Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)

Wednesday. September 29. 1999 F9 Austin American-Statesman -1C CLASSIFIEDS CALL 445-4000 CFNIRAI Hud ft HEAL1HRIDER clean, good conditioa $350, 993-5704 KENMORE WASHER. I vr oxt $350 obo. 1 year warranty.

431-O036. SOFA Cream a blue sWpea, allows, beoutltul conation. $250. DtNING TABL country trench. pme, $100 349-2132.

MUST SELL Sofa, loveseot. large chc oft white, $750. Block Irjquer dnmg table a chain, $300. 633-3291; 219-1580 Ful couch set In perfect cond wl TV stand computer desk, 2 dressers, bookshelf, telephone stand Irttchenette table Al priced to move $860 21999 PENTAX P3N SIP 2 lenses, liter, flash, bag. $250.

Cal 440-7396 Juki S-threod ixustnal wtabie. $1000. 70r0'07. Oak hen $225. Oak china cabinet.

CEDAR FENCING 1x6x6 THI SI 19eo 1x4x6 1.29eo. 1x8x6 THT S1.79ea. Spit Rat Special Pricing MSc Chain link a Gates VIKINO FB4CI CO. M01 MAT Sat Sept 25. 8-5.

4114 Avenue C. AnHauei Louis XVI Petticoat mo tored vantty. 2 bedside tables (rare gold marble). 7 ft wide Austrakan crlna cabinet with 3 beveled glass doors. Jocoaan desk chc.

set of 0 cone aVxng room chairs, Louis XVI marbled top chest. 1920 Duncan Phyfe sofa revolving bookcase, art Messotmtt Peon Prints (original plates 1910. 1912). Vtetcnon he wreath (museum quaHtyl, Bergere chair and ottoman, clocks. Aubus-son 9x12 rug.

silver, cut glass, lamps, town ft. porch furniture, glassware, Irens, otshet quits, stained glass. 469-4151 IAIAH1A ANTHSUtl SHOW IAU Sept. Oct. 1, turton, ft 1)1 20 to nr.

2J7 tat Admtuton Poolon stow Moo IreHtm XtioHsnU to deaten late '30s square 6pc glass refngero-tor set wlds late '40s sold walnut buffet, 56' long. 3 doors ft 2 drawers, excelent cond $225. Marble rating pm. used once, S25. Early '50s Keystone 8mm movie camera model Capri K-27.

on metal 3 lens torret with light meter, bortights a carrying case, sou wrv3i 1940 BURLED WALNUT 2 ward robes, dresser wbeveled mirror, rxghtstand $650. Oak drop leaf table, w4 oak chain. Oak cupboard wleoded glass $525. 269-4256 or 750-4256 mobile MATUN SMITH Icscrted POUND fOVE TASt. Cherry IHstv Intricate leather waok) accents pedastal wl clow feet DRAMATIC ONE Of A KIND SIGNATURE PIECE.

Perfect cond REDUCED. $2800 Urn. Cot 231-1520, rm. 124 WHIT HANKS ANTIQUE BOOK DISPLAY CASf Classic Estate Elegance Carved. Excellent Condrl Hond- tonrltlon.

RE DUCED! $2800 firm 231-1520 rm. 124 BERNHARDT FORMAL DINING I SIDE BOARDS Sunburst sold rnonogany. 6 Cham, a moves. 6 ft. Ude board table pods.

Good condltlonl REDUCEDI $5500 fim. 231-1520 rm. 124. SO RHEEM GAS STOVE with chrome top gnddle, great condition. $575! Clawfoot Tub.

8250. Col 512-856-2369 Elgin 31" round antique walnut tea table, carved 3' pedestal $400; 52 pc HavaHnd china antique fringe, bath plotters, etc $400 343-7890 Mahogany blanket chest 1870 good condition. $275. Col Don 929-7815 Antique Bedroom poster bed. chest, double otesser.

both with Wood trimmed mirrors, daw feet gloss puis. $2250. 219-8418 WANT TO BUY MissionArts and Crafts furniture, ok) at pottery, 217-4999 1908 Stxxtz Bauer upright Grand Piano Excellent Condition. $1200 376-9025 If no answer, leave msg. 1850's Victorian SOFA floral tapestry upholstery, carved rrohogany Mm, good condrtion.

$1500. Cal 9968933. CUWFOOT TUi. 17. ISOO.

ANTieol IAR, 4'xr. two. Cat) 129-601 Anlvaue Wicker Bassinette Converts to rocking. Hood needs repair 5 'ou UHO, vx-atxi TURN Of CENTURY Hiahbov Chest. Empire Influence.

Cherry. $695. Two drawer Lours XV nightstonds. cabriole legs. $650.

Belgian secretaire. 2 drawer fold down desk, $795. English mirrored armoire. Inlay oak mearum nmsn. yro.

loo-riyi Antlaue Grandfather Clock $750. Pool Table Regulation with skate top, $550 OBO. Complete shaved ice concesson rrarer wtm smvw. $5000. 301-9870 WANTED: Jewelry of all kmds.

coins-US a lortegn. stamps a old toys. Estates a collections welcome, free opproisol a cash orrerea. aag-juoo. at rVH, rtl rt IMTIIAM 1iC Bankets a southwestern pueblo PonfcRY, bvi-efi-iufi rv msg.

'05 Eostloke Mr. a Mrs. Chair, $500 Pieces of Havfland china $7eoch. '40 glass doorknob. MOpdr Stver Service 5iXece.

LoJque 50 book price, oop-woo. ANTIQUE TABLE. 6 choirs, buffet, china cabinet. Need refHshlng. SHOO.

452-6657 3x6 turn of the cent, mirror, etched glass faces, gold frame. $400. Abco rmtterv. "Sleeoina Man a Woman" wol hanging, c. 1940s.

$50. C. 1880s poor cacmer. monogany, ong glass pane. $125.

263-8700 Horse Drown form Implements located Thral. TX. Disc ptow. hay cutTer. Fresno.

Harrow, model trailer. (512)898-2990 Dated: 1888 Antique, round Butcher Block wrotoig adjustable ta ble. 5IZV5. Heavy duty 21cum Imperial freezer, SXft HOVCROUND Tekntaue. elec wheelchair.

$2500. 942-1063 Maytag Washer a Dryer. Large capacity and excelent condition. $300. GE Microwave.

S50 255037 WASHER a DRYER set. $150. Frost-free refrigerator in excellent cond-tloa $125. Con deliver. 703-3105.

YVhilpool stock unit, mmi washer dryer. Almond. $175. Con detver. 703-3105 MOVING SALE.

Top of the Ine 6 month old Maytag washerdryer, $800 Vyrxrlpool washerdryer $A50. Drafting table. Antique IP player a more 750864 DUNCAN PHYFE SOFA FAMILY AIR-LOOM TAPESTRY. BEAUTHJl 342-0796. REMODELING SALE Refrigerators.

25cuft Kenmore side by side. Ice water door, oknond $396 24cuft GE Prone Ude by stae. Icewater door, white, Ike hew, S675. GE Electric range wventhood. almond seff-clean.

$300 set. 328 3567 GE Dryer, $150 OBO. IMPERIAL heavy duty commercial upright FREEZER lockoble. 20cuft. excellent cond.

$500. Can 458-2630. KENMORE HEAVY DUTY Electric Dryer, $75. WK detver 444-0246. WASHERDRYER, 10 yrs okl $75eo OBO.

452-665 WASHEWDRVER good con lion, $250. 472-3558 GF. gas stove, while 1 50, Large Dearborn heater $50; 6 hole rany wheel $25: 244-3132 BEAUTfUll 23.5cf. Refrlg. SXS Water a Ice maker.

395.00 Special Ret. Customize tor 15.5 golons. beer 3 faucets. $350. Washer Large cup $95 Ph 243-2133 Kenmore Washer a Electric Dryer $250 080.

837-4499 STOP! Why Shop Any Where Use Stoves, Refrigerator WoshenDrv-n. No Roionablo Offer Botutod. Cod 1st 133-1100, 431-0661 1701 Aksrldgo. VMC 17 CUFT Upright freezer, white. $100.

