, 2962,2968, 2985,2991, 3008,3014, 3031,3037, 3054,3060, 3077,3083, 3100,3106, 3123,3129, 3146,3152, 3169, 3175

R\raggedbottom . . . . 1802\raggedright . . . . . 3198\randomi . . . . . . . . 1538\read . . . . . . . . . 35, 509\reads@dgame . . . . . 8, 96\reduceaboxpair . . .

. . . . . . 1262, 1288\reduceacell . . 543, 687\reduceacolpair . . .

. . . . . . 1168, 1176\reduceallcells . 6,

677, 742, 1511, 1774\reducearowpair . . .

. . . . . . 1059, 1067\reducebox . . . 563, 621\reduceboxloners . .

. . . . . . . . 770, 925\reduceboxpairs . . .

. . . . . . 1043, 1243\reducecol . . . 562, 594\reducecolloners . .

. . . . . . . . 768, 863\reducecolpairs . . .

. . . . . . 1041, 1159\reducedctr . . . . . . .

. 141, 576, 579,586, 603, 606,613, 631, 634,641, 645, 648,655, 659, 662, 669


. . . . . . . . 947, 981\reducelonercolcell

. . . . . . . . 875, 900\reducelonerowcell . 838\reducelonerrowcell

. . . . . . . . 790, 841

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Index 85

\reduceloners . 700, 757\reducepairs . 710, 1031\reducerow . . . 561, 567\reducerowloners . .

. . . . . . . . 766, 777\reducerowpairs . . .

. . . . . . 1039, 1049\repeat . . . . . . . 43,

56, 179, 192,514, 523, 590,617, 673, 689,717, 744, 797,812, 829, 860,882, 897, 922,954, 978, 1026,1065, 1083,1101, 1125,1156, 1174,1191, 1209,1240, 1268,1304, 1325,1357, 1380,1395, 1421,1468, 1499,1604, 1621,1638, 1658,1668, 1674,1685, 1697,1706, 1712,1756, 1770, 1788

\RequirePackage . . .. . . . . . . 125, 1528

\restchars . 59, 74, 532

S\s@dcolpos 23, 51–54,

552, 562, 1610,1616, 1617, 1619

\s@dfont . . . . . . . 20, 54\s@dfstop . . 63, 76, 534\s@dgame . . . . . . . 81, 97\s@dline 35, 71, 509, 529\s@dncol . . . . . . 23,

40, 50, 51, 55,511, 520, 522,570, 571, 575,576, 583, 584,586, 589, 624,625, 629, 630,672, 802, 803,

807–809, 811,842, 843, 846,849, 850, 853,857, 859, 866,868, 869, 877,881, 959, 960,964, 965, 977,985, 986, 990,991, 999, 1010,1022, 1025,1070, 1071,1077, 1078,1082, 1087,1095, 1129,1137, 1162,1164, 1165,1170, 1173,1385, 1387,1388, 1391,1392, 1394,1475, 1476,1479, 1480,1498, 1609,1615, 1616, 1618

\s@dnrow . . . . . . 23,32, 34, 37, 42,505, 508, 513,597, 598, 602,603, 610, 611,613, 616, 630,631, 638, 639,641, 644, 645,652, 653, 655,658, 659, 666,667, 669, 780,782, 783, 792,796, 887, 888,892–894, 896,904, 905, 908,911, 912, 915,919, 921, 965–967, 969–971,973–975, 991,992, 995, 1002,1003, 1006,1014, 1015,1018, 1052,1054, 1055,1061, 1064,1178, 1179,

1185, 1186,1190, 1195,1203, 1213,1221, 1300,1319, 1329,1337, 1369,1371, 1372,1376, 1377,1379, 1462,1464, 1465,1467, 1626,1632, 1633,1635, 1782,1784, 1785, 1787

\s@dread . . . . . . . . .5, 10, 11, 35, 44,496, 497, 509, 515

\s@drowpos . . . . . . .. 23, 37–39, 54,553, 561, 1627,1633, 1634, 1636

\s@dtempcnta . . 141,407–487, 547,561–563, 823–825, 830, 831,833, 834, 1115,1116, 1142,1144, 1148,1150, 1226,1228, 1232,1234, 1273,1276–1283,1285, 1297,1298, 1343,1345, 1349,1351, 1480,1481, 1484,1485, 1615,1617, 1632,1634, 1655,1656, 1764–1767

