The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

90 JEEP 1IU CLYDESDALES Mares, PIT BULL PUPPIES 11 BEAGLE PUPS Pets or hunt AFFORDABLE Desks, files. DRYERS-Washers-Refrigs- CAMPING TRAILER 14' GLASS Insulated tempered KITCHENBATH CABINETS 36 Merillat styles Free next day delivery Catalog end prices Call today 1 -800 7 6-0196 ATTORNEY'S SALE TODAY LANDMARK NIGHT CLUB Building, Equipment, Liquor been Sole On Premises "Papa't Plaice" 2105-2109 Pennsylvania Ave. AT 2:00 P.M. Deposit $10,000 4. J.

BSLLIG CO. AiaiOMIRS 16 E. FAYETTK ST. BA1.TIM0HK, MO. 21202 (410)752-8440 26 .9 -9 5 Colts and HHies.

Hide a drive Starting at $2,500 All Rflg Call 41Q 4Hti HORSE BARN FOR RENT 18 stnlls. 2bacs Wash stall Howard Co 41Q-4H9 5284 LITTLE MAN "Sovereign Don' out of Mv Special Gl" by "Danzig Bay T8 Gelding 3 yrs old. 16 1H. exc show prospect, only serious inquiries consid- ered Angela tto-5jrq QH paint reg. Overo exc trail lu-uca 1hH no vinos $2,000 neg 796-5590 AAA accepting all credit MORTGAGfc LOANS FORECLOSURES STOPPED Business Loans Personal loans Fast Approvals 50 vrs exo Call Anytime MR NORMAN 484-0505 Licensed Bt bonded AAA or poor credit ok MORTGAGE LOANS Consolidate Bills.

Foreclosures. Home Improvements. Bank-ruptcys, Investment Properties FAST APPROVALS HILLTOP MORTGAGE 484-8004 Licensed Bonded, Since 1964 APPROVAL 24 hrs quick loans 1, 2 3rd mtges Businesses, comm'l mobtl homes. All credit Call Mr Bob 243-8222 AVOID Foreclosure without borrowing Atty Grossman 800-641-9947 24hr BAD CREDIT? Want a clean record, unsecured credit cards, low interest loans? Call IA Funding 410-578 0706 BUSINESS COMMERCIAL LOANS. $25,000 up Catl 339-3492.

John Peterson Assoc CASH FAST From Your Home LOW Closing Costs Same Day Approvals 7 Day Closings Bill Consolidation Good Credit BAD CREDIT Self-Employed Programs ALTERNATIVE LENDING MORTGAE CORP. 1-800-242-6081 100 FINANCING ON INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Cash-out, refinance. Call for details 647-5036 NEED CASH? Borrow up to 50 of pd for cartruckRV Auto Pawn 3U1-U3-KAWIM NO BROKERS FEE Deal directly with a local bank MORTGAGE LOANS 1st 2nd Refinance Money for any purpose Fast Approval HOPKINS FED. SAVINGS BANK 675-2828 Ask for DONNA or LOW Equal Housing Lender 1st 2nd 3rd Mtgt Avail Hard Money Problems Consid Mr Harvey Bb-4bb CASH LOANS $300- $3000 Bed credit OK Private lender 1-800-265-5991 CREDIT REPAIR Personal Loans Modern Financial 902-6595 CREDIT REPAIR at seen on TV Erase bad credit legally Free info 1-8O0-89O-OH03 ELIMINATE DEBT stop foreclosuregarnishment Any, Hmes 366-1550 House Payments Behind? WE CAN HELP YOU922-7IOO INVESTORS WANTED FOR GARDEN CENTER (410) 987-8566 START OVER FRESH Clear TRWcredit in 24 his VisaMC 21-28 days 1-800-555-6681 NATION FINANCIAL WE WILL BUY SELLER FINANCED 1st 2nd Trust Deeds Call IA Funding 410-578-0706 ROLAND PARK AREA AUCTION BY OWNER 625 ST JOHNS RD Vict 4 BR, IVi ba Many ammonifies $125,000 or best roasonable olter Insp Sat-Sun, 1026-29. 1- 5 pm Home will bo sold by Sun nigtil to highest bidder (410) 326-3164 weeks old $300 or best otter Pager 395-1225 000 PIT PUPS 10 If) $200 Must see 525-U I COOB 2UU 522-7394 9am to 2pm POMERANIANS.

AKC. shots, wormed, health guar, V2 lbs $300 64 7-3232 POODLE PUP Toy, AKC. tern, choc shots B. wormed $400 717 258-5186 POODLE STANDARD AKC pups. Champ bloodlines 614-585-2666 RETRIEVER PUP, AKC, curly coated, blk great pathunter $250; 557-939 ROTTIST BERNARD Mix 8 wks.

tern, beaut, piaviui. loving! $60 SOLDI ROTTWEILER PUPS, AKC Parents OFA. 3 M. Shots, wormed. Ready now $400 1717) 633-6085 ROTTWEIL Pups 8wks MF 1st snots-wormeo great disp $200 ea 354-6518 ROTTWEILER PUP Exc quality Shots wormed $350 AKC 43-1569 ROTTWEILER PUPS AKC, 2bu Big boned.

1st snots. No Sun call (717) 927-9187 SCHNAUZER PUPS-MIN. AKC. 4 males. Avail 1028.

$300. 663-1013 SCOTTISH TERR PUPS papers. shots, wormed Blk $31X3-325 717-949-3590 SHELTIES AKC Regd, Shots, Wormed, vet checked $150 544-4592 SHIH TZU 2 fem blkwht, 1 mele, goldwht. (7! 7) 432-5717 SIBERIAN HUSKIES AKC "blue-eyed beauties" 8 wks. shotswormed, guaranteed 301-854-9888.

Columbia ST BERNARD PUPS AKC, lge boned, 1st shots wormed, parents are both dry mouth, accepting deposits, ready to go Nov 11 $350-4425. Catl 71 7-993-2816 )uBt over MDPA line ST Bernard pups 1st shots Wormed Ready now AKC reg $4b0 71 YORKIE PUPS Sm. ch bloodline. AKC, blue gold $450 410-327-7049 ABANDONED CAT FAMILY in need ot good homes Mother 3 kittens. 12 wks old, tree 780 9056 BENGALS from award winning lines, leopard, marble, 410-535-9484 CATS kittens, all types.

Long short hair, Need ill Lair JHJ-OU3 For FREE info on Pets, nutrition, behavtor and other related topics, call SUNDIAL at 783-1800 and enter one of the following codes- retime, enter 7700; Pet Nutrition, enter 7710. Weekly Pet topics, enter 7711; Seasonal topics, enter ini: ret tJi havior, enter 7713 Pet Tip Hotline is brought to you by lie Baltimore bun ana ur Kim Hammond Call anytime, 24 hours a day HIMALAYAN KITTENS Outstanding powder putts ready ror love tr-A reg. isi shots, bO-b41w HIMALAYAN 3 yra, blue pt, Beautiful sweet CF-A, not neutered $85 483-5851 HIMALAYAN PERSIAN KIT I fcNS CFA. shots. 812 wks.

