The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

GAZETTE classified It Works Phone 3988234 or 1-800-397-8234 24 HOUR FAX 319-398-8265; Recorder 398-8245 The Cedar Rapids Gazette Thurs May 30, 1991 110 04 I 06 Boats Sporting Goods HW, Sale Time I 107 Tools-Machinery Mnrmailiilu 1 02 Office Store Equipment Miscellaneous for Sale 1 PREOWNED window air conditioners 8-110 volt 8 220 volt units cleaned serviced and ready to go Call today and get cool' HAMES MOBILE HOMES 377-4863 1 OO TV, Stereo, CBs, VCRs RURAL CABLE SYSTEMS in town or country $39 95 a month includes all equipment and programming package Certain he-strictions apply Stop in and see our Display at Eblrngs TV, 1246 7th Ave Marion STAR-SAT DIST Jim Pugmire 363-58M or 1-800-283-5833 I don't think I'm going to enjoy this first cookout of the year. 94 Home Furnishings BEAUTIFUL 4-piece living room set, never used tags still on, charcoal blackmauveivory floral Must sacrifice-moving out of State 366-5802, after 5, 377-2350 50 RECONDITIONED COLOR TVs 25" remote table Zenith, Magnavox I yr warranty CITY TV (Call Today) 363-8139 AKAI reel-to-reel tape deck $150, dual turn table $50, HEATH AM FM receiver $150 HEATH Dolby cassette deck $50. HEATH JBL Speakers $150 All offers considered 373-0150 or 378-1556 SATELLITE SYSTEMS NewUsed Midwest Satellite TV 500 Gateway Place SW, 365-4590 25" RCA solid state color console, $65 Works good 364-7435 SEARS LXI 31" console TV, audio video input and output, stereo, remote, like new $999 365-1904 HOME Stereo System Onkyo Akai Infinity and oak entertainment stand, $800 378-1410 19" SOLID state portable TV, $75 13" cable ready remote, $100. 366-1895 MITSUBISHI 27" stereo TV monitor with matching stand, $550 396-5145 after 5 pm 25" SYLVANIA super set, picture in picture, 7 mos old, remote, cable ready, excellent' $450 362-7320 When you have something to sett, find a cash buyer the easy way with a low-cost ad. 101 Computers SalesServices IBM PS2 30-286, 2 meg RAM, 20 meg hard drive, 3'j and 5 drives, VGA color monitor, mouse and much popular software, $1800 Panasonic printer, $100 319 744-3259 MANUFACTURER SPECIAL' Sharp PC-6220 Notebook Computer 286, 20 Meg hard drive, VGA only $1995 Circle Computer Resources 362-2384 PANASONIC portable, IBM clone, 640K, 2 S1' floppy with built-in printer Epson printer, software includes Lotus, Word Perfect, Flight Simulator, $1000 364-3202 IBM Compatible turbo PC, 20MB hard drive with 2 floppy, color monitor and printer, $725 377-4004 MOTOROLA UNIX MULTI-PERSONAL COMPUTERS OFFICE AUTOMATION, 393-5977 TANDY 1000HX (2) 3Vj" and (1) 5V floppies, modem, color monitor, printer, $750 377-4535 days IBM PC 640K, 2 disc drives, color monitor, manuals, software, new condition $395 363-8566 GRADUATION Gift1 IBM compatible, 640K, extras, $495 366-3335 APPLE lie and Apple lie computers with software, Panasonic printer, Koala pad 377-3679 or 377-9591 RENT A COMPUTER Circle Computer Resources 362-2384 IBM compatible 286 computer, EGA color monitor, $450 396-9254 104 PE7S Nursery, Lawn i Garden 10 HP RIDING MOWER Mint shape J64-6587 Plus 3661761 I 05 FlealVIarkets-Hobtiies-Crafts) OPEN HOUSE JUNE 1-2 Country Ceramics Gift Shop Door Prize 565 value Ceramic Bisque- Wood Flower and Tole Paint Located Fast of Homestead on Hwy 6 OPEN 9-6 Phone 6284467 COUNTRY PINES ANTIQUE BARN FLEA MARKET June 8-5 June 2 10-5 Exit 4, off 1-380, 125 Jones Blvd, North Liberty, 626-6977 (RAFTERS WANTED 377-1814 or 377-7609 CRAFT exhibitors wanted for ALL IOWA Fair June 12-16 377-7660 CERAMIC MOLDS, reasonable, doll cradles in 3 sizes, 393-6292 86 Boats Sporting Goods PONTOON BOAT BLOW OUT USFD 24 Float Boat 25 HP 52495 25 Crest 40 HP 54495 29 Crest, 50 HP 58595 24 Tracker, 90 HP, trader $8995 NEW 28' Aqua patio sun deck 28' Aqua patio entertainer 20 Sweetwater Fisherman Dock space available GS MARINE 351 8343 Coralville Lake M-F 9-6 Sat 10-3 Trade Show Productions Ltd Presents CEDAR FALLS, IA UNI DOME GUN SHOW May 31, June 1 2 76,000 Sq Ft of Exhibits BUY SELL TRADE Or Just Browse 1000s Of Guns On Display Acres Of Free Parking Fn 5 30-9pm, Sat 9-5, Sun 9-4 Fri 52, Sat Sun 53, Kids 51 BOATS, CLOSE OUTS, SAVE BIG NOW' AlumaCraft Lund Lowe Boats CHECK OUR PRICES, SAVE, SAVE.

We Need Trades, We Finance MERCURY 15hp-51399, 25 hp-51659 JOHNSON 30 hp-51849, 150 GT-55199 We Trade NEW 24' PONTOON BOATS-53995, NEW 17 FT CANOFS-5369 OLD TOWN Canoes USED Canoes 100 USEO BOATS, MOTORS Check Price PH 608-326-2478 Starks Prairie du Chien, Wi Open Sundays We Trade, We Finance CEDAR RAPIDS HONDA 'YAMAHA Your Full Service Yamaha Watercraft Dealer SALES PARTS SERVICE Stop and register to win a YAMAHA WAVEJAMMER to be given away at the Worlds Biggest Beach Party 5711 16th Ave 396-21 1 1 NEW IN WATERLOO Yamaha Personal Water Vehicles Super Jets, Waverunners, Waverunner III, Waverunner LX and the exciting new Waverunner VXR Don get left on the beach this summer Jonathan's Landing 319-296-1107 2 miles south of Crossroads On Texas St Waterloo, I A E.O.M. BOAT SALE Now through Saturday Great EOM SALE SAVINGS on Baylmer, Spectrum, Bravo, Sea Doo, Pontoons too 23 used rigs Call 1-800-728-2628 WBM MARINE Waterloo MERCURY LUND RANGFR STARCRAFT LARSON KENNEDY MARINE CEDAR RAPIDS (319)366-2896 PONTOON, new 24' Suncruiser, every option, 5100 over invoice LUND AL UMACRAFT LOWE JOHNSON MERCURY SPOONER SPORTS Tama 515-484-2201 1983 SKI SUPREME Powered by 351 Ford Pleasurecraft, 200 hrs on new engine, new carpet-redwhite, gray red interior, book $9000, 57200 Must sell--getting married 472-4450 after 5 Charger Alumacraft, Concord Boats, Johnson Outboards HAWKEYE MARINE, INC 2032 Werner Ave NE 393-4419 36 BAYLINEft, 1650 Capri bowri-der, 130 HP IO, AMFM cassette stereo, cooler, hull storage, very low hrs excellent condition, extras 56200 377-1698, 395-0107 17' RED WHITE CANOE with sailing kit and trailer, 45 sq ft sail, $875 or offer 363-0511 WINDMILL Class Sailboat, trailer, nbmamsheet, fiber on wood hull, 5700best Days 335-7959 