\s@dtempcntb 141, 787,788, 790, 872,873, 875, 944,945, 947, 1314,1315, 1341,1343, 1345,1349, 1351,1581–1583,

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86 Index

1736, 1738,1747, 1750, 1754

\s@dtemploopcnta 141,820, 822, 823,825, 826, 828,830, 1109, 1114,1115, 1119–1121, 1124,1133, 1134,1136, 1137,1139, 1142,1144, 1148,1150, 1155,1217, 1218,1220, 1221,1223, 1226,1228, 1232,1234, 1239,1290, 1291,1296, 1297,1300, 1303,1310, 1333,1334, 1336,1337, 1339,1341, 1356,1578, 1580,1582, 1603,1611, 1614,1620, 1628,1631, 1637,1651, 1654,1657, 1663,1665–1667,1669, 1671–1673, 1678,1680–1682,1684, 1690,1692–1694,1696, 1701,1703–1705,1707, 1709–1711

\s@dwrite . . . . . . 5,101–111, 115,116, 118, 1460,1461, 1466,1469, 1562–1573, 1780,1781, 1786, 1789

\s@lcnta . . . . . 129,173, 176–178,

184, 189–191,506, 536, 540,546, 547, 549,552, 556, 683,686, 688, 783,784, 790, 802,869, 875, 887,932–940, 947,959, 985, 1055,1056, 1059,1094, 1128,1133, 1165,1168, 1202,1212, 1217,1250–1258,1262, 1318,1372, 1373,1388, 1405–1413

\secondctr 141, 1087,1088, 1090,1091, 1095,1100, 1129,1139, 1195,1196, 1198,1199, 1203,1208, 1213,1223, 1310,1311, 1313,1314, 1319,1324, 1329, 1339

\setchangedfalse . . 341\setchangedtrue . . .

. . . . 351, 357,363, 369, 375,381, 387, 393, 398

\setrannum . . . 1576,1581, 1655, 1764

\setsudrandom . . 7, 1538\settonum . . . . 197,

407–487, 579,606, 634, 648, 662

\settonumcnt 132, 202,205, 206, 209,215, 216, 222,223, 229, 230,236, 237, 243,244, 250, 251,257, 258, 264, 265

\showprogess . . . . . 1444\showprogress 1449, 1453

\solcnt . . . . . . 129,174, 185, 495,499, 537, 581,582, 608, 609,636, 637, 650,651, 664, 665,698, 707, 718,721, 726, 751,764, 855, 856,917, 918, 997,998, 1008, 1009,1020, 1021,1038, 1428,1438, 1742, 1749

\splitoff . . . . . . . .59, 71, 74, 529, 532

\sudaline . . . . . . . .. . 1466, 1471, 1786

\sudoksolve . . . . . . 1503

\sudoku . 4, 94, 1508,1519, 1862,1874, 1886,1898, 1910,1922, 1934,1946, 1958,1970, 1982,1994, 2006,2018, 2030,2042, 2054,2066, 2083,2095, 2107,2119, 2131,2143, 2155,2167, 2179,2191, 2203,2215, 2227,2239, 2251,2263, 2275,2292, 2304,2316, 2328,2340, 2352,2364, 2376,2388, 2400,2412, 2424,2436, 2448,2460, 2472,2484, 2496,2508, 2520,2532, 2561,2566, 2584,

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Index 87

2589, 2607,2612, 2630,2635, 2653,2658, 2676,2681, 2699,2704, 2722,2727, 2745,2750, 2770,2775, 2793,2798, 2816,2821, 2839,2844, 2862,2867, 2885,2890, 2908,2913, 2931,2936, 2954,2959, 2977,2982, 3000,3005, 3023,3028, 3046,3051, 3069,3074, 3092,3097, 3115,3120, 3138,3143, 3161,3166, 3184, 3189

\sudokusolve . . . . . .. . . . 5, 1505, 1557

\sudpuzznewline . . 4, 99\sudsolnfile . . . . . .

. . . . 6, 1457, 1519\sumboxsets . . . . . . .

942, 957, 1260, 1415\sumcolsets . . . . . . .