6 F. 2 M. 43-6602 HIMALAYAN KITTENS sealpt. C(-A, gorgeous sweet $2bU bU-OyM HIMALAYAN Kitten Fem, Of-A, wht tluttUHIl wbli eyes! $185 329 5821 KITTENS 3 F. Blk white, $20ea to good home only 525-3321.

att 4 30 PERSIAN HIMALAYAN KIT TkNS, Shots, Vet Check-ed. Various Colors, $1 7b Cal! (410) 239-695 PERSIAN Male 3 mos. Ch sired. 1st shots $200 met CFA papers 410-64-4982 SIAMESE KITTENS, seal point M. health cert $lb0.

768-608b (Olen Hurnie) i.lli AQUARIUM CENTER RANOALLSTOWN 621-4529 HOUSE OF TROPICALS Glen Burnie 761-1 1 13 BURMESE PYTHON. healthy 10' female wcus- tom bit plexiglass wood home SbOO 4t-3bBJ Chincoteaaue Ponies, 13H, PintoCtiHStnut, ready for training. 3HUU MEDICAL EQP Elec hosp bed. comde; lift; whichr; adit dm chr 636 1905 MULCH High quality. Same day delivery! 922-4984 NUTCRACKERS, Steinbach Still in ong boxes, like biand new $150 ee 877-1 76 OIL TANKS Four 260 gallon with oeuges, complete aieu eacn, D.n-rj3 OLDIES TAPEs and CDs att the Lexington Market outside stall On Pace 8t between Saratoga and Lex-ingtion, across the st From Lexico PAINT- Top Brands $6.99 gal Free Del.

410-367-2000 PIANO, UR, $76, u-haul. BR set, perf steal at $6 BO 467-3309 6-9PM Ted PINBALLS WANTED Flipper Games-Anv cond. 339 0575. Anytime PINBALLS Poker. Venice.

Centipede. Mouse Trap $100 8. up. 628-7211 PINBALLS VIDEOS Selling entire lot of 20 games $2000 lakes all 628-211 PIZZA OVEN almost new, conveyer oven, 4 mos guar Call 563-1547 POOL TABLE Slate top, 4x8. New felt cushions.

All access $300 655-9417 POOL TABLE reg. slate top. under mos oia. an access $500. You move 360-8750 Restaurant Equipment complete commercial rsucn-ens.

Stainless Sinks. Counters and Ice Machines. Call 655-0127 RESTAURANT EQUIP FURNISHINGS used, but exc cond Everything must go! 323-2233 Scanners PoliceFire Pop- ttonics I 14 Lignr rr-uao SKI EQUIP Man's ft woman top ot una, compi pkg only $600; 655-1516 SPEAKERS BOSE AM 6 New in box 42D 301-829-0194 STEREO SPKRS (21 Tech nics boundeiound tzi DCM Soundaround, 4' tall. $275 674-8543 STEREOS Buy, Sell, Trade. Metro broker STORM WINDOWS Used.

Venous sizes, bears best white alum Exc. cond Removed for new replacement windows (410)252-3534 TANNING BED (Wolff) 1 yr old New duips rviusi sen $2600BO $1000 tor both 783-7760 Ext8B10 TENTS 9x12 cabin $69.96 424 Eutaw 752-2680 TIRES Snow reg tred any sz a uoup uuar je-ij TOP SOIL MULCH Rich Clean Dark Soil Soil Analysis (MD State appt) (BEST GRADE IN MD Filt-Sand-Gravel-Stone-RR Ties 6am-b 30pm 1 Day Service THOMAS NURSERIES High Quality-Low Prices Mon-Sat 335-5951 TOP SOIL MULCH Rich loan shred top soil. hdwd bark mulch, RR ties. peat moss Egvpt farms 335 3700 TV VCR Stereo Sale Repair Free home est Froe pickup delivery 2 76 9099 TV 2) ZENITH COLOR, 19' ronaoie aou; do kju Sharp VCR $80 760-4223 Video Equip, Buy Sell Trade rvioiro tsroKet o-ij VIDEO MOVIES for sale. $5 a movie Call 8bU-UO bet 12 6.

WEIGHT GYM Weeder AXHbs, 4 stations Like new S2bOBO bfi3-bbS9 W00DST0VE inserts, aood cond Blower works SbOO or best ofter 472-0866 YO YO S. 60,000 pes. U.S Maoerecycie piasnc. to gr. prof mod 410-2M 9000 AKITA PUPS AKC.

BIG, 60 champs in pedig Parents on prem $500 71 7-938-3b AUSSIE PUPS Cute double reg Ready to go. Almost nouseoronen wr-ian BASSET HOUND PUPS AKC REGISTERED Call 71 7-294-31 17 BEAGLE PUPS 9 wks old, lood hunting stock or pets 17b (7171 456-6023 BEAGLE PUPS. AKC M6.F. 8 wks. 1st 2nd shots.

wormed SlbO 4tn-32bb BEAGLE pups (4) males. 01 rem. rureutea numing siock, AKC wpapers 661-C877 Border CollieSamoved ruppies, owks, auorauie, shots, wormed. $100 301-854-b639 stock, shots 8t paper incl $1b0 ea 301 854-6H23 BICHON PUPS MF. AKC.

bnois. wormea, vet cnecK-Pd 10n 4DO fi4 BOXER PUPPIES AKC, snots, reaav ro go luio 1717) 244-0018 CHESAPEAKE BAY P.E- IHIE-VbR PUPS-AKC, CH sire dam CD JH sire Champion lines 410-626-0906 CHESAPEAKE BAY RET Pups (3). AKC. Ch sired, hunting show, exc pedi-gree $300 410-544 1960 CHESAPEAKE BAY RETR PUPS E. Shore bred, AKC, hips cert 1804) Bbb 8585 CHIHUAHUA PUPS Male Female 1st shots and wormed 410-633-5130 CHIHUAHUA PUPS $160- $200 Also Pom apoo male pup S2O0 732-1804 ADORABLE CHOWS AKC REGISTERED (Teddy Bears) Shtswrmd Guar 410-531-2408 C0CKAP00 PUPS Cuts tlulty.

Ms F's 717 548-4291 co*ckER SPANIELS 2 males. 8 wks. Show potential Buff red. 882-4018 co*ckERS pups AKC reownr, oikwnt, in line, home raised 717-264-9405 co*ckER SPANIEL PUP Blk champ bloodline Papers Shots $225 284-7009 COLLIE PUPS AKC read. Ch sired 11 wks old.

Filth guar 1717) 697-9799 DALMATIAN Pups AKC, lovingenergetic, guar, (717) 359-7725, 410 848-5470 DALMATIAN PUPS MF. 8W shotswormed Good wchildren $2b0 876-4684 DOBERMAN PUPS AKC, wks old. Champ bldline blkrst 301-274-4754 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL Pups Parents on premises, shots wormed-Call 2b6-7497 or 255-5897 ENGLISH MASTIFFS, AKC, HOME RAISED PUPPIES. (717) 786-4381 AFT 6 ENGLISH Springer Spaniel Pups. AKC reg Ch bfdlines 1st 2nd shots 757-9546 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS AKC, champion sired, 8 wks Must see.