Please cal after 6pm. 331-6146. SEARS Kenmore Washer a Gas Dryer. $300 pal. Lg frost free Mojdote.

$400Obo. Al Ike new. 255-5646. Subzero type KfTCHENAID BUILT-IN KtrKIVtKAlUK, QO WW IMS rww. Priced to sel.

$2000. Co 459-0003. REFRIGERATOR: Admiral 21cuft slde- by-slde. white, water thru ooar. $225.

252 8080 Retrigerator, Wtiirlpool 18cuft, whrie. works great, Slofl. 249-5328. BIKE RACKTRAILER HITCH, fits Ac- caa $130. Speckslzed Had Rock mtn bike.

S350. 451241 THULE ROOF RACK 2 long rate, locks. Excellent condition $250 Scott, 512-353-1246 SCHWINN women's cruse bicycle, $75; Selling new price $209. 8806 Honey Suckle, ext garage entrance SPECIALIZED FSR Comp with dual shocks, lots ot extras. 5SJU.

323-5382 GIANT ATX 760 mountain bike 16- crmo frame. 21 spd STX-RC, grip snrrr. 5'ou ooo vzo-ouqu. BOYS BIKE Schwma mongoose BMX. Very good conamon.

SI 10. trv2-iujo. Matching Men's a Women's bikes. Schwlnn World Travelers, lOspd, geat conq S150 for both 255-1828 MOUNTAIN BIKE MARIN 7005 series; alloy double-butted frdme. grip shifters, Shimano decor XT derallers.

upgrade avid broke. Mavtc rims. DT Swiss spokes, upgrade crank. Pd $900. Asking S500 frm.

512-332-0137. 18.5 LONGOOSE Ampler. STXRC. wl upgrades. Excelent cond $650.

Pertrjrmance rollers. S50. 280-8466 '80 BIANCH Great shape. Asking $700. Cal at 452-3752 or

Scnwmn Custom built BMX Blue Falcon $650 OBO. txJubBmol or 495-2764 GT KARAKORAM 21 spd Mt. Bike. Uke new. Rock shock.

Indy SL DECKS LX. $350Obo. 249-5595. 7500957. CUSTOM BUILT freestyle bike.

Shaman frame with al Pnmo equipment, 5 months okl purchased at Trend. $600. 210-828-3249 ttMBtiikttng nUtaftala ,4 KITCHEN CABINETS, New Surplus Used. Want a new Cordel kitchen? Best prices 210-534-4002 CABINETS. CULTURED MARBLE.

-New camoged surplus $25 a up Bargains Gold Star Cabmefs. 16240 IH 35. 251 9279. MorvFrt 8-4 652frTi-tK OrtwiHWiwq- $495. Fenton.

Hun Mccov. Coco Colo colecttbles a lots more. By gppt only. 6568395 DUNCAN PHYFE Fold out couch neutral brocade. $400.

282-3703. THi WOW SUN. 10 HfOHLAND MALI HILTON Sports cards colect's, beanies, bears, comtcs. etc. Rick, 3462066.

ARTISTSCR AFTERS Antlaue Dealers Wanted. 2 new shops In Florence! pays great no commission. 254-793-3329 otter 6pm SKY WANTED TO BUY Antique china set a old dasswori or crystal. Cal anytime 2191347 50's Dinette Set. butter yellow and chrome.

$300, Vlctrola with tons of 38 s. $250otx: electric fans Jodrle a more. 457-8044 Appfcaiu rrasTFau i ums NCW LOCATION 'ratumno mw a MCOhom*oMtD APPUANCtt Uqukkrrkm Cwitortot Moor Monutoctufon Refrigerators a Freezers Stoves Gas a Electric Washers. Dryers a Dishwashers Cook Tops a Built-in Ovens Range hoods a Mtcrowovei MicroVent Combos Jetted a Urvetted Baths Air ConcWoners 6 Month Warranty Open 7 doytwoelc M-f 9anv6pm Sat. 9om-4pm Sun.

12-5 VSAfcDtscover Warehouse 451-1818 Refrigerator $2350 Stockoble washer dryer. $336. productsfree delivery. 370-2400. 18 6cuft refrigerator wice maker white.

In great conttion. $350. Col 331-8017. Whirlpool Stacked Washer a Dryer New motor a seals. $225.

301-7213 Kenmore extra targe capacity eiec-titc dryer $125. 371-9417 General Electric Washer a Dryer Set. white Excellent condfflon. $350 060. 407-9355 or 442-2254.

30H Jen Electric cook top CVE1400. Brand new, never used. $300060. 502-1615. DP 613-4745.

WHIRLPOOL NO-fROST 19.5 c.t. refrigerator with top freezerlce-maker. Almond. $175. 238-0276 ALf A Hi spd Commercial Sewing Machine a- Table WDecorottve stitch cams Ex Cond $375.

282-5545 Vest FrostConserv Ultra-erflcient freezer, 7.5 cult. 6 mos old, ful warranty. $500 firm. 210824-9751 BARGAIN! WASHER a DRYER for sole. Kenmore washer.

7vrs Ota, good cond. GE dryer. 3 yrs OKI very good cond. Must sel both. $225 oho Mease cai pj-ajuo MOVINGI Kenmore washer a dryer, white.

9 months okl, warranty. $800. 472-4221 Must sel: Gas stove, pert- working cond, wht. $150. Couch a rv seat.

bmgota. $50. Con 257-9724. rv msg Kenmore. Washer a Dryer.

Good condition. While, almond. $276 pair. 0-6244. REFRIGERATOR $150 Gas stove $75.

Both In excellent working condition. 452-3690 MOVING! WasherDryer, $250. 907-5889 441-3126 GE Double oven stove wkghted coax rop ana auxr-m venr-a-noua. white, electric. 5 yrs okl Ike new.

rarefy used, rkxjght tor $1500. ask- mg S40U OOP. 32 964. Hotpomt Refrigerator. White.

Runs Great, looks good Manual Defrost 5HU V2-U4V 18CUFT FPJGCAIR, 3 years old. white, top freezer, frost tree. $200 OBO. Coll 641 -UOB6. HOTPOINT Dryer, heavy duty, auto dry control.

4 temps. Exc cond! 5125 2SV-Z424 iUHCervnore Washer a Dryer. $135 ea. Kenmore gas dryer. $140.

fridge $160 great condition. 6060673 Gf WASHER with mm basket a KENMORE GAS DRYER. Both white a work wel S200set. Z55-8U2U MOVING! MUST SEW SMe by stae refrigerator, runs great. I GF almond, side-bv-siae.

Water a Ice clspenser on door. 4 bins snack drawer. $250. 2468020 WHIRLPOOL RefrtoeratorFreezer 21 almond color. Immacu late.

52HO. Must Sel. 288-114 ltto'f Rasge Beoutltul white enamel gas APPAN RAW 56UU UBO LOS 120-JUUI 2 vr old Mavfaa aas stoveoven $250 GE. olshwasher. $60: black steel and glass computer desk.

$150. Cal 335-5987 S520-Trtidt towtmwy i SUPER 8mm Pro multl speed movie camera wsmgje frame, auto and manual exposure. 972-418-6097. ISO JAHSA coMMntotunvi MoUICA Ptannum flrvsn, covering mode of gray snake leather, ser. 11757169.

069, Year 1989 wl 50mm Summlux fl .4 lens serial 43483614 high dots wakxit wood case Mutt SSXTJ SpeeM Wilton of 1(1 Coiiif 25rh Ajwihronarv LBCA HKTOItCAL SOCIfTY M4 wl 3 lens M-6 LKSA. 1968-1993. body ser. 11938061. F2 0 Surnrnlcron ser.

(35mm. 50mm. 90mm) Ight wood case Mint! $8000. 31mm Bmam4t ASPH F2.8 with Under. S2UO0 EmrJ: fax: 210-520-8000 AGFA Ambl-Sierie Vintage 1959 wl lensei flters.

flash attoenment. 8367826 CANON Ef 300mm F4 Imooe Stotxlz-er whard case. 5 yr. wrrnty. Mint cond.