After 6 30 and SaSu 338-7149 988 BAYLINER Capri 1900, 125 HP, has depth finder and stainless steel prop Days 875-8570 Nights 875-8044 PONTOON- Older model but completely restored, 6HP Johnson, must sell, best offer, 438-6681 until 3pm, 465-5882 after 6pm 20 FT Checkmate, 200 Mark outboard, Shorelander trailer, stereo, ski bar, 57950 or offer 337-7844 (leave message) 88 BAYLINER 2150 Bownder Fully equipped, will trade 363-1105 SOLOFLEX With butterfly and leg attachments 5700 377-1777 leave message SUZUKi OUTBOARDS Eurohne and KmgFisher Boats A-1 Performance Marine 363-2139 OLDER 14' V-boftom aluminum boat, trailer, 1981 6 hp motor, extras $1100 377-3701 after 5 30 1977 GLASTRON Runabout, 65 HP Mercury Shorelander trailer, excellent condition 373-2763 18' H08IE Cat sailboat. Tequila Sunrise with trailer and accessories 393-5107 1988 BAYLINER 1950 Capri, 230 hp, V-8, mint condition, many extras SS prop, day 364-4626, eve 396-2630 POOL TABLE, 8 ft oak, 51000 396-3869 GOLF CLUBS good shape1 5100 366-1682 1988 BAYLINER, 1500 capri, force outboard, amfm cassette excellent condition, 53500. 395-9219 14' SEMI-V Runabout, 35 hp electric start motor, tilt trailer, mce shape, runs good 5500 363-9407 74 GLASTRON OPEN BOW, 165 HP I new $eats Must sell 53900 377-7618 or 854-6399 OLOER 10 hp Johnson, 550 1975 4 5 hp Eska 550 377-3701 after 5 30 18 LUND Alaskan 16' fishing boat, 50 hp Johnson, like new SJ950 396-6496 or 396-2945 15 FT TUFFY BASS BOAT motor, trailer, fully equipped Ready to go 935-3267 REPLACE CHEVY 4 OR 6 with SV OMC V8 kit 5300 366-6284 '88 BAYLINER 1750 CAPRI 130 HP OMC drive, asking 55700 365-9334, leave message 15 HP JOHNSON OUTBOARD, $395 848-4676 COLT PYTHON, 357 4" Blue unfired, box, 5600 455-2827 5 MAN EUREKA tent, Willow Creek Special Edition, awning, used once 5400 new, 5275 373-2258 15 CU FT CAR TOP luggage earner fully assembled, never used, 575, 366-1961 1980 161' Sea Star, 115 Merc, cover, trailer, many extras, super clean 54250 626-6258, leave message )9 KAWASAKI low hrs many extras, smgle-place trailer. Only 53400 377-2983 1987 CHECKMATE 18' open bow, 4 3L V6 10 new 1990, immaculate 510 975, 338-9638 GUNS, BUY, SELL, TRADE SPORTS OUTFITTERS 396-9434 RUDY GOLF CARS, YAMAHA, E-ZGo 319-984-5627 Denver MARINF BATTERIES NEW BATTERY SHOP, 364-1914 1988 MACH I.

V-6 I deep low hrs, 59950 393-0903, 365-2222 6 EVINRUDE outboard, $275 365-8541 after 6 PM 17'Crestlmer'66 125 Mercury-Snoco Nice 52950 319'664-344) 664-3465 MERCURY 7 5 HP, excellent $475 Days, 462-4835 or Eves 462-2623 1975 COBALT 10, V-8, 18, dean Call 319 626-3625 16 7" SEA STAR 140 hp IO, trailer, excellent shape 436-7150, 53500 Auctions Antiques PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, June I at 10 AM 705 7th Ave, Belle Plame Oak 2 door wardrobe, oak 5 and 6 drawer highboys, oak 48" round with 3 leaves, 2 oak buffets, 6 matching oak chairs ash one door wardrobe, oak front kitchen cupboard, Hmze oak cabinet piano, oak library table oak drop front desk, oak 4 drawer chest oak arm rockers, several painted cupboard bases and cabinets, Duncan Phyfe style drop leaf table and 6 flower carved chairs, carpenter's chest, metal ice box, 2 folding clothes dryers, Strom-berg double box wall telephone, Sessions mantel clock 2 hanging lamps, 2 double angle lamps, hanging cranberry hall lamp, Alladm lamp, 2 GWTW lamp bases, 4 kerosme lamps, railroad lantern with red globe, 12 kero sine lanterns, copper boiler, Daisey butter churn, 2 coffee grinders, and NW wrench and oil can, large iron scalding kettle Winchester 97 and model 74 22 cahbur. Remington model 12 22 caiibur and models 510 and 511 22 Franchi 12 gauge automatic, Stevens 22 pistol trapper model, 9 pocket watches- 1 swisS and 2 key wind, need work, coins, 1909 VDB penny Indian heads, 1865 and 66 3 cent pieces, Vj dime, 6 trade tokens and others 1964 Chevy Bel-Air, 4 door, 238 V8, automatic 47,500 miles SeaKtng 12HP outboard Other collectibles plus household goods. Terms Cash Maude Fisher Owner Jerry Tubaugh Auctioneer 319444-2413 Belle Plaine RECORDER '319-398-8245 (24 Hour Recording Service) Call the recorder 24 hours a day to place your auction ad Well call you back with ad costs and details (Bspttr It worlis! Phone 398-8234 1-800 397-8234 FAX 319-398-8265 3rd Ave at 5th St Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 AUCTION SAT JUNE 1 1 00 875 2ND AVE MARION Fensterman, owner Kitchen table4 chairs, 3 drawer storage cabinet, desk, dropleaf table, card tablechairs, antique dresser, window fan, 2 single beds, pots, pans, small appliances, book shelves, cookbooks, dishes, linens, pictures, floor lamps, vanity with round mirror and caned seat bench 110 air conditioner, sweeper, table lamp, end tables POWER TOOLS Craftsman 36" lathe, tools, full set of 8 lathe tools, 5' step ladder, 4" planer, vibrator sander, 2-3" belt sanders, drill, dowling ng, 10' wood ladder, 4' level aluminum, 12" weed eater, 38" drill and press stand, band saw, self propelled rotary mower, clamps(C, wooden and pipe), Craftsman 10" table saw, Craftsman 4" planer, Craftsman bench band saw, garden tools, lots and lots of hand tools Much more' GLANDORF AUCTION SERVICE ESTATE AND CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Thurs. May 30th, 630 PM 267 Broadway, Springville Partial Listing 76 Surburban, Organ, Oak drop-leaf table, Tableschairs, Couch, Desk, Refrigerators, Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Microwave, Exercise bike, Vacuum, Quilts, Beer steins and lights. Beam bottles, Ertl tractors, Lots of household items, John Deere bicycle, Lots and lots of smalls Qualify Consignments Taken Until Sale Time DAVE RAUE, AUCTIONEER 854-6610 NEW MERCHANDISE AUCTION Sat June 1st, 630 PM 267 Broadway, Springville BILLY WILL BE HERE' Partial Listing Gun cabmetcurved glass doors, Corner hutch, Other china cabinets, Running boards for '88-'89 Blazers, Sound Design stereo, Skate board, Cologne, Dolls, Socks, Tractors, Semis, Porcelain clown figurines.