410-893-2823 For FREE info on Pets, nutrition, behavior and other related topics, call SUNDIAL at 783-1800 and enter one ot the following codes: Pe-tlme. enter 7700: Pet Nutrition, enter 7710; Weekly Pet topics, enter 7711; Seasonal topics, enter I Pet Be- hevior. enter 7713 Pet Tip Hotline is brought to you by he Baltimore sun and ui Kim Hammond Call anytime, 24 hours a day GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups Blk tan, with papers. Call bU-HU GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTER AKC female, lyr $150 284-3837 GERMAN SHEP PUPS 14 wks AKC, house broken, 1st shots, $250 OBO 629-3576 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS ADULT Ch. lines, OFA Beltsville 301-776-6353 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC, X-rayed, males fe males.

760-1354 GREAT Dane pups AKC, Harles. Blk, Blue, up 360-977E KEESHOND Pups AKC. $350 up Show quality family pets 3Q1-bbB-U011 LAB choc pups, master sired. 28 champs on ped, AKC, OFA. CERF 780-0690 LAB PUPS-AKC, Blk.

Eastern Shore bred. 12 wks. Shots. Wormed. Ready $175 410-479 2908 LAB PUPS AKC black shots and wormed Family raised 11 354-029 LAB pups AKC black 4 males evaiiapie iuo 561-8324 LABRADOR Retriever Pups Yellow.

AKC, wormed 1st shots, parents on premises, OFA 410-7b8-3246 LABRADOR PUPS AKC. chocolate MF, ready 1112, parent on premises. $350 410 549 0927 LABRADOR BLACK Male Binos Old. AKC $200 410-329-6870 LHASA APSO smell fern. 7 mos AKC Brown, hsebro- ken esk $2O0.

242-5482 MASTIFF PUPPIES Giant English, AKC reg shots Tetms 410-399-0264 MINIATURE SCHNAUZER male duopios. AKC. 1 st shots $25 410 519-0788 NEAPOLITAN MASTIFF PUPS, guardians, parents on premises dd4- i NEOPOLITAN Mastiff Blue, bmo old tern wpapers. ell shots $650 633-080 34 Stowe character 36 Court 37 Hill dwellers 38 Respighi's of Rome" 39 Simon of song 40 Last degree 41 Prongs 42 Model wood 43 German poet 45 Tot's wheels 47 "Little Women" surname 49 Ilk 50 Debate curbs 53 Plies 57 Em or Polly 58 In a fix 60 Singer Jacques 61 "Cheers" perch 62 63 64 65 Has in 1 "New 2 Gov. 3 4 Is 5 7 8 FORECLOSURE SALE TODAY 10VET0N FARMS BRICK TOWNHOME Sale On Premises 16 OLD FORGE CT.

Sparks, Balto. Co. AT 11:00 A.M. DEPOSIT $10,000 A. J.


"Dundalk" AT 12:30 P.M. DEPOSIT: $2,000 A. J. BILLIG CO. AICTI0MF.RS 16 E.

FAYETTE ST. BALTIMORE, MO. 21202 (410) 752-8440 PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION Public sole held every Tuesday sellina reoos sessed vehicles (or rord Motor Credit and other major lending institutions TERMS CONDITIONS Proof of payment must be approved and presented prior to the start of the sale in one of the following forms: CASH IMin. $3,0001 CASHIERSBANK CHECK (Min. $3,000) CERTIFIED FUNDS (Min.

$3,000 PERSONALBUSINESS CHEC (Min. $3,000) All check must be accom panied with a letter of guarantee from the bank, and must mad payable to 'Baltimor Washington Aulo Exchange'. Must be 18 or older to attendno children permitted. Cars must be paid in full one hour alter purchase. Reg'tion open at 1:30 am Approx 400 Vehicles Weekly NEXT SALE TUES.

OCT. 31st AT 9 A.M. BaltimoreWashington Auto Exchange Inc. 7151 Brookdale Drive Baltimore, Md 21227 Wash. Tel.

621-1640 Balto. Tel. 796-8899 Add'l proof ot payment required per car purchased All vehicles sold 'as is'. Call Sun Classified 539-7700 1-800-829-8000 No. 0913 55 Couch potatoes' spots 56 Three-handed card game 59 Get at the weeds Stoveoven, spls b.

VG condl $H50 68 7-1079 B4 COLEMAN, very clean. un-bed. swing-level, many opts $1600obo b44-1125 74 DODGE MAXI-VAN Conv, sips 4. stove, htr, etc SIBOOBO 46b-94b4 FORD TRAVELMASTER 89 28 bsmt mod 16K blp Insp 410-738-0822 88 MALLARD Sprinter, 34 4UU mi, ioadea, 879-0862 '84 MIDAS MH, 23', GMC, iyK ong mi, AC, sips Insp $10,900 410-788-0822 Over 160 RVs In stock. Huge Showroom M-Th 9-7 CHtbALU HV bbUHbH ROOFING SLATE for sale Delta-the best.

410-4b2-bb18 39 SUNLINE 35' 2 BR, sips 8, exc condt $8b00. Call 4 10- 25b-0838 66 TOYOTA Travelmaster 20 Mini Motorhome, 31 mi, 687-7341 96 WILDERNESS Mod. 24C. Loaded, less than show price $12K 426-4603 WINNEBAGO MOTOR HOMES BECKLEY'S 1-80Q-424-CAMP 67 ACURA INTEGRA 4 dr 4cvl AT Low miles, hard hit left doors Parts only 360-5615 or days 636-0980 AUTO GLASS WINDSHIELDS, Now used bj-up. Cheapl Installation Duffing avail BJJ-piq AUTO REPAIRS, towing parts.

AiioroaDie prices at Rick's. 233-869 7 AUTO TRANS wOD, mod el ailu, vo, t-ota iignt truck 644-9-127 69 CAMARO RACE CAR round tube chassis. FC Cage, all new, 75 complete. BO Call wkdavs 796-44 IS). 69 CHEVELLE TK race carl Hale Thorpe Outlaw 8t many extrnsl 410-247-9165 CHEVY MSD tac dr dist 6AL.

ampi. blaster 3 coil. SB Blo-prl bell hsing Jjtb-b33 86 CHRYS LaBaron, Conv. 2 2 Turbo, eng. tire, whole or parts; '69 RS CAMARO eng.

307. $100. 335-2918 HFADLINFRS Beat anv once Mobile Service 410-668 5049. Pgr 653-3106 JEEP CJ7 82, reblt 360, soft top. many new parts, PS, need6 trans, S270OBO Lv msg at 931-3463 JEEP 258-IL6, running, wl-14 trans Must sen Best offer 491-1926 MOTORS FORD 6.0FI, 3.8FI, 2 3FI.

GM 2 V6, 2 4 cyl, 20 4 cyl, TOYOTA 22R-E Fl, can hearinstall 974-4566. 850-6620 Pgr MOTORS Sold Instl'd Free towing 335-5590 Visa Master Card Accepted MOTORS Sold installed MCVisa. 437-1715 PAXTON super charger. tit* late moo Mustang, i Call 74 PONTIAC TRANS AM 400 engine, 4 spd. Parts onlv.