$950 495-8514. THE CAMERA EXCHANGE New a Used Photo Equip DfOtTAL CAMCOtOCRt TOW 1 J-tSMZOO 0311 iUBfUT W. Batwwt four 3 pc place settings Chrlstofle Slverplate Perle $250, 4 Aynsley Co-bart, dinner plates $100. 282-5611 IOWLE "Old Master sliver flatware, never used, 3 place settings with 5 extra pieces. 5750 retal value, wi take $400.

Cal 8365959 9om-5pm WANTED Blue Danube Dtnnerware, Heather. 479 8510 613S-Ciomirq, WHITE WEDDING DRESS, oft shoulder sheath, beoded. detachable Iran $350 OBO 443-2564 NEWNEAR NEW Ladles' Clothing Shoei boots, accessories, costume and Stertng jewelry, baby aoihmg. Much more. 10425 Scotland Wel Br from 183 Splcewood Rd, to Scotland Wel Dr.

Sat 7:306.00. Priced to sel. tCAAtl DfSIONER mMlna gown acnort Matt silt satin, ft train, (, rmnt eond, 704-1 414 CT UtUkl Klnw iha A ru, $500. St. John novy stacks, size 4 new.

$275. Cal 830-693-9397. LOUIS VUITTON PURSE, new, $375. Cafl 830-693-9397. B140rtoltom Ty 2K.

'99 HolooY Teddy. The End. Groovy. Waloce. Brthday Bear.

Fitter, tips, Oslto. Spangle, Bessie. Magic. Squealer. Pinchers.

Sea-more, ftp, Wise. Dooale. Speedy, Zip Mony more. $10 a up. 990-1328 P0KEM0N CARDS For Sale 331-2139 JUKE BOX 1952 Seeburg Select-O-Matlc 100 Deluxe Wfldeltty.

1st yr for 45 s. S3950. 915-379-3361 I BUY BEANIES. 845500 Over 70 Whiskey Water Pitchers -Serious colectors only. Decorate Your Bar.

8367828 Coin Collectors Library. Come take a look Make an offer 8367828 BUYING OLD toys Collector seeking Hot Wheels, Transformers, Matchbox, G.I. Joe. Star Wars Almost any old toy consdeied. Col 331-0653 SPODTS CAXDS COMMONS (FSS86S0 Wanted tor donations to poor A I enfoten 973 9935 OLD REFRIGERATED co*ke box.

works great, keeps atlnits realy cold SftO. 255-1828 TOY TRAINS COLLECTOR buying old electric a wind-up trains other toys. From 1900-1980's. Up to $500 837-7556 BEANIE BABY Buddy blow out sale. Current a retired.

No trades. $15 ond up. 339-0291. BEANIES Amber. Wallace.

Ewey. Neon Nibbler. Spangle, Scat, Birthday. Whisper. Osito.

Jabber, Swlity, GiGI, Chip. Flutter, a Kicks. 451-9652 TY BEANIES. Alley-Zip. current, retired a TB sets, $5 up (example: Bessie, B-day Bear.

Flp. Hitter, lips. Hoof. Osito. Seymour.

Spangle. Spot. Tank. Waloce). 9263453 Barbie Collector Vlntaoe Dots a Clothes from 1970.

3466660.418-1103 GIRLFRIENDS, WIVES MOMS Surprise your boyfriends a husbands. Old and new neons, metal signs and mirrors. WH buy memora- bJia 833-5998 6145-CoxniTMircisTd I- EtptStipp(ie S.Q. Comm. washers.

20 top loaders. SlOOea. 10 front tooders. 301-3964 or 517-2490 552MraeD TAN SLEEPER SECTIONAL wbult In redner. great conamon $700000 25944 LOVESEAT a seot sola.

Cream with light blue stripes, excelent coryjtioa as new. $850. 388-3019 Brand New Mattress, sti In box $199: dmmg table with 5 chart. $299. 671-9241.

834-2467 BABCO LOUNOa KCTtONAL couch wrm dual mcuners, 2M 9O0-S427. Beoutltul Cherry entertrjnment center. Holds TVVCRStereo Com-ponents. Uke new $400 453-1051. Fakly new peach leather love seat S360.

Cat Heather ot 267-6617. Ervrertotnment stand wglass Orig Queen Anne wing bock choir. Cal to make offer at 323-2676. 3pc sectional couch w2 reckners. mrdcle drawer a sleeper.

SW colors Newm Sel $750 45W704 ir QUEEN SIZE SOFA SLEEPER a LOVE SEAT. 2 YRS OLD. NEVER SLEPT IN WESTERN DESIGN $350 445-4252. Gorgeous High OuoHty Sold Oak Comer China Cabinet, dmost new. $300 OBO.

263-1298. 2twmbewmattressei $100ea. Sears refrigerator $250. Utile Tykes lungle jrm $65. Disney videos $7.

CoFee table $50 416-8426 QUEEN sz wateroed frame, heod-boara mattress, heater, beddmg HI Mt a al occs. S250OBO 462-0614 ELEGANT doing room table, marble base wl 6x3 ft glass top a 6 chaks. $800 Cal 441-6759 taotoo iota, am 1125. Took cotlM a end 30- TV, VCt, oak stand. 1444244 WS MAKI A DtAU Sofa a loveseot.

off white, transl-Honal. $150. End tot a coffee table, cherry finish, tx a daw feet. Beveled glass. $200 Roltop desk wl chc.

medium oak finish, $100 5x7 rug peony design. $30 2 burgundy table lomps. $20. Assorted throw pwows. curtains, queen bed spreaa JU tot as oua ar 252-0054 MOVING SALE Sold ook omette.

6 chaks. $200 lazy boy redner. $90 Dresser with rrtrror. $100. Bentwood rocker, twin bed with brass heo board 3 chest, oriental rug.

Queen size mattress, boxsprtngs frame, oak daybed with trundto. $140. many other Items. Prices neg. 2314944.

Hand Pointed Baby Bed. Greco strotter high chair, gasoJme edger, douWe Iron bed. maple double bookcase bed, 2 vacuums, typing table, 444-6068 SOUD OAK ARMOIRE entertainment center, holds up to 36' TV, plenty of storoge, $850; matching coffee eoa fable, $150obo. 388-7818 Honey Oak Entertainment center $100 OBO. 797-6242 WONDERFUL Horn Cowtnae char with footstool.

Priced to sel at $695. 474-4447 ELEGANT SOFA Century, formal tone on tone cream, almost new PoJd $1500 -asking $750 OBO Col 327-7369 LARGE white-washed entertainment center Holds 35" TV, lots of bunt-in lighting pocket doors. $750 261 5288. Girl's BR Set. dresser mirror, desk hutch.

Tc Dresser 8i rsohrstand NO BED S300, 267-7100 KING SIZE Water bed. waveless. soft sided, dud control heaters. 6ctaw er pedestal, excellent corxjnoa $450 262-1870 or Pgr 613-6701 BEAUT. Broyhll couch loveseat.

$1 150 81k exec wrap around glass desk $250. Both $1250 502-1051 FORMAL frurtwood dump table 8i 6 cane bock chaks. 1 feaf. fade pods. Excelent condtlon.

$1500. 328-9722. VINTAGE ARMOIRE. Ig. bevelled mirror, drawer ond hangrig hooks S275 OBO.

447-6973 LUXURIOUS, motiortess waterbed wtighted mirrored headboard heater 6 drawers $400 OBO; 502O81S. QUEEN SIZE SOFASLEEPER, soft floral print neutral shoaes of white, mint green at mauve, upgraded firm mattress 1 owner, excellent shape. Make otter. 2582850. For sale Ful size bed.

twin size bed. fie cabinet. 5 bookcases, oriental right tooie. high char, office chat, desk, dresser. TV table, lamp table.

837517 or 748-4839 70 Vlntoge Dining Room Table Buffet Pecan, al wood SI500. Smo Antique Dresser. $150. 272066 Moving, Sate! Sofa soft colors. $900.

Tischer Piano, great buy. $1,200: 261-4408 FULL SIZE Bed, Clean. $125 Loveseat. $60. TV center.