Aunt Jemima banks, Leaf blower, Candy, Jewelry boxes, Spetdel lewelry, Porcelain figurines, Watches Hundreds of other items DAVE RAUE, AUCTIONEER 854-6610 ESTATE AUCTION SAT JUNE 1 1 1 00 AAA ALBURNETT, IOWA Antiques, collectibles, glassware, furnishings, appliances, and auto (See last Sun Gazette class 88 for complete listing) EDNA JOHNSON ESTATE Doug Mounce. Auctioneer 438-1938 Central City ESTATE TAG SALE FRI MAY 31, 530 830 PM SAT JUNE 1, 9-4, SUN JUNE 2, 9 4 2914 SOUTTERAVE SE Complete household plus -Walnut Baldwin spinet piano Sale by Marlene Glandorf IT'S SALE time again at Blairs Ferry Road Antiques, the tent is up We have a collection of dealer issued model cars, 1955 State Highway Commission set plus farm sets, trucks and tractors Furniture, crocks, pictures, lots of smalls Fri lOam-flom Sat 9-6 Sun noon-5 745 Blairs Ferry Rd, Marion 377-4816 AUCTION Sat June 1 10 30 A 104 Grove St Shellsburg, IA Household Tools Miscellaneous See partial list last Sun Class 88 Ed Frese 227-7305 LCI 227-7569 ANTIQUE IRON LAWN furniture Matched set in grape pattern. Settee, 2 chairs, small table 5675 365-1366 CARROLL NEWELL Auct 362-2850, 515-752-6486 coltect WE BUY ANTIQUES ONCE UPON A TIME 112 2nd St 363-3688 WALL and ceiling fixtures for decorating needs Banowefz Antiques' 61 Bypass, Maquoketa. 652-2359 GLANDORFS AUCTIONS Or Tag Sales. Also Appraisals Phone 395-0097 SHARPLESS Auction Wed 5 30 Complete auction service daily 8-6 Mark Sharpless, Iowa City 351-8888 SMOKEHOUSE SQUARE ANTIQUES Over 29 Dealers Amana 622-3539 WANTED AUCTIONS! DONDREXLER AUCT 438-6424 Auction cataiogues-520-1 year Gene Harris Inc 203 So 18th Ave, Box 476-CR-Marshalltown-501S8 STABLE ON THE ALLEY Appraisals, estate, tag sales 362-9171 DOUG MOUNCE, pioneer 438-1938 Central City IA OAK Chairs quilts primitives.

Noritake, Willow, Jeweltea, Pressed, kitchen glass, pedal car, 396-5723 MIG WFl DFRS 110 amp and larger Plasma cutters DAYTONA MIG Marv Herman 364-8621 366-8607 3 HP 6" power auger 5135 2 hp heavy duty air compressor. 5275 926-2605 MAC TOOL BOX top and bottom box, 10 drawer boxes $800 best otter 462-2316 100 Construction Equipment 30 4 Davis Trencher with back-hoe, hyrdo bore and blade Also Ford lopper 8 DeVibiss airless spray machine 927-3364 GRACO 333 airless paint sprayer, will handle 2 guns, 5J000 new $600 best offer 319-233 3343 FORK EXTENSION JO heavy duty, great for wall panels, 5250 319-232-6719 1 20 Business Opportunities FULLY equipped food stand located in northeastern Iowa Can be relocated Set up to serve Ice cream, popcorn hot dogs, snacks and soft drinks Evemnqs and weekends call 515 573-8453 or Mon -Fn 8-5, 319 927-6068 Tim 1 3000 PSI hot or cold mobile washing unit along with 85 Dodge Ram pickup Also 3500 PSI cold water mobile unit 223-5350 before 12 noon or leave message anytime after 12 JANITORIAL EQUIPMENT Extractor, 20" automatic scrubber, 20 battery operated buffer, other miscellaneous J96-2847 HAVE A BUSINFSS TO St LL? WE HAVE BUYERS NFFD LISTINGS' CALL RAY KOHL CENTURY-21 RAY KOHL 365-0681 RESTAURANT for lease or sale with option to purchase Recently remodeled Turn-key operation Write Gazette Box M-1 79088 FITNFSS CENTER with membership contracts 319-465-3480 days 465-5598 eves weekends 126 Money to Loan WE PAY CASH for your Real Estate contract Low rate 2nd mortgages CONTRACT EXCHANGE 363-8827 -128- Personsl Loans CASH PAID For your real estate contract Bob Miell 366-8039 Equity 139 Mobile Home Lots PAVED streets, natural gas, cable TV, 5145mo Holiday Mobile Homes, North Liberty 337-7166 I 140 Mobile Homes BROTHERS 3" HOMES 1416-28 Wides 25 New Display Models Daily to 5 PM Mon Thurs 8 PM Closed Sunday In Honor ot Our Lord 396-1549 3 BEDROOMSH 14x70 Oakbrook in Kirkwood Estates 3 bedrooms, washer dryer, opw carpeting and drapes throughout Mint Condition' Only $13 900 51400 down payment, 120 months, 12 25 APR Only 5182 36rnonth HAMES MOBILE HOMES 377-4863 14 bv 56 '79 Skyline 14 by 70 '90 Fairmont 16 by 70 '84 Friendship 16 by 70 '81 Rollahome 24 by 56 '81 Champion Mobile homes listed above are priced to sell No fees to buyers Call 377-0156 for information MOBILE HOME LOCATtRS FAWN CREEK HOMES OUR RFPUTAT10N IS QUAL ITY 3 Double Wides on Display Bah Hai Lots Available" ANAMOSA-2 Blocks of WalMarf (319) 462-6155 Open Mon-Fri 9 to 6, Thurs Nil 8 Sat 9 to 5, Sun I to 5 DOUBLE SECTIONALH 24x48 Kirkwood in 5 Seasons 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 decks, central air, shed Only $14,900 $1500 down payment, 120 months, 12 25 APR Only 5195 64month HAMES MOBILE HOMES 377 4863 Kirkwood Estates Come Check Out Our 78 New, spacious, sodded lots For 80 Foot Homes GREAT LOCATION" 365-6896 14x70 86 HAMPSHIRE, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, range, refrigerator and central air, in the Bali Hat Estates Priced to sell. No fee to buyers Call MOBILE HOME LOCATERS 370156 RFADY FOR YOU in beautiful Squaw Creek Village, Marion, Bali Hai, or Kirkwood 14x70, 2 and 3 bedrooms Prices starting at 510,500 Possible contract Nelson's at Squaw Creek Village 377-0990, 377-7739 BONNAVILLA HOMES 1991 NEW DISPLAY MODELS Free delivery and setup in Iowa Also, choice lots available SFRENE WOODFD ACRES R1 (Golf Course Rd) Amana 227-7777 IMMACULATE 1990 Fairmont, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths Iowa City Coralville area Cheaper than rent 373-2237 or 1-800-955-223, EZ HOMES INC 373 223Z 555 Quality Lowest Prices1 555 I ow as 10 down II 5 APR fixed New 91 16 wide 3 bedroom $15 987 Large selection free delivery setup HORKHFIMER ENTERPRISES 1-800-632-5985 Hazleton IA 1978 VICTORIAN 14X70 2 bedroom, living room, front den with fireplace, central air, porch, shed and others Located al Fawn Brook Park, Maquoketa, Iowa Evenings 319652-5950 14x68 Kalonial in Cedar Terrace Court SW I bedrooms, 1 'j baths, air conditioned $6900 HAMES MOBILE HOMES 377 4863 NEED HELP SELLING YOUR HOME List with the professionals Hames Listing Service 377-4863 Paying (ash for used mobile homes HAMES MOBILE HOMFS 377-4863, out of town 1-800-332-0420 CEDAR Terrace Country Fstales 14x70 and 16x80 lots available 2 MONTHS FREE LOT RFNT 1834 Gretchen Dr 396-2626 1983 14x70 MOBILE home, central air, deck, washer, dryer Can be seen at 23 Golfview Trailer Ct North Liberty 626-2220 after 3pm MOBILE HOMES good for river cabins, storage or flatbeds Priced to sell Holiday Mobile Homes, North Liberty 337-7166 16x70 2 BEDROOM. 2 bath, central air, extremely nice, take over payments Must see 373-0J9Q 12x60, NEW carpet throughout, must see Lot rent only 5130 55900 or offer 364-1060 or 360-1892 1973 14X70 CARDINALCRAFT, 14X20 kitrhen, lots of storage, 377-2102 after noon 1977 14x60 House of Harmony bedroom, air conditioning Will sell cash or contract 390-3693 -150 Rooms for Rent EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising this newspaper is subtect to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, hmifation or discrimination based on race color, religion, sex handicap, family statu or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is violation of tr law All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised this newspaper are available on an eoual opportunity basis To complain of discrimination, call HUD toil free at NEAR Coe 1 room kitchenette, all furnished Stove refrigerator 555 to 560 week Bills paid 365-5449 HENDERSON HOUSE Efficiency and Kitchenettes Prices vary Available immediately 377-1 501 PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE USFD OFFICE EQUIPMENT FAX MACHINFS typewriters, copiers, telephone systems cash registers, desks