Call 761-6341 RACE CAR 69 Nova, pro fessional super gas cnassis $10,000 turnkey 1-410-836 0404 ROYAL GTO SWAP MEET Oct 29, 10-4 Call for details 410 266-1510; 410-355-8011 67 RS CAMARO SS hd new GM qtr fndr wells in bxes 5.3K btfb 2464 b-S3JZ SHOP EQUIPMENT Auto lifts, brake lathes, tire chengers, 2 pull frame racks fit more, bave aa 1-800-338-0732 TOYOTA ENGINE tram, 4 cyl 6 cyf. warr, low mi, good price 301-847-1641 86 VW Quantum, 4 dr, runs exc, lUbK, neeas trans, parts or whole 744-3189 WINCH 6000 lb. 12V. remote, new in box Lost over 3uu, sell $400 OBO 780-0690 CHARLES VILLAGE nr Union MemJHU, no eiec metal door $56 727-7839 E. BALTO Gorsuch Ave.

(2) $55 eai8U sec oep IPM 719-0130 SAFE SECURE AREA 16'X40' S30OMO HAS ELECTRIC 54 7-09 76 1ST CLASS-Clean-Secure Highlandtown From $55 H'town 22x36 elec $300 Hempden From $45 J6b-l BABY NINJA CYCLE WORLD 674-6800 636-0600 BAYSIDE CYCLE SALES Harleys Harleys Harleys stock Or reaov to riae Lge selection EZ" financing! oo -it 95 CBR900RR. Exc cond, garage kept, still undei 2800 mi $85000-BO Rick 298-8008 88 HARLEY DAVIDSON Electre Glide Classic, many extras, exc cond, S12.UUU 636-0316 87 HARLEY SUPERGLIDE Clean, lowered $9600 933-9450 HARLEY WANTED Interested in year '36 '96 CASH PAIDI 301-577-5)96 93 HD FXR, 2200 orig mi. Bad Bov stvle paint tob. wblacked out access. High perf.

eng. Too much to list $16,600. (7171 244-4894 aft bpm York, A 93 HONDA CBR 600 F2 MANY ACCESSORIES CALL 761 5451 94 HONDA Goldwing SE, low mi, exc curia 597-B034. 94 HONDA HELIX, greet cona, ajouu or Desi oner 466-6131 88 HONDA 126NX low mi. Needs some work.

$750 or best otter Call 42-ubb 95 HONDA Pro Circuit CR260. Mint cond. Race ready Many extras. Must sell aiJBUU Ask tor rviixe. 410-465-0350 87 HONDA 260R, 4 wheeler, exc cond Low hrs Extras $2800BO 343-2209 KAWASAKI KX 126 93 runs great, new parts, has rMr type maintained maintenance $2100 OBO 410-923-6404 call aft 6 pm 94 KAWASAKI KX-60, exc cond.

nden time. uu. Call 410-23-bH2 '84 KAW GPZ 760 Turbo. LTD ED. New screen, batt, tire, chain plugs -t- Aral.

$2500BO 41U-51-92UI 89 KTM MX600. $1K0- BO; B3 rAt(U 45UUUBU Call Jim att b. 64 abb 96 KTM 260 SX, ridden 3x Perf cond Very modilied Best otter B82-232 89 KX126 excellent condi Hon Too many extras to list $15UO t41Qf 93 NINJA 600. 4K Exc condl Gar keptl Fern adit owned New pipe $2850080 b3-bu txtwtzi 90 SUZUKI DR360. runs looks like new.

must sell, 488-734 80 SUZUKI GS860 12) Parts or whole. Bast otter 2b4-b49 94 SUZUKI Katana 600 Blkpurple 2400 mi. Like new $3950 Rick 256-1187 R1 YAMAHA 650 special 6.000 Ong $1200. whalmet. 626-2162 B3 YAMAHA VIRAGO 920CC.

verv aood cond extras. $1000B0 987-1126 ALUMINUM STORM nnnRS NEW VARIETY OF COLORS. SIZES STYLES $50 UP CALL B2-oJZ ATLANTIC Mill Lumber 342-OUttb DOORS-Solid Raised Panel, Interior Exc. cond 16 pes Best offer 744 -B6U FIFCTRICAL SUPPLIES NAILS. SCREWS, BOLTS, COPPER BRASS FIT TINGS, VALVES, BATH TUBS, LAVATOHItS 655 0127 INTERIOR DOORS I3J Solid bSP.

4X4. But0. 94K ln5P 366-36fiO 8.8 JEEP Cherokee Lim Ed. LrC iuwwr man S'lbOO Best Qfler 6b5-231 1 JEEP 82 CJ7 whdtp, bikinis. 6 cv.

PS. PB. Cass 93 JEEP Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4. 6 cvl Loaded '93 JEEP Grand Cherokee cvl loaded, phone. 60K.

$19K 410-795 3681 1992 JEEP RENEGADE HIP Bright Red 4 0 6 cvl AC Just 40K Immaculate Inside Out Sale Puce S14.550 Antwetpen Motorcars 7BB 6600 89 JEEP WRANGLER ISLANDER. 6 Cvl, Spd. PS. Cass, B1K Miles, Very Good Cond. S8800 Normandy Ford 465-1300 89 JEEP Wrangler Red.

tan iw, ti-v'. nues oeaii J'tOu pui-upa iv msa 93 JEEP WRANGLER 6 Cyl New Car Trade Low Miles i imomum Dodge 666-9600 '90 Mitsubishi Montern LS 4 dr. 4WD, AT, V6. 80K. exc loaded, phone.

CD char, Insp. $11,250 H321-0982 W647-5061 91 PATHFINDER SE 4x4. Auto, AC, CD. Loaded $16,995 Jerry's Toyota 661-6700 '87 PLYMOUTH Voyager AT. AC.

stereo. 113K. $3000. 410-486-4262 87 Plym Voyager, great shape Must sell $2500 OBO 426-4863 86 PLY Voyager. Great condl 8K on reblt eng.

$2800 Insp. 542-7112 '94 TOYOTA LANDCRUIS- ER Lthr, CD PFtoof, 1 Owner NC Wrnty. $35,995 Jerry's Toyota 661-5700 91 TOYOTA Previa, all trac DX, bumundy. 62K. PL, insp $13,700 727-2727 91 TOYOTA 4 Runner Blk.

Loaded. Exc cond. $18,000. Call 569-3 784 ly. msg 90 TOYOTA 4-Runner SR5 V6 5spd extra clean, exc cond 437-0984 86 TOYOTA Van.

Ssp, dual AC, tint wind exc cond $3500. 410 730-8162 '77 VW, 4spd, AC, heat, inspected. 783-760 Ext3993 AARON BUYS AUTOS TRUCKS Cash paid. Same day. 7 days.

Free towing. 355-7211 A BARGAIN OLD UNWANTED CARS Cash paid for most Towed free 254-3800 A Bargain) Free towing of unwanted carstrucks Reliable Service 391-3121 ACCIDENT7 Wrecked your car? Want to sell it? 800-772-9277 ext 249250 ALL CARS S. TRUCKS Removed. Same Day Service. Some Bought.

674-3904 All Donation Charity (tax deduct) vehicles, RVs. boats etc Run or not. Free tow. Call Marge 800-213-9523 AUTO BUYER CASH OFFERED '86 UP ANY COND 410-315-6937 Autos needed for donations Md School tor the Blind Full tax credit 664-0400 AUTOS TRUCKS 1980 up wbad engines, trans or wrecxeg i-puu-oui-oi Buying a New CarTruck? Sell Us Your Trade-in JO-LEE USED CARS 789-9300 BUYING CARS any cond 82 up r-Hbb advice ajJ-itt CASH, Not Conversation Clean for clean cars '88 up Browns Toyota 766-4646 CASH PAID FOR ANY UNWANTED VEHICLES ANY YEAR ANY CONDITION. 646-7618 PGR 636-6879 DONATE Vehicles, boats.