$75 Choirs lamps, neg 477-81 72 7ft SOUTHWEST STYLE sofa good shape oft white wl patterns of steel blue rust. $200 OBO 699-7504 208-6460 pgr BEDROOM SET, kmg tieoODoard. double dresser. 2 mghtstonaS. rrtr-rors.

sold wood cfassic oriental style Good condfflon. SI400OBO 257-0687 DINNETTE Block wrought iron with 42" glass top plus 2 iron black wicker chairs. Very sturdy $250. 338-6788 or 907-7104 DP. ANTIQUE Mahog bdrm.

ful bd drssr. vanity wrmrror. kj chest of drwn $1500 China. $5-515. 263-8700 FUTON.

STEEL end tables, art pc lure, queen size BroyhH bed. candelabra, microwave, 656-7560 or 512-4263264, ask for Dave (37-4411 1-0t3U-li; METAL BuTLDING fRAME wroot tin (7) 20x40 bays, AC units, lav. fixtures, lights, roof ties, rock, brick. Col 8-5pm (51 2)892-081 5 located In Wimberley TX. Al Antique buxclng malerlals.

long leaf pine a oak flooring beaded wood. 900 doors, windows, tin cel-mgs. stoned glass, ship lap. columns, a more Dbcoverys From The Post, Gonzales, Tx. 83f672-2428 SHEETROCK 30 sheets new, 4'x9xS8'.

$200 cash. 431-9880 Carpet 60C-S4; plurnbing fixtures. Good Tires, patio doors. AC compressor. Water heaters.

16 garoge door woperator, etc. 261-5335 1 Londa Hot and cold onmuro woslxn, 3800 PSI, oiocMe ttorl, honda, I yi old, poJd $6000 oa. wW mw tot 13500 oa. with horn ond lo4 ot accMoris lncludtd 914-4194 UILDINO HATIRtALI OUTUTT Designer Cooktop. S325.

Wol Oven, $540. Tubs. $85. Siding. $8.

Windows, $40, Skylghts. $66, Int. Drs $10 lOfcr NORTH tH35 8361663 UAUTIFUL SUIIOMT FUO-tTONII Buldng facode. patio landscape. Appx 30 tons.

$1500 See ot 201 McConnel Dr. 799 3665 USED BRICK Austin common plena, undeaned 50C each, 589-3312 ton Rallng. 42" tat 120 ft. $6.0011 80 yr. old pme beams, rxll'i 20'-24' S75-S10O each.

Sold core doors. $20 each. 36" wood doors wl ful glass. S50 each. 209-4993 New free starxlng fiberglass shower.

$150. 2 comm wine rocks. $75 pair 4 new columns. $50 ea Beaded board. 25cfoot 3 venttess gas wohtis.llkenew.

S150ea 477871 TlliWOCKt Of TEXAMOVTNO Cmnunta tllo doaranea on lit quolity dHcontirMMd Norm. Ovw t00 fl. 1901 Quttond Oi. wa-TlIX AUCTION OCTOBER 2 5:00 FM 1425 ANDERSON MIU ROAD ARCHITECfURALS FRENCH STYLE WOOD DOORS WITH WROUGHT IRON INSERTS, LARGE IRON ftTt Akin cckiriuc WROUGHT IRON TRANSOMS AND BALCONIES AND MORE. UFlOAustin Auction Co.258-5479 10 lUYnt PCfMIUM ROSS FEATHERSTON 18069 COMPARE SHOP WUH US Long leaf pkie: 4" 6" 12714716' beams, flooring, b-board.

sIKplap. mote offer 6I3O207. ty messoge LONG LEAF PINE beams, flooring, doors, beodboard. trim, lumber. Claw foot tub, stove.

Pressed tin ceiling 35323. f-FRAMir. Fl OOP T11F (12x12 and 16x16). 22 colors, $99 sq.ft., 210-698-1353 Sold mahogany entrance doors wl leoded glass windows, 14 Schtage polished brass lever handle lock sets 990-7830 pis rv mess Old growth long leaf pine lumber and beams. $3-54bf.

Pme flooring $4 50 upst 656-3336 TODDLER CARSEAT $20. Stroller $20. Bumper pods $5. Clothes $3-5 Monitor $10. Tub rug $5.

Booster $8. Col Cindy. 2583388 JENNY UND Crib with mattress, changing table, erode, high chef. $300 "cooler bed wl mattress, $25 WrJker and other moc Items. COl 252-3465 CUSTOM BUILT 6x8 playhouse wl porch a metal root.

$600. May be seen at 2105 Elton ui Easy to move, you move. Evan at 420-0522 LEXINGTON KM Retreat, beach white (antiqued) BEDROOM SET: Ful hdbrct night stand dresser wl rope mirror. $1336. Coil 9180382.

MOVING! Must Sell Infant car seat, stroller. Jumper, walker, vibrating chair a more Great phces.515-565T Community Ptaythlng crib. Amrsh crcftsmonsNp. maple, toxic finish. 40x26 $185.

Can Pfrugervile. 361-798-2087. sold in 5S2CVTrueii LVhtegwry 1 ASMLA 12345678 90 FtAX DP Gym Pock 2000 Home Gym Syt, 9 luu. rree yveigrrrs. 2U.

rer noon, SatSun or leave msg. 478-7585 Utestyler Treodmi. 1 .25 HP, 8.0 mph. auto mesne, heart monitor. $360.

DP akgnmeter stepper. $100. $400 OBO tor both. 258-6314 Seeking relable workout partner. Power waking Barton Hfcs.

M-f, 6AM. Serious cats only. 442-1437 SACRlFCEl PARAMOUNT HOME GYM Excellent conation. $450 OBO Cod 3060329 SPORTS CLUB membership, $1000 Renewal dues $35. Starting 1015 2000 Great Oargari 794 9869 ALL LIKE NEW: Total Gym.

$350: UfeStyler Cordofrt, $250: Escape Your Shape, $300 440-7417 TRIMAX finest personal fitness machine, 24 position cucurt. complete muscle a cardiovascular development. $1500 value. $550 2667191. WEIGHTS IRON 400bs.

2 50bs dsc. 2 long bars, 1 set of dumb bens $125. 512 303-7251. pgr 512-85-1878 TREADMILL Ike new. Dlgrral time, cakxles.

mileage, distance, speed odiustoDle. resistant tread. Folds far storage $300. 837-1309. 8MI Weight mochme.

bench a Incline press, bench a curl boa dumbbell $150 OBO. 280-3400 PRO-FORM 585 electric treodmi. dotal read-out. portable. $375.

3450624. NEW POWER TTJAN, exptlcal cross trainer. Potd $400. asking $150 OBO. 282-5491 NEW NORDIC TRACK.


NEW INCLINE WEIGHT bench With leg Iff plus accessories. $125 280-6156 8180-Food ProoHJcbJ Fresh Aootei from New MexicoCotorodo by (he case "3 A) 9 up w-w) 620WuWFtrtwocd SEASONED SPUT OAK firewood. You haul. $90 per cord S46 per 12 cord. Myers Cedar Yard Hwy.

183 Lampasas. 5i2-6S6-4vop RAY'S WOOD SERVCE 360-3700 Oak or Pecan Ful or 12 cord. Wll deliver a stock MUST SEE! 88QSMOKER: On steel wheels, 2 fireboxes, wood rock; utW-ly shelf. $475. 873-9C08 SEASONED OAK $160cord $90 cord.

Delivered, stocked John 282-2034 dp)3O3-203 JACOtt a SON FIREWOOD 143-1471. Post oak firewood, ootlvond a stocked, occopt oil motor erodtt cords. SEASONED SPUT OAK. Stocked a delivered. $160 per cord $66 per cord Col' 6220-Flooting KARASTAN CAtffT Local ctetrioutor sefling New Shipment of KorastanMohowk first quarry overstocks at 30 to 70 off akect to public.

Commercial close-outs CERAMIC Till SPtaAL PUBCHAM Local distributor DBCounrmg new shipments of fist a 2nd ouoirry overstocks. Direct to Pubic 794 9600. FLOORING. pre-flnJsned ook. never used sti boxes, must sel $2 30 sqtt.

837-3536. MOVING SALE: Exquisite large custom area rug 12 x16' burgundy wdork green border, cost $1400; sel $800. Both 1 yr old 261-4849 FHA Carpot t.S yd. over pod snstaHoct Fumrlunl ond Stairs oxtra. Thun- oor Boors (812) 442-0011 ORIENTAL RUG.