and a COMPAQ computer Call 363 3546 USFD OFFICF DESKS Large Desks $89 to $129 Roller Chairs $J4 to $69 Big office tables $59 BILLS BROS 363-5010 724 3rd St SE NEW and USED COPIERS and FAX Prices reduced for clearence Laser cartridge recharging Cedar Rapids Photo Copy, 366-7746 NEW SHARP CASH REGISTERS Contact Brian at ERB Business Machines about our $100 trade in promotion 364-5159 COMMERCIAL grade all-steel desk and swivel chair Excellent for study desk, den or sewing room $95 377-0013 NEW and USED COPIFRS, FAX, and duplicators Rich- 363-2626 AUTOMATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS USED pallet racks steel shelving, conveyors, forklifts, Welter Storage Equip 1-800-657-4347 WELTER'S Used Office Furniture desks-etc. 1150 7th Ave Marion Desk and Credenza City Consignment, 1537 1st Ave SE NEW USFD STFEL SHELVING NELSON PRODUCTS, 362-8513 1 03 RestaurantBar Equipment DOUBLE sliding glass door cooler good condition, $450 Call 319-886-3128, 886-6978 eves weekends RAPIDS 2 Keg cooler tapper Stainless Steel top $500 366-8534 after 4 pm ASSORTED restaurant equipment You need it, we ve got it 363-6844 Need repairs around the home? Call an expert You II find the help you need here tn Classified 1 06 BuildingslVIaterials FLOOD pump $175, floresant fixtures $5, bulbs 4' 50c, 12x12 vivnl floor tile $100, 4x6 drafting table $150, 396-7286 leave message SLIDING gloss patio door, screens, and storm, MOO 373-2142 alter 8pm (2) 6x7 loading dork levelers, 15 000 lb capacity After 6, 319-927-5420 1 07 Tools-Machinery SNAP-ON counselor XL scope with built in printer, less than 1 yr old with cabinet and digital timing light $5500 OTC monitor 2000 and Wyse 60 computer terminal, $1000 Snap-on fuel imected test equipment 934-3607 USED Binks truckbus paint booth, 49xl6xl7'6" Exhaust fan, lights, panels, all included Totally rust free booth, sold by sealed bids only For more information call Martin weekdays only 8am-3prn 319462-3504 ext 237 Buyer meets seller Classified and it's a happy meeting for both.

MALTESE SMALL FEMALE PUPPY $200 Iowa City, 351-3059 6 WEEK old female Malmute Husky, all shots, $100 362-4387. ADORABLE 6 week Pomeranian pups, male, $125, female, $150 1st shots, wormed 515-682-2085 AKC TINY Toy Poodle stud service 365-3431 GOLDEN Retrieverblack Labrador 12 6 week old pups, $40 628-4246 leave message ROTTWEILER female, 6 mo large, good bite, lincbred on German bloodlines, $250, litter sister, not for breeding, $175, both parents here 427-3710 SCHIPPERKE puppies shots, wormed 1 male, $125, 3 females, $150 515484-3940 or 484-479 4 AKC Miniature Scbnauzer Puppies, 7 wks old, family raised, $125 ea Winfield, 257-3276 AKC IRISH SETTFR PUPS, 5 males, $75 each, 3 females, $150 each 319 864-3291 3 ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES Excellent huntersfamily dogs Papers, shots $125 396-4913 CHINFSE Shar-Pei Puppy Pet quality male Very cute, healthy, outgoing puppy Loves children Fawn horsecoat, nicely wrinkled 5300 319334-6704 5 AKC SHELTIE PUPPIF5, sable and white Shots and wormed 5100 319932-2908 2 AKC SHELTIE PUPPIES 5150 each 319728-8501 6 AKC SHELTIE pups, sable and white, 5125 846-2414 AKC Shelfie pups, personality plus, champion dam, with shots and travel crate Eves (319)373-0000 6 WHITE registered German Shepherd pups, shots, wormed, 5150 319656-2560 AKC German Shepherd Puppies, 3 mon shotswormed, 5100 366-7282 SHELTIES AKC, sable and white, champion bloodlines, 550-5200 515634-2667 4 EXTRA large German Shepherds from Ihe famous Shiloh lines, males to Wolf sables-blacktan 550-175 236-4781 9 MO GERMAN SHEPHERD FEMALE 550 393-6614 GERMAN Shepherd puppy 5 Months old girl Good temper-manl Show lines 5150 854-7229 Springville 5 AKC SHELTIES, 7 wks old, sable and white, wormed, $100 each. Decorah 319546-7720 SHIH-TZU LHASO APSQ buppies Shansi Kennels 849-1045 SHIH TZU, AKC, 7 mon old male, paper trained 575 363-7883 AKC SHIH TZU PUPPIES born 42 and 46, shots and wormed, 5150 each 846-2436 3 ADULT AKC co*cker Spaniels Proven-good with kids 2 Fe-male-l male 4 years old 550 Each or will trade for something of equal value Good home only Near Mt Vernon 482-2013 AKC English Springer Spaniels, liverwhite, blackwhife Ready to go 5125 319-648-5171 3 co*ckAPOOS, 2 males, 1 female, 7 weeks old, buff, $75 each 4J8-1408 CAVALIER King Charles Spaniel pups, born 12791, $250-5300 as pets or 5400-5600 for show or breed 846-2436 3 PUREBRED co*ckER PUPS 1 buff, 2 roan, 550 366-2361 7 AKC registered Brittany Spaniels, 5 males, 5100 2 females 5150 Call 857-4391 CAVALIER King Charles Spaniel Puppies, 2 red white parti color, wonderful pets, champion bloodline 5250 636-2860 Oelwem TERRIER PUPPIES 525 each 462-2181 FREE to a good home (moving), purebred spayed Yorkshire Terrier, 377-0389 between 5-7 pm 2 MALE AKC (tiny) Yorkshire Terriers, 6 weeks, mother 2 lbs father 3 lbs shots, wormed Raised with loving care 5300 ea Iowa City, 319351-7694 after 5 30 PENBROOKE Welsh Corgie, male pupov all shots, wormed, adorable, family raised 5100 385-89 57 2 AKC Yorkshire Terrier pups, shots, wormed, tea cup 5150 and 5200 2 54-2490 AKC YORKSHIRES 2 nice male puppies, 2 at 5150 668-1009 or 668-2427 AKC Scottish Terrier Pups, 5 females 5250, 3 males 5225, shots, 319 391-6777 after 2pm HUNTING MACHINES 6 Weimar aner pups, 4' months old, shots, $150 Parents are unbelievable hunters 644-2712 WOLF PUP, female, 14 weeks old, 5150 Must sell 366-4747, 848-4288 PETS FOR SALE' Fox. skunks, ferrets 935-3622 yarty am REGISTERED POT BFLLY PIG 3 mon old, trained, very friendly, 5300 377-7139 3 FAMILY Garage sal Cl'tnes-babv, children Baby furniture, toys freezer, wall decorations, dmefte set, much more Thurs -Sun 9-6 624 Concord Lane GARAGE SALE Fn-Sat, H22 Ave NW (m alley by Roosevelt School) Hot weather items' Air conditioner, humidifier, ceiling fan, Croslev refrigerator, 13' TV, Dodge motor home GARAGE SALE crib, baby items, toys Playmate organ, Sansui speakers, single bed, tools, miscellaneous Fri 9-5 Sat 9-1 325 ELDER LANE NW GARAGE SALE Fn -Sat 9-4 Maple table 6 chairs, reclmer small appliances 321 Zetda Dr NW HUGE SALE TODAY 9-4 151 -19th St Heavy ram no sale MUGE Garage Sale Furniture car-top carrier, bike, video camera, Bmm protector, more Thurs-Sat 409 Owen St MOVING out of state plus moved to a care center furniture, etc Thurs-Sat 8-5 341 22nd St NW MULTI-Family- Bargains for men, women and children Some antiques Thu-Fri 8 30-6 30, Sal 8 30-Noon 1224 11th St NW QUALITY SALE THUR 9-1 Adult and kids clothes 1637 Elaine Dr NW (Off Ave) 76 S.W. Sale Time GARAGE SALE Thurs -Sat 8-5 Girl's 2T-4T clothes (Heartstrings, Oshkosh, Guess and Buster Brown) Toys, Fisher Price, Little Tike, sink and stove set Girls quilt and sham Antiques, bottles, pictures and lots of miscellaneous Early birds welcome1 5920 Underwood Ave MOVING HOUSE to APARTMENT antique lights and drafting table, furniture, baby furniture, clothes, waterbed, refrigerator, Schwinn, swing set, and lots more 9-6 Thurs-Fri 1360 19th Ave SW NICE Clean Rummage stereo mobile phone, kid adult furniture, clothes-all ages, miscellaneous Thurs -Fn 9-5, Sat 9-12 (sack day), 2251 St SW Rec Room 10 FAMILY garage sale Baby furniture, infant to adult clothing toys, kitchen items, tires 4x7 trailer Fri -Sat 9-5 5010 East Road Worthington Acres GARAGE SALE Thurs 8-5, Fn 8-noon Side-by-side refrigerator, Home Interiors, furniture clothes, books 75 Devonwood Ave SW ANTIQUE furniture, some refm-ished Tools, fishing gear, guns, brass, clothes, toys Thurs -Sat 7-5 2641 Schaeffer Dr GARAGE SALE Thurs -Fn 9- Lots of children's clothes.