Jewish Heritage For The Blind Tax deduct. Free tow Free commemorative gift fr US Treasury to donors wad 1-800-2-DONATE IMMEDIATE CASH PAID '80s-'90s Still Owe? Let Us Pay Off 644-5404 NISSANS FOR LESSI Rte 40 NISSAN 538 8500 TOP CARS OR TRUCKS 636-6567. FREE TOWING TOP SSS PAID '88 new er used cers or trucks. Penn Pontiac 633-9UUU. TOP orices for carstrucks.

Any yr. 539-9573, 665-6756 WE BUY CLEAN Used Cars NORMANDY 465-1300 ANNUAL CAR SHOW hanefir for the Md Food Bank. Sat. Nov. 4, 12-5PM, Steel Workers Hall.

550 Dundalk Ave, at Gusryan St. 74 BUICK LeSabre Con Red. Good cond. 1I4UU 367-1860. '68 CADILLAC 60 Special, tair condition, Desi oner 410-697-8034 '67 CAMARO Pro-street, tubbed, narrowed Dana, perf body, RSSS, tuned port injected jdu, la-im nans, $9600 Call 410-750-1364 '29 CHEV 4 dr.

$8,000. Call 410 775-0169 '71 CHEVELLE 350 AT. 64K ong. needs very little work to restore $1500 OBO 410-239-9383 '62 CHEV Impale, 2 dr hdtp, mild cust. Show winner.

Lowered, 360 AT, new paint, int. chrome, etc, 70. CHEV MALIBU Low mi. AC, good cond, $2600 410-276-3031 '77 CHEV MONZA SPYDER brand new 3b mi. California car.

$22,000 OBO Serious inquires only 4 lu-a I 7-u'r EB CHEVY-2dr Sedan, $3500 410-686-4661 or 938-0904 pgr '72 CHEVY PU, pro-street, a mar hOO 4 1 0-546-4295 '64 CHRYSLER NY-V8, AC, PB. AT, 94K. all ong. exc cond. must seel aouu 833-6523 or 478-1792 pgr 77 FORD Mustang Ghia $1000 or best offer Call 410-760-4924 68 MERCEDES 250SL Cnnv whrd loo.

Mint cond! Fully rest $24.500 653 5629 7(1 NOVA SS 327360. sod, 12 bolt rear Exc cond $5000. 410-987-2053 66 OLDS HOLIDAY Wht wnew blue nylon int. aiso complete new air. in perrect pnnrt Never in snow.

Always garaged. 45K ong ml. Must sen, j3-ijro '69 PLYM ROADRUNNER Needs work Best offer. Call 410-5 74-6519 '81 PONTIAC TransAm. al most everything new, fully loaded.

90 compt Lost interest. jjliuuubu Trade? 301 -570-4516 71 PONTIAC FIREBIRD "CALIFORNIA CAR" not rusted out. BO'ter 4iu-aa-ujt 68 PORSCHE 912 $2000 tan 3D-1HOU. WANTED Classic or An tique Car Looking to tfade property along the Potomac Hiver lor fesiorea uar Call 703-aui-JU 4fi WILLY'S JEEP CJ2A Runs Qteat, needs work. Must sell 3wsuu Doz-ojou 'da Alienor.

9AK New AC awnings, Class A 86 ALLEGRO 32 QB Load ed. Metro Clair Tinn WiT Harnucc' MallarH Tiru Pfll- omino Tent Campers. Joppa nv, muuwuy owns iui maa, Financing Arranged 41Q-bVa-1 15b. Bounder-Airstream-Flair Coach House-Guilstrearn Safford RV 800-721-6940 END OF SEASON CLEAR ANCE- Over 40 pre-owned RV's remains. Fold downs to 5th whls plus motor homes Call or stop by Charlie's RV Work stations, chaus, etc.

New 24-9640, Used 247-1481, OPL Business Phone Systems, Sold. Installed, bervicea fs Repeired New Used SLV Comm 410-766 2679 CANON COPIER Model PC-6RE $25 Exc cond Call 252-2456 COPIER Canon PC11, re duces, enlarges, new car tridge aqp3 1IU -fi -JJrg CREDIT CARD TERMINAL PHINItrK MUSt Sell! 800-216 3908 DESK circle, large Ikea, It 41U 620 ODO DESK (EXEC) wmatching lighted credenza 8i chr oy araniey. exc conu i--jr Sell $1900 561 4413 FILES FOR OFFICE OR STORAGE-Hoberts utnee Furniture 467-008(3 SECRETARIAL DESK- Met al, office chairs-alum 335-0962 TRUCKLOAD SALE Used desks, chairs, tiles rnceo to move PS Business Interiors. 5199 Ravnor Rd Lmthicum, MD 410-636-6877 AIR COMPRESSOR-Ouincy 340 w2cvl Ronier eng. $1800obo; ULTRASONIC Thickness gauge, Panamo-trics Model 5222 tor metals, plastics, glass.

$1200000. Call 4 10-923-2 116 ALUM STEEL Containers Sales Rentals. Exc storage CALL FANNIE 574-5550 ELECTRIC MOTORS All sizes. 1 2-5HP, 1 Phase Call 655-0127 FORKLIFTS 100 in stock. Buy Sale Rent 686-6600 POWER WASHERS will buy power washers, tanks a trailers.

81 7-4 192 STORAGE Yard. 7.000 sq. tt, oned industrial, center city, public trans. 243-7911 STORAGE Trailers SalesHent, beat Any Price Sea Boxes 792-2323 STORAGE Trailer Rentals 40' $65mo C-box 771-4538 2 48- TROWEL MACHINES 1-S4UO to 3.UU. tlectric vibrator $50 410-661-6812 CASE INT model 386.

87 38 HP. Pb, canopy, low nrs Exc cond, $10,850: 301 -855-0964 BARGAIN JOHN DEERE 14 hp hydro. 4b deck, special price $2699 VALUE EQUIPMENT 256 6746 SNOW BLOWER John Deere, walk behind brand new never used $800. Call 1-4 10-476-3952 or 1-410-882-2141 HARDY MUMS CLEAR ANCE SALE. Dig your own Now only 1 50 each McDonald's Farm, 2 mi ot Shrewsbury, PA on York Rd.

Open Sat, 10-4. Sun, noon-4. M-F. noon-6 (717) 236-7149 BALLYS MEMBERSHIP. All privls $499 Low renewals.

No ttansf. fee pgr 607-3166 BEDRM-Full $126; bottled water cooler whot a cold, car stereos 780-0690 BEDRM Set king size a2tu, ige set 2du, 4'x6' plate glass mirrow 477-4961 evenings BOOKS 146 vol Md Re porter law library 4 vol Md Practice $300 889-2548 CABLE BOXES all channels turned or. $200 on trade 1-800-8O4-B655 ly msg CAL RIPKEN Record Break ing 2130-2131 otlical Hawl-ings baseballs $19 95 ea 783-7760 Ext 8952 CAL RIPKEN WATCHI Color photo on face. $8 95 410 486-63 CAMERA brand new SONY HANDY CAM SNAP, $83b Call 997-6378 CAMERA- buy-sell-trade The Shutter Bug 833 21 12 CAMERA DIGITAL wmini screen, nooks to computers VCR's TV's Carrying case Paid $900 will sell tor $675, OBO 813-6871 Ive msge CAMERA Nikon FE-2 $400. Nikkor 105-H 8 $4UO 50-F1 4 $160.