870, 885, 1166, 1389\sumctr . . . 129, 779,

786, 787, 805,809, 865, 871,872, 890, 894,927, 943, 944,962, 967, 971,975, 988, 1051,1058, 1075,1161, 1167,1183, 1245,1261, 1368,1375, 1384,1390, 1400, 1416

\sumrowsets . . . . . . .785, 799, 1057, 1374

\swapcolpair . . . . . .. . 1584–1592, 1624

\swaprowpair . . . . . .. . 1593–1601, 1607

\swaps . . . . . 1553, 1575

T\tempcnty . 129, 203,

206, 207, 212,219, 226, 233,240, 247, 254,261, 268, 271–273, 276, 549–551, 554, 556–559

\tempcntz . . . . . . . .. 129, 210–212,217–219, 224–226, 231–233,238–240, 245–247, 252–254,259–261, 266–268, 551–553, 557

\tenscnt . . . . . 129,204, 211, 213,218, 220, 225,227, 232, 234,239, 241, 246,248, 253, 255,260, 262, 267, 269

\textsc . . . . . . . . . 1798\thicklines . . . . . . . 88\thinlines . . . . . . . 85\thr@@ . . . . 555, 558, 626\title . . . . . . . . . . 1799\tmpsetansctr . . . . .

. 129, 284, 286,290, 292, 293,295, 297, 298,300, 302, 303,305, 307, 308,310, 312, 313,315, 317, 318,320, 322, 323,325, 327, 329,331, 334, 343,350, 356, 362,368, 374, 380,386, 392, 397, 402

\tmpsetctr . . . 129,283–285, 293–

295, 298–300,303–305, 308–310, 313–315,318–320, 323–325, 327–329,342, 344, 348,349, 354, 355,360, 361, 366,367, 372, 373,378, 379, 384,385, 390, 391, 396

\toomanyloops . . . . 1732\toprangectr 129, 571,

572, 575, 598,599, 602, 625,626, 629, 803,804, 807, 843,844, 849, 857,888, 889, 892,905, 906, 911,919, 960, 961,964, 986, 987,990, 999, 1010,1022, 1071–1073, 1090,1134, 1136,1179–1181,1198, 1218,1220, 1291–1293, 1313,1334, 1336,1476, 1477, 1479

\trysolution 1741, 1773\typelonestatus . . .

. . 773, 1448, 1451\typelonestatusX . .

. . . . . . 1434, 1451\typesimplestatus .

. . 749, 1447, 1450\typesimplestatusX .

. . . . . . 1424, 1450

U\unitlength . . . . . . . 83\url . . . 3212, 3216, 3220\useknt 167, 190, 407–

487, 536, 546,547, 576, 584,586, 603, 611,613, 631, 639,

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku …· 2006. 2. 20.· The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (88)

88 Index

641, 645, 653,655, 659, 667,669, 808, 809,850, 853, 893,894, 912, 915,966, 967, 970,971, 974, 975,992, 995, 1003,1006, 1015,1018, 1078,1091, 1142,1144, 1148,1150, 1186,1199, 1226,1228, 1232,1234, 1298,1315, 1343,1345, 1349,1351, 1480,1615–1617,1632–1634,1656, 1666,1672, 1681,1682, 1693,1694, 1704,1710, 1765, 1767

V\verb . . . . . . . 1835–1841

W\write . . . . 103–111,

115, 116, 1466,

1564–1572, 1786\writegame 6, 1457, 1513\writepuzzle . . . . . .

. . . 4, 99, 1854,1866, 1878,1890, 1902,1914, 1926,1938, 1950,1962, 1974,1986, 1998,2010, 2022,2034, 2046,2058, 2075,2087, 2099,2111, 2123,2135, 2147,2159, 2171,2183, 2195,2207, 2219,2231, 2243,2255, 2267,2284, 2296,2308, 2320,2332, 2344,2356, 2368,2380, 2392,2404, 2416,2428, 2440,2452, 2464,2476, 2488,2500, 2512,2524, 2547,2553, 2570,

2576, 2593,2599, 2616,2622, 2639,2645, 2662,2668, 2685,2691, 2708,2714, 2731,2737, 2756,2762, 2779,2785, 2802,2808, 2825,2831, 2848,2854, 2871,2877, 2894,2900, 2917,2923, 2940,2946, 2963,2969, 2986,2992, 3009,3015, 3032,3038, 3055,3061, 3078,3084, 3101,3107, 3124,3130, 3147,3153, 3170, 3176

\writes@dpuzzend . . 99

\writestartgrid . . .. . . . . . 1548, 1560

\writestate . . . 1643,1644, 1647,1744, 1746, 1778

The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving and generating Sudoku … · 2006. 2. 20. · The sudoku bundle for displaying, solving - [PDF Document] (2024)


What are the numbers in the Sudoku boxes? ›

The game of Sudoku consists of a grid of nine rows and nine columns subdivided into nine 3x3 subgrids. It has two basic rules: Each column, each row, and each box (3x3 subgrid) must have the numbers 1 to 9. No column, row or box can have two squares with the same number.