Little Tyke Model car, lots of miscellaneous 109 26th Ave Dr GARAGE Sale Children's clothes, antique bed, bikes, 4-speed Ford truck transmission, radios, etc 9-4 30, 1314 20th Ave SW BIG SALE Thurs -Fri 9-6 Clothes galore1 2Tgtrl's women toys, miscellaneous 2467 Fruitland Blvd SEVERAL-FAMILY Garage Sale 8-4 30 Thurs -Fri Dishes, clothing, miscellaneous, some furniture 1209 3rd St 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Thu Sat 8-5 Kids through adult clothing Bicycle, toys much more 167 RED WING RD SW 4 GARAGE SALES TODAY 8-5' Very mce things in good condition lots of clothes and miscellaneous 5400 BLOCK ST YARD SALE 2108 St Fri 9-6 Sat 8-5 Sun 8-3 Queen size futon, Centel bag phone, lots of clothes, formals, household items GARAGE SALE Miscellaneous items Thurs -Fri 9-5 380-26th Ave SW (between 1-380 6th St) MOVING SALE' Fn-Sat 8-5 COLLECTIBLES and JUNQUE' Shuevville 1 mi of 380 MOVING SALE 1735 St SW 9-5 LARGE Yard Sale Thurs -Sat 9-5 915 9th St GARAGE Sale- Thu and Fri 9-, Sat 8-9 6213 Crestridge Ave SW 78 Marion Sale Time GARAGEATTtC SALE Little bit Of everything, patio set, air conditioner, furniture, toys Clothes 0' 4T, adult, maternity, more Fn -Sat 8-5 256 Larick Dr Marion MULTI Family Garage Sale Fri -Sat 8-5 Truck tires, trolling motor, toys, kerosene heater aluminum mags, clothes, auto parts, fishing, books, more 1485 Northview Dr Marion LARGE GARAGE SALE boy's Clothing, lawmower, antiques, furniture, bicycles, toys, much more Excellent condition Sat 8-2 3104 6th St Marion 3615 29th Ave Thurs -7 30 High chair, stroller, toys; boygiri maternityadult clothes, exercise bike, household items MOVING priced to sell cheap1 Children's clothes, toys, bov Schwinn bike, furniture, etc Thurs 8-5 1180 Country Club Dr HUGE SALE 9-5 42 yds good carpet, wall hangings, adult clothing, etc 720 14fh St, Marion by Starry School AVON Representative Cleans House with all new items, also, microwave, TV, miscellaneous Thurs-Sat 8- T520 17th Ave, Marion 3 FAMILY Sale Kids' clothes, toys, curtains, rods, sporting goods, vehicles, many items Fri -Sun 8-4 2730 24th St Marion GARAGE SALE 1460 40th St PI, (In Willowwood) Fri 9-6 Sat 8-5 BLOCK SALE furniture, refrigerators, nice clothing, etc Wed 1-6 Thurs Frt 8-6 800 block 15th St 1015 WEST 9TH AVE 8-5, Thu-Sat welder, router, chainsaw, square dance items, bikes, etc MULTI Family 9-5 Bikes, bar stools, toys, clothing, house-wares, etc 1405 McGowan Blvd MOVING Sale Thurs-Fri 9-5 1245 Lmnview Dr Marion Furniture antiques, dishes, decorator items GIRL Sadult clothes many sizes toys, miscellaneous goods 291 5 23rd Ave, Marion 8 30-4 30 BLOCK SALE 4 Garages Wed 12-6, Thurs 9-4 1625 9th Ave 80 Hiawatha Sale Time BABY furniture and clothing, extra large men shirts, miscellaneous Thu-Sat 9-5 306 10th Ave 325 HILLTOP Rd Thu 8-5, Fn 1-5 Sat 9- Something for everyone1 81 Out-of Town Sale Time SPRINGVILLE CITYWIDE SALES SAT, JUNE 1ST, 8 am 430 pm Over 40 garages Map at sites Antiques, tools, housewares, books, clothing for all ages, furniture, toys, sewing machine, dehumidifier, bikes, ptckup, camping items, crafts, music, miscellaneous Campfire and Bov Scout Bake Sale GARAGE sale Fri May 31, Sat June 1, 8-5 Shotguns, bicycles, sneek boat, antique 8 day Henley clock, Tiffany lamp, maple table and chairs, oak buffet, kids and adult clothes dishes, lots of miscellaneous 921 Franklin St Center Point SPRINGVILLE Early Bird Garage Sale May 30th, 31st 8am-4 30om 2 dehumidifiers 178 Circle Dr 82 Miscellaneous for Sale USEO wooden barn boards and bats 935-3822 early am CRAFTSMAN 230 amp welder 585 Old telephone with oak ringer box, 540 1 25 lb anvil, 51 0 Ladv left handed golf -clubs bag $25 Old oak mirror beveled glass, 540 Blueprint file cabinet, $60 3 gaf crock, 520 393-5017 FOR as little as 563 40month, your ad can be included on an every day agreement in this column Gazette Classified It Works" Just phone 398-8426 or 1-800-397-8234 3rd Ave at 5th St SE Cedar Rapids REGENCY scanner $50 Magnavox console stereo 525, Texas Instruments computer with cartridges $75 2 exterior doors 32X80 $50 each offer, Butck V6 motor 5100, 472-4491 78 LTD II nose factory air 9)ass miscellaneous body parts, 6 wooden work bench steel top' 4 vise. Canvas tent, about 10x12, Miscellaneous body parts for 74 Dodge pickup 366-5892 ADVANCE AQUATRON 20 commercial carpet extractor. Power head, 30 hose, hand tool drag wand, 5 gal Xfrachon It chemical, 51600 or best offer Can H9 657-4324 leave message SCHWINN 10 speed bicycle 540 Montgomery Ward 12 speed bicycle 550 like new entertainment center $70, 17 aluminum canoe 5350 Or best offers 366-2743 after 5 REFRIGERATOR $275 Amana microwave $160 Oven 560 Desk chair $90 Old trunk $40 Metal Shelving units 520 up Large dog house 535 362-4J94 FULL SIZE pickup topper 550 Mens Schwmn bike 560 Kirby vacuum attachments, 5100 2 Michelin tires, 195 60 RI4, 8511, 520 ea 337-2814 eves HOUSEHOLD-COLLECTABLES CELLAR DOOR 2900 1st Ave NE 366-1638 2 ROTO TILLERS $75 each 6 lawn mowers, 545 each, all work good Redwood loveseat and chair, $50, Standing fan, 5 JO 396-8326 2 GIRL'S bikes 1 Schwinn, 580 I Fun, 590, 26 excellent condition Queen-sze waterbed, 5180 Smqer sewing machine, 575 373-QJ64 RECARPFTING Home- 200 sq yards of golden beige carpeting all excellent condition, $5 yard, 363-3622 afternoon or evening DOUBLE TYPE" MAKES YOUR AD STAND OUT Gazette Classified 398-8234 20 ROSS bike converts to bov or girl, framing wheels 540 Child's red wagon with removable sides 520 366-2095 PATIO COVER 10x20 heavy gauge cosls new 5650 asking $200 396-4993 EXERCISE bicycle $100, Nintendo power pad and games, 6 place setting Dlus extras of Noritake china 