8X11. wool. Hertz, hand mode, Romania '84. Rose corahsh, beige, blue. etc.

New. S20X Asking SSO0 454 1775 6230utTluJf CASH FOR YOUR UPSCALE 451-0388 NEW Plllowtop Suoon Mottrass Ml, 129, reg. $U0. Ml, $27S. Now a Oftnopodlc ouoons $195 a $259.

15yr worrarrttcrs. Full looturo pkos. Convonlont North. 219Q672 NEW a PRE -OWNED FURNITURE HOME OFFICE HOMEuISS FURNITURE 331-4455 600 Bel (Hwy 183). Cedor Pork NEW PIU.OWTOP MATTRESS SET wl lSyr warranty a del Kg (leg $900) $322.

On (reg S800) $280. 442-8830 AUSTIN MATTRESS WAREHOUSE Name brand new mattress sets factory seconds, floor models, blemished sets a rmsmotcnes. 6613 Lomar 323-0222 Beds-Beds-Beds Factory outiet store tor Simmons. Serta. Sealy.

We carry close-outs discontinued covers a factory 2nds At 5070 off retal store prices Twin Mt, $69. Full sol, $(9 Oueen sol, $119, King sot, $149 Al new complete with warranty. Day bod $139.99 Sunk bod $279 9S lock Mtl. Futon wl $199.9 7530 lumef Rd, NEW ORTHOPEDIC MATTRESS SET wl 15yr warranty del. On (reg S600) $260 Kg (reg $700) S322 442 6830 DINING ROOM SET.

Ethan Allen. Georgian Court, 4 side choirs. 2 arm chars, 1 oval table. 1 china cabinet. I buffet, retail $9,000, asking $3,200000.

Curt 512-6564345 QUEEN SIZE bed, almost new, $500. 512-267-2701 Leather overstuffed couch, chair and ottmon Pad $4600. sell $2000 firm 512 858 )410 6050-BaUlitetoriZMi ALUMINUM 14 ft flat Bottom boat. 9 5 hp Mercury, with trailer. $1150 obo.

477 1 554 ALUMINUM BOAT, 14ft. new 6HP outboard motor, trailer, trol mtr, battery $1400 626-7596 Alums. Ski. Pontoon. Deck, Boss 1992 earlier.

Lake Ready. Serviced. Make Otter. Trades 929 7865. AQUASPORT 17', center console.

110HP custom trailer, deothflnder $5200 OBO 83M33 5605 or 830-833 5930 ASS tOAT loaded, super clean Strotus every extra option senna divorcecheap. $2700 days 512 342-2920 eves; leave message AV QUEST, center contoM. Shallow urates tHMng boats. 191 1999 doMout sakil 27HU1. Bovtner 65, w85 hp force OB Motivated Seller (moving), wood deck work needed Great value tor handy person 51 IUU lu mu.

BAYLINER '86. wrrdler. I9tt, 225HP. IO Volvo Pento. Spare prop, exc cond.

extras $5500 263 3396 CAJUN 95; 1850IE 130HP Johnson OB; nshskt 2 depfhflnders. trol. ski 2 Ivewels. exc cond Sel $9000 080 512-418 2900 Opt. 4.

ericksonigmjriciaon ner Four Winns, 1997, 258 Vista, 28ft, full cabin, kitchen, bath, AC, sleeps 6, low hours. Comes with Emerald Point boat stall. Still under warr. $28.950. 784007 GLASTRON '71 Carlson 17ft.

IO V8, custom Mr. $950 Cal 335 3921 GLASTRON 82. 16 ski boat; 90 HP, stdnless prop; rear! carb. garv. Mr, new tires $2400 512 847 8974 AWESOME 1999 GLASTRON CARL SON: Take over payments.

$324 mo. Dry Dock SI40mo. Loaded 21 FT. 454 Magnum MerQmser, 423 5859. 9B9 2967 HAMMOND Ski Boat, 1984; exc, cond.

$3800. 266-9336 I Buy Boats 266-1446 INVADER. 1971; 17'. walk thru bow. with tralet.

No motor. $376 or trade 280-6564 INVADER 1992 20'6 tandem tral er. PS. 4 3L cuddy, beautiful boat, $8750 288-2770 INVADER 87. 18 260HP Mei-Cruser IO: V-hul: walk thru windshield New AM-FM Cdss stereo.

Runs great Magnum trailer. $4000 512 296-8009 JET BOAT. 21ft, Tandem trailer. Ford 460, new motor, runs great. $3500080 303-4755.

Antique Bedroom poster bed chest, double dresser, both with wood ttimmad mirrors, clow teet a glOSS puis. S2260. 219-8418 TV CART, smol. dork finish. 3 shelves.

$20; notching 2 shelf VCR cart. $15. super sirvje waterbed whedd-board $35. super skigte lone $16 kmg waTeroeo rrome. 520.

jo i -uvw Beige (queen) SleeperSofa tor Cal 9900847. Select Comfort queen mattress, used 3 months. $500. 512-353-8382. 512-753-9690.

Off WHITE LOVE SEAT a SOFA. GOOD CONDITIONI S2S0. CALL 437-5627. MOVIHO ULi: like new. 1 yr old soto a love seat.

$600 Treodrm $200. Stepper. $50. Coffee table. Broyhll, $75.

Kitchen table $25 Antique Motorola rrjclorecord player. $100 2468543 FUU. SIZE Ormopeolc bed $100. KING SIZE mattress a box springs S125 Exc cond. Col 389-3624.

KW1MO TAMi Imcsl Room desk 40 avoftoblo. 24x44, $55. Ixc cond. (olid. 47MM0, TOPS.

PIUOWBACK Sleeper Sofa wthrow pftows, Exc cond Forest green muu. par reclining floral prtnf over-s, S40o7bom 210-0911. sized chaki QUEEN SIZE sofa sleeper, love seat a chc. $845 WM sel separately. Also 2 Oriental rugs 261 -4593 DINING SET, ekemar.

4 chars. Ike new. $60 Uke new mattress a box, queen a. S80 372-9676 Moving! Everything must go! 6x6 entertomment err. "260 Comer ent ctr.

$126. 10x13ft rose colored oriental carpet, wool al-over pattern. Cost $3600 asking $1500 6x8rt red oAentoJ carpet. Cost $2500 asking $950 329-6013. FORMAL Custom Made Couch a Loveseot; top quality, with decora tor pillows.

Uke new. $475 2468020 Uke new offwhlte a floral sofa $300; deacon's bench $100. Cosh. 512-266-9242 KARASTAN RUGS. Kirman pattern jewel tone.

2 4 3X6 rugs. S400ea. Runner 26X12 $500 306-6791 2 yr Basset qn sofasleeper. Basset Queen Anne ark cherry stand matching chair S1000 942-1063 WATERBED-King on 6 Drawer cap-tan's pedestal with center storoge Bookcase heodboard. Bench seat.

Exc cond $375 060. 9362265 ilHPniWA ite, bttMwhlt jxtfit, good condition, 1300 4474M5. RENOVATION SALE- underwood Desk $25, Door 79x35X3 $20. Shell unit $10. 291-1715 2-Plece Whiteon-Whrte Sectiond Contemporavr CHERRVWOOD CHINA cabinet formal olning room table (seats 6) wl 4 chow.

$950 OBO. 443-2564 SUPER SINGLE WATERBED. bookcase headboad. podded sKle rats, $200 632 5785. Duncan Phyfe sofa oak pedestal rbl w6 chrs leaf, cherry office desk credenza cherry futon dr-dyne ex bike.

Shop Smth. 342-0796. REMODELING SALE Antique Colorado olning table 81 6 iadderback chats. $600 Maple futon, queen size. $275 326-3567 MOVING SALE King size bed lifetime warranty, tarty new, $300 Erv tertarment center, wood, custom mode.

$150. Custom mode desk. $150 White contemporary sofa sleeper, smu Oak Q-tuton bed $203 Ful futon matt, $60 Grey comfy sera 100 sewing oeskcnar, iuu ary-qurv NEW EXTRA FIRM Mattress Set 15yr warranty del. On (reg S450) $185 Brand new sofa chair. Dlnina fbL 9-drower dresser with mrror: rocking char, exercise rower rvi-uvwj BUNK BED.