How do you solve a math Sudoku? ›

The most basic strategy to solve a Sudoku puzzle is to first write down, in each empty cell, all possible entries that will not contradict the One Rule with respect to the given cells. If a cell ends up having only one possible entry, it is a "forced" entry that you should fill in.

What math is involved in Sudoku? ›

To solve a Sudoku puzzle, one needs to use a combination of logic and trial-and-error. More math is involved behind the scenes: combinatorics used in counting valid Sudoku grids, group theory used to describe ideas of when two grids are equivalent, and computational complexity with regards to solving Sudokus.

How do you show possibilities in Sudoku? ›

You can select which possibility to display using the keyboard, use F4 to show/hide all possibilities or ALT+number for individual possibilities (ALT and '1' for number '1' etc.).

What is the 45 rule in Sudoku? ›

The 45 Rule

An essential Killer Sudoku solving technique is the "45 rule". This uses the fact that every row, column and block must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9 once. Therefore, the total of all numbers in one row, column or block will always be 45.

Is there a formula for Sudoku? ›

Rules of Addition Equation Sudoku

The puzzle can be solved by finding the values of the unknown digits (all indicated by asterisks) in the squares of the 9x9 grid. At the bottom and right side of the 9x9 grid are numbers, each of which is the sum of a column or row of unknown digits marked by asterisks. * + * = 9.

Is there a trick to solve Sudoku? ›

Scan for Singles

The first step to any successful Sudoku solve is to scan for cells that can only contain a single digit. On beginner puzzles, there are usually one or two obvious ones lurking somewhere and they are an easy way to start making progress.

Is Sudoku good for your brain? ›

One of the primary benefits of Sudoku is the fact that it forces the person to think two or three moves in advance, an activity that is good for the brain.

What is the magic number in Sudoku? ›

Solving the Sudoku: Magic number turns out to be 17.

What is the Sudoku rule of 1? ›

Sudoku Rule № 1: Use Numbers 1-9

Sudoku is played on a grid of 9 x 9 spaces. Within the rows and columns are 9 “squares” (made up of 3 x 3 spaces). Each row, column and square (9 spaces each) needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-9, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square.

Is there ever guessing in Sudoku? ›

Sudoku does not require guessing. In fact, when solving Sudoku puzzles, you're better off NOT guessing at all. Sudoku is a logic puzzle, using the power of simple deductive reasoning and process of elimination to fill in the gaps in the grid. Simply put – you don't need luck to play Sudoku.

What is the hint in Sudoku? ›

Hints are cumulative; each hint is based on the information derived from previous hints. If the hint is that a certain square must be a certain digit, a "Do it for me" button will appear that will place the digit in the square. Tip: You can keep pressing Enter to step through hints and fill in solved squares.

How to finish Sudoku fast? ›

Here are a few tips that can help beginners solve sudoku puzzles:
  1. Look for the Easy Solutions. Many puzzles will leave one or two blanks either in a line or in a box. ...
  2. Seek the Missing Numbers. ...
  3. Keep Scanning the Entire Puzzle. ...
  4. Constantly Re-Evaluate the Grid. ...
  5. Be Patient and Enjoy the Hunt.

What are the numbers in Sudoku? ›

A sudoku puzzle is solved when all the grid cells have been filled with numbers from 1 to 9 according to the following three rules: Each row must contain all numbers from 1 to 9. Each column must contain all numbers from 1 to 9. Each box must contain all numbers from 1 to 9.

What are the locked numbers in Sudoku? ›

A Locked Pair is 2 digits that occur in 2 squares in the same row, column or 3 × 3 block. A set could also contain 2, 3, 4, digits in 2, 3, 4 squares (etc). R5C1 and R6C1 both contain <18>, which means that they MUST be either <1> and <8>, or <8> and <1>. Either way around means that R4C1 cannot be an <8>.

What are the ghost numbers in Sudoku? ›

Ghost numbers are empty cells in a row, column or box that are the only cells that can hold a specific digit.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.