5400 call 373-1720 BILLIARDS 363-4783 Sales of NEW and USED tables Supplies, repairs, moves, low prices SOLOFLEX With butterfly and leg attachments 5700 377-1777 leave message SWAP-IT -OUTDOORS Dealers wanted June 9th, $5, 20x20 space Anything sells' 377-7660 SWING SET, $50 393-3597 2 PAIR beige living room drapes 550, 1 pair print kitchen drapes 510 364-3398 KIRBY PARTS buffer, shampooer attachments, never used, $150 or best offer 365-3715 TENT with attached screen house 5100 Girl Huffy bike 515 Centipede video game 5175 364-0084 2 CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONERS 3-phase hookup Call 319 927-4534 after 5 30pm 2 PICNIC TABLES made out of treated lumber 8 ft and 6 ft never used, 570 and 560 365-4900 DP BENCH PLUS 115 LBS iron weights, 580 396-1814 2 WARREN basswood porch shades, stained white, never used, 590 ea 377-3864 24' ABOVE GROUND P001, deck, all accessories, 51000 362-7298 CENTEL MOTOROLA BAG PHONE 5250best offer 366-4903 12x24 OLYMPIC above-ground pool, 2 yrs old, with carpet deck 319 653-3190 after 5 GE 18 cu ft avocado refrigerator 5150 377-9591 1 5,000 BTU air conditioner 5300best offer 362-2757 Classified is a great way to buy or sell something' AMANA 6500 BTU window air conditioner, 1 yr old, excellent condition 5260 396-5923 WEBER grill 520 BMX bike $15 Training bike 55 Small rocker 515 Hot Air popper 510 364-7966 AIR CONDITIONERS- Sears 13,000 BTU, 5125, Westmghouse 5000 BTU, $50 393-6389 13,000 BTU Montgomery Wards window air conditioner, 2 years Old, 5400 390-4320 AMANA 10,000 BTU wall air, 5150 Maytag gas dryer 5125 Lawn mower 530 10 speed 530 364-6677 Reconditioned Vacuums 529 95up CR Vac 1338 1st Ave NE 362-7854 RAILROAD TIES good quality, any quantity 382-5652, 382-5973 Moving? Let us sell your furniture Furniture on Consignment 362-4324 35MM cameras, typewriters, golf sets, guitars, etc Siegel 366-1554 18 500 BTU air conditioner, excellent, 5475 373-1356. 377-6721 SEE CLASSIFICATION 89 APPLIANCES" 03 ClotiiingBaby Items LADIES COATS London Fog rust never worn 535 long nylon quilted 510, Vi lined winter coat 525 2 Palazo pants 520 364-7503 DONATED Black Persian Lamb Sable collar coat, appraised at 5300, price $150 448-4395 LARGE SIZE (38-44) women clothes 373-2190 between 9-1 84 Nursery, Lawn Garden CUB CADET NEW'USED Tillers, mulchers, mowers 11 Used Riders Stock' TRAVEL TRAILER SALES 3815 16th Ave SW 396-8611 LARGE SELECTION New Used Lawn Garden Tractors McCABE EQUIPMENT INC 1-800-244-3294 Iowa City 351-0828 CASE l-H 275 Utility Tractor, 72' mower, JD 430 60" mower ALL SEASONS EQUIPMENT 1200 16m Ave SW 363-337: BEST RENTAL RENTS THE BEST TOPSOIL 5'j cu yds 565 delivered Partial loads available Also river rock, sand gravel and bulk shredded bark mulch 396-9034 CUB CADET SALE 1991 TRACTORS FROM 51495 MARION RADIATOR EQUIP 377-1968 1666 7th Ave Marion NICE BLACK TOPSOIL 393-4812 393-6975 377-5447 BUTLER GARDEN TILLING Call after 4 or anytime weekends 373-2753 EVERGREEN SALE Low and Spreading varieties, yews, lumper etc Horak 848-7222 200 MOTHER HEN Chick plants, 25c each Fresh RHUBARB 25c 7 lb Wacker Storage 396-0961 TOPSOIL 5 to 6 yds delivered 565 Also fill dirt will load 362-7658 KUBOTA FINANCING low as 2 5 REXCO EQUIPMENT 1925 Blairs Ferry Rd 393-2820 Large selection New Paulan mow ers, riders, weed eaters Ag-Engme Center Pt la. 1-800-648-2896 GOOD LAWN MOWERS for sate Lawn mower repair, tune-up 528 95 Free Pick up delivery 363-9348 SNAPPER mower, self propelled elecfnc start, new motor, A-1 5325 365-1774 RIDING MOWER Simplicity hydrostatic transmission I2hp, 34" cutting base.

51400 offer 337-4125 FORD 12 HP hydrostatic drive lawn tractor, 38 deck new battery vi new once 319 465-3797 21" PUSH LAWNBOY with bagger, excellent condition, $75 364-2375 after 3 30 JD 285, 46 mower 40" blower, weights chains. 80 hours, excellent. 55300, 338-5119 or 338-7828 si FQRD TRACTOR Woods 5N mower, post hole drill, disk, blade, loader, chains 643-7352 DIRT. GRAVEL, SAND, ETC If you need it we It bring it 396-0225 BLACK TOP SOIL Larry Martinson Sodding 377-3851 BLACK Dirt-chemical free Deliver S' 3 yds 562 10 yds 590 393-0119 SHREDDED TOPSOIL AND PEAT MARION PEAT CO 377-8004 Snredded Screened TOP SOIL Larry Martinson Sodding 377-3851 NEAR NEW 62 3 Point finishing MOWER Langhoff 377-2053 NICE BLACK DIRT or sand Delivered 378-1936 OIXIE Chopper 50" cut 18 hp, very clean, 52250 648-3704 WANTED Fill on side Concrete or dirt 390-3366 GARDEN TILLING Experienced and reasonable 3655302 FILL WANTED NW 396-4048 88 1 Auctions Antiques MAGIC CHEF GAS STOVE Good condition. $100 395-7531 after 5 30 or weekends SHEPHERD AUCTIONS 396-1804 MERV HILPIPRE AUCTION CO Cedar Falls, Iowa 266-3578 JACKSON AUCTION CO 277-2256 Cedar Falls ANNIE ATTIC ANTIQUES 319895-6828 Mt Vernon OPEN Wed Sat 10-6 or by chance ANTIQUE LADY Walker 448-4161 MIDWEST AUCTIONS 319-652-3394 MARION CENTER ANTIQUES 1170 7th Ave 377-9345 STRIPPING LOW COST' Scotts Call anytime 377-6411 89 Appliances MOVING SALE, FREE DELIVERY APPLIANCE HAVEN 362-9608 Air conditioners $100 and up Gt almond washergas dryer, 5350 now only 5300 Wards 16 cu ft refrigerator, white, was 5325 now 5275, Others $75 and up' Year guarantee 1507 St SW SEARS 13 000 BTU, 110V air conditioner, cools great, 5150 Washer gas dryer, 5100pair Washer, 550 Older gas stove, 525 Older electric stove, 525 Older 1-door refrigerator, $25 Single waterbed, no mattress, 525 363-8717 USED APPLIANCES Reconditioned and Guaranteed1 Home Appliance TV Center 706 2nd Ave SE 365-8150 WHITE Westmghouse 8600 BTU air conditioner with heat pump Perfect for home or office Never used List 5825 Sell 5350 319642-5218 SPEED Queen top-of-lhe-lme washer.