Ike new. custom mode. adutt see. extra long heavy duty ton frame, custom extra padded extra long mattresses $450. 512- JV-3140 Or DI-D4-O0OJ.

DESIGNER SOFA 6pcs. $1800 new -asking $600. ZENITH SPACE COMMAND TV with phone. $275. Bar stools.

SX each Cc 323-6941. MOVING MUST SELL! Oak farmhouse tooie. S200OBO. 830-676-2833. URtM COUCH, in shape, kw tones, throw pillows, Pd $100 Win toko $450 00.

244-9322 Household furniture Appliances, washers, dryers, dressers, mattress beds. 708-9743 John a Jerry. Ethan Alen Georaan Court chtno cabinet outlet $1200. Matcnlnfl end table $350 261-9614 BEAUTIFUL Dining room set. trafcn glass top 42x84x1 on bose of Chrome 4 brass w6 upholstered chairs $850060.

244-3175 Empty Omee? OuaBtv office furniture for low prices Desks from $199 Chars from $49 Rtes from Bookcases from S69 Aaron Offk tumf Drexei Herttoge dtnmg room table. 6 cane-co*ck chairs, cart Perfect corvjtton $1200 345-3835 Mahogany Dmng Table, 6 chans. $200. annaue dressing table, $125: double dresser, mirror, $150, round butcher block table, $50 ChUd's wardrobe. $60.

Stroller. $45. 454-6212 SOfA with puflout fufi bea cream denim blue stripes. 76" long, Uke new S20GO9O 371-3746. FIRM Full size bed.

$115. Refrigerator. $55 Entertolnment center, $60 388 9572. LOVESEAT, tribal, $100. Reclinerchoir $35.

323-5763 uVZ-BOV sola 2 reclners. love-seal. reclnerrocker. 9 mos old Sofa i-seat muted soft earth tones (striped), rockersoft tan coordlnat-mg fabric S1500 302 3697 6050-Boats Motorized STARCRAFT 24ft Pontoon boot with 70HP Johnson outboard motor Exc cond. Boat moored at Westtdke Beach.

Sel $4500 467 6143 SUNBIRD BowrkJer. '9Z 17ft. IO. new condrtion. must sel due to sickness 254-939-1568.

SUPRA '85. Sport Rider, new 454. transmission shaft, excellent. $6000 Traitor available 626-2501 USED BOAT SHOW 18' Center Consote Sea Ark w60hp. '97 Crest 22' Pontoon wJohrson.

TroHer, Like New, 4 yr Warranty Astro 18'8" Boss 175 hp, '83 Lowe Flounder Wg. wltghts Extras "97 Viper Bass 20' 226 rp. 96 BeochCornber Pontoon w90 hp CALL RICK CRAVEN 970-7425 Vhul 14' with 60's Evmrude. True Mechanics Opportunity, traler. rum starter works, needs repkxing, battery ok but needs replocinp.

Battery charger $650, 446-7371 VtP '87 dsn sk! boat, 85HP Force motor, gotvartzed trailer, depth finder, many extras $5500 negotio-bt. 360-5467, moble 663-8061. WELLCRAFT '9a Eclipse 186 TOft. 276hp. wtraler.

$6500. 326-1177. ext 203 SaUlno I CamfXsyk CAL 26 1967 Man Jb Genoa -Spinnaker 8HP Suzuki outboard hsllp $4000 OBO. 266-2522 CANOE 16'. fiberglass, square transom for motor wkxkets A paddles.

$400 8367383, 83r6026. CATALINA 26 roller furlno, Evmrude 99. fixed keel, new upholstery. Beautiful boat! $9950. Cal 251-2033 or toaionoblo OnonOvor 1400 tak-n on CatamuiuiM, Cabin Sootk satpoot snap est 1 1 PEARSON ENSIGN $750 512-668-7907 SUNFISH with new sal.

new rudder, new trailer Ready to sal. $1000060 9234350 USED 12 It O'txien wmdsurt Board with 15 ft Nel Prvde sal and mast. $190 obo. 491-7844 eves. Ventura 22' wsolar panel, swing keel, electric start 9 9 Johnson, new bottom paint 8i al sals Trailer wl new tires pant $3500 267-6387 DAY BED trundle.

Like new! $175. Call 251-5019. Couch, swtvel rocker wotto bra bed. antique dresser, (lasswood dnette. bookshelves.

707-9737 turgundy inonreiMi. $400. 4441 sots el storago, 1400. 9M1M Ful szed futon sofa a matching chc. oak cakx.

S500. 2 double beds with frames, $75 ea 326 1 1 77, ext 203 CARGO COUCH 2 years oka perfect condtion. overstuffed Chatham style. $400 692-4023 FUTON, sofqbed $75. Kid bunk bed $50.

Cfwppmg block, $40 icklna B32-4924. 371-0261 WHITE METAL BUNK BED. Double on bottom twin orf top. Mattresses included lyr old $150 260-1763. Beautiful Forma Dmmg Room Set.

rectarvjuiar. 4 chain, $800. 821-2139 HOV1WO IAU All UKI NCW: Ptn KHcHwi oW wHh 4 Chain $421; King to bedroom 11 wl mattnm boxspnna, 11360 OK. 247-4872- BEAUTIFUL LEATHER SOFA made ot premium leather 1997 Purchased for S3300. WW sel this wk for $1650.

478-4306 Serious cols only please. FULL SIZE Sold ook futon with 2 covers, excellent condition. $250 fkm. Georgetown, 512-869-1485. LEATHER 2pc sectiond sofa sienna color, agrolpllow bock style Very good cond $800 OBO 246)827.

Furniture for sale: Medum size erv tertanment center $150, ful size futon wpine rrome endtables $200. 1 yea ad Foleys green couch $300 smol bookshelf $75. coffee table $75 Cal now 301-64171 BEDROOM SET. maple flmsh. foot-boaa bookcase headboard 9 dower desser with mirror, ful see mattress.

S450 257-7133. COUCH: Ignt beige, piow-bock. throw pHows. Great condtlon. Pad $900.

asking $300 733-1255 WATERBED FRAME Bookcase headboard, frdower pedestd. heater. Iner. everything but mattress 448-1646. MOVING MUST SELL couch wdud reckner and love seat lyr old from Room Store.

Great shape. Asking $600 for set 444 3164. Table, ook pedestd. 6 chars, excellent condtlon. $700 249-5328.

UVING RM set. mcl. sola loveseat. tobies fit lamps. $600neg Dm.

rm. set. cherrywood wfwest pm. ac-cents, w4 chrs. $400neg.

370-1663 Moc Performer 6400200. 16M ran 24GB HD. CD. 256KL 2 cache. 288 mtemd modem, lots of bunded softwae.

$500obo. 452-9495 New England Cdonid Hutch ol flmsh. 84mx66Tjrl8T, exc. cond. S600 Btr S330-arden Supplied Natural Grown Hous Plonts! Hovlnq.

S36-2685 BUY OF THE YEAR! Beautiful Dwarf Youpon. Askn Jasmine. Yellow Jasmine 327-1207. 5x10 and 6x12 landscape trailers. 52" Tao WB mower, 21" mowers.

super blower. Buy Goat 97 36733 Arizona Ash Trees seal $10 ea Tht mora vou buy. you ive treei 5gol antor foyouT pov. Many lexos native treei size, ctearing out inventory to your aovanToae i ttmo. Sat Sun onrv.

SM-A741, rv nomt i numtMr. 18 HP LAWN TRACTOR 42" mowing deck. 4 yrs c4d Very good cond) $750. 292-3727 after 5pm 5 HORSE REAR TINE Iter Real good concttton. 5T2 362-3739.

CACTUS FOR SALE! Lots of indoor cactus real cheap! Con 263-7363 BEST BUY! Gravely Pro 40. Low nrs. Good condrfton with new Velke RWer $1200090 2800406. CRAFTSMAN II RIDING LAWN MOWER 14hp. 38- cut, 5spd.