55 Micro F2 8 $300, CARDS-Carlton Christmas, lge quantity. Also misc gill items 410 836 8695 CD PLAYER, Sony in-dash. uetacn tace, wxr wr remote $300; 931-3932 CEDAR CHEST by LANE uver ou in stock poo 2buu attention CLOTHES LADIES SIZE 10 BRAND NEW (50 OFF) CALL NOWM 722-6597 COLLECTIBLES SOUVENIR POPE BUTTON $2 NICK 687-1192 COMPLETE STORE FIXTURE LIQUIDATION GOING ON NOWI EVANS DISTRIBUTORS 3 LOCATIONS IN MARYLAND Rockville. Laurql, Gstlhersbuio GONDOLAS SHOWCASES SHELVING WAREHOUSE EQPT OFFICE EQPT FURNITURE Open MSat, 1t7pm; Sun 12 5pm For addresses 8O0 B5-GREAT OR For Ea. 800 91 GREAT leimt Cash Cashw's Check 10 Buyer's Piem DESKS.


kiln, oxvoen equip. desk Misc yard sale items negotiable 69-31 4 EXERCISE EQUIP Stamina Sinrmer $50; Stamina 1 Cl in-1 mach wbands $150 Exc cond 780-0808 Iv msg EXERCISE Soloflex. like new Incl leg butterfly attach 4uo 82b-lb2J EXERCISE EQUIP Nordic Flex Gold, mo old 3ybU Monitor $175 298 061 EXERCISE EQPMT Nor- diec Trek Pro wcomputer $550. Call 661-5303 EXERCISE Equipment Nor- dictrac $150. Call 539-3880 EXER EQUIP Soloflex $400 LIKE NtW! Call 715-3717 FIREWOOD Seasoned oak or cherry, bpnt Hi del SAME DAY DELIVERY STACKING AVAIL 922-4984 1797-6690 pager) FIREWOOD Oak and oak grede 1 cord $125.

2 cord $240. 3 cord $350 Wirtz Daughters. 410-592-56lb FIREWOOD Seasoned. wholesale retail. Picked-up or delivered Ouantity dis counts! 239-491U FIREWOOD All seasoned premium pak.

$13Ucord $80'2 cord $30 to stack Free del 410-287-3926. FIREWOOD seasoned oak, cut, split, delivered $115 a cord 692-5 lbb; 3S-B2P2 FIREWOOD Oak ft Hickory Cut, Split St del. 3.IIU cord of Towson 717-993-2816 FIXTURES FOR SALE Quttino business. Gondola, wall display shelving, warehouse racks, ottice turn, trucxs, forklifts. misc.

DEGRANGE LUMHtM, 63b Miicme nwy. Glen Burnie, Md 21061, 4 1 0-766-7200, ask for Larry GE Refrio 8cft $126: 9x12 crpts $8U Sears Air co.rd $80 41u-bU2-UbJ9 fUAtvt-OfM GOLF CARTS (1) 3-whl $850; (1) 4-whl Club Car $11 bo b22-4bJ4 GOLF CLUBS Kino Cobra Armour 855 (steel oraph demo sets. Slightly used 30 to 4Utfe orr new. ai 410-418-931 Guitars Wtd We Pay Cash Bill's Music House 747-19O0 GUNS The Baltimore Sun does not accept classified ads for guns or gun shows. HAIRMANICURE 8 compi sra wrcnairs, ea snampuo bowls, dryers neil tables, all belvedere equip Must se BO 783-7760 Ext23bb HEARING AIDS 323-HEAR $299 NEWI IN-EAR ittoves Guar mo warr Same day deliveryservice avail Eastern Ave 732-1686 Greenmount Ave 659 7274 REFRIG AAA Cond.

Ranges ilxj a up. steameo uuar Free del 3 Iocs: CEDONIA 325-2432. ESSEX 391-2091 CANTON 563-0637 VisaMC REFRIG AAA cond. Ranges iuu'up bteameo Guar Free del Glen Bui 761-2826 REFRIG. S90BO; Upright ruttiitn iuou.

All uooa Cond Must sell! 356-1452 REFRIGERATORS Like new 90 Up Free delivery 6 mo warr 574-7134 REFRIG GE, white 19 cu ft. good cond $225 Call 747-2583 WASHER AAA Cond. Dry ers ilu Bt up steamed Guar Free del 3 Iocs Cedonia 326-2432; Essex 391-2091, Canton b63 0637 VisaMC WASHER AAA cond. Dry ers liuuup bteamea uuar Free del Glen Bur 761-2826 WASHER DRYERS Like new Free Delivery, mo warr. 674-7134 WASHER Dryer $86 ea.

rrost ee reing oo. t-aii anytime 732-1840 WASHERS DRYERS $100 each, guar. Free delivery. 566-8641 CASH Loaned on Jewelry. Call Mr Stanley toUZ-2VW DIAMOND RING Mens, yellow-gold nugget, one or a kind-custom made, w7 brilliant diam.

Approx. IV- ct colorVS clarity, Appr $3K Asking sibuu. qBJ-b5t DIAMOND Cluster Ring 2 ct wedding Dana, never worn, $2500bo 636-3178. JEWELRY Buy, Sell, Trade LIVINGSTON LOAN 501 Baltimore St 727-0262 LADIES JEWELRY 6 pieces, priced to bome custom made, appraisals incl. For details call 783 7760 Ext 8711 RING Ceylon upphirs 14K.

1 ct, iiqiii Diua over solitaire w2 ct tw. channel set wht sapphires on ea side. $950 ALBUMS 46 OLD RECORDS WTD Rhvthm Blues. Highest Puces Paid 732-3071 CAMERA. Press or View, used, andor enlarger tor art student 410-546-1 bA? CAMERAS WANTED rash Pd tor Old Cameras Magic Lanterns, Optical Toys images DPa-JDJ CASH PAID Mahog furni ture iJM St sets, tauies, chairs, odd pieces, China, Clocks, tin tovs.

dolls, rugs, etc ANTIQUES 8. old stuft Call Bob. 687-9772 TOP PRICES Paid for dia monds, estate jewelry, ventage modern watches, Rolex, sterling etc. Balto loc By appt -110-347-7600 TOYS (ALL OLD): pre-70 trams, planes, cars, truexs. ships, etc 1-800-238-0712 AMPLIFIERS Fender Super Heveros.

pre-Cdb, orig $950. mod $760 643-91 76 GUITAR BUY-SELL-TRADE GUITAR EXCHANGE 747-0122 GUITAR FENDER JAZZ Bass white exc cond, 4UU OBO Peavy bass amp 15 blk widow speaker like new $350 OBO 882-2658 GUITARS Buy. Sell, Trade. rvietio tiroxer ot i jj KEYBOARD, Ensonic ASR 10 ike new bound disk Hi SCSI port $2000 339 9608 ORGAN Allen. 1 year old many features raid $22,000, will sell tor $9000 Call 515-2998 ORGAN Lowery Prome nade, 2 tiei keyboard, extras.