Wards dryer, 5250 Maytag portable washer 595 Hoover vacuum 535 Tank vacuum $20 Offers Could deliver 319227-7263 AMANA refrigerator, tee and water in door, 5325 Frigidaire stove 5125 Kenmore washer and dryer, 5250 362-8410 GE dryer, very good condition, 5100 16 cu ft GE refrigerator, clean runs good, $100 4-burner electric range, very clean, 530 364-5158 MAYTAG Portable Dishwasher used for 1 year, $425 364-6892 eves 2 AMANA window air conditioners, 7000 BTU, 4 months old, like new 5215 each 648-3704 30" MAGIC Chef double oven stove 535 365-8916 AMANA 9000 BTU air conditioner 110 volt, $145 cash 365-8047 GE AIR CONDITIONER 14,000 BTU, 115v Excellent condition 5300 364-4238 after 4 30 WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER 15,000 BTU, 220 volt, works good 5150 or offer 362-3136 30" ELECTRIC RANGE -5125, UPRIGHT FREEZER-590, 393-1 1 23; 393-5707 MONTGOMERY WARD washer and electric dryer, green 5200 Call 396-2917 for appointment 2 AIR CONDITIONERS 3 year old GE, 8000 BTU, $175, 10 year old Amana, 9000 BTU, $90 364-3202 CARRIER 7000 BTU window air conditioner, 110 volt, 5150 Good condition 365-4719 515up, range, washer, dryer, refrigerator evenings 396-9799 8000 BTU AIR conditioner, 2 yrs old, 5275 393-1370 WHIRLPOOL frost free 14 3 cu ft original 5500, now $350, 396-1107 90 Coins-Stamps-Jewelry-Photo TOP CASH for silver and gold coins, collections and estates Buying Rolex watches and sterling silver MAX HAGEN 396-7760 anytime 2 SLIDE proiectors, viewing screen and accessories, all for 5150 (or will sell separately) 377-4386 30-CUT Marquis Wedding Ring Set 5650 new, 5400bes! offer 3)9-49-2293 CASH FOR DIAMONDS-GOLD SIEGEL'S LOAN 105 3rd Ave SE 92 Wanted FURNITURE CASH Paid for Quality Used and Antique Furniture Call Jeff at 362-4324 Good working refrigerators stoves, washers, dryers 377-0315 CASH for guns, swords, military souvemers, etc Licensed collector, appointment, Arlan 396-3409 USABLE FURNITURE, ETC St Vincent dePaul Salvage Center For pickup call 365-5091 LITTLE TYKES PLAYHOUSE REASONABLE' 37-9782 BUYING ANTIQUES OLD TOYS Any kmdshapeamount 373-2602 WANTED gas grill and electric range 377-8875 WANTED good used electric stove, reasonable 393-3394 LITTLE TYKES Play House 364-456 94 Home Furnishings FREIGHT SALVAGE JUST ARRIVED 2 truckloads of elegant furniture, sofas, loveseats and sectionals More items too numerous to list 90 Days Same as Cash 5 Piece wooden dinette set $169 Curved sectional 2 mcliners 5599 Modern 3 piece sectional $499 Sofa and loveseat 5399 LoveSeat 5149 Fancy 3-cushion sofa 5199 3-Cushion inclmer sofa 5199 Queen size hideabed 5179 Reclmer Chair 599 Swivel rockers $59 Desk, oak finish $69 Glass end tables 539 Swag lamp $22 5 Piece dinette set $129 Bunk Bed mattress 539 Table lamps (3 wav) 522 4 drawer chest 544 2 drawer night stand 529 Dinette chairs $19 Floor lamps 539 Assorted curios $119 Bunkbeds complete 5149 Englander Mattress 8 Box Sets, single set $139, Full set $169 4 piece bedroom set 5199 Glider Reclmer $189 Headboards $29 We deal distressed merchandise, close outs and salvage We are liquidators' Our price is right' BILLS BROS 724 3rd Street SE 363-5010 IVORY drapes, shears, rods 97' sliding door panel 555 2 Pf 9'x7 555 ea 1 pr 9 x7't0, 555 1 or 545 32" storm screen door, $30 2 bt-fold wood closet doors 6 $25 ea 1 set bi-fold mirror closet doors, 5100 Oak wall paneling, tongue and groove, $1 board Oak mirror medicine cabinet, 20x28, 525 2 oak light fixtures, 520 ea 623-3192 LET US SELL YOUR FURNITURE111 Reoeve 100 of your price Eliminate the hassles Fast and Free Pick up service FURNITURE ON CONSIGNMENT 8-lndAveSE 3M-4324 EXCEPTIONALLY nice Basset bedroom set 9 drawer dresser, bed, complete, mghtstand, 5250 King size bed, complete, 5250 Full bed, complete, 5100 Single bed, complete, $100 Dinette table4 swivel chairs, 5150 Amana rocker, $150 Otters Could deliver 319227-7263 MOVING SALE 25" RCA color remote control TV, beautiful cabinet, $375, 9x12 beige and brown rugpad, 530, sheer curtams and valance, 120x86, 525, full box sprmgmattress, 535 3000 St SW Apt 2806 Anytime weekends or after 3PM weekdays MOVING SALE Black couch with black lacquer trim, 51 75 3 dimensional wall mounting, blackgrey mauvegold, 5175 19" TV with built-in VCR, remote, cable ready, 5500 All modern and recently purchased, in excellent condition 396-6026. TOP DRAWER Pre-owned tine furniture 115 30th St Dr SE Qualify pcs in stock Desk, chest of drawers, bunk beds, pine dry sink, classic dining room set8 chairs, contemporary sectional MORE1 SEE TO APPRECIATE Beautiful drop leaf mahogany table, 3 leaves, 6 chairs, curved front server buffet, 5875 Serious inquires only Offers Could deliver 319227-7263 MIRRORED canopy king size waterbed, upgraded mattress and heater, dark wood, paid $1200, asking $600 Cali to see late afternoons, 366-7017 GAS dryer, electric stove, $100 ea wood table4 chairs, $250, king size 4-poster bed frame, $100, newer twin mattressbox springs, $125 364-3187 2 LADDERBACK chairs, $30 ea Queen Anne oak end table with smokeglass top, 2 yrs old, new $300 asking $150 All like new 377-4386 RATTAN glass top dining room table with 4 chairsmatchmg ceiling light2 matching bar stools, good condition $400 395-7682 BEAUTIFUL 100 wool area rugs Ivory, excellent condition 8x10, $1200 new, $350 offer 3x5 $250 new, $100 offer 364-7841 eves QUEEN SIZE WATERBED bookcase headboard, padded rails, $50 363-8717 3 PIECE SECTIONAL, $2000 new, asking $400 French Provincial girl's twin bed, storage drawers, $200 393-3996 MUST SELL, leaving stale Light blue sofa, 1 yr old excellent condition, $275, Fnd tables, $25 ea, Pet taxi, $15 393-1408 SOFAmatching chair and 1 pr drapes, $200 377-7259 LARGE dresser with mirror, $125 Matching 5 drawer chest, $35 365-2805 WOOD LIVING ROOM SET with cushions Good condition. $250 366-8534 after 4pm BROWN leather chair, matching ottoman, $250, blue leather