MOVING Must be staj ubu. aso-oiao. 27 SH1N0AIWA stroqht shaft Inm-merSIX PB210E hand held otower S75. 4S2-8606 IAWN MOWER 20" MULCitR. EXCEUf NT CONDITIONI 575 371-3696 ANS GT 16 Hydro 46" deck, hydraulic Iff.

excellent condition. SI800 Cal 512 28M506 '97 John Deere LX178. water cooled rkjng mower, tow hours, rear Bog kit. great condition. $3300 326-H77.

ext 203 MTD rirjng town mower. 12 HP. 38" cutting deck, dual grass catcher, new Battery, 4 yrs Ola $600 OBO 238-0954 John Deere LX-176 LawnGarden Troctor Great cond Garaged. Extra Set blodes Belts and spare tune-up parts. S2500 OBO.

245-1451 GREENHOUSE Hexagon shape, al fiberglass. $600. 258 5018 6340-GoH NEW CAUAWAY X-12 Pro-Series. $625 DCI 962 $375. Some great woods 2660644 POWERBUIIT TPS Irons, 3-W.

new dvnamic gold steel shafts senstcore. stiff Ilex $T76 512 863-6671 EZ GO GOLF CART 3-wheel. new batteries S800 OBO Cal 930-4710. 834-1273 445000 6063-Sotts Ptnemi Watacrtft '94 Blaster '96 WaveVenture Low hrs. garaged 6i trdier wl tongue box $7900 339 9604 KAWASAKI 750.

'97. 3 seater. wnew trailer. $4500 326-1177. ext 203.

KAWASAKI. Oraat Xr MM JT1 10OSTX jn SKIS rTraHer A Aeeon. Ue. cond. Priced 110,600 ooo.

7S9-O01I9JM110. Poons SLXH musdecraft. 98. 120hp triple Just Broken in. ridden 3 limes wtroiler 8i cover Perfect condition.

$6,900 firm. Kevm 261-0295 StA OOO XP. tSHP wTRSitor, cover, 2 votts, very low rtn. 12940 OtO. M24S2A 90-U Mpsy SEA DOO Bombardier 1997 STX wl Magnum frailer cover, excelent condition $4400 642-2085.

Sea Doo GTX '94 very tow trailer, $3,200. 261-8891 Trailers. Ike new. single $360. abl $700.

New double $900 E2 port, drive on docks. S800 929 7865 Protect VOUP. RIGHTS as a Watercroft Enthusiast! The LCRA wants to regulate and restrict watercroft on lak Austin and Ldke Travis Let's Organize and fight tor our rights of eouoi-Ity and enjoyment ot texas waterways. VOUR VOICES need to be heard Call 371-2746 66-8oaii-Equiptnefltf ACCtsttOftM Marine Carpet, price sale! Top guolty $6sq yd. 6 or 12' wide.

Discount! Newused parts. 929 7965 PWC TRAILER, $375. 2 Wakeboards. stdrting at $100. www.ausimiakes-com or col 795-2377.

70HP EVfNRUDE Uke new with al controls a steering, $1800 Cal 731-4564. COMPLETE Cherolel 360 erane 8i Mercrutser outdrive Mrsc outboard parts V4-V6. btocla lower units, electrical systems others CLOSE OUT PRICES 254 939-1568 (2) Trailers: Duty Traler tor boat or PWC i Dual PWC Traler or convert tor boat New Everything 259-3462 1993 YAMAHA 130hp. 4-C4ade stainless, tak, Precision blend, excellent condtlon Cc 512 -344 232' 6070-6ott StorwstiftKvtTtM LAKE TRAVIS sip tor lease. 12 28 Ful amenities.

261-4192 MAGNUM JE1 SKI TRAILER Uke new $260 626-2501 COMMERCMl AlANDA pressure washer. 3000 psl wl wrrly a extra hose. $660 OBO. 269-6870. 762-6870 HEAVY METAL shelving S40unlt Pallet rocks $98unrt.

Auto parts a took shelving $45unlt. Conv store shelving $65unlt. 210-377-1936 NAIL TECH STATION, peolcure stcoi and various other supplies. $700 value, sen for $295. 68468 Home fluorters Stone Cantlever a Polet Rock, forktfts.

Gondolas Carper Rocks, Rodal Arm Saws. Panel Sows. Dust Colectors. Pipe Threaders. CtvJn Cutters.

Glass Cutters. Balers, Compactors. Office Equip, Safes. Fie Cabs. Umber a Shopping Carts.

TVs, VCRs. Loaders, Lockers, ANO MUCH, MUCH MOREI Visit the store 9 5501 Airport Blvd. Austin TX (512) 467-1731 4970 Hwy 290. Austin. TX (512)892-7633 12707 N.

Mopoc Expwy. Austn TX (6)2)2185155 Of cal IAR 9 (781)933-4650 www.fixture-ICMqqtors.corn 24 x24' SERVICE STATION canopy wl lights. 10'xlO' otummum a glass garoge door. Best offer. 254-773-2138 or 254-760-4097 Jewelry Cases, 5' a 6', with comer shelving unit.

$375 for both. Also other dspioy fixtures. 4584422. 371-1971 3 blue matching styling chairs. $175ea.

3 blue matcrxng dryer chairs wo dryers. $175ea. 2 blue matching srxjrnpoo chairs $125ea. 1 stylist char $T25. 1 black styling choir $150.

1 stytng Che $75. Ugt ed showcase wl 9 tockctxe bock drawers, $260. 5'Hx6'L Giass cubic display, new $795, asking $326. 491-8730. 371-9579.

913-7616 MDUSTRIAl SEWING MACHINES: $150 and up. CdH Roger 409-542-5069 MoryJoy-frldoy 7:304:30 INDUSTRIAL EMBROIDERY MA- IIN IINFS: 10 heads, older models. $300 each. Cal Roger 409-542-5069 M-f. Engraving Co.

Out of Business. Equip, a Inv. Must Go. Concept 2000 Engraving Sys. wl Computer a Access.

Vcrued Over S12K. Al for $6000 firm 422-3537 or 331-9792 tISO-Comptit*traEqittp Call Us Last Complete New a Used Computers $125 a Up. Monitors $50. 477-1854 COMPUKING: Price Kller! Computers. Svc, Sales.

Parts. Monitors $50. 833-5227. koUnetcompuklng COMPlfTE new 400 MHz Del computer wl monitor, 3yr wrrty, special promo, $400. Col for details.

512-3260466 Computers for sale, chldren have moved out, have 2 Compaq desk fop PC's and I Compoq laptop, 1 custom butt 350MHz. Leave msg qt 707-3536 or 6B2-69Z8, ext 1026 PENTIUM II 333 or 400 mhi 15" monitor, printer, 4.3gb HD. 8meg video. 42x CD. Both tost a Intemef-reody.

$625 a $725. 335-7072. Power fronsrormers, oudo transformers. Beehive computer terminals wkeybcord, ond AscI keooards. best otter.

Col AdUne. 416-9966. 40560 20th Armrversary Macintosh. coHec- W. Item WVnhy OAmft 9 nln noppy.

CD, Bose sound sys, ATI woge gropmci IVrwju, n-i. SCSI. Video, modem. 12.1" ds- play. 5I2UU.

J4-VJJV. Compaq 486 Notebook. wFree m-temef. 1 28Mg ram CD. Modem Lther Cose, $450 OBO.

990-3332 OFFICE 1000 professional software upgrade New with box. manuals a regjstro-tton cord $190 firm Col 3365663 GATEWAY P-333 Computer. 17" monitor. Office 2000 loaded. Divorce sale, must sel.

CaH 383-8412. 450mh2 AMD K62 MMX. 3.2G HD. 32meg RAM. 40x CDsnd 56 6 modem Win 98Off 97 $450 2r8838 300mhz IBM Mil MMX 3.2G HD.

32meg RAM. 40x CDsnd 56 6 modem Wn 95Off 97 $390 280-8838 Pentium PC w24 RAM. CD. 1 2 gkj HD. VGA monitor, fax sound Windows '98, Word '97, Free Internet a e-mal access.

S295. 331-5630 LAPTOP 48666 Mhz, 20Mb Ram. 500 Mb Hdd. wm 3.1. Docking station New Battery.