$2500 410-964-1763 PIANO Baby Grand, Sam- ICK, toony poiisn wwanan-ty. tuned, 410 866-2633 PIANO-Kimball wbench, tuned, excellent cond, buu 410-866-2833 PIANOS BALDWIN Rent to Buy KUNKtL PIANO OH-GAN CO 256 8130666-7110 PIANO Steinway Grand tMI, mehogany. exc conoi $15,000. call 465-6717 or 804-977-2772 ext 130. PIANOS WANTED immediate removal, any kind.

Cash! 4lU bbb-23J ir BIKE SPECIALIZED moun tain bike good cond. 3UO H82-2bbB MOUNTAIN Specialized Stump Jumper FS. 17trame New 3.1 2bU 3t)D-dUo WATERFOWL HUNTING Ducks, Brant Snow Geese ANDY LINTON PO Box 702 Chincoteague. VA 23336 804-336-1263 PACE Vacuum Desolderino, like new. Call 252-2456 QUASAR Palmcorder Model VM545.

color view finder, X12 zoom, wifeless remote. VHS Playpak, access met, 3.4UU H3-bU ext 004 SPEAKERS Bose 901s Brand New $800OBO 477-5931 2-WAY RADIOS Motorola, base 3 mobile $2500 OBO Call 410-626-656 APPLE COMPUTER compi wprinter $900bo. 828-8332 Mo-Fr. 9am-2pm CASH FOR MEMORY And used computers equip Sales Serv 410-792-4290 46 COLOR Notebook, $996 still in box. 4170.

Call Mark. 821-6396 COMPAQ 4860X33. 4MG Mem. 12UHU. 14 4 ta: modem, software, $900 OBO 621-0711 COMPUTER Laotoo-Color 4 mos old, NbC-Versa S33 (8mbl Windows 95, money, FP-3D.

art lots programs, carrying case incl. Ong $2300. 4136U Bb-lUU COMPUTERS 386 ($400) 4bb ibuu color monitor. software incl IBM comp Exc cond DEve 410-354-1651 486 DX2 w4 meg RAM wlots sftw. mse, kvbrd.

Col Moml $750neg 799-4192 HEWLETT PACKARD LAZbn Jt 20UU $350OOBO. CALL 254-9677 IBM 286 14) $200-5350, hardwaresoftware Cal 69 024 att 4 3UrM LAPTOP Toshiba, like new, Monichrome, lots of extras. $80 410-21-536 MAC 640C Lab top stereo. Modern, color, carrying case. MU bltUUUU OD4-4UI3 3864MB RAM color mon Spkr, sttwr.

FAX MOD, desk WCh 3DU 282-9121 PACKARD BELL 486DX33 CD ROM $850; USR 28 8 FaxModem $150 997-7716 PACKER BELL FORCE 61 CD olaver. 450 mea HO. 850 meg HD, 12 megs of ram. monitor met, Various software CD disks Tape backup system 410-272-1198 POWERMAC 7100-80 wCD. monitor, Mb office.

Photoshop $2299 321-8911 Tandy TRS-80 II, 2 printers software, compi, Br working $2UUUBU 823-49B9 TOSHIBA LAP SATELLITE 1960CS. 486DX50 8 MB. tax Sottcase, $2000. Ext Warr met UpGrad 2 a 4860X4-100 only jfa iu-wo-u-3q BUSINESS PHONE SYS TfcM Why buy used? New SW Bell Lendmark uigitai System, 3 lines6 phones, $1650 6 lines6 phones $21bO Fast, free instana. Hon 662-6691 4 lor sunporcnes.

greenhouses, etc Other sizes avail, $85 each Sold in lots of 5 703-618-5090 SHEET METAL Sheet goods, galvanized stove pipe and all connections 410-656 0127 STEEL DOORS, some with frames and hardware 410-477-6978 T111 $10.99. Mldgs St ft. l-ormica out sq it mm ties $8 50 Trusses Br other lumber deals 25 off pre finished panels RITCHIE LUMBER 789-4200 TRUSSES 169 stock trusses. 24726'. 412 pitch w1 OH BE $29 95 ea.

call 833-1300 ask tor Dick or John WINDOW SASH, AL. SCREENS. bULIU LUHt DOORSHundreds to choose from. NEW! At garage sale prices 41U-P5S-UI2 WINDOWS VINYL ALUMINUM, some Anderson variety sz sVBt up B2-oy32 ABSOLUTE Highest Dollar BUYING COINS GOLD SILVER Sterling 51 5-3434bl b-36 7 1 BUYING GOLD SILVER COINS Will meetbeat any price. 653-3430 COIN SHOW 1029 Holi day inn, tx iLromwen Bridge Rd I 9-4 262 2882 POSTCARD SHOW Fri 10-7, Sat 10-4 Oct 27, 28 Days Hotel.

Timonium, MD 26 dlrs $1 adm. Free prkno Monumental Club 655-5239 l.l. I a 31 ---fcsaeMtJal ANTIQUES bought 1 piece or a compi estate orrj uja BATHTUB Antique porce lain with brass ciawieet. lono $700 366 6026 BEER BOTTLES-Early Balto. I ouvr- isiu, yioai urn ov-lciiib for war souvenirs esp.

bermanJap unitofms. hats, medals, etc 666-7224 PAINTED PORTRAITS of loved pnes trom pnotos XrnaR idn POTTHAST metropolitan siueooara, snian ruiuiotn table. Victorian chairs, tables, dressers, etc, etc, etc. 692-5884 THOMAS KINKADE Litho. Collec for sale Call Shar, of pgr 993-0870 ANTIQUE mahog BR set, antique light oak kit set 8t Art ueco on sei o-jauo BED A Box matt orig $600 Sac S9b Can Uelv bQ-Ubl BED BOXMATT BRAND NEW Will sacrifice SI 00 Can deliver bO-4bit3 BED Boxspring matt set.

Moving txc cona, i ayrs old Sac $96. 256-3141 BED Brass, queen sz wor- tnopeoic nrm man sei, never used, still in carton Cost $975 Sell $300 792-0246 BED Brass, king sz wor- tnopeaic nrm man sei, never used, still in carton Cost $975 Sell $385 792-0475 BED-BUNK Solid wood, Exc cond 2 new bunkie matt. 410-740-4351 BED Daybed wht iron Dfass onno man popup trundle, new in box Cost $700 Sell $325. 792-8379 BED new King sz, mat- U8S5( UU tPl, IIHMIO (JOU Moving $350 740-1234 BEDRM SET Queen sz. dresser minors, cnesi-of-drawers, nite tbl, bed-frame, matt boxspring.

3.QUU 4 iU-ttt)J-U BEDROOM SET (FULL) This End Up Includes bunk bed Drawers, Burrow. Mirror, Night Stand, Stereo Cabinet. Complete $999 467-6357 BEDROOM SET 3pc blonde, 1UU; computer desk $20; 882-7059 BED Single, Like Craftma- tic, Never usea rem 3haj Sell $500080 288-0321 BUNK BED Loft. 4dr dress er, deskcnair a new mattr $4B0aH. 410-740-0908 CHINA CABINET, 2 end tables, cotiee tame, giass wood, compact stereo.