chair, $250 393-5346 TOP DRAWER Fine Pre-owned furniture sold on consignment 115 30th St Dr SE, 365-2430 MEDITERRANEAN COUCH gold and red, good condition, $125 377-7963 QUFEN size 4-poster waterbed, extra firm mattress, 6 drawers, $350 or best offer, 378-905) eves 83" SOFA, velvet, white with rust and brown floral, very nice, $1100 new, asking $375 377-4468 DOUBLE bed complete, frame, $50 Flexsfeel tan corduroy couch, good condition, $175 377-9761 OAK UTILITY CABINET 7X3X2s $225 377-5908 This Is DOUBLE TYPE" Gazette Classified 396-8234 RECLINER Corduroy, light brown, like new, $200 337-6674 Coralville LIKE BRAND NEW 3 Piece sectional plush brown velvet Was $1600 Only $688 88 364-2977 94" MINT green sofa, $85offer 362-5246 after 5pm MOVING 7-piece cherry, Queen Anne dining room set Must see to appreciate Call 364-3837 to see 1930'S BEDROOM Ping-pong table 849-1227 QUALITY used furniture, call Mer- chandise Discount Store 455-2384 FUTON FURNITURE Contempo Futon 529 Gilbert la City 338-5330 SEE CLASSIFICATION 89 APPLIANCES" 95 HealthMedical Supplies HOSPITAL BED, ALl ELECTRIC $395 377-5621, 377-2721 HOYER HPT, LIKE NEW 395-0184 96 Good Tilings to Eat PICK your own strawberries, kohlrabi, radishes Morarie Farm Gardens, 438-1370 Waubeek MURRAY'S strawberries, you pick, 704 lb, no chemicals 446-4616 Musical Instruments GRAND PIANO CENTRAL OF EASTERN IOWA Presents A new shipment of Yamaha, Baldwin and Young Chang grand pianos SIZES FROM 4'10" TO 9', We'll help you find the perfect size and finish for your home WEST MUSIC COLLINS RD SQUARE 377-9100 Eastern IA Leading Piano Ctr INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE Practice Amps from $59 Electric guitars from 175 Used Spinet pianos from $995 Grand pianos from $5995 CARMA LOUS HOUSE OF MUSIC 42nd Sf Center Pt Rd NE 393-3121 1-800-445-4021 PROFESSIONAL STUDIO PIANO 47' Walnut Finish Only $2550 MALLOY CUSTOM PIANO 390? Center Pt Rd NE 393-7129 WE PAY CASH FOR GUITARS CALL US FOR A QUOTE GILBERT ST PAWN 354-7910 Walnut Baldwin spinet piano Fri 5 30-8 30 pm, Sat-Sun 9-4. 2914 Soufter Ave 3 PIECE Apollo drum set Paiste and Ziidiian cymbals, $295 390-3694 BASS guitarist wanted for soon to be working poprock variety band Vocals a must 70 MARTIN DI8 $675 366-4369 SLINGERL.AND DRUM SET double pass, must sell, $800 or best Wer 363-7990 IAMS PRO PAC ANF WAYNE. Ken-L-Biskit, and more pet foods are at Hilltop Kennels, 1403 Wilson Ave SW, 363-1054 LARGE collapsible metal dog ken net, like new, $75.

365-7921 DOG RUN 12x6x6 with gate, good condition SlOObest offer 377-6081 DOG GROOMING PET SUPPLIES Dog House-125 33rd Sf NE 366-8023 BOARDING FACILITIES The next best place to being home for your pet Canine Corner Cats loo 366-3284 DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Puppy-Beginner-Advanced June 20th Canine Corner 8. Cats too1 366-3284 CANADIAN goslings, $20 Trio of Mandran ducks, $60 Pair wood ducks, $40 4 incubators $30, $40, $50, $150 393-8252 FREE KITTENS 37-3788 MALE CAT, free 390-3847 FREE KITTENS Call before noon 377-0685 BALINESE-HIMALAYAN Kittens 2 females left, 10 weeks, $75 319628-4930 keep trying 5 HIMALAYAN Persian Kittens, black, blue, white and pointed, 50, 627-2988 4 HIMALAYAN CHOCOLATE POINT KITTENS $75 each 462-4727 Anamosa CFA registered perfect white male Persian, 8 wks old, pedigree of 5 generations for parents supplied, champion quality, shots and wormed $200 319367-5683 BREEDING STOCK ONLY Shar Pei, Pomeranians, Pugs, Labs, Yorkie, Maltese 396-3270 PUPPIES give away to good home Richard at 849-1672 leave message AKC BEAGLE 10 MONTH Old male, shots and wormed, $65 393-3556 FREE to good home Beagle pups, 7 wks, great hunters, vet checked 319932-2419 answering machme-please leave message AKC BEAGLE PUPS Shots, wormed, dew claws 1 male $125 1 Female $150 393-3556 4 BICHON PUPPIES White, pedigree available, $200-5225 626-6121 8 MONTH old neutered male Bi-chon, $150 Selling due to allergies 362-4001 2 AKC Boxer Pups Champion bloodline, home raised, brmdle and white, $175-5225 372-7792 PIT BULL puppies, born March 25 ABA registered, $150 515-652-3568 IT'S THE PITS Bull that is (7 8 week pups) 393-2902 5 REGISTERED Chow puppies, black and buff males, $125 ea. 319233-2130 2 AKC Chow Chow Pups, red and black, 1 female, 1 male, shots, wormed, $150 ea 924-2500 FRFE TO GOOD HOME Part Chow and Husky, 1 year old, neutered, shots, friendly 366-3180 AKC Samoved, Collie, and Siberian Husky pups raised with children, shots and wormed 667-6355 FREE COLLIE PUPPIES, 6 wks old, sable and white, 465-5625 9 BORDER COLLIEAUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS 8 weeks old, $20 each 377-6079 7 AKC COLLIE PUPS sable and white, $85 each lj yr male tn, $50 895-8274 MINIATURE Dachshunds, AKC Home raised 377-6580 4 ADORABLE 6 wk old tan and black mmi-Dachshunds $175 ea 319352-1356 4 PUREBRED NON REGISTERED GREAT DANE PUPPIES, $200 319668-2548 AKC DOBERMAN PUPS (6), both parents on premises, vet checked, tails docked, dew claws removed, 1 st worming, ready June 8 319225-2078 AKC tiOBERMAN. female, 8 mo needs room to run, brown, everything done, $275 firm 227-7894 5 REGISTERED American Eskimo pupotes, $125 or best offer 319 679-2766 BASSET pups, AKC, tns excelelnt quality, $125 AKC female adults, 515934-5440 AKC Siberian Huskys, blue eved, 2 females, $90 ea Keeshond female, $90 277-7279 AKC Siberian Husky puppies red and white, 4 female, 2 males, shots and wormed $100 365-9511 AKC Siberian Husky Puppies 3 biackwnite males, blue eyes, 1 tanwhite female, blue eves 5 wks old $)25ea Chuck Campbell Marengo, 319-623-7171 AKC registered Chocolate Lab puppies Call soon 319-646-6729 6 CHOCOLATE Lab Puppies AKC, wormed, shots, dew daws remove! $150, 377-2380 3 PUREBRED LABRADOR PUPS Wetped March 6, 1991 $50 364-6160 after 5 pm weekdays BLACK DIRT (or sale 100 per 12 yard loafl "71 I.

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.