$250 OBO. 258-1860 PENT 350 96 meg RAM. 4.3 HD. 8 mea video. 40x CD RC llrxxwkevtoaraVrTTOusesoeakers, 17n monrtor.

wm 95. 56K modem. $1.000. 3369164 Internet Ready computer with color monitor, onty $99 486 Internet Ready Computer wl CD ROM soundspeakers, only $200 or I con set it up at your home for $260 9663371 Uke new Del 48666 $30 Uke new Del Pentium 75 $80. HP Pentium 76 $85.

Col 512-256 1047 M-F. 8 3 COMPUTERS Eoch with 2 HDs. Office Suites a plenty ot software $295 ea Carl. 3231409 PACKARD BELL Monitor, color printer, speakers, software, desk chc Exc cond. $850.

480-8479 NOniOOKSALI 444 14. PwTtluim, MI'i, $(9. Mr Notebook. 2401 Bio Orande, 474-6060 2 Moc computers wfhe works Includes printers a external modems $150eoch 441 1467. MS OFFICE '97 PRO FULL VERSION, SEALED $55.

KRISTEN. 512-288-4804 Home Network toys must go 486 Pentium Pentium IL 14" a 15" SVGA monitor, 4mm tope, ZIP 100, 101X HUB. 500 GIG SCSI HDD. mrsc cards. $1 0O-S4OO.

Please Cal For Detoxs. 6368945 AWESOME ume 266 IMoc. Ike new wover $2000 In software, drawing tablet, more! $1496080 707 9606 COMPAQ PRESARIO tower system 380mgz. 10GB HD. 64MG RAM.

17" Del monitor, loaded with software. S675 335-8825 Toshiba laptop P133. I6mb. 1.4GB HD. 10X CD.

28.8. Win '98. Ofc Pro 97. $650. Compaq laptop DX4 100 mhz.

16MB. 720MB HD. 28 8. Wm '98, Ofc Pro '97. $225.

Agfa E-photo 780 1024x768, 30 bit color dgltal cam- erq, 5ou. ovi-2oo. pg ozo-nu PENTIUM 133 MufflmeaW. WH '98 IL 33.6 fax 32 MB RAM. 1 .6 gka 20x CD ROM.

$300 000 101-0834 LAPTOPS Del P1S0. $699. IBM P90's $395; Del refurbished desk toos. Bia savmos various cormauro flora. HP 4 Loser Printers $480 633-2225 3 MACS, (1) 486 $100 ea.

Includes Monrrors, uestuer rnnrer a ooii-ware Cc 371-7220 2 486 COMPUTER SYSTEMS $400 a best otter. Plus other computer ports Col 280-1020. IBM think Pod 600E. Pentium II 231 64MB 5glg HD. 66k modem, ether-net ccidlCD screen $1400.

267-6574 Proximo 5800 desktop ptplector. d-most new. $1500. 267-6574 46K MEG. 200 MHZ 3ln drive.

CD POM enmnuter wcomouter ar moire $500. 331-6146. Please cal after 6pm. Ml Hot Dane) Monitor 1 months old, Now 11,100, Ml tWO, 01 MQ7-4749 1 7" dloital monitor. Ike new $200, Del! CSmenslon Pentium computer $200.

Hewlett Packard Pentium tower $200: Diottal camera sin new box $150. Creative Labs DVD wt. complete, new box i iuu 420-8070 RFA1 lOR Urjaraaed PC after 6 mos Acer 300 Pentium with 128 MB memory. 6 GB hard drtve. HP bock up, 56K modem CD wsound 3.5 (loppy 56UUUHU or i-wtt wrm purchase ot a home! 322-0682: Rrfwi New SV209 Dtaltal Camera 2O00X16O0 pixel wsound 6.5 MB yoraqe.

oiov. o-juu INTERNET READY: 486DX2-80 16 meg, 540 HD, 33 6 US Robotic mo dem. CD. Sound. KB.

Mouse. color monitor. $199 339-7958 MS Office 2000 Pro Ful $126 MS Wm 98 Ful $75 512-637-4686 fS: Appks Blueberry IMoc 333Mhz 196M8 RAM. 6GB HO. Al one design Includes monitor and 566k modem.

Arson Included tMation floppystorage dttve. Oock stand hubserial ports Paid over $1600 oa lookrvj tor $1000 00. Col me now 301-6417 hove it toflnvi 0 leO-EiMdstfHMKJi Equip Westlake area Country Club membership. Ful tamity membership mcl. golf, tennis, swimming a more.

Monthly dues $229 Priced to sel: $7900 Col 919 821-6476. NORDIC TRACK Meodlst Annrv edt. Heart monitorbook. Walnut wood. Beautiful cond.

S249 PH 255621 NORDIC SPORT 450 All elec-tronic Sacrifice $250- 457-1241 PROFESSIONAL Pacific Fitness Multistation machine. 66W. $2300 new. wl sel tor S800O8O. Great conoTtton.

257-3197. PARABODY 350 Circuit Trainer Exc Cond. $900 OBO. 219-1632 THAT DOLLAR? mums, sew Ic3 Rente! Cervices mm it ct, 1234567890 CM-o 1 1 wimff 'OS, 1 Ih a i Supplement your income In by delivering the Austin iWrtcan-Statosman during the early morning hours 605O-8ot IMortMd LAKEWAY BOAT SALES is now accepting boots on constgrv rnenf We can offer potential buyers tor your boot. 10 rjfferent fmoncmg sources, the ability to toke trades, dnd prof, sales staff Call now to sel your boat.

750-6449 Larson '94 194 SEI, Immaculate cond very lo hours. 5.0L 2 props. LOIS Ot toys. 59W 444-W5 LARSON MUST SELL '16 FT 115 Johnson. Trailer, Runs great.

S1400 Nego. 6V 6 1 LONESIAR ALUMINUM 14' fishing boat with 10 HP Evmrude pul-start motor, on a good lightweight tral-er S595ODQ buys the rlgl 345-1521 MALIBU Response 1996. EFa50. ful stereo system low hrs. forced sole: neoonobie or 5ia.4vo jjwo MASTFRCRAFT '81 19ft Ski boat Ex cellent condition Many new ports With trailer New cover.

And accessories $6000 OBO 244-3410 Nitro 96. 17ft Fish A Ski. OB 116 Merc, lots of exc cond. cal Budo 512-295-6075 asking $6995 PAN1ERA BASSCAT 19 ft, 1965 150 hp V-6 Merc. 5 hrs since rebuild SS Prop Motor runs great, boat needs clearcoat 8i carper, both included, you do work Troller good.

$2200. Pat 246-7M6 PONTOON. 1992 24ft Johnson mo tor ond frailer. $4000Obo. 512-3525751.

512-352-6469 PONTOON BOAT, '89 LANDAU. 35hp Force motor Looks end runs great! $4700 Cal 388-4240. 220 PROMASTER, 1999 200he Ocean Runner. SlA.fOO Micttool or 633-447 Ranger '72 16ft Itoergtoss bass boot TrlhJ w'71 Mercury 1 15 outboard Engine runs. Has trailer.

Needs steei cable $750 386084 SEA DOO TWIN ENGINE JET BOAT. 1997, used 20 hours, seats 5, 2 years warranty remaining, Ike new, JV-OAXJ SEA RAV 1990 180 BR. Red 8t white, wr traler. lots of options $6200 OBO Co James. 2499297 SEA RAV 1990.

210, IO. 200 HP. MerCrulser, tandem trailer. Very mce! $9500 266-1901 SEA RAV '91 19ft barefoot style outboard 176 Mercury, tournament woke, great shape. S7900 251 7875 SEA RAY '94.

180BR Signature. IO, Blminl. bluewhite. 230 hrs. wMag-num trailer, ski accessories, tube.

$10k. 32CFO808 SHOAL WATER 1998 16 ft center console. 70 Horse, some extras. $9850. 762 732) SkMlor t4 Rod.

IS Ft. Ill More, Dual ConM, All opitOM, Hag-num Trtr, t940, ItcXOSI Ski Supreme '82 burgundy. 350 cu matching, tfoHer. looks runs great. S3.5Q0, 301-1290 Tit mm, lii.

Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas (2024)
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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.