Singer uprt vacuum. 833-6308 co*ckTAIL TBL (glass) sofa tbl-3 lamps-spkrs-marble sink, small rug DINETTE SET wserver 14UU; Mtcnen i oie uatt $200 410-866-2833 DINING RM SET Blk wGIs bmoked top laDie, enrs mtch nillows $3O0. Swivel chr $70, exc cond 922-8306 DINING RM Ethan Allen maple, tbl w6 chrs, china buffet $3000bo 638-0458 DININGRM SET Tble 4 chairs, hutch, china closet Walnut $1001 766-0988 DINING SET Chippendale, Mahogany hand carved ball claw chairs iittuu; lge dbl Pedestal ball claw table $1950, China cabinet $1500. 302-239-4 a DINRM Glasstop table with swag bottom 4 chairs Perfect cond BO. 636-1535 FURNCREDIT Cash wholesale warehouse Our own credit, EVERYONE approved by phone, dh Ln rabies, KS, mattress sets All New 947-4762, Mr.

Ed FURN ESTATE Oak BR sets, flat wall cupboards Oak dining tables. Mahogany Deo set i- more, uoa-iooi FURN. Ethan Allen table. wicker vanity lawn chans etc under $200 488-7435 FURN Pine hutch, black entertainment center, love-seat, LR chair 488-4188 HOSPITAL BED Electric. S200BE ST OFFER 410-247-4917 LIVING RM, contemp 3UU; antique Lane ceoar chest 3d; microwave jd.

6 kit chrs $60 922-5284 LIVING RM CHAIRS (2) 1 rose, 1 gold wottoman 3iuu both, bn-ua LIVINGRMDININGRM Contemporary, neutral. Call MATTRESSBOX BRAND NEW Will sacrifice $100 Can deliver 750-4796 MATTRESS BOX $95 Can Deliver 683-0617 RECEPTION Desk, greenblk mnrble Must bee, $1500BO; Kit woak cab, $500: Ratan sofaloveseat. tables SlOOO, washer dryer BO 783-7760 Ext9491 RECLINER Exc condl Nice X-Mas gift tool $176 md-iuu iv msg SOFABED 2 RECLINERS bxc. cond. 3tUO 410-672-3920 SOFA BED LOVESEAT Queen Size, neutral tones.

exc $300 494-1663 SOFA CHAIR Country blue $250 Oak entertainment center $150 Ladies 26 bike, good cond $40. H9J I 1 SOFA Serta Sleeper, queen sz, contemp. pasieis $7000B0 410-626-7656 THIS-END-UP type, solid end bunk beds, compi, 1 st $275! Other items 557-7075 THIS END UP 3 rmi, $1900, 19 pes; 8x8 wooden shed Siuu bbl-outju WATERBED la norm, liaht- ed mirrored headboard. drawers in platform, motion less, $5UU, 4pb-34S5 WATERBED aueen sz w1 2 drawer unit mirrored hdbd, mcis sheets juu. Oak chest $50; 674-7869 10 FAM Yd Sale 1028 SAM, 7989 Tickneck Rd Elec avl.

Space avl $6. Orioles sports Mem. Dave 437-1078 FRI OCT 27th 9-5 Clothing, household items mucr morel 1117 Cowpens Ave (near Loch Raven tib) MULTI-FAMILY Misc items, b918 Greenhill Ave 8am-2pm Sat. lu Zti DRYERS-Refrig-Washers- Gaselec. stove, all $85 ea Same day delivery 32 7-5133 DRYERSWASHERS $90 ea; STOVES; RE 1 RIGS $100 ea Like new.

HD Unlld 6 mo warr. Free del 732-3477 New York Times Crossword ACROSS i Real beauty, in old slang 5 Make sense io Crowds around 14 Hymn word 15 Seville tower 16 Bushy hairdo 17 Free 19 "Make the most 20 Cobble 21 Tex-Mex treats 23 Has title to 25 Play in the water 26 Attempts to convey 30 Perfumer's compounds 33 Ancient letters 1 I I4 IT I6 I I8 I8 LT1IC I tb km TT 18 TT jj Lu, 33 If1 mmlmm 26 27 28 29 PI 55 31 32 3S 35 fl3ir la Lj 37 3S si 40 41 42 MU Uiti 43 44 45 46 bzd 47 48 49 I-- 50 51 52 S3 54 55 56 wai 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 65 I 1 Innr I I mam I I I Comic "Dame" Terrier type Nixon's undoing the nerve, Dogpatch DOWN Look" designer Carlson of Minnesota Charlie Brown exclamation incumbent on Parthenon site Dah" Defeat decisively Bear, in old Rome 9 Incomparable 10 Chinese hard-liner 11 Pretty zany 12 Verve 13 Bar habitues 18 Cary of "Bram Stoker's Dracula" 22 Optimistic 24 Used, as a chair 26 Sturm und 27 Cost 28 Rich 29 Shades 31 Shake awake 32 Kind of energy 35 Irksome ones ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE lOlAlTlSnSlMlOlGl REGAL TITO MADAME IR JO A liA I A A A TrZJS 0 rTRjlMPCEMUia bell Fa? a rop ars I A EQA pItII I AN 0 PITS I Aj7tj GTO 0 VllC A A SQM 0 0 A GIrQS A TOPlo 51 Lie in wait 82 Huxley's "Time Must Have a 54 Mother of Castor and Pollux Puzzle by EllMn Luau 38 It should be flaky 39 Equivocated 41 Fast-food drive 42 Kind of acid 44 Rat (on) 46 Spur attachments 48 Seven: Prefix 80 Crane operators' perches Get answers to any three clues by touch-tone phone: 1 -900-420-5656 (75C each minute). Bridge By Steve Becker KINO FEATURES SYNDICATE South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH K7 10 7 2 AKQ4 KJ82 EAST J3 VQ93 8762 107 63 WEST 4 1082 AK64 10 9 5 Q95 and West later scores a trump" trick to put South down one.

It is a difficult line of defense to; And, but there are good grounds for West to defend in this fashion. First, West should realize since South surely has the ace of clubs for his opening bid that it is impossible for the defense to win any tricks in the minor suits. Second, when East signals with the nine of hearts, West should reason that if the nine indicates a doubleton, the contract cannot be defeated by continuing with the ace and another heart for East to ruff. This would surely be the last trick for the defense. West's only real chance of stop- ping the contract is to find East with the Q-9-x of hearts.

The hope that East also has the' jack or queen of trumps is simply an extension of this line of thought. i SOUTH AQ9654 YJ85 J3 This deal shows how difficult it can be to find the best defense. West leads the king of hearts on which East signals encouragingly with the nine. West continues with the ace and another heart, won by East with the queen. The defenders have now collected three tricks, but South makes the rest regardless of what East does next.

However, if West plays a low heart to the queen at trick two and East returns a heart to his partner's ace, South is in trouble. West returns his last heart, and whatever declarer does, he goes down. He may discard from dummy or ruff with the seven, but in either event East ruffs with the jack A4 Tie bidding: South West 1 Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass North 2 3 East Pass Pass 44 king of hearts, Opening lead 1 p'4'x80' BO 768-2241 i.

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.